All For You: Halfway ThereBuckhorn Ever AfterThe One You WantOne Perfect Night

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All For You: Halfway ThereBuckhorn Ever AfterThe One You WantOne Perfect Night Page 24

by Susan Mallery

  “You taste so good, honey. So sweet.”

  Shattering. An orgasm ripped through her, and she cried out his name. Every muscle in her body quivered with need, pleasure...satisfaction. Weakened, all she could do was sag against the couch.

  Dane lifted his head, his eyes glazed with desire, his pupils blown. His lips gleamed in the light—he licked away the moisture she’d left behind. “You ready for me?”

  “Yes.” Oh, yes.

  “Let’s find out for sure.” He pushed her legs even farther apart, and slid a finger deep inside her.

  That’s all it took. The pressure began to build once again, chasing away the weakness, leaving her gasping with need. She chewed on her bottom lip to silence a cry of desperation, but it escaped anyway.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked, working a second finger inside her. “Every inch of you. Made just for me.”

  His words...slaying me.

  The tight fit burned, but it was a burn she liked, and as he thrust and thrust, she arched into the movements.

  He withdrew his fingers, and she moaned at the instant sense of loss. He stood and practically shredded his pants. Wasn’t long before he was naked and oh, he was magnificent. Muscled, as she’d known, with a long, thick erection weeping at the end.

  He tightened his fist around the base, pumping once, twice.

  She was mesmerized, and wasn’t sure how she found the control to say, “I’ve been tested...I’m clean...on the pill...never wanted to risk...”

  “I’m clean, too. Never been with a woman without a condom.”

  Without a condom. The words echoed in her mind, and she realized that’s what she craved. Nothing between them. Just male to female, no barriers. Something he’d never had before.

  “Dane,” she said, and the need in her tone drew a moan from him. “Could we...what if we...”

  She didn’t have to say the rest. “No condom, honey? Tell me that’s what you’re trying to say.”

  She gave a little nod.

  “With you...anything.” He returned to his knees, tugged her to the very edge of the couch, so that her lower body was in perfect alignment with his. “I remember you wanted a list of reasons for us to be together. Well, here’s number one.” He positioned himself at her opening and pushed in one inch...two... His breathing turned shallow, and sweat trickled down his temples. “You’re so tight. So hot. Never felt anything this good,” he said, and grazed his thumb over her sweet spot.

  A flood of arousal allowed him to slide the rest of the way in. “Yes.” Her back arched, her body welcoming him even deeper.

  “Reason two.” He pulled out, almost all the way, and she clasped at his arms in an effort to draw him back, but she needn’t have bothered. “Three.” He slammed back in. Out. “Four.” In. “Five.”

  Yes, yes! She reached above and behind her to grab the top of the couch and anchor herself. Then...Dane...utterly...unleashed. He hammered into her, again and again. Hard, so wonderfully hard. The couch rattled over the floor, inching backward, but he maintained a bruising grip on her hips, holding her immobile, a vehicle for his pleasure...oh, the pleasure...more intense than anything she’d ever experienced before.

  He thumbed her sweet spot again, and when she gasped he did it again, pressing with more force, before pulling out of her completely and putting his face between her legs, licking her again, driving her beyond the limits of what she thought she could bear, before he thrust back inside her, filling her, and she shattered, screaming his name, clenching on him, nails probably ripping the couch.

  He rode her through the climax and just as she was coming down from it circled his hips, hitting her somewhere new. She erupted all over again. This time, he joined her, thrusting deep and staying there, shuddering against her.

  * * *

  DANE LOUNGED ON the couch with Kenna in his arms. They would have been more comfortable in the bedroom, but he couldn’t bring himself to carry her in there. Other women had been in that bed. More than he could remember or count, and he didn’t want Kenna to join their ranks.

  He didn’t understand the mind-set, but wasn’t going to fight it.

  A soft blanket draped and warmed them. He might never get up, couldn’t bear the thought of letting her go, even for a moment.

  “Did you always want to take over for your dad?” she asked, breaking the easy silence that had settled between them.

  He smoothed his hand over the ridges of her spine. “I knew I’d have to, so I never allowed myself to consider doing anything else.”

  “Even though you don’t like him much?”

  “Even though.” It was odd, discussing his feelings like this. He’d never done so with anyone else, but Kenna knew his past in a way no one else ever had. She understood.

  She traced her fingertips over his chest. “At least he values you. My mother...” She shuddered against him. “She doesn’t see my worth.”

  Her worth.

  Worth was determined by the price a person was willing to pay to obtain the object in question. What was she worth to him? Dane wondered.

  He shied away from the answer, and sat up. “Your mother is an idiot. Excuse my use of the I-word. She doesn’t realize the prize she’s got, and that’s her loss, not yours. Her shame, not yours. There is nothing I would change about you.”

  Kenna kissed the spot just over his heart.

  The ache returned to his chest, prompting him to say, “I’ve got a surprise for you,” just to escape the conversation. “Come on.” He stood and tugged her to her feet. Then he almost changed his mind about leaving the couch—she was flushed, gloriously naked, and there was no female on the planet with curves quite so magnificent. But he wrapped the blanket around her and pulled on his underwear. He led her into the kitchen, set her at the counter and withdrew over forty small cartons of ice cream from his freezer.

  “Ben and Jerry’s,” she whispered, a sudden well of tears making her eyes look like freshly washed emeralds.

  The sight nearly undid him. “That’s not all.” He grabbed a burger from the refrigerator. He would never admit having to call eighteen different people to learn the answer to one simple question: What the hell is a Krabby Patty?

  “I was going to come to Strawberry Valley tomorrow, bring you everything,” he said. “I couldn’t stay away another day. But I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Oh, Dane.” She pushed to her feet and walked over to him, slipping her arms around him, letting the sheet fall away. “Suddenly I’m feeling very hungry for something else.”

  “Oh, yeah? For what, exactly?”

  “Sundae à la Dane.”


  KENNA HAD LEFT HIM, Dane realized. He was stunned. He was enraged.

  Like a puss, he was hurt.

  He’d taken her again. On the kitchen floor. Or maybe she’d taken him. She’d used his body as a buffet table and sampled the different flavors of ice cream. It had been kinky and sweet, cold and hot, all at the same time. It had been utterly mind-blowing. He’d never had so much fun with a lover. Had never laughed and played during sex.

  Never taken a woman without a condom, just as he’d told her. Never trusted a woman enough not to try to trap him with a baby. But he trusted her, and the experience had blown his mind...and body.

  Afterward, they’d watched several episodes of Sherlock, where Kenna had tried to solve the case before the detectives. She hadn’t, but her guesses had been adorable.

  It’s always the butler. You’ll see.

  There doesn’t seem to be a butler in this episode, honey.

  That’s because someone is secretly a butler. Moron.

  To her great surprise, he’d found her ticklish spot and tickled her until she’d cried for mercy.

  And afte
r that, she’d yawned and suggested they go to bed. He’d told her he was too comfortable to move, and that they should just sleep on the couch. Which had been true...but not the whole truth. She’d gone quiet and stiff, but they’d eventually fallen asleep.

  When he’d woken a few hours later, she had been gone. He’d searched for her, but hadn’t found any sign of her. Then he’d noticed her car was gone.

  She’d really left him.

  He was used to walking girls to their car the moment the sex ended, because he’d always dreaded having to have a conversation afterward. They always wanted to learn more about the man they’d just rolled around with, which was understandable, but he never wanted to share, and never had the same need to know. Nothing wrong with the girls—everything wrong with him. He got that. He was ice, and nothing could melt him.

  Except Kenna. He’d been looking forward to morning sex and snuggles—seriously, when did I become such a puss?—and talking and sharing and learning, but she’d freaking left him.

  He called her cell, but she didn’t answer. Every fiber of his being demanded he go after her and haul her back. Tie her to his bed, if necessary, and pleasure her so intensely she vowed never to leave him again.

  His mind got trapped on that, the image of her bound and at his mercy. His blood heated.

  Mind on the task at hand! He couldn’t go after her. It was dark outside, and he might scare her, cause her to drive recklessly, maybe wreck into a tree.

  He called her again, and this time, gritted out a message. “Are you proud of yourself? Happy you left the man-whore sleeping while you snuck out? At least let me know when you make it home safely.”

  He paced the house as he waited for a response. He’d always loved the solitude here, but now he couldn’t stand it. It was too quiet, too isolated. This is what I deserve. He’d finally reaped what he’d sown, now forced to partake of the same fruit he’d fed to so many others—it tasted bitter.

  His phone buzzed, and he dived for it. Not a call, as he’d hoped, but a text.

  I’m safe.

  That was it. No apology. No explanation.

  He chucked his phone across the room and scrubbed a hand down his face. What the hell was going on with her? What had he done wrong?

  By the time the sun rose, his temper was honed as sharply as a blade. He showered, hating to lose the scent of Kenna’s strawberries, but knowing he’d be unable to function otherwise. He dressed in one of his many suits and headed to his car. He would go to work. If she called, they would talk. If not...

  I’m done. He didn’t need this hassle.

  He almost ripped the handle from his car door. Before he slid inside the driver’s seat, he spotted his mother’s sedan in the distance.

  Don’t need this, either. But he waited. She would only follow him to the office.

  Dust spat from her tires as she eased to a stop. When she emerged, she didn’t approach him, but remained standing behind her open door, as if she needed a barrier between them. Ms. Christine Michaelson was a tall, regal woman with hair as dark as his. No gray had dared intrude. As usual, she wore a dress suit that showcased her slenderness.

  “Do you have any idea how many calls I’ve received last night and this morning?” she demanded.

  Should have seen this coming. “No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”


  That meant eight of his employees would be fired today. They were the only ones who’d seen Kenna and him together. “Wow. That many?” he asked drily.

  “Is the whore’s daughter here?”

  Dane stomped to her, snarling, “Don’t ever talk about her like that again. Do you hear me? She’s the best person I know.”

  His mother flinched, but otherwise maintained her stance. “Clearly all the time you’re spending in Strawberry Valley is rotting your brain.”

  Maybe so. “That’s my business, not yours.”

  “Don’t be so obtuse. You’re a man of great wealth. Your business is never yours alone.”

  He swallowed back a sharp rebuke. The animosity between them was new to him. He’d spent the bulk of his life trying to be a source of happiness for this woman. Trying to make up for his father’s actions—hell, his own actions. The affair hadn’t started until after Daniel’s death...a death his mother had always blamed him for, and rightly so. But that meant she also blamed him for the affair. At least in part. He saw it in her eyes sometimes, before she could mask it.

  A man has to take care of his family. No matter what. This was his mother. He owed her loyalty, not stress.

  Kenna’s defection had messed with his head, that was all.

  “How could you be with her?” Christine asked, her chin trembling. “How could you humiliate me like that?”

  “She’s not like Roanne,” he said, backing off.

  “Please! Not like Roanne? The apple never falls far from the tree, darling, I promise you that.”

  What about me?

  He knew he’d never change her mind about Kenna. Why even try? “I’ve got to go,” he said. “Move your car. Please.”

  “We’re not finished here.”

  “We are.”

  “Dane Thomas! You’re proving my point, acting just like your father.”

  That. That’s what she thought about him. But he said, “I’m sorry you feel that way. I am. But I need you to move your car. I’m due at work.”

  She stood in place, stubborn to her core. Fine. He sealed himself inside his Audi and, though it took some expert maneuvering, managed to get out of the driveway without hitting his mother’s vehicle.

  He sped down the road...and bypassed the exit for the office, heading instead for Strawberry Valley. Damn it, he needed to see Kenna, to hold her. To forget this horrid morning, and start fresh—with her. Why had she left him?

  He made a hands-free call to her cell. When there was no answer, he phoned the office and rearranged his schedule.

  But Kenna wasn’t at home. He drove to Two Farms. She didn’t usually serve the breakfast crowd, but could have changed shifts with someone to come see him yesterday.

  He made his way inside...and found her taking the order of an older couple. Muted bruises under her eyes, tension tightening her mouth. His jaw clenched. She worked far too much. And now, all he wanted to do was sweep her up in his arms, carry her away and pamper her.

  Conversations tapered to a quiet as he closed the distance. Kenna looked over to see what was going on and stiffened. Not a promising start.

  “Kenna,” he said. “We need to talk.”

  Her cheeks flushed a deep scarlet. “Dane. Don’t do this. Not here. Please.”

  Last night she’d begged him and he’d loved it. Today, not so much. “When?”

  “I don’t know. How about...never?”

  “That’s not going to work for me.” He remembered her aversion for town gossip and forced himself to back off. For now. But he couldn’t leave her. Wouldn’t leave her. “I’ll wait till after your shift.”

  She gasped, saying, “But that’ll be hours.”

  “Well, you’re worth waiting for.” He claimed a table outside her section, and as the time passed, watched her rub her back and realized she was sore. Her feet probably ached, too. He scowled. He had enough money to live luxuriously for a hundred lifetimes, and yet his girlfriend had to work herself to the bone? No. It wasn’t right, and he wasn’t going to stand for it. He had to fix it. But how?

  As shifts changed—and Kenna’s continued—he ordered food he couldn’t bring himself to eat from each of the different waitresses, and endured person after person sitting across from him, offering him advice, having guessed the nature of his relationship.

  If you want to tame a wild filly, you’ve got to offer her sweet treats.

  All tho
se words did was make him want to ride Kenna out of her hurt.

  My Myrtle gave me fits when I decided to give up my oat-sowing ways and be with her, but I kept showing up everywhere she went and eventually she couldn’t imagine her life without me.

  Had Myrtle considered filing stalking charges first?

  Had Kenna?

  Give the girl time. She’s a stubborn one, our Kenna, but I can tell she likes you. The tension between you two is going to ensure my Robbie gets a very nice afternoon delight.

  His newest waitress, Jessie Kay, clearly knew what was going on before she ever reached his table.

  She threw a menu at him and planted her palms right in front of him, leaning close. “Too bad for you Kenna isn’t on that menu. You can’t place an order for her, and I can’t carry her over to your table.”

  Blunt. “Your point?”

  “I know what your problem is. Kenna took off, and your wittle-boy feelings got huwt. Well, boo freaking hoo. You say you want to talk to her, but why don’t you admit the truth? You really want to scold her. Well, go ahead. Scold her and lose her. You haven’t cornered the market on fear of commitment, you know. Kenna is dealing with her own problems.”

  Damn. She was right.

  She also wasn’t done. “Sitting here sulking isn’t going to do you any good. The only thing you’re likely to get is a case of hemorrhoids. And maybe a side of fries. But I’ll expect a hefty tip.”

  * * *

  KENNA’S DAY HAD gone from bad to worse. First, she’d forced herself to leave Dane, telling herself she’d had half a night with him and that would have to be enough. If he didn’t find her worthy of his bedroom, what hope did they have for a future?

  Then this morning she’d realized the night had left her feeling sated and sore and reeling and desperate and happy and sad and hungry and humiliated and treasured and rejected at once. All the conflicting emotions were screwing with her mind—because she wanted him back.

  Maybe they could make a relationship. So what if he found her lacking—


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