Rick Cantelli, P.I. Deadly Liaisons (Rick Cantelli, P.I. Detectives Book 2)

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Rick Cantelli, P.I. Deadly Liaisons (Rick Cantelli, P.I. Detectives Book 2) Page 25

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Unintended consequences of being locked up in even a palatial estate, Lo. I’ll bet our boy Velez gets cabin fever regularly. “I think we need to go check out the limited hotspots in Nogales and see if anyone has seen Velez frequenting their establishment.”

  Lois walked over and slapped me upside the head. “Damn it! I should have thought of that before this old sloth!”

  After the laughter died down, we began checking out Nogales hot spots for anything Velez might frequent. We all came up with two or three likely hangouts, but decided Melinda’s Musica looked like a stellar choice. I actually liked the development I’d introduced into the mix. This would be a hell of a lot better than a tactical assault, not to mention leaks getting back to Velez about an estate assault would distract him. I’m losing it. This is what I should have thought of to begin with. I looked over at the Gorgon, and knew she’d mind swiped my thoughts.

  “Nice plan, Hooterville. Where the hell was this thinking out of the box when you had my old ass on a cross country camping trip nightmare? Your slowness in ideas just cost you a month on installs.”

  “Can I take Trish with me?”

  Even Lo laughed at that one.

  “This idea is hell on wheels. Jesus… I’m ashamed I didn’t think of it,” Lo said. “Your intergalactic coupling with this contract killer dulled my thoughts. You’re in, Skipper. We need a playmate in the plan to attract our target. Want a piece?”

  “Hell yeah, I want a piece, Granny. Hooterville came through.”

  Lo did a hand wave off of that remark. “Yeah, we were well aware of Hooterville’s breakthrough in the wee hours of the morning.”

  Trish shrugged with a smile. “Inspiration comes in all forms you old crone!”

  That drew a cackle from Lo and a look of utter bewilderment from Bone.

  “Don’t spend a second trying to decipher what went down between Trish and Lo,” I advised. “The good thing to focus on is spreading some wealth around in Nogales. I’ll shoot down there tomorrow and start laying the ground work. Like Lo told you all, I could have been a pimp back in the day.”

  Lo waved her hands around in dismissal form. “No use talking to him when his head’s all swelled up like this. Let’s do some Madigan and Cantelli business today. He’s right though. Let’s get him some background on the employees at Melinda’s place and our two secondary choices. We’ll give Hooterville a few likely names and approaches for when he goes down there.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Nogales Mission

  I dressed appropriately for my first night at Melinda’s Musica in Nogales: work boots, worn jeans, black pullover shirt, and black leather jacket. Lo and I had discussed my approach. We knew the quickest way for me to get killed was start flashing photos of Velez. This would have to be low key casual. I can mix in as a grizzled geezer pretty well, and I speak Spanish like a native, so if I hung out a little, maybe Velez might even make an appearance. Him, I was not worried about. If he traveled with a slew of bodyguards, a takedown would get very dangerous. We wanted absolutely no collateral damage. Melinda’s offered massages, and all forms of adult entertainment. If I lived in Nogales, I’d probably hang out here, because I liked the music and the lovely scenery. I glanced at my backup. Trish smiled knowingly. I’m sure she picked up the thought theft trick from Lo.

  The plan was if Velez did make an appearance, Trish would try and catch his eye while seeking employment. She looked incredible. Sitting at the bar like any other patron, but with slit to the upper thigh black, low cut dress, Trish garnered as many looks from the Melinda’s regulars as the entertainment. She had already teasingly gathered a small crowd of guys, making easy conversation laced with sarcastic jolts meant to sting and amuse. Damn… she was good, and she garnered the type of attention we wanted from a probable manager behind the bar. This was a guy’s bar. That Trish would show up looking like she did, enjoying a drink, and nearly stealing the show inside the bar would definitely make any manager take notice. Then I got noticed.

  “Hey old man, you look good for an old coot,” A twenty something employee said, leaning against me at the bar. Long black hair, see through mesh blouse, short black skirt, and gorgeous legs were just a tantalizing and inadequate description of this young lady. She could have anyone she wanted.

  I decided to test a little around the edges and possibly hit pay-dirt right off the bat. “Sorry, kid, I’m just waiting to maybe talk to someone I hope to get a job with. I heard he stops in once in a while here.”

  She put her arm around me. “You look like an interesting guy, and not a local. Does this guy have a name?”

  “Yeah, but I’d rather not blurt it out. He’s not someone to be seen asking about if you know what I mean.”

  She got serious in an instant, putting her elbows on the bar in front of her. “I know just what you mean, old man. This is a weird place for stuff like that. Our night spot’s like the bar in some galactic nightmare setting in the first Star Wars movie.”

  I laughed, because I could tell she was interested in conversation. “That’s an unusual take on it. You look incredible, and yet you seem to like it here, so the place must hold some interest for you… like great money?”

  She shrugged with a smile. “Yeah, I can make a lot of money here while I’m going to college. The downside is the more money I make, the less I care about college.”

  “That’s mistaken thinking, my dear. A college degree widens your choices and your future. You have too much going for yourself with a whole life ahead of you. Why the hell would you trust your future to this mercurial living?”

  She looked directly at me, a real smile spreading slowly. “You almost seem like you care, old man.”

  I didn’t smile when I looked at her. “Over the decades I’ve seen far too many youngsters just like you who think they have the world by the tail, trip up, limit their options, and end their youth in rehab or the morgue. I like you already, kid. Use the money you’re making to expand your options, not bury your life.”

  “Buy me a drink, Coot. I like talking to you.”

  “They just give you a soda, right?”

  “Of course.”

  I signaled to the bartender to give my companion a drink, which he did out of sight. “What are you studying in college?”


  “Outstanding. I’m sure you’ll make a great one, and that’s a damn career for all time.”

  She held out her hand. “I’m Nicki.”

  I shook it. “I’m Rick. Glad to meet you, Nicki.”

  “You’re looking for Chas Velez, aren’t you?”

  I looked stunned, and I didn’t have to pretend. I played the stunned act up. “How… how did you know that? You’re beginning to annoy me, kid.”

  Nicki laughed. “He’s the only guy with money who might be hiring people. I don’t know what kind of job openings he has, but I’ve heard you have to be careful. He plays for keeps with his hires. There’ve been two local guys who took jobs out on that ranch estate he has, and disappeared. Velez was questioned and his lawyer handled all the questions. I’m not even sure he was seen in person over the disappearances. What kind of work are you looking to get, Rick?”

  I patted her hand where it rested on the bar. “Best not to get into that, Nicki. I can do a number of things. If I see him, I’ll apply and find out if he’s interested. If not, I’ll be on my way.”

  “Some of those guys he has around him are damn scary,” Nicki confided in a low voice. “You wouldn’t think anyone would need three bodyguards to come somewhere and have a drink. Maybe you should look for work somewhere else, old man.”

  “You get to my age, kid, and sometimes you take on jobs I wouldn’t have considered in younger days. I hope you’re staying away from him if he’s that dangerous.”

  Nicki got a haunted look for a moment, blushed and took a sip of her soda. “I went to his estate one night with a few other girls from here. It was all fun for a while. He has a beautiful place in
the middle of nowhere. We had music, drinks, drugs if we wanted, and then it got really weird. He wanted us to have contests like we were at a pageant, with string bikinis, negligees, and teddies. The other girls didn’t think anything about it. They were really into it, and a little more wasted than I was. I try to take as little in as possible in strange settings like that. We…we ended up staying the night, and even the most wasted of my friends knew it wasn’t a choice. I ended up being dealt to a few of his guys.”

  Nicki picked up my Bushmill’s and drained it. I motioned for another from the bartender, who eyed Nicki a little strangely. I pushed the Dos Equis I hadn’t touched yet over to her, and she drank a long pull from it before going on. “I’m no fool, Rick. I had a feeling if I made a scene out there, no one would have ever heard from me again. Chas made a point of trying to get me out for another one of his ‘parties’ many times since then, but I’m never going out to that place again.”

  “Sounds like you have a good survival instinct, kid. I’ll keep your personal reservations in mind about this. Thank you. You’ve been very kind. I hope you stay in college.”

  “I will. You’re kind of cute. Are you sure you don’t want to take a walk on the wild young side?”

  “I’m sure, Nicki. You’re good company. Maybe I’ll see you around another night and I’ll buy you a soda if you’re not busy.”

  “I’ll look forward to it. It’s good meeting a nice guy in here once in a while. See you around, Rick.”

  I watched Nicki walk off and engage another guy with aplomb. It was just a matter of waiting now. Thanks to Nicki, I knew Velez did indeed come here. I saw Trish give me a questioning glance. I nodded and texted her. We continued on, but Trish now entered into serious talks with the manager. I could tell he was interested. She texted me that he hired her, and she started in an hour. It seems he had an employee no show and he figured to try her out. I stuck around rather than sit in the GMC on stakeout. The music was good, the service excellent, and the waitresses very nice. I sipped and scoped out likely spots to take Velez in here where we could slip him something toxic and walk away, but none seemed likely.

  He didn’t come alone, which would have been the impossible dream. We were locked in to finding out how Velez reacted to Trish. The whole thing remained a big question mark, but we were a lot further ahead in the game now than we were. I didn’t plan on blowing his car up or anything, but I had thought of making it so the engine conked out on him maybe halfway back to his ranch. Then it would be a matter of execution. If I could make sure we were near enough to jam any cell signals, we could maybe make the prick and his bodyguards disappear. Yep, after we decided on a likely plan, the details were going to get messy. I took single pics of each of them without drawing notice.

  Velez’s bodyguard companions were big, mean looking, and probably guilty of killing a number of people in hideous fashion. Chas dressed in threads like a GQ model. His dark, shark skin or whatever slimy material suit he had on, shimmered in the lighting. The black open necked shirt he wore under the jacket fit to a tee. He projected the casual arrogance of a mob boss used to getting his own way, and willing to kill and torture if he didn’t. Trish was working it as a waitress, and Chas noticed the new girl. He also couldn’t keep his eyes off of Nicki.

  Trish waited on Chas and his boys at their table. The woman had a myriad of skills. I could tell without doubt she’d done waitressing work, probably in the same type capacity, setting up a mark. She traded one liners and laughs with Chas and the boys as if having done it for decades. They liked her, and she gave them all they could hope for in service with a little extra added in sexual innuendo.

  Chas still followed every move Nicki made. He whispered to the guy on his right. The minion nodded and set out to interrupt Nicki’s interchange with another customer at the bar. The clown inserted himself between Nicki and her customer with only a deadly promise of mayhem if the guy objected. To his credit, Nicki’s companion smiled, waved at Nicki, and got the hell out of the bar. I smiled too. Now that’s how a man with common sense handles anything objectionable in a bar. I wished I could pick the same option.

  The procurer hastened a reluctant Nicki over to Velez’s table, seating her in the chair next to Velez the bodyguard had vacated. Nicki smiled uneasily as Trish came over to take her order which Chas confirmed. He put his arm around her, whispering in her ear. Nicki laughed, and shook her head in a negative fashion, which brought a frown to Velez’s face. I could tell this wasn’t his first experience with rejection, but also the hint of building frustration in his eyes when he looked at Nicki. She tried to lighten things up by her gestures and mannerisms, but the minions were taking their cue from Velez. They were all exhibiting their master’s sullen silence. Nicki tried to get up at one point, but was restrained by Velez, and boxed in by one of his zombies. I looked around for the manager, spotted him, and noticed he was studiously ignoring what might prove deadly to him.

  Trish noticed, and tried the ‘how may I help you all further routine’. She did it without provoking any anger or unwanted attention, but the group was locked in on Nicki. I was beginning to think it possible Nicki may have tried to get local law enforcement to intercede on her behalf with the continued Velez unwanted attention. I would bet Velez had already spread some huge money amongst the local constabulary. One of them had probably warned Velez about Nicki’s complaints. I FaceTimed Lo.

  “Hooterville! Que pasa, you old goat? Sounds like a bar party.”

  I ignored her usual banter. “I’m sending you single pics I took earlier, Lo. Could you see if they light up any law enforcement channels, including Interpol?”

  “On it. How’s Trish?”

  “Already got a job. She has so many skills, I’m beginning to get a little in awe of the young minx.”

  Lo laughed appreciatively. “I’ll call shortly.”

  I avoided making eye contact with Nicki. Every peripheral glance revealed her watching me with what I could only describe as victim’s angst. She didn’t know that the last thing in the world I wanted was to be job hunting with Chas. Instead, I made a good case for being drunkenly feeling the glow. I asked the bartender to watch my spot, and then weaved off only a little unsteadily toward the bathroom. When I returned my iPhone vibrated.

  “All bad dudes, Rick,” Lo said without hesitation. “Should I head there tonight?”

  “Still gathering info. Stay where you are for now. I’m working on the details of a plan.”

  Lo’s eyes narrowed in an all too familiar furrow. “Hey… don’t be adlibbing me out of this program. I smell a rat here, Hooterville.”

  “Tonight will dictate the direction we go from here. I found out some added info, and will process that into tonight’s revelations.”

  “My Cantelli bullshit meter just pegged, you reprobate!”

  I grinned. “Call in a specialist. Maybe you need a recalibration.”

  “I’ll recalibrate you… you-”

  I ended the call and turned off the phone. I didn’t know where tonight was going, but I knew Lo wasn’t close enough to be part of it. As closing time drew near, I paid my bar tab with a smile and huge tip for my barkeep. He cautioned me about making sure I could drive home, and I held up my iPhone, letting him know I’d call a cab if I didn’t feel right. Outside the bar, I headed for the GMC at a dead run. I opened up the back, and uncovered my special equipment safe. I had a bad feeling about the Nickster, and I had no plans to simply look the other way. Selection of tool to be used was a no brainer. I had a .40 caliber Ruger with silencer in the safe I’d confiscated from a drug dealer for just this type of action. It would unfortunately have to be lost at sea from aboard our boat in the very near future, but some things just can’t be altered or avoided. Handling Velez and his crew had become one of those unavoidable and immediate type problems.

  At nearly a quarter of an hour before closing, Velez and his crew had a very frightened Nicki boxed in between them. I knew the drill. ‘Come have some fun, g
et a nice piece of change, and no big deal’. Then Nicki disappears for all time, and no one knows where. I waited until they neared their ride, a BMW crossover of some kind. Then I stumbled out toward them, my left hand waving.

  “Hey… Nicki… can’t you at least say goodbye to your old man?”

  The three bodyguard thugs moved to intercept. I showed surprise and shock, lost my balance, and fell to the pavement on one knee. I pulled the Ruger from the inside of my jacket with the unerring slow motion vision of targeting each with two quick as a snake rounds. Thirty seconds later, the bodyguards were lying on the blacktop without the back parts of their heads. Chas, of course, tried to shield himself with the stunned Nicki. I lopped off the right side of his head, and as he released Nicki, I put one between his horns. I grinned inappropriately. We make big plans. We take pictures. We formulate intricate diversions with perfectly created backup plans. Then… some knucklehead operative like me pisses all over the plans, and… runs for the hills… with local acknowledgement, of course.”

  Nicki stared around at the dead bodies in open mouthed horror. I grabbed her shoulders. “Go get into your car, Nicki, and go home. Stay there until your next shift. If you have a policeman arrive at your doorstep, tell them you didn’t like the company and went home alone.”

  Nicki stared at me in uncomprehending silence. I repeated the orders. She began to focus, her eyes darting from Velez and his men to me. “Good God… Rick… I hope I didn’t-”

  “This had nothing to do with you, Nicki, other than the fact you would have never returned alive from the ranch. Go get into your car and head for home!”

  Nicki nodded, turned to go, and then threw herself into an embrace with abandon, her lips, tongue, and mouth a temptation of recovered youth. I gripped her shoulders, easing her panting mouth away from me. Good Lord… don’t abandon me now.

  “Easy… Nicki. Go do as I say.”

  “Will…will I ever see you again, Rick?”


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