Hot Commodity

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Hot Commodity Page 11

by Linda Kage

  "Damn it," he hissed, grabbing her other hand when she refused to back off. "I don't do pity. This is just about physical relief and a couple of mind-blowing orgasms."

  She let out a husky laugh that went straight to his loins, damaging them even more. His balls tightened almost painfully and the zap of awareness that shot through his dick had him turning titanium hard. He wanted to strip her and lay her on the bed more than anything. She was wet and open down there, warm and ready for him. He didn't want to talk anymore. It was time to get busy.

  "Then you shouldn't have fed me such a sob story," she said. "Because now I just want to touch you and make you feel all better again."

  At the promise of some blessed relief, his body stilled. But so did his soul. What would it be like to let her soothe him emotionally, to let her take away all the guilt and pain? Maybe she could ease him.

  Ha! As if that were even possible.

  "No," Cameron said firmly and stepped away. "Look, I'm a lost cause in that department, Livy." When she frowned as if she didn't believe him, he lifted his hand and added, "I just want straight sex or none at all. I don't want to complicate this annulment by adding strings and feelings and crap like that."

  Olivia watched him thoughtfully for a minute. Then she nodded. "Okay. No sex then. No feelings. I'll just give you a few words of encouragement."

  Cameron winced. "Make that no feelings, no sappy lecture, but some sex, and I'm in."

  Olivia rolled her eyes and grinned. But when she caught his eye, the laughter in her face mellowed. He knew the constructive criticism was coming a split second before she said, "You're not nearly the monster you think you are."

  He nodded. "Good words of encouragement. Thanks. Now can we have sex?"

  She threw back her head and laughed. Cameron moved closer and hovered. His eyelids lowered to half mast as his gaze slid down her nightgown.

  "Sorry," she murmured softly as she lifted her face and pursed her lips so he could kiss her if he wanted to. "But I still feel all soft and cuddly toward you."

  "Give me ten seconds and I'll change those mushy feelings to hot and wanton." He finally kissed her. Bypassing her mouth, he pressed his lips to her throat, licking his tongue over her pulse and making her body shiver.

  ~ * ~

  Still tingling from the orgasm her own pearl necklace had given her, Olivia wanted to experience another explosion of raw hunger. She wanted to feel Cameron move inside her. She wanted to clutch him with her inner muscles and milk him to his own release.

  "You weren't this gorgeous in my memory," he murmured, touching her shoulder lightly and with such delicate care she couldn't help but feel cherished. He did exactly what he'd done their first night together. He cupped her face as if she was precious to him, and he swooped in low, taking her lips into his and cradling her against him like he wanted to protect her from harm.

  It was his body language that said all this, this incredibly sweet and endearing thing that Olivia couldn't resist. A gentle touch on the cheek, the way his soft mouth pressed so tenderly against hers, the way he closed his eyes and breathed in her smell as if there was only her for him. Yes, all he had to do was kiss her and she was a goner.

  "Cameron," she murmured as she closed her eyes and threaded her fingers through his hair. "Did you tell her to pull the trigger when she stuck the gun in her mouth?"

  He jerked at her words. She immediately missed the contact as he ripped his mouth away and pulled back. The surprise she saw in his green eyes clearly overrode any anger or pain he might've felt at her question.

  Then he shook his head. "What? She didn't shoot herself."

  "Whatever," Olivia pressed. "Did you tell her to do it? Did you ever come right out and say you didn't care what she did, that you'd be happier without her?"

  Looking repulsed, Cameron adamantly shook his head. "What? God, no. I would never have said that to anyone, much less my wife."

  The relief at his shocked, negative answer had Olivia falling for Cameron Orville Banks right then and there. "Then you're not even a tenth as culpable for her death as you think you are." She stepped up on his toes to press her mouth to his.

  She could feel him resist her for a good second. Then he melted and his body sank closer. As her lips remained fastened to his, he rid her of her nightgown, shredding the silk to get to her. The groan she heard when he found her naked underneath made her smile. She reached for his tuxedo jacket. He hurried to help and, in doing so, his mouth momentarily lost contact with hers.

  Letting out a feral growl, he hastened to unsnap his cuff links. "Okay," he muttered, jerking the cuffs open as she unbuttoned his shirt. "We can have sympathy sex. But just this once. I don't want you feeling bad for— Oh God."

  He threw back his head and groaned when Olivia pressed her open mouth against the rapidly exposed chest she was revealing and bit one of his flat nipples. Before she could loosen the last button, he jerked the shirt off, snapping the thread that had been holding it together. The single button flew unnoticed across the room. Cameron shed his pants in three quick moves. They tumbled down around his ankles even as he grabbed Olivia by the hips and lifted her.

  "Bed," he rasped.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around him while he stepped out of his fallen trousers. He kicked off his shoes in the next two steps and draped her over the cotton sheets after the third. Instead of lowering himself on top of her, he stayed upright, looking down at her full breasts before he reached out to cup them. When he filled his hands, she arched. Talented fingers stirred her body and she moaned, grabbing for his shoulder, wanting him to cover her and rub the light hair of his chest over her throbbing nipples.

  But he shook his head and resisted. "Condom first. Then I want to watch us come together."

  After suiting up, Cameron returned to her. Keeping their bodies perpendicular to each other, he grasped her hips and pulled them up at an angle before slowly sliding into her, all the while watching the process avidly. Olivia found herself studying his face. He looked so enthralled with seeing the length of his penis disappear between her swollen lips, affection rose in her chest. Then she gasped and closed her eyes because the sensation of Cameron Banks filling her was so encompassing.

  "God, we look good together," he groaned. "I could watch this all night."

  His words aroused her as much as his body did. When he reached forward and started to knead her breast with one hand, she jerked, not prepared for the sudden leap of sensation.

  "Easy," he murmured and removed his fingers from her nipple.

  She whimpered, wanting him to return.

  "Open your eyes, Livy."

  As if drugged to obey his every command, she did so. There was a slight flush to his cheeks and a sheen of sweat on his brow. He pulled his jaw tight as if he was trying hard to hold himself back. The thought that she could so quickly bring him to the edge caused her to smile and arch up higher to meet his next thrust, hoping to drive him a little more insane.

  His green eyes widened and his pupils grew. "Don't," he choked out. "I can't hold, ah hell."

  His eyes went unfocused and his teeth clenched. She watched him fight the orgasm, listened to him pant out how he wanted to wait on her. But Olivia liked watching him lose his center, so she squeezed her thighs around him and held him even more snuggly.

  "Liv—" he muttered and reached between their bodies, fumbling for a second before he pressed his thumb hard against her clit.

  A jolt of pleasure rocked her, making her cry out. He pulsed as he came, swelling bigger with each spurt of release. Olivia's own orgasm seemed to throb, milking him.

  After a deep groan, he collapsed on top of her and pressed his heavy, sweaty body against hers into the mattress. Olivia had never been so happy to be squashed in her entire life. Though her legs had already wrapped themselves snuggly around him, her arms followed suit. She pressed her cheek against his and closed her eyes, listening to his breathing settle and feeling his heartbeat echo through her breasts.

  It took a couple of minutes for him to stir.

  "Am I too heavy?" he mumbled in her hair.

  "No," she answered, patting his shoulder contentedly, not wanting him to move. She liked his weight.

  But he shifted anyway. She was pleasantly surprised, however, when he caught her around the waist and rolled until she was on top of him. It felt strange to be nestled against another human this way. But it was so wonderful and warm she decided she'd get used to it.

  Not wanting to break the contact, she fell asleep with her head pillowed on Cameron's shoulder.


  Olivia drifted blissfully through a delicious dream. Tanning on a sunny beach, she could feel the warmth of the sun soaking into her skin. Her body hummed in delight. It was so toasty she wanted to snuggle deeper into her bathing towel that felt as soft as a hairy, male chest.

  Smiling, she felt the breeze on her face, like warm breath. Her ears strained to hear the waves and the seagulls. But the only sound that reached her was a thunderous pounding, like a fist on a door.

  "Olivia!" Her mother's voice boomed through her consciousness.

  Her eyes flew open; she sprang out of bed, reaching for her nightgown before she was even fully awake. "Oh, my God!" she gulped and glanced back at the bed where Cameron Banks slept on, nude and hogging way more than half the mattress.

  "Cameron," she hissed as she slithered into the nightgown, not even bothering to look for underwear.

  Unaffected by the pounding that came at the door again, he only murmured something unintelligible and rolled over in his sleep, putting his back to her.

  "Cameron!" She reached over to shake him violently. "Get up!"

  His eyes flew open wide. "What? What!" He sprang to a sitting position.

  In his haste, he banged his forehead against hers. It knocked her back a step and caused Cameron to fall down against the pillows. They each rubbed their sore spots and straightened.

  "Oh, yeah." His voice gave a gravelly croak as he winced. "That made my hangover feel real good." He closed eyes after checking his fingers for blood.

  "You need to get up," Olivia said, jumping back into action. She hurried to him and grabbed his arm, physically tugging. "Vivian's at the door."

  Cameron groaned, the news probably adding to his headache. "Here, how about I hide?" he offered and threw the sheets over his head so none of his body showed, except for the obvious outline he made under the covers.

  Olivia growled and ripped the sheet off his head to glare at him. "Get up. Now!" When he didn't budge, she spun away and started scurrying for his clothes, tossing them at him as she found each article.

  Cameron merely lay there, pushing his pants off his face when they slapped him in the cheek. "Livy," he whined. "I think it's physically impossible for me to move right now."

  Outside the door, Vivian Donavon's voice railed at an employee who obviously had the nerve to argue with her. "I paid for this room! Open the goddamn door."

  Olivia heard a key in the lock and gasped. The bitch had known Cameron was in here last night when she'd talked to her through the door. She wouldn't be in such a hurry to get in if she thought nothing was up.

  With no time to think about that, Olivia spun desperately toward Cameron. "Please."

  He looked up at her with eyes that seemed to see right into her soul. Without another word, he nodded and gathered his clothes in one swipe. Jumping out of bed, he started for the bathroom.

  But it was already too late.

  He'd just made it to the lavatory when the entrance of the suite swung open. Vivian shoved a quivering bellhop aside and stormed inside like a raging bull. Nolan skittered in behind her, looking excited. When Vivian saw Olivia partially blocking the view of Cameron, who was now frozen in the bathroom exit and wrapped toga-style in the bed sheets, she sent her daughter a gloatingly triumphant, approving smile.

  Olivia's vision dimmed. Her mother was happy. But of course she was happy. This was exactly what she'd wanted to see. She'd whored her own daughter out to the richest prospect, and Olivia had fallen right into her web. She suddenly felt light headed and feared she might pass out.

  This was it. It was all hitting the fan. Vivian shoved her aside so she could glare dauntingly at Cameron, her hands on her hips and her feet braced apart like a gunslinger at a standoff. The performance actually appeared real, too.

  The employee, with a master key clutched in his hand, looked scared spitless. He backed from the room and quickly shut the door, leaving the four alone inside. Nolan crossed his arms and legs as he leaned across the closed portal, looking perfectly at home as he prepared to watch the show.

  Vivian frowned. "What in the hell are you doing in my daughter's bed?"

  Cameron, brave man that he was—or foolish, Olivia couldn't decide which—didn't cower. "Morning, Mrs. Roark," he greeted Vivian pleasantly. Then he yawned and scratched at the five o'clock shadow on his jaw. "And Mr. Roark, I assume." He nodded toward Nolan.

  "Banks," Vivian growled.

  "Hmm?" He glanced her way. "Oh, right. What am I doing in your daughter's bed? Well, actually, ma'am, I'm technically not in her bed. I'm standing in this fine doorway here."

  "Just answer my question!" Her roar caused Olivia to jump and Cameron to wince and grab his no-doubt pounding head.

  "Heard ya," he muttered and scrubbed furiously at a spot on his temple as if he could scratch the pain away.

  "Then answer me," Vivian growled, lowering her tone, but not her fake anger. In truth, she probably was steamed. Olivia knew how she hated snippety responses. And Cameron was throwing them out like candy at a parade.

  "I was sleeping," Cameron muttered the obvious and sent Vivian his own irritated scowl. "Until you woke me." Then he folded his arms over his chest as if he expected an apology.

  Vivian's face turned a deep purplish red. "How dare you defile my daughter?"

  Cameron laughed and glanced toward Olivia. "She's pretty good at that performance, isn't she? She really does look like the pissed-off mother."

  "Why, you rutting little bastard," Vivian thundered, stalking forward.

  "Cameron!" Olivia cried out in fear.

  She could already picture it: Vivian was going to claw the skin off his face, and then Nolan would stomp the remains into the ground, and it would be all her fault for dragging him into this mess. She cringed, already steeped in guilt.

  But Cameron's eyes narrowed as he glanced her way. He didn't seem to like the anxiety in her voice, because he straightened and uncrossed his arms as he turned back to Vivian. "Stop," he commanded.

  Instantly, Vivian came to a halt as if Cameron's words had thrown up an invisible force field she couldn't cross. But she snorted a rush of hot air through her nose as she glowered at him. "You will marry her for this."

  Cameron grinned. "Sorry. Afraid I can't do that."

  Olivia focused on the bulging vein in Vivian's head. She'd seen it only three weeks ago and knew exactly how much anger her mother wielded behind it.

  "What do you mean you can't?" Vivian demanded, balling her fists as if she would strike any moment. "You damn well will marry her, and you'll do it today."

  But Cameron simply said, "Sorry, sweetheart. Still can't. Polygamy's illegal in this state." Then he frowned and glanced at Olivia. "Isn't it?"

  Vivian's face drained of color. "What?"

  Cameron shrugged. "It's legally impossible to marry someone when you're already hitched," he clarified, drawling out his words.

  Olivia gasped. Holy God, he was already married. But she'd just spent the entire night with him. And in Vegas, she'd—

  Wait a second. Did this mean their marriage was void? For some reason, that thought made her want to cry.

  She turned Cameron's way, but he never once glanced in her direction. He was too busy having a stare-off with Vivian.

  "How could you do this to my little girl?" Vivian demanded and, for once, she looked upset, as if she actually cared that someone had turned he
r baby into a cheating—

  Cameron finally seemed to lose his cool. Still swaddled like a drunken Greek god, he stepped forward and inhaled a large breath through his nose. By the look on his face, Olivia thought he might shoot fire from his nostrils when he exhaled. "How could you pimp your daughter out to a complete stranger?"

  Olivia's eyes popped open wide. Oh, Lord, no. He wasn't going spill everything she'd confessed to him, was he?

  "What kind of mother whores out her 'little girl' to the richest, fastest rising man she can find?"

  Vivian glanced at Olivia with a stunned expression. Her face colored, and Olivia knew the little slap her mother had given her after Vegas would be nothing compared to what she had in store for her now.


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