The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 34

by A. K. Michaels

  “Donovan, that’s all for the night, however, you’ll have to stay on duty, as the spell is focused towards you and me. We’ll both need to be on high alert for the time being.”

  The large Vampire guard nodded his head. “Oh, I don’t plan on going anywhere. I’m staying right here until this threat is gone.”

  Gabe slapped him on the back. “Okay, but try to get some kinda rest. You won’t be any good if you’re exhausted.”

  “I can go days without sleep,” Donovan said honestly. Gabe knew that was true, most Vamps could, unlike Wolves who needed their rest. Not as much as humans, but nearly daily rest was required to keep fit and strong.

  “Come, we’ll go and get the shields in place,” Josef said, motioning towards the open elevator doors.

  They followed and soon were walking back into their home, finding Sabrina tightly held in Kyle’s arms. Peri’s heart lurched, she could feel the man’s fear for his mate, and Sabrina? The human was very near to losing it. She could feel the war inside as Sabrina fought to control her rising panic.

  She was going to help her and Kyle. She would do whatever she could to help. She knew what it felt like to be hunted by evil.

  Josef moved to his chair and sat down as Gabe sat on one of the sofas and pulled her into his lap. Holding her close and rubbing one hand up and down her arm, she snuggled closer, loving the feel of her Wolf’s arms around her, his skin warm and hard under her body.

  “Please, come and sit down,” she said quietly. She watched as Kyle moved to the other sofa, sitting down and also pulling his mate onto his lap, his grip tight on her.

  “Okay, we’ve placed an alert spell so Donovan and I can sense if he comes back. We’ll have plenty of warning, if there’s a next time. The other spell I asked Peri to do is a shielding spell on both of you that hides your presence from the Vampire that is hunting you. We need you to be able to leave here without him being able to sense you and then follow. Is that all right with you?” Josef asked with an eyebrow raised in query.

  She saw Kyle looking between her and Josef with a slight frown on his face. “Is that even possible?”

  “Yes, I can do that, it’s quite easy.” Peri tried not to laugh, Kyle had no idea of her power.

  She saw Sabrina stare at her, she noted the woman had got her breathing under control now. “Will it hurt?” she asked, obviously having no knowledge of spells.

  “No, you won’t feel a thing, honest,” she said smiling, trying to ease the young woman's worry about magic.

  Sabrina nodded. “Okay then,” she said as she sat up on her mate’s lap.

  Peri tried to disentangle her hand from Gabe’s grip and tussled for a second before he finally let go, a very low growl in his throat. So low she didn’t think Sabrina would’ve heard, even if the two Vampires did.

  “Just relax, you won’t feel a thing.” Peri started to harness her power once more, it was getting easier and easier each time she did so. She wouldn’t need a lot for this one, so she was ready in seconds, letting the spell flit through her head before perfecting it a little.

  When she had it just right, she pushed her power outwards toward the couple on the sofa. One with a look of query on his face and the other looking scared to death.

  The words flowed through her brain, as she made small movements with her hands, then pushed the spell out and away from her. She could clearly see her power – though the others wouldn’t see it – as it encompassed the bodies of Kyle and Sabrina, a small white cloud now all around them.

  Smiling, she let her hands fall onto her lap and curled closer into Gabe’s body. “All done.”

  Sabrina was looking bewildered, Kyle just nodding his head before pulling his mate back into the folds of his arms.

  Gabe stood straight up with Peri still in his arms. “We’re off to bed,” he said as he moved towards their bedroom.

  His mouth was now nuzzling into her neck gently. She knew exactly what her Wolf was looking for and damn if she wasn’t going to give him it!

  Chapter 2

  As soon as they were alone in the bedroom, Gabe’s mouth found her lips, his breathing picked up and she knew he was aroused. She could feel it, sense it, see it in his mind. Her Wolf was insatiable.

  As his lips caressed hers she opened her mouth slightly, her tongue darting out to meet his. He growled down deep in his chest, the sound was primal and almost savage, her body quivering at his touch. He moved them quickly to the bed, never breaking contact with her, keeping her in his arms, his mouth covering hers.

  As soon as they were on the bed, he rid them of anything that kept their skin from touching. Turning quickly, he grabbed a condom from his bedside table and had it on in seconds, moving towards her, smiling. Now both were naked, and his muscles were rippling underneath her fingers. She sighed heavily. God, she loved to feel the strength contained within his body. She moaned into his mouth, then found herself flipped over onto her stomach, her behind pulled up and towards her Wolf who now knelt behind her.

  “We’ll start with this, then you can decide for the next.” His voice was low, obviously aware they had guests in the next room.

  “Start? Oh you are such a naughty Wolf,” she giggled and felt his hardness at her entrance, pushing its way inside her warmth.

  “Yeah, don’t you forget it, little Witch. I’ve got plans for you – at least twice, maybe more.”

  “More? Jeez, I’m not gonna get much sleep am I?” She tried to concentrate on her words, but the sensations he was eliciting from her body made it very hard to form a sentence. She gave up, letting her mind float as she luxuriated in the feelings.

  Since their bonding/mating, she could now sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes feel and sense her Wolf and his thoughts – sex was usually one of those times. Her mind was full of her own exquisite feelings, when his hit her – lust, arousal, love...deep, deep love...and yet more lust!

  She never felt closer to him as she did at times like these, and very quickly she rose to her first orgasm, using the pillow in front of her to muffle her moans. As she tightened around him, her orgasm overcoming her entire body, Gabe leaned over her and bit her shoulder, his need to mark her still strong, even though it had been a couple of months or more since they mated.

  The pain was only slight, and she didn’t mind it at all, it marked her as his. That was something she didn’t mind the world knowing, and as his teeth clamped down, his own climax burst from him, his body shaking with the ferocity of it.

  As it did so, she had a fleeting thought about the conversation ages ago about birth control, but before she could think about it any further, he had her on her back, kissing and caressing her entire body. When he touched her like that, she could not muster one coherent thought. She gave up and let him take her higher again – towards her next release.

  As it turned out, they managed three times before she yawned. As soon as she did he took her to the shower quickly, washing her body rapidly, and then taking her back to bed, cuddling her to his warm body, telling her to sleep.

  She didn’t argue, she was exhausted, satiated, and fell into a deep slumber.

  When she awoke, her Wolf was still out for the count, so she wiggled to get free of his arms, and out of the large bed. She noticed Josef wasn’t in the bed and she suspected he had stayed up, on guard, for the remainder of the night. After going to the toilet and brushing her teeth, she made her way to the lounge area in search of her Vampire. She didn’t like it when he wasn’t there when she woke.

  Opening the door quietly, she moved into the main area of the penthouse, seeing Josef hanging up the internal phone she moved towards him. He grabbed her into his arms and kissed her passionately before releasing her. She smiled up into his handsome face and again thought how lucky she was to have found these two.

  “Good morning, my little Witch, did that Wolf let you have any sleep?” Josef teased her.

Yes, eventually,” Peri giggled and then she blushed scarlet when she saw Kyle sitting there.

  “How’s Sabrina? I thought I heard her scream, or was I dreaming that part?” Peri asked, still with a blush on her cheeks.

  “She’s asleep, she had a bad nightmare, but she settled down afterward. This is all...”

  “Scary!” Peri said with feeling. Jeez, she had been terrified of her father, a powerful Witch, and Sabrina had an insane, ancient Vampire after her blood – literally.

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine, she’s tough,” Kyle replied with a slight smile.

  “I’m sure she will, if there’s anything else I can do to help just let me know.” Peri was once again on Josef’s lap as he sat back down in his chair.

  Sabrina took that moment to appear from the hallway leading to the bedroom they were using. The one that used to be Josef’s before she was in their lives.

  “Morning, hon, how’re you feeling?” Kyle asked, and Sabrina tried to smile.

  “I’m fine, just a bit tired.” She moved closer and as she left the hallway she saw Peri on Josef’s lap.

  “Oh hi, morning, hope our drama didn’t affect your sleep too much,” she said politely, obviously embarrassed.

  “It wasn’t your ‘drama’ as you say, more like that damn Wolf!” Josef exclaimed, and Peri punched him playfully while blushing even more.

  As if his ears were burning, Gabe appeared, thankfully in a robe this time, and stretched his muscular body as he made his way to the sofa. She was glad he had thought to put the robe on. She didn’t like anyone but her seeing his perfect naked form.

  “Someone talkin’ ‘bout me?” he yawned, and Peri giggled again.

  “Food’s on the way, before you ask, Wolf. I know I told you about the jet – it’s going to be leaving early this afternoon. I didn’t see the point in hanging around, as there was a slot for it, I told the pilot to go ahead. As I said, it’s going to that Swiss airport, Lugano, it’s not too far from there to Boyd’s place, or so I believe. The airport is nearer than the ones in Milan and Boyd says he uses it all the time, he has ‘contacts’ there.”

  Josef’s tone was casual and held none of the anger of the middle of the night, which she was pleased about. She never liked to hear him angry.

  Kyle nodded. “Thanks, Josef, I’ve not been to his new place. It’s near Lake Como, but I’m sure he’ll have all mod cons. He’s like you on that score.”

  Gabe snorted. “Must be an ancient Vamp thing.”

  “Door, Gabe,” Josef said just a few moments before there was a knock at the door.

  Gabe moved to the door quickly, obviously wanting his food, and let in the man wheeling the trolley loaded with breakfast. After he set it up on the table he left, leaving the trolley at the door as instructed, and Gabe was smiling widely.

  “Food, yum, come on you two – pick what you want before I eat it all.” Gabe chuckled, but she was sure he could probably eat it all himself.

  As Peri moved towards the table the smell of the breakfast food hit her nostrils. For the first few seconds she thought ‘Mmm I’m hungry’ ...then it hit her. Her stomach roiled and heaved, she knew the color had drained from her face, she could feel it. She put a hand to her mouth, turned and ran full pelt to their room, heading straight for the bathroom.

  She only just made it, falling to her knees and throwing up into the toilet. Again and again her stomach heaved until eventually nothing came up, only some disgusting green bile stuff. Her skin was clammy, her hair sticking to her forehead in places that it wasn’t being held back.

  It was at that point she realized her men were with her, one of them holding her hair out of the way for her to be sick. Another hand was gently rubbing her back, both were making gentle, soothing noises.

  “It’s okay, you’re going to be okay,” Josef was saying over and over.

  “Ah, babe, you’re gonna be fine, just fine,” Gabe was saying, and she wondered what the hell was going on.

  Both her men sounded calm, not upset at all, and here she was on her knees with her face stuck down a toilet? Something didn’t feel right about this. Did they know what was wrong?

  “Water,” she croaked, her throat sore from throwing up.

  Josef moved quickly and was soon back with a glass. “Here, take some sips.”

  She raised her head and took the glass, sipping carefully at the water, scared in case she was sick again. She looked between the two large men crowding her, neither looking too worried. What the hell?

  “How do you feel?” Josef asked quietly, and she thought on it before answering.

  “Still a bit sick, but a little better. I need to brush my teeth.” She stood up, a little unsteadily, moving towards one of the sinks.

  Gabe helped her, his strong arm around her very slim waist as he used his other hand to get her toothbrush. She put the glass down, squirting a little toothpaste onto the brush before thoroughly cleaning her mouth of the foul taste.

  When she was finished, Gabe picked her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down gently before sitting next to her. The first thing she noticed was a huge grin on his face. Then she saw quite a large smile on Josef’s. What in blazes was going on?

  “You feeling a bit better?” Gabe asked, still with a huge grin.

  “Uhm, yeah, but I’m finding it a bit weird you’re sitting there with a grin after I’ve just thrown up. Not the usual response of someone seeing their mate puke. What’s going on?” Her eyes moved to Josef and saw him try to hide his own smile.

  Neither of them spoke for a minute and she pressed them. “Out with it!”

  “Well, you remember on the ranch, we spoke of me using protection?” Gabe said this with one of his eyebrows raised, as if that was all she needed to know.

  Her mind thought back to that – jeez, it was weeks ago – and she had said to use condoms. Well, until she had her period and then they would decide...

  It hit her hard. She hadn’t had a period!

  “Oh my God! No! You think I’m pregnant, don’t you?” she gasped, trying to breathe but panic overwhelming her.

  “Duh, yeah, babe, we didn’t use protection at first and when we mated, and well, you’ve not had a period – so yeah, we think you’re pregnant.” Gabe was still smiling and she just stared between the two of them.

  Pregnant? Shit, she didn’t even realize her period hadn’t come. What with the training, both physical and magical, and the waiting on her sick father to attack, it had gone out of her mind completely. It must be nearly two months, or more, since she had one.

  Pregnant! She had no idea how she felt about that, still trying to work out if that was what was wrong with her.

  Josef’s smile had gone now, replaced with worry as he tried to gauge her reaction to this news. “You had a couple of sickness bouts at the ranch, too. I know you didn’t speak of them, but I knew. I guessed then that you may be pregnant, but didn’t want to burden you with that while we waited on your father.”

  “Oh, I thought those were just all from the stress. I didn’t want you worrying, so didn’t say anything. Guess it was silly really, I should’ve known you would know. So do you think that’s what it is – I’m pregnant?” she asked in a tiny voice.

  “I think so, but we’ll need to get you checked out. I’ve already asked around and found the best doctor in the area. I had planned on taking you later in the week, but I’ll go and phone and get an appointment for today. That way we can be certain and get any advice that’s needed. Okay?” Josef asked her, seeing her uncertainty, her fear at the thought of being pregnant.

  “I think that’s a good idea, I mean...I’ve had alcohol, I don’t think you’re supposed to drink if you’re pregnant.”

  “You haven’t had much, I’ve been keeping track and I’ve also looked it up. A little won’t do any damage, although they do say to abstain if at all possible. So we’ll all go and see what the
doctor says, he’s one that deals with Wolves, so he should know what he’s talking about.” Josef hoped so. The fees were astronomical for a doctor, but he would only take his mate to the best, and he had been told this guy was.

  “I take it from the grins and smiles that both of you are happy? About a baby? You’re not angry with me?” She wondered if she should’ve taken more care, as they weren’t mated that long. A baby would make a huge difference to their lives.

  Gabe was still grinning, he just couldn’t help it. “Firstly, I am over the moon! It’s what every Wolf that mates wants, to get their mate pregnant. Secondly, no we’re not angry. When it comes to pregnancies, it’s not all the woman’s responsibility. We should’ve brought it up sooner – as soon as we started sleeping with you – but we didn’t, so it’s just as much on us as you.”

  Josef smiled, a proper smile. “My little Witch, what the Wolf says is true, we should have raised the issue if we weren’t prepared for the consequences. I have to say the idea appeals to me. A little one…not something I have ever had experience with, but I’m more than willing to learn. We’ll take good care of both of you, please don’t worry about that.” He saw her body relax, her obvious worry at how they were going to take this had her tight as a spring.

  “Okay, I’m thirsty. Maybe some orange juice, no food, though. Not yet, my tummy is still a bit queasy.” She smiled as one of her hands made its way to her belly, rubbing it gently as she thought on the possible baby inside her.

  “I want to get showered and dressed first,” she told them. She watched Josef take his robe off, his lean, hard body coming into view. She was a little surprised at the arousal that hit her. She thought the news about possibly being pregnant might dampen that a bit.

  Nope, it didn’t. She smiled cheekily and ran for the bathroom as both of her men followed.

  After a pretty hot shower...and she didn’t mean the temperature of the water...they dressed and were making their way back to the lounge as she thought on the news again. Pregnant?!


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