Till the Last Breath

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Till the Last Breath Page 15

by Alvin Atwater

  “Move it, Sin,” Elly said. “This fucker underestimates us.”

  “That kind of stung,” Prothimas said. “Feisty and from the smell of you, untouched. An unplowed succubus, now that’s worth snatching.”

  “Are all demons rapey like this?” Devante said as he aimed a palm at the royal.

  “Most,” Sin replied, shaking his head. “Even the females.”

  A giant beam of energy that looked like a cross between a death ray, lightning, and a rainbow blasted from Devante’s hand and pushed the royal ten yards away.

  Sin was disappointed to see that the devil remained on his feet, brushing off such a powerful burst of magic. Prothimas laughed, but it cut off when a boulder the size of a house fell out of the sky and crushed him.

  “That should do,” Amony said.

  “I’ll make sure he’s dead,” Layla said, sucked in a breath, and then aimed her hands at the boulder. Time and space distorted around the boulder. Seconds later, a geyser of light shot from the sky, cooking the boulder and the devil beneath it.

  “Damn,” Sin said, “am I even needed?”

  Devante placed his hand on Sin’s shoulder. “

  We all know you’re the strongest and fastest here, but we’re not going to sit back while he plays with your mind. You—”

  The boulder burst into pieces, revealing an angry royal-class devil.

  Before the group could react, he blurred to Layla, and delivered a punch that propelled the poor girl at least twenty yards away. She didn’t get back up.

  “Shit, Elly Protect her,” Amony said. “The demons are going for her.”

  Sin engaged Prothimas before the devil could make his next move, but he didn’t seem very interested in fighting anymore. He turned intangible, grabbed Sin, and then slammed him onto the painful concrete, knocking the wind from his throat.

  The demi-devil nearly blacked out, but a yell from Amony snapped him back into really. He smelled blood. A lot of it. He looked up to see an injured Devante, protecting Amony, but he wasn’t the one covered in blood.

  Reason left Sin as rage took over. A lot of rage. Pent-up anger, repressed hatred. His eyes glowed a raging red—he blurred over to the royal and with claws of glowing red essence he never had before, plunged them through the surprised devil’s heart.

  `Prothimas wasn’t done yet. He gurgled, but remained standing, though stepping backwards a few times.

  “It’s time I put a prick like you in his place,” Sin said softly. He swung his sword, intending to finish off Prothimas. A finger blocked it. Prothimas wounds sealed as he stepped back.

  The newcomer made Sin widen his eyes, recognition in them. She didn’t come alone. There were three royal devils staring down Sin’s group now.

  Judging by the sound of battle, he assumed the other three battled the Drifter and his minions. He felt something…somehow someone on the Sunset side punched a hole through the barrier and even held it open. Too bad Sin and his group wouldn’t see the light of day nor the outside world.

  “Your father should’ve just allowed you to marry me,” the devil woman before him said. Her red eyes made his blood cold. She looked at Amony then back Sin. “Choosing a skanky witch over me? That makes me angry, you know.” She grinned.

  “Who is she?” Devante said softly.

  “Envy,” Sin said. “Devante, can you get us out of here?”

  Envy wagged her finger.

  “You won’t be going anywhere. Besides, your friends here will make great playmates. It’s been a while since I did some good and relaxing torture—”

  Sin arced his blade upwards, hoping to catch the devil off guard, but she simply blocked his sword again with the same finger. It felt like hitting solid steel.

  “Sorry,” he said to the others, his voice barely a whisper. “I didn’t count on any of the seven sins being present.”

  “Of course, you didn’t, I hid half of my presence. Of course, the barrier keeps the gods from snooping around too.” Envy placed a hand on Sin’s face. “I want that power your father’s hiding, so you will tell him to wed us or I’ll chop all of your friends into pieces and feed them to you.”

  “Enough of the idle threats,” the man beside envy said. “I’m going to start killing. I do not have time for your power games.”

  Sin tried to move, but Envy blocked him.

  “Do not ignore me, future husband, future ticket to power.”

  Everything seemed to be falling apart before they could take off. Sin couldn’t help but feel responsible. Was there anything that could be done? His friends didn’t deserve to die like this. Amony’s yelp of agony made him flinch. Devante’s yell came next, followed by Elly and Layla. They were really going to die here. Sin and his friends just were not strong enough to take on these forces.




  At that moment, Envy dropped to the ground, eyes rolling to the back of her head, dead.

  Sin saw a blur converge on the man who was attacking the others. A half-second later, he fell to the ground, a gurgling mouth of blood, a hole in his chest. Prothimas met the same fate as the mysterious blur wasted all of the demons around without stopping, then sliced off the royal demon’s head. His neck sprayed a bloody fountain as his body dropped.

  Sin’s eyes widened when the blur stopped. He couldn’t believe it. It couldn’t be, yet he stopped a few feet in front of them, eyes observing the soundings and then rested on them. Sin’s mouth hung agape as he stared at his friend. His friend that died two months ago. He…wore the same clothes, but something was different about him. His presence…his essence, his demeaner. He gave off the vibe of a veteran soldier who’s seen everything.

  Epex nodded, the frightening blue glow in his eyes fading, though his face still remained neutral.

  Suddenly, his friend vanished. Was that really him? Sin needed answers and now! He looked at the dead demons and devils around—a crazy carnage of corpses everywhere then ran.

  As he dashed toward the other half of the battlefield, he felt approaching heavenly presences. It seemed like Amelia and her team finally joined the battle. Or maybe came to investigate this new presence.

  Sin knew the goddess hadn’t recovered—yet she’d stupidly risked coming out here to a battlefield as deadly as this. How would the entity that looked like Epex react to seeing her work with his killer? Maybe he’d know it was some kind of temporary truce which failed. If that was really Epex, where did he get that kind of power? How wass he alive? Sin needed to confirm that he wasn’t going insane.

  When Sin caught up to the scene, he only saw bodies. Dead devil and demon bodies. He sensed the retreat of the Drifter and someone else, maybe Agnes, but for some reason, Epex didn’t bother chasing them. Amelia and two heavenly-beings stared at him, wonder in their expressions or perhaps disbelief.

  Epex raised a hand, high into the air. Fiery light briefly flashed around him then he unleashed a mega-beam at the sky. The barrier shattered. He spoke, his voice soft, smooth, and best of all: his.

  “Universe, I have a request. Restore this city, wipe the memories of this event from all humans, bring back those who died unfairly starting from the day the balance snapped. Fix everyone inside the city except the demons and devils. I know I’m not my father, but please hear my voice. Grant me this one request.” His hand shimmered repeatedly them a blast of light that briefly covered everything. “It seems the universe will not erase the memories of whatever happened simply because I do not have full authority. But it’s agreeing to carry on with the rest of my request. Amelia, you and those gods will have to do the memory thing if you can.”

  Sin watched as the buildings instantly repaired themselves. The shattered glass, the giant cracks in the roads, the downed powerlines…. the destruction simply repaired itself. Humans were also coming back to life or healing. He gazed at his friend, who just performed some kind of miracle.

  “I won’t be able to do this again,” Epex said. “So we�
�ll have to put in some kind of defense. Prevent this from happening again.”

  “It’s really you, isn’t it, you son of a bitch,” Sin said and then laughed. He walked over to his friend and offered a hand. Epex accepted the handshake. “Good to see you again.”

  Epex smiled.

  “Indeed. I was afraid for a second that you were going to get all touchy huggy on me.”

  “I considered it,” Sin said, “but here she comes.” He moved as Amelia nearly tackled Epex to the ground, a hug that looked tight enough to make even a bear cringe. He tuned out her words and tears, to look at the other three heavenly-beings.

  Who was it? Why didn’t Epex use his newfound power to take the murderer out. He dropped the thoughts, tired.

  “I’m going back to check on the others,” Sin said. “You’ve got a long story to tell us. We’ll have drinks brought in—I suspect you’ll need one, my friend.”

  Epex nodded.

  “You don’t know the half of it. Here.” He handed Sin a letter. “From your father.”

  Everyone grew silent. Sin’s eyes widened as he excepted it. “He also wanted you to explain something swords interrupting reality or something.”

  Sin nodded.

  “We’ve got a long discussion.”

  Part III

  Chapter Thirty

  Amelia didn’t have plans to let go of me anytime soon, her relief of my return conflicting with her reality for what seemed to be going on for weeks. I glared at Moses with enough silent anger in my blood so that he could see my glowing blue eyes.

  “Where’s the elite?” I said, without emotion. Amelia stiffened.

  “Dead,” Moses answered. “Princess Venus tore through them like tissue paper.”

  I blinked.

  “I don’t feel any Fallen from her, so what really happened? My actions will be based on your answer.”

  “It is exactly as I said,” Moses said. “Our oath…it was tainted. So, my entire team paid the price for it.”

  I shook my head.

  “The universe isn’t known for holding back, I see. Yet, you were spared.”

  “A leader’s failure of a magnitude this great is his greatest shame,” Moses said, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “I’m guessing there was a truce involved to take out the royals,” I continued. When I tried to pull away from Amelia, she hung on tight.

  “Epex, don’t,” she said.

  “Don’t?” I said. “Oh, you mean extract revenge for being brutally murdered and stabbed to death.” I chuckled. “You’ve already done most of that for me.”

  I willed essence to move Amelia to the side and hold her place. Moses to my surprise didn’t step back, but the two gods I didn’t recognize stood in front of me.

  “Prince, you must calm down,” one of them said, a man who looked to be in his late twenties.

  “Do not call me that,” I said then shoved both he and the other god with pretty-boy features aside. I anchored them in place with just a whiff of essence.

  “A tainted oath or not, I still remembered that last order,” I said, finally letting the venom drip onto my voice. “The only reason why you’re not melting into goo right now is because Amelia spared you for some reason. And despite wanting to do what the sadistic devils in the depths done to me, I’m better than that. Unlike you, I’ve got a conscious. You probably should be thanking Amelia for that, because the old me would’ve turned you into sand right here on the spot.” I anchored him to his place with essence, walked over, and placed a hand on his chest. His eyes widened, surprised that he couldn’t exert any of his great elite-six powers. “You will pay for what you’ve done to the city and me in a different manner. You will serve me. And your powers will no longer work unless in my service.” I forced my essence to lock his in a seal that was almost as brutal as Conus’s. My fiery heavenly-light was out, reacting to my increased anger. Sweat dripped from Moses’s forehead.

  “You probably shouldn’t do that,” the blonde god protested. I gave a glowing eye glare that froze him. I wasn’t sure how I was doing all of this—it was as if some greater force silently guided me, as if inserting its will through me.

  I flicked a finger, inserting the memories of my death into his head. His eyes widened, then narrowed, turning to Moses.

  “Explain yourself, Moses, if you’re really our leader. I…saw it all.”

  Amelia looked at him.

  “Saw what?”

  “I don’t know how he did it, Lady Venus, put he showed me his memories. I…I honestly think you should slay Moses.” The blonde shook his head. “And here I wanted to enter the elite. Wanted to rub it in my stupid father’s face. Not anymore. Not after seeing that. That...that’s just messed up. I quit. I will not stain my name under your leadership.”

  “Don’t tell the fuck who caused all of this that I’m alive,” I said to Moses. “And you will resign when this mess is over. Prevent them from replacing the elites right away or the curse I’ve inserted with burst into an unquenchable flame that will burn you from the inside out. There’s a corruption in Paradise Realm. I can only assume that whoever’s behind this wanted me out of the picture. I tried to stay out of Paradise Realm’s way, out of their politics, but I’m done with that shit. I will soon pay it a visit and personally weed out the group.” I looked at Amelia, with the glowing eyes, and released her from the anchor. “Any objections?”

  She returned a solemn gaze before speaking.

  “Do you really have to ask?”

  “Of course not,” I said. I turned to the two non-elite hunters. “You both know something’s up and you’re going to help. Don’t say anything when you go back. It will take a little time for me to prepare for this. I don’t plan on dying again, but I will be going back to Paradise Realm. Now get going.”

  The three gods ascended off, leaving me with Amelia. Before I could even turn around to face her, she was already back to hugging me.

  “I’ve missed you,” I said softly.

  Amelia only responded with a kiss, actually catching me off guard a little.

  “Don’t you ever leave me again,” she said. “Promise me.”

  I looked in emerald green eyes. In a glimpse, I saw what she became. What the universe let her turn into just to unleash justice. Holy shit did she wipe with the floor with them. That form. Amelia was always more powerful than me—but as Disaster, she widened that gap. The universe blocked that form again, out of nowhere, just to stabilize the earth.

  That soul she consumed out of anger… Somehow, I knew the universe wanted me to free it, even though Amelia was justified. Maybe the soul was due for reincarnation.

  “I have to take that soul from you,” I told Amelia. She flinched then stiffened.

  “You’re connected with the universe, like your father,” she said softly.

  “I’ve always been connected to it. Just like when I somehow banished Karma from the earth. The universe gave me the ability to do it.”

  “And when Yulese nearly killed Jade?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “It turns on an ability within me, kind of how my mother controls my seal. Now hold still. Your friend broke down from peer pressure, so I’m going to release her.”

  Amelia didn’t respond at first.

  “I won’t apologize for what I did.”

  “Good. Because I’d rather you not apologize for avenging me,” I said then willed the soul out of Amelia’s belly.

  The young woman who looked Amelia age was on her knees, crying. She flinched, taking notice that she was out of the darkness, back. Changing the universe’s will just a bit, I flicked my wrist. The goddess shimmered, returning to her former self with clothes, alive again. She cried, bowing lowly to me.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she kept repeating. “I didn’t want to—I’m sorry.”

  I gazed at Amelia.

  “What’d you do?”

  She shrugged.

  “Let’s just say she had endless dreams of what she did.”<
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  “Get up,” I said. “Go home. And don’t come back to this city or I’ll kill you.”

  The girl gave a pleading look to Amelia, which got nowhere. My goddess wasn’t going to simply forgive murder. Especially social murder—the nerve of these psychotic fucks.

  Wings burst from the sad goddess’s back as she ascended away with the knowledge that she lost Amelia as a friend forever. It was more than just from snuffing me out. Amelia never lost contact with her friends. I bet they communicated telepathically from time to time—and knowing Amelia, she probably told her friends in Paradise realm how excited she was for my return. Maybe even how she’d help me heal from the strict punishment of Conus. That girl betrayed Amelia by not having a backbone.

  “Let’s go catch up with the others,” I said. “Well…maybe after I shower and change. I’m fucking hungry.”

  Amelia laughed.

  “Come on.”

  Chapter Thirty-one

  That evening, we celebrated at some private restaurant Amony owned. I tried to talk her out of it—it was way too fancy for my tastes—but the woman wasn’t hearing any of it. Amelia’s friends were also back in town, present at the dinner too, dressed very well.

  Upon return, they did the squealy hug thing, and somehow dragged me into it, ignoring all of my resistance.

  We’ve all fought for two months, with an even bigger fight on the horizon. Hopefully this would be the last time I’d have to fight with any heavenly-beings, that is they’re even heavenly-beings. Whomever was behind all this had balls. Taking control of the elite is one thing, but sacrificing a human city. Damn.

  Despite this dinner being a “cool-down,” as Amony called it, a flat screen TV on the wall played the news. Humans were baffled by the past two months.

  Apparently for the outside world, the city simply vanished. Something unseen prevented anyone from getting within meters of it. One would think after an event like this, angels would be flooding the city but I felt none. The victims within the city refused to talk to the press, many of them simply praising God. I let that be the cover. Last thing I needed was humans surrounding my apartment, waking me up, or forming so stupid cult in my name or pestering my friends. I turned from the TV to see everyone’s eyes on me.


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