The Poetry of Sex

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The Poetry of Sex Page 6

by Hannah, Sophie

  to undress, and when I swallow your cock

  (my mouth so hot it makes you dizzy) you

  thrust your numb fingers into my coat

  to find my breasts. So you’re a poet,

  I whisper, sensing your balls tighten

  under my gloves. Please, you reply.

  Mute, I push your head down,

  you are thirsty, I know you can taste

  this morning’s bath, but traces too

  of another man’s semen, blood,

  the dampness of seaweed.

  The tide is pushing itself towards us;

  a man walking his dog unzips

  his anorak. I straddle you, we sit

  rocking in the breeze, dialect thick on your

  lips, saliva stringing between us. Please,

  please. I smile and your eyes roll back

  with the receding grasp of breakers.

  You’re no longer making any sense

  to me; something like Old Norse

  retches in your throat as the hot rush

  releases you. Afterwards you mutter faintly,

  half-metre, near rhyme, kissing my neck as your

  poems seep away into the shingle.


  Claire Dyer

  We’re making love and there’s a comma on your shoulder.

  It’s shining in the dark –

  part pause, part the start of separation.

  Question marks are in your eyes.

  I have no answer other than to press my lips

  to your neck and feel you smile.

  This moment’s stolen, we’re living in quotation marks.

  Next you touch me with apostrophes –

  silky on my skin, they brush my breasts with belonging.

  I arch my back, our release is an exclamation.

  Afterwards, the sheet’s littered with semicolons,

  colons, there are hyphens between our toes

  and we speak ellipsis, promise each other

  a lexicon without a word for grief, or any full stop –

  On being in Bed with Your Brand-new Lover

  Amy Key

  I’ve abandoned vanity, since I became a body

  of threads, never quite made, since you rippled

  the apparent skin of me.

  I’m all texture. Silk rosette, billowing coral,

  tentative as a just baked cake. Sensations

  slide over my knitted blood.

  My mouth is a glass paperweight

  to keep our tastes in, like maraschino

  cherries and water from a zinc cup.

  The Platonic Blow (A Day for a Lay)

  W. H. Auden

  It was a spring day, a day, a day for a lay when the air

  Smelled like a locker-room, a day to blow or get blown.

  Returning from lunch I turned my corner and there

  On a near-by stoop I saw him standing alone.

  I glanced as I advanced. The clean white T-shirt outlined

  A forceful torso, the light-blue denims divulged

  Much. I observed the snug curves where they hugged the behind,

  I watched the crotch where the cloth intriguingly bulged.

  Our eyes met, I felt sick. My knees turned weak.

  I couldn’t move. I didn’t know what to say.

  In a blur I heard words myself like a stranger speak.

  ‘Will you come to my room?’ Then a husky voice, ‘O.K.’

  I produced some beer and we talked. Like a little boy

  He told me his story. Present address next door.

  Half Polish half Irish The youngest. From Illinois.

  Profession mechanic. Name Bud. Age twenty-four.

  He put down his glass and stretched his bare arms along

  The back of my sofa. The afternoon sunlight struck

  The blond hairs on the wrist near my head. His chin was strong,

  His mouth sucky. I could hardly believe my luck.

  And here he was sitting beside me, legs apart.

  I could bear it no longer. I touched the inside of his thigh.

  His reply was to move closer. I trembled. My heart

  Thumped and jumped as my fingers went to his fly.

  I opened a gap in the flap. I went in there.

  I sought for a slit in the gripper shorts that had charge

  Of the basket I asked for. I came to warm flesh then to hair,

  I went on. I found what I hoped. I groped. It was large.

  He responded to my fondling in a charming, disarming way:

  Without a word he unbuckled his belt while I felt

  And lolled back, stretching his legs. His pants fell away.

  Carefully drawing it out, I beheld what I held.

  The circumcised head was a work of mastercraft,

  With perfectly beveled rim of unusual weight

  And the friendliest red. Even relaxed, the shaft

  Was of noble dimensions with the wrinkles that indicate

  Singular powers of extension. For a second or two,

  It lay there inert then suddenly stirred in my hand,

  Then paused as if frightened or doubtful of what to do,

  And then with a violent jerk began to expand.

  By soundless bounds it extended and distended, by quick

  Great leaps it rose, it flushed, it rushed to its full size.

  Nearly nine inches long and three inches thick,

  A royal column ineffably solemn and wise.

  I tested its length and strength with a manual squeeze,

  I bunched my fingers and twirled them about the knob,

  I stroked it from top to bottom. I got on my knees.

  I lowered my head. I opened my mouth for the job.

  But he pushed me gently away. He bent down. He unlaced

  His shoes. He removed his socks. Stood up. Shed

  His pants altogether. Muscles in arms and waist

  Rippled as he whipped his T-shirt over his head.

  I scanned his tan, enjoyed the contrast of brown

  Trunk against white shorts taut around small

  Hips. With a dig and a wriggle he peeled them down.

  I tore off my clothes. He faced me smiling. I saw all.

  The gorgeous organ stood stiffly and straightly out

  With a slight flare upwards. At each beat of his heart it threw

  An odd little nod my way. From the slot of the spout

  Exuded a drop of transparent viscous goo.

  The lair of hair was fair, the grove of a young man,

  A tangle of curls and whorls, luxuriant but couth.

  Except for a spur of golden hairs that fan

  To the neat navel, the rest of the belly was smooth.

  Well hung, slung from the fork of the muscular legs,

  The firm vase of his sperm, like a bulging pear,

  Cradling its handsome glands, two herculean eggs,

  Swung as he came towards me, shameless, bare.

  We aligned mouths. We entwined. All act was clutch,

  All fact contact, the attack and the interlock

  Of tongues, the charms of arms. I shook at the touch

  Of his fresh flesh, I rocked at the shock of his cock.

  Straddling my legs a little I inserted his divine

  Person between and closed on it tight as I could.

  The upright warmth of his belly lay all along mine.

  Nude, glued together for a minute, we stood.

  I stroked the lobes of his ears, the back of his head

  And the broad shoulders. I took bold hold of the compact

  Globes of his bottom. We tottered. He fell on the bed.

  Lips parted, eyes closed, he lay there, ripe for the act.

  Mad to be had, to be felt and smelled. My lips

  Explored the adorable masculine tits. My eyes

  Assessed the chest. I caressed the athletic hips

  And the slim limbs. I approved the grooves of the thighs.
br />   I hugged, I snuggled into an armpit.

  I sniffed the subtle whiff of its tuft. I lapped up the taste

  Of its hot hollow. My fingers began to drift

  On a trek of inspection, a leisurely tour of the waist.

  Downward in narrowing circles they playfully strayed.

  Encroached on his privates like poachers, approached the prick.

  But teasingly swerved, retreated from meeting. It betrayed

  Its pleading need by a pretty imploring kick.

  ‘Shall I rim you?’ I whispered. He shifted his limbs in assent,

  Turned on his side and opened his legs, let me pass

  To the dark parts behind. I kissed as I went

  The great thick cord that ran back from his balls to his arse.

  Prying the buttocks aside, I nosed my way in

  Down the shaggy slopes. I came to the puckered goal.

  It was quick to my licking. He pressed his crotch to my chin.

  His thighs squirmed as my tongue wormed in his hole.

  His sensations yearned for consummation. He untucked

  His legs and lay panting, hot as a teen-age boy.

  Naked, enlarged, charged, aching to get sucked,

  Clawing the sheet, all his pores open to joy.

  I inspected his erection. I surveyed his parts with a stare

  From scrotum level. Sighting along the underside

  Of his cock, I looked through the forest of pubic hair

  To the range of the chest beyond rising lofty and wide.

  I admired the texture, the delicate wrinkles and the neat

  Sutures of the capacious bag. I adored the grace

  Of the male genitalia. I raised the delicious meat

  Up to my mouth, brought the face of its hard-on to my face.

  Slipping my lips round the Byzantine dome of the head,

  With the tip of my tongue I caressed the sensitive groove.

  He thrilled to the trill. ‘That’s lovely!’ he hoarsely said.

  ‘Go on! Go on!’ Very slowly I started to move.

  Gently, intently, I slid to the massive base

  Of his tower of power, paused there a moment down

  In the warm moist thicket, then began to retrace

  Inch by inch the smooth way to the throbbing crown.

  Indwelling excitements swelled at delights to come

  As I descended and ascended those thick distended walls.

  I grasped his root between left forefinger and thumb

  And with my right hand tickled his heavy voluminous balls.

  I plunged with a rhythmical lunge steady and slow,

  And at every stroke made a corkscrew roll with my tongue.

  His soul reeled in the feeling. He whimpered, ‘Oh!’

  As I tongued and squeezed and rolled and tickled and swung.

  Then I pressed on the spot where the groin is joined to the cock,

  Slipped a finger into his arse and massaged him from inside.

  The secret sluices of his juices began to unlock.

  He melted into what he felt. ‘O Jesus!’ he cried.

  Waves of immeasurable pleasures mounted his member in quick

  Spasms. I lay still in the notch of his crotch inhaling his sweat

  His ring convulsed round my finger. Into me, rich and thick,

  His hot spunk spouted in gouts, spurted in jet after jet.

  Rhetorical Questions

  Hugo Williams

  How do you think I feel

  when you make me talk to you

  and won’t let me stop

  till the words turn into a moan?

  Do you think I mind

  when you put your hand over my mouth

  and tell me not to move

  so you can ‘hear’ it happening?

  And how do you think I like it

  when you tell me what to do

  and your mouth opens

  and you look straight through me?

  Do you think I mind

  when the blank expression comes

  and you set off alone

  down the hall of collapsing columns?

  Haikus to Fuck to

  Leo Cookman

  She loses her clothes

  In seconds. Out stick her tits

  Then she climbs on top

  My cock between lips

  Day and Night, joyful sucking,

  ‘Please cum in my mouth’

  Hot, sweaty and hard

  My dick in her hand, she wanks

  Me to perfection

  I spread her legs wide

  And my head put between them

  To lick her pussy

  ‘Your cock’s amazing’

  ‘I want your dick inside me’

  My cock in her cunt

  ‘Now, cum on my tits’

  ‘You’re just so hot when you cum’

  ‘I’m stroking myself’

  It’s lovely to lick

  Around the dark nipples on

  Her round and soft breasts

  She sticks her legs out

  As I fuck her so hard, she

  Asks it deeper still

  Ecstasy in moans

  As I hammer forth, inside,

  Out driving our cum

  My cock soaking wet

  Gloved by her slit, now dripping,

  We fuck. In and out.

  We shout then as I

  Ejaculate inside her.

  Warm, creamy and white.

  I slide my spent dick

  Out of her sodden, wet minge.

  My lover I kiss.

  Caked in each other’s

  Kisses and sweat, on her I

  Lie. Absolute bliss.

  The Sun Rising

  John Donne

  Busy old fool, unruly Sun,

  Why dost thou thus,

  Through windows, and through curtains, call on us?

  Must to thy motions lovers’ seasons run?

  Saucy pedantic wretch, go chide

  Late school-boys and sour prentices,

  Go tell court-huntsmen that the king will ride,

  Call country ants to harvest offices;

  Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime,

  Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.

  Thy beams so reverend, and strong

  Why shouldst thou think?

  I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink,

  But that I would not lose her sight so long.

  If her eyes have not blinded thine,

  Look, and to-morrow late tell me,

  Whether both th’ Indias of spice and mine

  Be where thou left’st them, or lie here with me.

  Ask for those kings whom thou saw’st yesterday,

  And thou shalt hear, ‘All here in one bed lay.’

  She’s all states, and all princes I;

  Nothing else is;

  Princes do but play us; compared to this,

  All honour’s mimic, all wealth alchemy.

  Thou, Sun, art half as happy as we,

  In that the world’s contracted thus;

  Thine age asks ease, and since thy duties be

  To warm the world, that’s done in warming us.

  Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere;

  This bed thy center is, these walls thy sphere.


  Robert Frant

  Your tongue gives such pleasure

  When you, at your leisure,

  Form words that I treasure –

  Such filth, without measure.

  Then later, the flicker,

  First slowly then quicker,

  Addictive as liquor,

  Still making me thicker

  And harder inside you;

  Your mouth, open wide to

  Take all I provide through

  Your lips as I ride you.



  Tying the Knots

a-May Laugher

  On Audrey’s wedding night

  she took a pin to bed;

  stabbed her finger in the breathless dark

  and dabbed the linen of the ‘breaking cloth’.

  She made small sounds that passed for pain,

  not sure it was enough, she stabbed again,

  smeared a thumb-ful of redemptive blood

  across the white of her stocking top.

  Audrey was sixty when we met, lovely and vast,

  like a dimpled sow in a yellow tabard;

  always a scuff-chafe-scuff of thighs

  as she mopped corridors and stairs.

  Each day, once the Matins bell had stopped,

  I’d wash left-greasy supper pots,

  she’d squat and settle with toast and tea,

  plotting lavish nuptials for her Marie.

  She liked her family traditions,

  the Kimber cloth for ‘breaking in’.

  Five generations of bridal virgins

  ‘taken’ on it by eager men.

  ‘Well I saaaay five’ she said and smiled.

  ‘It wouldn’t matter now, but then …’

  Bicycle Pump

  Irving Layton

  The idle gods for laughs gave man his rump;

  In sport, so made his kind that when he sighs

  In ecstasy between a woman’s thighs

  He goes up and down, a bicycle pump;

  And his beloved once his seed is sown

  Swells like a faulty tube on one side blown.


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