Harlequin Intrigue May 2021--Box Set 2 of 2

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Harlequin Intrigue May 2021--Box Set 2 of 2 Page 9

by Carol Ericson

  “I don’t know, Billy.” Had she ever forgiven herself for sleeping through her mother’s murder? The cops never caught The Player. Quinn couldn’t catch him. Her mother never got justice.

  She sipped her iced tea and met Billy’s anxious expression over her straw. “Tell me how you felt when you saw Crystal’s body in that bed.”

  * * *

  JAKE UNWRAPPED HIS Italian sub and took a bite. As he mopped the oil dribbling down his chin, he glanced toward Kyra’s corner desk. She and Billy had been gone for over an hour. If anyone could help his partner, Kyra could.

  Jake had tried to do some digging on his own into Sabrina’s disappearance and kept coming up against a brick wall. Her car, purse and phone had been found in a big-box store parking lot, out of the camera’s sight. There had been no sign of a struggle, but Sabrina had never used a debit or credit card again.

  She’d dropped off the face of the earth. The original detectives on the case had few leads—no boyfriend, no ex-husband, no jealous women, not even a possible serial killer operating in the area of Riverside at the time.

  Didn’t mean there wasn’t one. Didn’t mean some guy wasn’t traveling from state to state snatching women. Not all serial killers had a hunting ground or even an MO or signature.

  The Player had changed up his MO from dumping his victims to strangling them in their homes to murdering them in their cars and leaving them. Serial killers could change their MOs but rarely changed their signatures. The Player’s signature had been the card in the mouth and the missing finger.

  And his disciples were copying his signature. Why? Why now? Disciples?

  His cell phone rang and his heart thumped when he saw Tara Liu’s number. She worked fast. It wasn’t even the end of the day.

  He got up from his desk and meandered to the window. “Hey, Tara. What did you find?”

  “I found something quite interesting, Jake.”

  A soft rustle filled the pause and he couldn’t stand it a second longer. “What?”

  “I found nothing at all for Marilyn—Mimi—Lake.”

  “That’s not possible. I know she was in the system.”

  “Oh, she’s in the system, all right. I just can’t access any of her files.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Marilyn Lake’s DCFS files are on permanent lockdown. I don’t think the Pope himself could get in there.”


  “Next time it’s on me.”

  Jake’s head jerked up at the sound of Kyra’s voice floating across the room. He turned to the side and practically whispered into the phone. “Tara, do me one more favor. Check Matt Dugan’s records for about the same time. Gotta go. Thanks.”

  Jake ended the call as Billy sauntered to the desk next to his. His partner shrugged out of his jacket and hung it over the back of his chair. He sat forward on the chair so as not to wrinkle his threads and peered over the top of his monitor.

  Watching Kyra talk to Brandon, their tech guy, Billy spoke out of the side of his mouth. “That was a good call, man. Spilling my guts to Kyra helped. I promise I’m not going to fall apart at the next crime scene, regardless of whether or not the victim looks like my sister.”

  “Nothing to be ashamed about, Billy.” With Kyra in his sights, Jake narrowed his eyes. “Did she do some voodoo on you? Hypnotize you? Put you into a trance?”

  Billy cocked his head. “No, man. We just talked. In fact, she didn’t say much at all. I know you don’t put much stock in therapy, but there’s something about it that helps.”

  “I’m glad. That’s why I suggested it.” Jake smacked his hand on the desk. “Now that she shrunk your head, we can get back to it.”

  “Did you go through the footage from the security cameras around the neighborhood?” Billy scooted his chair closer to Jake’s desk and stared at the frozen video on Jake’s computer screen.

  Jake jabbed his fingers at the screen, circling a dark SUV. “We’ve already started identifying some of the cars that have repeat appearances on the block, and we’ve ruled out several as belonging to Crystal’s neighbors. We also haven’t noticed any vehicles that were present near both Andrea’s and Crystal’s houses.”

  Billy scratched his chin. “He could’ve driven two different cars. He’s gotta know we’re sitting here scanning security systems.”

  “Oh, he knows, all right.” Jake shifted his mouse around and clicked on a couple of different icons on his display. “One security system on the block has been on the fritz the past few weeks. Guess which one.”

  “The one across the street from Crystal’s. The one that would’ve had a clear view of her garage.”

  Jake snapped his fingers and pointed at Billy. “Bingo.”

  Billy whistled through his teeth. “The killer disabled it?”

  “Most likely, isn’t it? I mean, are we really supposed to believe that the most crucial camera is the one that’s out?”

  “What about in Andrea’s neighborhood? Same thing?” Billy’s dark eyes shone with curiosity and excitement, and Jake silently thanked Kyra for bringing his partner back, even though her own life remained shrouded in mystery.

  “Perfect timing on that question. I was just about to look at some files Brandon sent me right before you and Kyra came back. Some of the homeowners on Andrea’s block weren’t around when the guys stopped by to collect video. They did another sweep, and Brandon sent me the results.”

  As Jake selected the different files, Billy hung over the keyboard, his breath coming in quick spurts. Jake waved the air in front of Billy’s face. “Dude, lay off the garlic for lunch.”

  Grinning, Billy nodded toward Kyra, still in deep discussion with Brandon. “Then you’d better not kiss Ms. Chase over there. She ate the same thing I did for lunch.”

  Kiss Kyra? He’d be lucky if he got even that from her after she’d stopped his advances cold. And if she found out he was digging into her past, it would probably be game over.

  “Okay, I’ll remember that. In the meantime—” he flipped his hand in Billy’s face “—back off.”

  Billy repositioned himself until he launched forward, bathing the air in enough garlic to ward off a bunch of vampires. He poked his finger at one of the files. “That’s the address across from Andrea’s house.”

  Jake opened the file, and they both slumped back in their chairs. Jake announced the bad news for both of them. “No security system at that house.”

  Billy said, “The next file must be the house next to it, but still across and in view of Andrea’s garage.”

  Jake double clicked on the next file and choked when it opened.

  This time Billy did the honors. “Damn, a security system that’s been disabled for a few weeks. I know these things have issues—God knows we’ve had our problems with store and gas station footage—but what are the chances that security systems in two different locations, just where we need them, are down?”

  “Without someone tinkering with the cameras, I’d say chances are pretty low.” Jake crossed his hands behind his head and laced his fingers. “Our guy’s not stupid. He’s aware of the technology and he’s savvy enough to disable it.”

  Billy drummed his long fingers on the desk. “Savvy enough to disable it and avoid it. We’re not going to see his car on Andrea’s or Crystal’s streets. But we might...”

  And like a good partner, Jake finished Billy’s thought. “See it on another street. He may have crept into their neighborhoods on foot to avoid detection, but he had to have gotten there somehow. He wouldn’t use public transportation with all the cameras and witnesses.”

  “I will set up a canvassing of the surrounding streets and see if we can pull some more video.” Billy pushed back his chair.

  “Brush your teeth first, seriously.” Jake’s phone buzzed on his desk, and his nosy partner glanced at the displ

  “You reached Tara, huh?” Billy winked. “Give her my regards.”

  “Excuse me.”

  Jake nearly jumped out of his chair at the sound of Kyra’s voice. She glided around here too silently for his liking. He nervously covered his buzzing phone with his hand.

  “I’m sorry. You can get that.” She pointed to the phone he was foolishly trying to hide.

  “I’ll call back.” He raised his eyebrows and pasted on a fake pleasant smile—or at least he thought it was pleasant. He usually didn’t do pleasant. “What can I help you with?”

  What can I help you with? That sounded fake as hell.

  She tilted her head slightly, her blond ponytail slipping over her shoulder. She’d had her hair loose the other night, and his fingers tingled with the memory of weaving them through her silky strands.

  A rosy pink edged into her cheeks, but her blue eyes had a steely look. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know that the victims’ advocacy group I’m working with is sending a car to the airport to meet Andrea’s parents. I’m going to be there.”

  “Thanks for letting me know.” Jake slid his hand from his phone and turned it facedown on his desk. “Those poor people.”

  “If they let slip any pertinent information about Andrea, I’ll let you know so you can bring it up when you question them.”

  “Thanks, Kyra...and thanks.” He jerked his thumb at Billy, now on the phone organizing the video collection effort around the two victims’ homes.

  “He’ll be fine, but he needs to find his sister. Now I’ll let you get back to your call.” She drilled her index finger into the back of his phone and then spun around.

  He released a long breath and scooped up the phone once Kyra had left the war room. Turning his back on Billy, he called Tara. “You have something for me on Matt Dugan already?”

  “He was easier and I was already in the database, but don’t get too excited.”

  Jake’s leg started bouncing beneath the desk. “His files are locked down, too?”

  “Not quite. I can see when he entered the system and his first several foster homes, but his record goes dark at about the time you’re requesting. In other words, I can’t access information about his final foster family before he was released from the system.”

  “Because it was Kyra’s family.”


  “Never mind. Thanks for your help, Tara. I owe you one, and I mean it.”

  “Don’t you worry. I’ll collect someday when you least expect it.”

  Jake ended the call and stared at Kyra’s empty desk. Why were her and Matt’s DCFS files hush-hush? He doubted the Pope had anything to do with the lockdown, but Kyra had some powerful people in her corner.

  If the blackout was for her benefit... Maybe he’d had it all wrong. Maybe Kyra didn’t even know about the secrecy of her DCFS files.

  He had no intention of stopping here. What kind of detective would he be if he did? His gaze surveyed the room and locked onto Captain Castillo. If Kyra had powerful allies, Jake would start with one up close and personal.

  * * *

  KYRA STOOD BESIDE her car, pretending to look at her phone, keeping one eye on Billy’s Crown Vic. If he was going to check out the cameras in the vicinity near the victims’ homes, he’d have to take a trip out there—and she’d wait for him for however long it took.

  It didn’t take long.

  With his tailored jacket draped over one arm, Billy strode to his car, his step faltering when he saw her.

  She waved and called out, “Getting some directions. On your way to check out security systems?”

  He drew closer and answered, “I am. That SOB had to get to those houses some way, even if he did jump over a few fences to conceal his arrival.”

  She clicked her remote and turned suddenly as if she’d just thought of something. “Do I have to worry about Tara?”

  “Huh?” Billy tilted his head down and peered at her over the top of his designer sunglasses.

  “Tara, the woman calling Jake.” She dropped her head and scuffed the toe of her shoe against her tire. “Is she my rival?”

  Billy threw his head back and laughed. “An emphatic no on that one. Jake barely has time to handle one woman, let alone two. You’re in the clear.”

  “Whew.” She flicked her fingers across the nonexistent sweat on her forehead. “You said you knew Tara. Just a work thing?”

  “Someone I dated at DCFS. Jake was looking for a favor.” Starting for his car, Billy called over his shoulder, “I’ll let him know you were worried. He’d be flattered.”

  “Oh, God. Please don’t embarrass me. I’ll look like a jealous idiot.”

  Billy lifted his hand, threw open his car door and got inside.

  She sure hoped that was a sign of agreement. If Billy mentioned this conversation to Jake, he’d know that she knew he was looking into her background. It had to be that...didn’t it?

  She dropped behind the wheel of her own car and clutched it with both hands. Maybe she was being paranoid. Detectives often worked with DCFS. Why wouldn’t Jake want a favor from one of the caseworkers?

  Why should he hide his phone from her? Not that she hadn’t been known to get nosy and try to see who was texting him. If she hadn’t been snooping, she never would’ve learned about his meeting with Matt.

  Why did he have to go behind her back? She bit the inside of her mouth, drawing blood. He went behind her back because she lied to him at every turn—and at every turn he met her at the pass.

  Sighing, she cranked on the engine of her car. Although she’d been deceiving people all her life, she’d never tried it on a detective before. Quinn knew all her secrets. Hell, Quinn knew her secrets better than she did.

  Quinn had told her to trust Jake, tell him everything. Easy for Quinn to say. She could do no wrong in Quinn’s eyes. Ever since he’d rescued her, covered in her own mother’s blood, stiff with shock and fear, he’d protected her. She walked on water, as far as Quinn was concerned; Jake had different standards.

  Jake’s wife had cheated on him, and as much as he blamed himself for her infidelity, he would never be able to trust a woman whose whole life was one big deception—a woman like her.

  She flexed her fingers on the steering wheel of the car and set out to meet the other victims’ rights advocate who’d be meeting Andrea’s parents at the airport with her. Her breathing had returned to normal and her heart beat in her chest at a steady pace.

  She didn’t like that Jake was possibly snooping around in her background, but she knew he wouldn’t find what he was looking for.

  Her DCFS files were protected more securely than the gold in Fort Knox.

  * * *

  JAKE HUNG ON Castillo’s door frame. “Can I talk to you for a minute, Captain?”

  The captain glanced up, a quick look of irritation on his haggard face. By Castillo’s appearance, you’d think he was the one in charge of a task force for a serial killer who’d just claimed his second victim.

  Castillo recovered quickly. “Sure, sure. Sit down. I heard Cool Breeze is out there casting a wider net for security footage. Good idea.”

  Jake closed the door behind him and sat in one of the chairs facing Castillo’s neat desk, his gaze tracking across the family pictures behind Castillo’s head—soccer games, ballet recitals, vacations to Yellowstone. He’d missed out on all that with his own daughter.

  “We discovered two cameras facing the victims’ houses that weren’t working in the crucial weeks leading up to their murders. We think he disabled them somehow.”

  Castillo tapped his pen on the desk blotter. “It doesn’t sound like we’re dealing with a stupid killer here, does it? Jordy Lee Cannon made the mistake of having prior contact with his victims. This guy seems to be choosing his randomly—unless he’s zeroing in
on African American women. You think the killer could be Black? Rare for a serial killer.”

  “It is, although not unheard-of. We did have the Grim Sleeper, who operated for years.”

  “How’s Billy holding up?”

  Jake’s eyes popped open for a split second. Had the uniforms been talking? “He’s great, good. Sharp as ever.”

  “Okay.” A smile hovered at Castillo’s lips. He knew Jake would never betray his partner. “You had a question about the task force? Need more people?”

  “I had a question about Kyra Chase.”

  Castillo’s eyes blinked rapidly. His hands rearranged items on his desk as if mimicking the sorting going on in his brain. “I thought you were happy with her help on the Copycat Player task force. Is there a problem now? You have to let go of that incident with Lizbeth Kruger, Jake.”

  Jake’s blood percolated as he sliced his hand through the air. “It has nothing to do with that, and I’m not ever going to get over that betrayal, but I’ve put it behind me.”

  “Then what about Kyra?”

  “I, uh, stumbled across her files in DCFS.” Jake rubbed out a spot on the edge of Castillo’s desk with the pad of his thumb. “They’re blocked, blacked-out, whatever you want to call it.”

  Castillo’s dark eyebrows, where the salt hadn’t invaded the pepper yet, jumped, and a look Jake couldn’t identify spasmed across his face. “Why would you be looking into Kyra’s foster system files?”

  “I wasn’t specifically looking into them.” The lie slid from his mouth even as he knew that Castillo knew he was lying. “Just stumbled across. I was surprised they were locked down. Did Detective Quinn order that?”

  Castillo spread his hands. “I have no idea. Didn’t know they were dark, wouldn’t know why they were dark, and, frankly, I don’t care. I’ve heard some rumors that you and Kyra are...close. If you’re using department resources to conduct your own background investigation on a romantic interest, I don’t have to tell you how that looks—even if you are J-Mac, the hotshot homicide detective. Got it? Stop looking.”


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