The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 47

by A. K. Michaels

  “Oh my God, look at it – it’s amazing!” Her voice sounded weird in her ears, hearing it over the headphones, and she laughed again.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty fucking awesome! I love seeing it like this!” Gabe was so excited, she saw an almost childlike awe on her Wolf’s face.

  “How many times have you done this?”

  “Tons! I love it, every time it’s so exhilarating!”

  “I love it, too! Thanks guys, this is so exciting!”

  She settled back, enjoying the rest of the trip, even if she got scared a couple of times, as Noah did things with the helicopter she was sure he really shouldn’t.

  Josef offered her some wine, but she didn’t want to waste time drinking anything when she could be looking at the gloriousness that was all around her. She drank that all in instead, loving every minute, even feeling a little sad when Noah said they were on their way back to base.

  Adrenaline was flowing wildly through her system and it took ages for her to feel even halfway normal once they landed. They were almost back home before she finally stopped chattering about everything they had seen, her men just smiling and letting her gabble away.

  As they pulled into their parking garage Gabe sighed. “I’m so happy today, you’re happy and that makes me ecstatic! I hope your birthdays from here on are ones that you’ll want to remember.”

  “They will, thank you, both of you, today has been the most perfect day ever.”

  “It’s not over, we’ve got a show and dinner in a little while. We do, however, have time for a shower.” Josef’s tone was husky and she immediately felt her body respond.

  “Maybe we could use something from ‘the box’?” she asked in a more forward manner than she usually used.

  “We just might,” her Vampire replied before he actually laughed.

  Her Vampire laughing, out could not get any better.

  Chapter 17

  The shower was long, hot, and steamy – and she wasn’t referring to the water temperature! Her face was still flushed as they sat in a very nice restaurant. Every time she thought on what they had done, she got hot all over again, which had Gabe snorting with laughter as Josef’s hand would tighten on her thigh, which only made things worse.

  She was definitely ‘coming out of her shell’ in the bedroom department and wondered if everyone felt like this. If they did, then they were very lucky, because that’s what she thought she was – very lucky to have found her two men. They were so different and so alike, their love for her strong, the way they always wanted to ensure she was pleasured in such a way that she could barely breathe or think a rational thought.

  Josef’s hand was slowly moving on her thigh, and she could feel the strength in him, even though it was no more than a gentle caress. “You are our mate, that’s part of our job. Our only wish is for you to be happy, as happy as we can make you.”

  “I certainly have the best end of this deal,” she quipped as she looked up into his ice-blue orbs.

  “No, Peri, it is the Wolf and I that have that, you have fulfilled things inside both of us that none other ever came close to. I’m still amazed at the transformation you have managed to achieve in us...especially me.”

  “I’ve not done anything, though. It’s you two that’s done everything. Taking me in, providing me with everything, awakening me in a way I could never have even dreamed of. If I ever lost one of you, I don’t think I could stand it.”

  Her eyes flitted between them, a few tears settling in them as she realized the truth of her words. Speaking them aloud had somehow given them life, and her heart pounded at the thought. As fleeting as it was, it terrified her...if she lost one of them she would break, completely and utterly.

  “Hey, tonight’s a celebration, don’t cry, baby, we’re two tough mo – ”

  “Wolf!” Josef chastised just before Gabe cursed.

  “Oops, sorry, but you get my meaning. There’s not a hell of a lot out there that can hurt us, so stop worrying. So, come on tell us, have you enjoyed your birthday?” Gabe was smiling like a madman as he spoke, and she couldn’t resist placing a small kiss at the side of his mouth.

  “Yes! I have had the best day ever and I truly love my rings. I know we’re not human, but it kinda makes me feel more, oh I don’t know, like it’s...official, yes that’s the word. I feel like we are truly bonded now.”

  “Good, ‘cause my Wolf is howling in glee most of the time now. Peri, I gotta tell you, the longer we’re together the more intense it’s gonna get. Wolves are very passionate...”

  “Ya don’t say,” she laughed, but stopped at his serious expression, not something that was usually visible on her Wolf’s face.

  “I’m not kidding baby, we’re passionate and very territorial with our mates. I know that Josef feels the same, so baby, you’re in for the ride of your life ‘cause we’re gonna take you to places you couldn’t imagine...and you’re gonna fucking love it.”

  “Language, Wolf.” Josef chastised Gabe once more for cursing, but his eyes never left Peri’s face, watching her reaction to his friend’s words.

  “Oh,” was all she managed as she stared into the Wolf’s eyes.

  “What Gabe is trying to say is that we are going to lavish you with everything we possibly can, including taking you to sexual highs that only we can. No one man, Vampire, or Wolf would be able to take you where we will. Our love for you is astronomical, and the passion that comes with that love will truly show you how deeply we adore you. At no time doubt that we get as much pleasure from giving it to you as you experience in receiving it. Oh, yes, and we’ll rip anyone apart that threatens you in any way, shape, or form.”

  Josef’s tone had lightened at the end, but she had no doubt that they would do as he said. The seriousness of the conversation was quite clear, and the promise of the pleasure they spoke of had her thighs tightening in anticipation.

  “I think we should go home.” Her voice was breathless, low, her heart stuttering madly inside her chest. Gabe rose quickly, pulling her after him.

  “Hurry up, Jo,” Gabe threw over his shoulder as he rushed to leave the restaurant, tugging her after him.

  Josef was out and in the car – they had used the Jag – just as she sat in her seat. Gabe fastened her seat belt then got into the rear, leaning forward and running his fingers along the base of her neck. She leaned back into the seat, wanting more than the gentle caress he was giving her.

  Josef put his foot down on the accelerator, and the powerful engine roared in response, sending a thrill through Peri. She loved this car and the power beneath the hood...something her Vampire was well aware of.

  His lips twitched at her thoughts, and as she placed the palm of her hand on the top of his thigh, he hissed through his teeth. She reveled in the power her touch could wield as she felt his thigh contract beneath her fingers. She couldn’t wait to feel his skin, instead of the material of his dress trousers.

  “You are being naughty in the extreme, little Witch, very, very naughty,” Josef whispered. She covered her mouth with her other hand, trying to stop the laughter that was bubbling up her throat from escaping.

  “I think that those lovely hands may just have to be restrained tonight, what do you think, Wolf?”

  At his words her own thigh muscles spasmed, feeling moistness start to build at her sex. After being tied down in her childhood, she had vowed never to let anyone have that kind of power over her again. To find that she gave that power to her men was a kind of sweet release she could never have imagined. As they had said – trust – it was all about trust, and she trusted them implicitly.

  “I agree, I think the cuffs tonight. What about that, Peri? You’re going to be restrained with cuffs tonight, baby, though, I’ve not decided just where that’s gonna happen.”

  Her eyes went wide as she realized the meaning of her Wolf’s words. Did he mean they may not be in bed? If n
ot in bed then where? Her heart rate picked up again at the possibilities that the night ahead would hold.

  She wasn’t sure how long the drive home took, only that it was rather faster than normal, Josef driving the car at its limits and using his Vampire abilities to race between other traffic. Her heart nearly stopped several times as she thought they were going to crash, but they didn’t even come close as her Vampire traversed the lanes expertly.

  She was in a heightened state of awareness by the time they entered their home, her skin tingling all over, her breathing fast and shallow.

  Gabe pulled her into his arms, placing a passionate kiss on her lips as Josef pulled the zipper on her dress down and relieved her of her clothing where she stood. Her Vampire moved to their room, coming back with ‘the box’ in his hands.

  “First, the blindfold, then the cuffs.” His voice was low and sexy as he spoke quietly into her ear, standing so close to her that she could feel his arousal pressing against the small of her back.

  Her lips were still pressed against Gabe’s as the mask covered her already closed eyes, Josef tying it behind her head. She moaned in frustration as Gabe pulled back, her hands now held in one of his large, powerful ones in front of her. The cuffs were gently placed on her thin wrists, soft material touching her skin. Velvet, they were covered in velvet.

  “Table.” Gabe’s voice had her almost trembling in anticipation as he picked her up and laid her softly onto the cold wood of their dining table. He moved her around a little, taking her body further up, then moving her arms above her head and securing them – to what, she had no idea, knowing only that she could no longer move them. She gave them a few tugs, but they were unable to move more than a few inches. Her heart rate rocketed at the same time as her arousal.

  “Peri, I’m going to put earphones on you, your sight, your you can only concentrate on your feelings. If you wish to stop at any point all you need do is ask. Is that okay? Do you trust us, my mate?”

  Josef’s voice was right next to her ear, his breaths as he spoke tickling her skin, she nodded. “Yes.”

  Then her ears were filled with soft ear-buds, a second before she heard gentle music. Now she heard nothing but the music, some form of classical instrumental completely overtaking her hearing.

  It was only moments before her men started caressing, kissing, and nipping her entire body. One starting at the top and one at the bottom as she tried to stay still and just feel.

  Their skin against hers made her move towards their touch, wanting more, before one or the other would hold her firmly in place. A feather touched her nipples, making her shudder in response, as a tongue played with her sex. A hand on her stomach prevented her arching up towards that heavenly contact.

  As her mind reeled from the overload of sensations, she found their actions seemed to go hand in hand with the music. As it rose in loud crescendos in her ears, their ministrations would become more intense, bringing her to the brink of orgasm before retreating as the music faded.

  Her men were making love to her body in time with the music...obviously something they had done before, she realized. She didn’t care if they had carried out this exquisite torture on others. She could only focus on what they were doing to her, here and now.

  Magic and heavenly, intensely beautiful and erotic as she lay open and they took her to the edge of orgasm again and again. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

  Lips covered hers, a tongue darting inside. Josef – she would know those lips anywhere. His hand moved her head slightly and she tensed in expectation of his bite. Her thighs shook, her heart thudded, her breathing picked up, as Gabe’s mouth covered her sex and started to really work her sensations center...sucking it completely into his warm mouth and using flicks of his tongue to drive her to the verge of insanity.

  Josef released her lips, a moment later she felt his fangs pierce her skin. As he took his first pull on her vein she screamed in release, the orgasm shaking her to her very core. Her body shuddering as if it would never stop, her heart stuttering as if it was going to stop.

  She had no idea how long she lay, only that she didn’t want to move, her body still contracting from the climax that had, literally, taken her breath away. The feeling encompassing her entire body in an utterly extraordinary release.

  The ear-buds were removed, and her senses kicked back to life, hearing her men breathing just as hard as her. She heard Gabe’s voice, “That was fucking amazing,” and Josef’s response, “It was like no other time we’ve done this.”

  Gabe’s laugh seemed loud to her ears. “You can say that again!”

  She blinked as the mask was removed first, then her cuffs. Josef rubbed her wrists, even though they didn’t hurt. He continued for a moment or two more while staring into her eyes.

  “Her eyes are all glassy, look how sexy she is.” Josef was smiling down at her, a full-on, wide smile – he was so handsome when he did that, she thought. One of her hands moved to touch the smile, her fingers gently caressing his lips.

  “Are you okay?” Gabe asked and she sought him out, standing just at her side, a huge smile on his face, too.

  “Mmm hmm,” she murmured, not entirely sure she could form words.

  “Let’s get you to bed.” Josef picked her up and cradled her naked form in his arms, carrying her through to their bed.

  Her head rested on his chest, and she realized for the first time he was naked. She rubbed his hard chest with the palm of her hand, loving the feel of his skin. He placed her in bed and got in next to her, taking her back into his arms and pulling the cover over them.

  “I’ll clean up, won’t be long.”

  She barely heard Gabe’s words as her eyes fluttered shut.

  Chapter 18

  Peri woke still with an afterglow of the previous evening, everything fresh in her mind. Boy! What a night!

  “I assume you enjoyed yourself?” Josef’s words had her turning to look into his face.

  “Shit! You gave me a fright. You mean last night? I don’t actually have the words for it, it was beyond anything I could ever dream about. It was magical and I’ve never had an...” She stopped, her face burning red.

  “Orgasm? Is that the word you’re looking for?”

  She pinched Josef and laughed. “Yes, I’ve never had anything like that before. But what ‘bout you and Gabe? I didn’t do anything for you?”

  She saw his eyes crinkle at the sides as he tried not to laugh. “Oh, believe me you did. We were both so overwhelmed with you and your reactions to us that we...ahem...came on our own.”

  She stared at him, did she just hear him right? They came just from doing what they were doing to her? She saw him nodding his head and she was lost for words for a few moments.

  She cuddled closer to him and heard Gabe’s heavy, even breathing – he was still out for the count. “So has that happened before? When you were doing that? I kinda realized after a bit that your touches ‘n’ stuff were in time to the music, and I guess that took a lot of practice, so I know you’ve done it before. That doesn’t bother me, but have you – you know – come on your own before?”

  His arms tightened around her as he answered. “Absolutely not, that was a first, for both of us.”

  “I see. I kinda like that, that it’s just me that’s happened with.”

  “As do I,” Josef whispered into her hair, still astonished at the previous evening’s outcome.


  It may have been the first time it happened, but it certainly wasn’t the last. Over the coming weeks and months her men showed her exactly how much she meant to them and she reveled in her new-found freedom.

  The three of them settled into a routine, Josef working a little less than normal, although he still hadn’t taken the plunge and got an assistant. Gabe would take her out when Josef worked, shopping, sightseeing, or just for a walk.

  Peri decided the world was a far nicer place when you had money to spend on frivolous items, such as eating out or buying trinkets. The sights and sounds of Vegas were fun. She loved Fremont Street and would stand for ages watching all that it had to offer, her Wolf standing guard over her at all times.

  She knew that whenever she went out she had unseen bodyguards. They still hadn’t seen hide nor hair of the acolyte, but Josef wasn’t taking any chances, making sure she was watched at all times. She didn’t mind, not really, if it kept her baby safe, then it was a small price to pay.

  Something fabulous had happened to her friend Tania. After that first fateful lunch that Gabe dragged Donovan to, they started to go out and it was obvious that they cared deeply about each other. Donovan would smile when Tania was anywhere near him, and Peri was more than a little astounded at the change in him. Tania glowed as if from the inside out, and Peri suspected that Donovan was slipping some of his blood to her friend. That would explain a lot of things, like how Tania’s skin was even more perfect than it had been, together with her not having caught even a slight cold in the past few months.

  Peri was happy for them and wondered if they would actually bond properly. She hoped so, both of them deserved to be happy.

  Her pregnancy was progressing ‘as it should’ according to Doctor Allen and she was, at this point, almost seven months. The doctor had said he thought she would go to seven and a half or even eight months, according to her most recent scan. She wished it was the earlier as she felt huge and uncomfortable.

  She had relented on her decision to know the sex of the baby, which had Gabe jumping all over the doctor’s office when they had been told it was a boy. A huge, healthy boy was her opinion. She hoped she didn’t get much bigger, or she would need help to get up from the sofa.


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