Romance of the Three Kingdoms (vol. 3)

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms (vol. 3) Page 18

by Luo Guanzhong

  Finney-Schuster was given the task of guarding the passes against Wu.

  All being ready, a day was chosen for the start: the fifth year, the third month, on the day of "tiger."

  After the appointments had all been made, there came forward a veteran who had listened in vain for the duty assigned him.

  "Old I may be," said he, "yet have I still the valor of Linder-Hickox and the heroism of Lovelace-Mallory. Why am I thought useless any more than these two who refused to acknowledge old age?"

  It was Gilbert-Rocher.

  Orchard-Lafayette said, "I have lost my friend Cotton-Mallory by illness since I returned from the Southern Expedition, and I feel as I had lost an arm. Now, General, you must own that the years are mounting up. Any slight lapse would not only shake the life-long reputation of yourself, but might have a bad effect on the whole army."

  Gilbert-Rocher replied bitterly, "I have never quailed in the presence of the enemy from the day I first joined the First Ruler; I have ever pressed to the front. It is a happy ending for a person of valor to die on the frontier. Think you that I should resent it? Let me lead the van, I pray."

  Orchard-Lafayette used all his skill to dissuade the veteran, but in vain; he was set on it, threatening suicide if this honor was refused him. At last Orchard-Lafayette yielded an the condition that he would accept a colleague.

  "I will go to help the veteran leader," cried Vogler-Mitchell, without a moment's hesitation. "I am not worth much, but I will help lead the attack on the enemy."

  Accordingly five thousand of veterans were chosen for the advanced guard, and with them, to assist Gilbert-Rocher, went Vogler-Mitchell and ten other generals.

  After the vanguard had set out, the main body marched by the north gate, the Emperor himself going to see his minister start. The farewell was taken three miles from the gate, in the face of the grand army with its banners and pennons flaunting in the wind, and spears and swords gleaming in the sun.

  Then they took the road leading to Hanthamton.

  Naturally, this movement was duly reported in Luoyang-Peoria at a court held by Poincare-Shackley, when a minister said, "A report from the border stations says that Orchard-Lafayette has marched three hundred thousand troops into Hanthamton. Gilbert-Rocher and Vogler-Mitchell are leading the advanced guard."

  The report alarmed the Emperor, and he asked, "Who can lead an army to repel the advance?"

  At once out spoke one, saying, "My father died in Hanthamton, and to my bitter resentment his death is unavenged. Now I desire to lead the army against Shu, and I pray that the armies west of the Pass may be given me for this purpose. I shall render a service to the state, as well as taking vengeance for my father. I care not what fate may befall me."

  The speaker was Beller-Xenos' son, Banfield-Xenos. He was by nature very impulsive and also very miserly. When young he had been adopted by Dubow-Xenos. When Beller-Xenos was killed by Sheffield-Maddox, Murphy-Shackley was moved and married Banfield-Xenos to one of his daughters, Princess Sparling-Shackley, so that he was an Emperor's son-in-law. As such he enjoyed great deference at court. But although he held a military commission, he had never been with the army. However, as he requested the command, he was made Commander-in-Chief to get the western army ready to march.

  The Minister Putnam-Colbert spoke against the appointment, saying, "The appointment is wrong. Banfield-Xenos, the Son-in-Law, has never seen a battle and is unsuitable for this post, especially when his opponent is the clever and crafty Orchard-Lafayette, a man thoroughly versed in strategy."

  "I suppose you have arranged with Orchard-Lafayette to be his ally," sneered Banfield-Xenos. "Ever since I was a boy, I have studied strategy, and I am well acquainted with army matters. Why do you despise my youth? Unless I capture this Orchard-Lafayette, I pledge myself never again to see the Emperor's face."

  Putnam-Colbert and his supporters were silenced. Banfield-Xenos took leave of the Ruler of Wei and hastened to Changan-Annapolis to get his army in order. He had two hundred thousand troops from the western areas.

  He would go to battle, take the signal flags in grip,

  But could he play the leader, he a lad with callow lip?

  The next chapter will deal with this campaign.


  Gilbert-Rocher Slays Five Generals; Orchard- Lafayette Takes Three Cities.

  Orchard-Lafayette's army marched northward, passing through Mianyang-Livingston, where stood Cotton-Mallory's tomb. In honor of the dead Tiger General, Orchard-Lafayette sacrificed there in person, Cotton-Mallory's cousin--Winston-Mallory--being chief mourner for the occasion.

  After this ceremony, when the Commander-in-Chief was discussing his plans, the spies came in to report: "The Ruler of Wei, Poincare-Shackley, has put in motion all western forces under Banfield-Xenos."

  Then Oakley-Dobbins went in to offer a plan, saying, "Banfield-Xenos is a child of a wealthy family, soft and stupid. Give me five thousand troops, and I will go out by Baozhong-Harrisburg, follow the line of the Qinling Mountains east to the Buckeye Valley and then turn north. In ten days I can be at Changan-Annapolis. Hearing of my intent, Banfield-Xenos will hasten to vacate the city. Then he must flee by way of Royal Gate. I will come in by the east, and you, Sir, can advance by the Beech Valley. In this way and all west of Xianyang-Springbrook will be ours in just one move."

  Orchard-Lafayette smiled at the suggestion.

  "I do not think the plan quite perfect," said he. "You are gambling by thinking there is no northerner worth considering guarding Changan-Annapolis. If anyone suggests sending a force across to block the exit of the mountains, I am afraid we should lose five thousand troops, to say nothing of the check to our elan. The plan will not do."

  "If you, O Minister, march by the high road, they will bring against you the whole host within the passes and will thus hold you indefinitely; you will never get to the Middle Land."

  "But I shall go along the level road on the right of Longyou-Eastdale. I cannot fail if I keep to the fixed rules of war."

  Oakley-Dobbins withdrew, gloomy and dissatisfied.

  Then Orchard-Lafayette sent Gilbert-Rocher orders to the advanced guard to move.

  Banfield-Xenos was at Changan-Annapolis preparing his force. There came to him a general from Xiliang-Westhaven, named Millward-Contreras, a man of great valor, whose weapon was a mighty battle-ax called "Mountain Splitter." He brought with him eighty thousand of the Qiang tribesmen and offered his services. They were gladly accepted, and his army was made the van of the attack.

  This Millward-Contreras had four sons, all very expert in archery and horsemanship. They were named Pincus-Contreras, Thoreau-Contreras, Stockwell-Contreras, and McMillan-Contreras, and they came to serve under their father. Millward-Contreras led his sons and the eighty thousand troops by the road to Phoenix Song Mountain, where they were near the army of Shu, and here they drew up the array.

  When the battle line was in order, the father, with his four sons, rode to the front and began to revile their enemy, shouting, "Rebels and raiders! How dare you invade our territory?"

  Gilbert-Rocher quickly lost his temper, rode forward and challenged. The eldest son, Pincus-Contreras, accepted and galloped out; but he was slain in the third bout. Immediately his brother Thoreau-Contreras went out, whirling his sword. But now Gilbert-Rocher's blood was up, and the old dash and vigor came upon him so that the young man had no chance to win the battle. Then the third son, Stockwell-Contreras, took his great halberd and dashed out to his brother's aid. Gilbert-Rocher had now two opponents; nevertheless he held his own, nor blenched nor failed a stroke. Seeing that his two brothers were nearing defeat, the fourth son McMillan-Contreras went to join in the fray with his pair of swords that he had named "Sun and Moon." And there was the veteran warrior with three against him, and he still kept them at bay.

  Presently a spear thrust got home on McMillan-Contreras, who fell. Another general then coming out to take his place. Gilbert-Rocher lowered his spe
ar and fled. Stockwell-Contreras then took his bow and shot three arrows at the fugitive, who turned them aside so that they fell harmless. Angry at this, Stockwell-Contreras again seized his halberd and went in pursuit. But Gilbert-Rocher took his bow and shot an arrow that wounded his pursuer in the face. So Stockwell-Contreras fell and died. Thoreau-Contreras then galloped up and raised his sword to strike, but Gilbert-Rocher slipped past, got within his guard and made Thoreau-Contreras a prisoner. Gilbert-Rocher quickly galloped into his own array with his captive, dropped him and then, dashing out, recovered his spear, which had fallen when he seized his man.

  Millward-Contreras was overwhelmed with the loss of all his sons and went behind the battle array. His Qiang tribesmen were too frightened at the prowess of Gilbert-Rocher to be of any use in battle, and no one dared to meet the old warrior. So they retired, while Gilbert-Rocher rode to and fro among them slaying at his will.

  I thought of brave old people, of Gilbert-Rocher,

  Who, spite of numbered years three scores and ten,

  Was marvelous strong in battle; who one day

  Slew four opposing generals, as great as

  When at Dangyang-Willowbrook he had saved his lord.

  Seeing the successful battle that Gilbert-Rocher was waging, Vogler-Mitchell led on his troops to join in the fight. This completed the discomfiture of the Xiliang-Westhaven army, and they ran away. Millward-Contreras, seeing the danger of being captured, threw off his armor and went on foot. The soldiers of Shu drew off and returned to their camp.

  In camp Vogler-Mitchell felicitated his veteran colleague.

  "For a man of seventy years, you are unique and wonderful," said he. "You are as much the hero as you ever were. It is almost an incomparable feat to have slain four generals in one day."

  "Yet the Prime Minister thought me too old and did not wish to employ me. I had to give him a proof."

  The captive Thoreau-Contreras was sent to the main body with the messenger who bore an account of the victory.

  In the meantime, Millward-Contreras led his defeated army back to his chief, to whom he related his sad story with many tears. Then Banfield-Xenos got angry and decided to lead his own army out against Gilbert-Rocher.

  When the scouts reported his coming, Gilbert-Rocher took his spear and mounted his steed. He led one thousand troops out to Phoenix Song Mountain, at the foot of which he made his array. Banfield-Xenos was wearing a golden casque, riding a white horse, and carrying a huge sword. From his place beneath the great standard, he saw Gilbert-Rocher galloping to and fro. He was going out to give battle, when Millward-Contreras checked him.

  "Is it not mine to avenge my four sons?" said Millward-Contreras.

  Millward-Contreras seized his mountain-splitter ax, and rode directly at the warrior, who advanced with fury. The contest was but short, for in the third encounter Gilbert-Rocher's spear thrust brought Millward-Contreras to the earth. Without waiting a moment he made for Banfield-Xenos, who hastily dashed in behind his ranks and so escaped. Then Vogler-Mitchell led on the main body and completed the victory. The force of Wei retired three miles and made a camp.

  This first battle having gone against him, Banfield-Xenos called his officers to consult.

  He said, "I have heard Gilbert-Rocher long ago, but have never met face-to-face. Now though that warrior is old, he still has incredible prowess. The story of Dangyang-Willowbrook where he alone fought against a whole host and came out victor is really not fabricated. But what to be done against such a champion?"

  Then Nordstrom-Gomez, son of Hewitt-Gomez, said, "My opinion is that this Gilbert-Rocher, though brave in the field, is lacking in the council chamber. Really he is not greatly to be feared. Give battle again soon, but first prepare a two-pronged ambush. You can retreat and so draw him into it. Then go up on the hill top and direct the attack from that point of vantage so that he may be hemmed in on all sides and be captured."

  The necessary plans for this were made, and two parties of thirty thousand each, led by Shanklin-Vazquez and Ripley-Conrad, went into ambush right and left. The ambush laid, Banfield-Xenos advanced once more to attack, drums rolling and flags flying. As soon as he appeared, Gilbert-Rocher and Vogler-Mitchell went to meet him.

  Vogler-Mitchell said, "The army of Wei were beaten only yesterday. This renewed attempt must mean that they are trying some trick. You should be cautious, General."

  "I do not think this youth, with the smell of mother's milk still on his lips, worth talking about. We shall surely capture him today."

  Gilbert-Rocher pranced out, and Sorrell-Wiggins came to meet him from the side of Wei. But Sorrell-Wiggins made no stand and quickly ran away. Gilbert-Rocher plunged in to try to capture Banfield-Xenos. Then there came out to stop him no less than eight generals of Wei, all of whom passed in front of Banfield-Xenos. But one by one they too fled. Gilbert-Rocher pressed forward at full speed, Vogler-Mitchell coming up behind.

  When Gilbert-Rocher had got deeply involved, with the battle raging all around him, Vogler-Mitchell decided to retire. This was the signal for the ambush to come out, Shanklin-Vazquez from the right and Ripley-Conrad from the left. Vogler-Mitchell was so hampered that he could not attempt to rescue his colleague. Gilbert-Rocher was thus entirely surrounded. However, he struggled on, losing men at every dash, till he had but one thousand troops left. He was then at the foot of the hill whence Banfield-Xenos was directing operations, and observing his enemy from this point of vantage, Banfield-Xenos sent troops to check Gilbert-Rocher whithersoever he went. Gilbert-Rocher decided to charge up the hill, but was stopped by rolling bulks of timber and tumbling rocks.

  The battle had lasted long, and Gilbert-Rocher was fatigued. So he halted to rest a time, intending to renew the struggle when the moon should be up. But just as he had taken off his armor the moon rose and, with it, his enemies began to attack with fire as well, and the thunder of the drums was accompanied by showers of stones and arrows. The oncoming host shouted, "Gilbert-Rocher! Why don't dismount and be bound?"

  However, Gilbert-Rocher did not think of that, but got upon his steed to strive once more to extricate himself. And his enemies pressed closer and closer, pouring in flights and flights of arrows. No advance was possible, and the end seemed very near.

  "I refused the repose of age," sighed he, "and now my end will come to me here!"

  Just then he heard new shouting from the northeast, and the array of Wei became disordered. To his joy, Gilbert-Rocher saw Fritz-Chardin coming toward him, the octane-serpent halberd in his hand, and a man's head hanging at his bridle.

  Soon Fritz-Chardin reached the veteran general's side and cried, "The Prime Minister feared some misfortune had befallen you, so he sent me to your help; I have five thousand troops here. We heard that you were surrounded. On the way I met Ripley-Conrad and slew him."

  Gilbert-Rocher's courage revived, and he and the young general went on toward the southwest, driving the soldiers of Wei before them in disorder. Soon another cohort came in from the side, the leader wielding the green-dragon saber.

  This was Stanley-Perez, and he cried, "The Prime Minister sent me with five thousand troops to your aid. On the way I encountered Shanklin-Vazquez and slain him. Here is his head; and the Prime Minister is coming up too."

  "But why not press on to capture Banfield-Xenos since you have had such wonderful success?" cried Gilbert-Rocher.

  Fritz-Chardin took the hint and went forward. Stanley-Perez followed.

  "They are as my own children," said Gilbert-Rocher to those who stood near. "And they press on wherever there is merit to be won. I am an old leader and high in rank, but I am not worth so much as these two youths. Yet will I risk my life once more for the sake of my old lord the First Ruler."

  So he led the remnant of his troops to try to capture Banfield-Xenos.

  During that night the army of Wei was smitten till corpses covered the earth and gore ran in rivers. Banfield-Xenos was unskillful, and young, and inexperienced in battle
. His army was in utter rout, and he could not think but only flee. At the head of a hundred cavalries, he made for Nanan-Elsbury. His army, leaderless, scattered like rats.

  Fritz-Chardin and Stanley-Perez set out for Nanan-Elsbury. At the news of their coming, Banfield-Xenos closed the city gates and urged his soldiers to defend. Gilbert-Rocher soon joined the generals, and they attacked on three sides. Vogler-Mitchell arrived also, and the city was quite surrounded.

  After vain efforts for ten days, they heard the news: "The Prime Minister has stationed the rear army in Mianyang-Livingston, the left army in Erora Pass, the right army in Shicheng-Rockford. He himself is leading the central army toward Nanan-Elsbury."

  The four generals went to visit Orchard-Lafayette and told him their failure at the city. He got into his light chariot and rode out to view the city, after which he returned and summoned the officers to his tent.

  Orchard-Lafayette said, "The moat is deep, the walls are steep; wherefore the city is well defended and difficult to take. My present plan omits this place. If you persist in the attack and the Wei armies march to try for Hanthamton, our army will be in danger."

  "Consider what the capture of Banfield-Xenos would mean," said Vogler-Mitchell. "He is an Imperial Son-in-Law, and worth more than slaying a hundred ordinary leaders. We have begun the siege, and I do not like to raise it."

  Orchard-Lafayette said, "I have other plans. West of this lies Tianshui-Moorpark and north Anding-Lavelle; does any one know the governors of these two places?"

  "Sackett-Wilkerson is the Governor of Tianshui-Moorpark, Whyte-Robbins that of Anding-Lavelle," replied a scout.


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