Whiskey & Honey

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Whiskey & Honey Page 2

by Andrea Johnston

  In true small-town fashion, I am stopped a half-dozen times by guys and gals I grew up with, including Mrs. Nori.

  “Bentley Sullivan, as I live and breathe!”

  “Mrs. Nori, how are you?” I ask as I scoop her up into a hug.

  “Clarice, dear. We’re colleagues now.”

  After a few minutes of small talk and a promise to meet for coffee and get the “down low” on the students, I once again start toward the redhead. I watch as she flips off her phone, looks at my sister, takes another shot of whiskey, and slams the shot glass down on the bar with a huff. Before I can make it to the girl who has bedazzled me, I see my sister making her way to this end of the bar.

  I find a space between an older couple and a guy I played little league with just as he vacates his spot. I nod to him in appreciation and acknowledgment seconds before I snap my fingers over the bar and annoyingly shout, “Can I get some service here, barkeep?”

  A cocky smile takes over my face as my sweet sister turns around to tell the rude customer snapping his fingers to fuck off and instead sees me. Even with my beard, Ashton Marie knows her brother. Releasing a squeal that would give a high-strung toddler a run for his money, my little sister runs around the bar and leaps in my arms.


  “Monkey nuts!”

  Terms of endearment between siblings.

  I set my baby sister on her feet as she jumps up and down like that same toddler. I grab her face between my hands and she finally stills. I place a quick kiss to the top of her head.

  “I missed you, monkey,” I whisper. I have missed her. While I came home as much as possible, the last year or so I have managed to only make those trips when Ash was out of town.

  “I missed you too. When did you get in? Why didn’t Mom call me? Why didn’t you call me?”

  “Whoa there, turbo. I got in a few hours ago and I assume Mom didn’t call you because, well you are working. And me? I figured I’d just grace you with my presence instead. You’re welcome.”

  “Screw you. You smell like whiskey and beer. How long have you been here?”


  “Not long. I’m with the guys,” I say as I motion toward the other end of Country Road.

  “Mmhmm, whatever. I’m so excited you’re home. Mom has been driving me nuts since you called. I think we should start looking for a place together tomorrow!”

  “Umm, Ash, I love you but I’m not getting a place with you.”

  “We’ll see. Look I have to get back to work. What can I get you?”

  “Umm, another Jack and a beer? I’ll go down to the other end of the bar where it’s less crowded.”

  “Okay, let me grab those for you.” She returns to her side of the bar and pours my shot, which I gladly take and enjoy the burn as it makes it way down my throat. “I’ll be down in a second, I have to make another round of Red-Headed Sluts for the group of business men in the back.”

  The minute she says “red-headed” I feel it in my jeans. Fuck I have never been this hot for someone when I haven’t even seen their face. I nod in agreement as Ashton begins making the line of shots and I make my way to what I hope … well, I don’t know what I hope but I have a feeling about this girl.

  I’m within two steps of her when I see her look at her phone again and toss it on the bar hard enough to make it bounce.

  “I think you owe that phone an apology,” I say in a voice that is suddenly gravely and husky.

  I watch as she straightens her back and inhales deeply. I can see a blush begin in her arms, freckles ever so slightly appearing on her sleeveless arms.

  “My phone has a thick skin; I think she can handle it.”

  Honey, her voice is like fucking honey. Smooth, thick, and sweet. Dripping with enough sass to draw me in and enough sugar to make me stay.

  I sidle up next to her and place my beer on the bar, resting my elbow on the bar as I casually adjust myself in my jeans. The moment I catch her profile I’m a goner. There’s no going back from this girl.

  Clearing my throat, I reach for a strand of her hair and twist it between my fingers as I smile. “You never know; she could be hiding her softness behind her sass. Maybe you just broke her poor heart.”

  Fuck, when did I become a chick? Seriously, I need to man up. But this girl - sassy, beautiful, and a voice that would probably have me coming in my pants if she read the phone book - she has me all screwed up.

  Then she turns to me. Perfection. Eyes the color of my favorite whiskey with an array of golden sparkles, it feels like time stands still. Her lips are heart-shaped with a natural color that looks like she just spent an hour kissing like her life depended on it. Her skin is like those creepy dolls my Nana had sitting on the guestroom bed: porcelain. Jesus, now I have fucking ovaries. What’s next? A vagina. My body will swallow my dick and I’ll have a vagina. Fantastic.

  I tilt my head as I take her in. As I thought from across the room, something about her seems familiar. I know I’ve never met her because, if I had, I’d remember. This is the type of woman you never forget. The type of woman who haunts your dreams.

  “So tell me, sweetness, who is the asshole that has you all wound up and taking it out on your phone?” I ask as I take a long drink of my beer. I notice her eyes follow my tongue licking the excess beer from my lips. I suddenly wish I was more like Jameson and had it in me to take this girl home. Well not my home obviously, but somewhere.

  “What makes you think it’s a guy. And please, don’t call me sweetness.”

  Just as she finishes her sentence her phone rings and I notice the name “Tony” appear as she hits the red ignore button. I don’t know what possesses me, but I grab the phone, click the camera icon and the little button to make the camera forward facing before I grab the back of her neck and take those kissable lips with my own. I manage to keep enough of my senses as our lips meet to snap a picture before I toss the poor hurt feelings phone on the bar and grab her head in my hands to deepen the kiss. Her lips open a little as she lets out a slight purr and that’s all the incentive I need to plunge my tongue in her mouth, where I’m greeted by her own tongue. This must be what heaven is because I can’t get enough. I can taste the mixture of my whiskey and her whiskey with every swipe of my tongue and it’s intoxicating.


  I jerk back as a wet towel hits my face. The moment I do I watch as the whiskey-colored eyes staring at me fill with tears. Suddenly the keeper of those enticing lips is scurrying off the stool and quickly makes her way across the room. I turn to look at my sister, whose hands are on her hips, eyes ablaze and lips pursed.

  Shit. Piper? No way that was little Piper.

  “What the hell, Ash?” I ask as I toss the towel on the bar and grab a stack of napkins to wipe the side of my face.

  “What the hell? Are you fucking serious? I walk over to see if you need anything and find you with your tongue in my best friend’s mouth and you ask me what the hell?”

  Whoa. Piper Lawrence.

  “That was Piper Lawrence?” I ask, completely bewildered.

  “Yes, that was Piper Lawrence. Are you high? Jameson, talk to him and tell him he can’t go around molesting Piper while I go check on her.”

  I grab my beer and finish it off in one drink while I motion to the other bartender for another and turn to Jameson, who is now sitting in the spot Piper just vacated. Fucking Piper. I can tell by the shit-eating grin on his face, Jameson knew exactly who had peaked my interest when he sent me over here.

  “You dick. You knew it was Piper, didn’t you?”

  “Of course I did. I live here remember? So, how was it? God, she’s a hot piece of ass. Too bad she’s always dating a bunch of dicks; she’s probably a hot mess.”

  I don’t know what comes over me, but Jameson’s assessment of Piper sets me off. I grab him by the arm and jerk him toward me as I grit between my teeth, “Don’t fucking say that about her

  He shrugs me off and puts his hands up in defense. “Whoa, buddy. Relax. Sorry. Damn, that girl did a number on you. It was a kiss, dude, not like you’re in love. Plus, Ash will never let that happen. She’s been protecting Piper their entire life and you know her motto, hos before bros.”

  We each grab our beers as they are placed on the bar in front of us, taking a long drink before another word is spoken.

  “You knew who she was before I walked over here? You’re an asshole. All of you. Those two schmucks in on it too?”

  “Relax, Ben. You’re all fired up. Like I said, I’m perfectly aware of Piper. We all are. I thought you’d come over here and try to flirt, unsuccessfully I might add. Figured you’d have a good laugh that you were picking up on your little sister’s friend and that would be that. I had no idea you were going to put on some real moves and kiss her.”

  “I had no idea I was going to do that either. I can’t believe that’s Piper. She seemed familiar but I couldn’t place it.”

  “Yeah, well a lot has changed around here since you’ve been gone, not just Piper’s looks. The occasional twenty-four-hour visit doesn’t exactly allow you time to get up to speed. I’m not sure how you didn’t recognize her. Ash is always taking selfies of them.”

  “Honestly?” I ask, and he half nods and shrugs in response. “I don’t pay attention to Ash’s pictures. I sound like a jerk, I’m sure, but I’ve never paid much attention.”

  “Well, whatever the reason, that’s Piper. She’s cool and fun to hang out with. Girl has shit luck with boyfriends but she’s part of us and your sister is still her self-proclaimed bodyguard. Speaking of, we should probably get out of here before the she-wolf returns to give you an earful.”

  As I’m about to agree with Jameson and suggest we get out of here and correct his nickname of my sister, Piper’s phone goes off again. Against my better judgment I pick it up and swipe the screen to see that it’s that Tony guy again, but this time it’s a text message. I open the text message to see “She meant nothing. Call me.” This Tony must have cheated. I don’t even give it a second thought, I click respond and attach the photo of us kissing with “I’m busy” before I hit send. Fuck that guy and his stupid “she meant nothing.” Piper deserves better.

  I motion for the bartender and hand him Piper’s phone before I turn to Jameson. “Let’s roll, I don’t have the patience for the shit storm my sister is going to bring. I’ve only been home for five hours.”

  As we head for the door, my mind is spinning with what just happened and I wonder what the fuck I just did. I’m not sure what pathway to Hell I opened but I’m sure of one thing: a single kiss from Piper Lawrence won’t be enough.

  “Pipe, let me in.”

  “No. Go away, Ash, please.”

  I can’t do it. I cannot look at Ashton and see the disappointment in her eyes. I just made out with her brother. With Bentley Sullivan. That’s not even the problem. The problem is that I’m not sorry. I’ve waited my entire life for that moment. Blame the whiskey, blame the fact that my boyfriend has been cheating on me, blame it on the fucking rain. I don’t care. It was fantastic, and lord help me but I want to do it again.

  The moment he started flirting with me I knew he had no idea who I was. That stung a little, but when I realized this was my only opportunity for a moment as someone other than his little sister’s best friend, I took it. And fuck me if it wasn’t worth every minute I’m going to spend lying to my best friend telling her it was awful.

  His lips are like soft caramels I felt myself melting into. The moment his tongue touched mine I could feel it all the way to my toes. Of course, it took an excellent detour in my panties along the way. I feel something on my foot and look down.

  “What are you doing, Ashton?”

  “Well, if you aren’t going to let me in, I’m going to just crawl on this disgusting bathroom floor and under the stall door to get to you. It’s really gross down here, I’m going to need to talk to Taylor about this. Eww, is that pee?”

  I open the stall door and laugh at the ridiculousness of this moment.

  “I don’t think its pee; this is the women’s restroom. Get up, that’s gross,” I say as I tug at her hands to pull her up. I see the sympathy in her eyes and realize I maybe had one too many shots tonight as I burst into tears.

  Ash gathers me in her arms and is rubbing my back as she tries to reassure me that she’ll deal with her asshole brother and make sure he never pulls a stunt like that again. For some reason this sets me off even more. Of course, she thinks it is because I’m upset about Tony, upset Ben just gave me the best kiss of my life, and I’m drunk. She’s got one thing right – I’m drunk.

  “Ash, I need to go home. I’m sorry. I’ll get a cab and I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “I understand. Let me walk you out and make sure you’re okay.”

  We stop by the bar to grab my phone and Taylor lets us know he already called a cab for me. I attempt to open the compartment on my phone case that holds my debit card when Taylor waves me off from paying. I let Ash guide me out of the bar and say a little prayer I won’t see Ben along the way. The wait for my cab is minimal and once I’m inside Ashton heads back in to work and I head home.

  Bentley Sullivan. Even thinking his name makes me touch my lips. I cannot believe the direction this night took. I went to Country Road because Tony was, is, a cheating bastard and I needed my best friend and booze. I never expected to have one of my teenage fantasies come true. Then real life resurfaced and now I find myself drunk in the back of a cab driven by the man who used to be the crosswalk attendant when we were kids regaling me with stories of his own drunken nights. Fabulous.

  Mr. Denning pulls up to my apartment and argues with me over the fare before I agree to keep the money and take my mom for coffee instead. I wave goodbye and make my way up the stairs, sobering up a little with each step. I unlock my door and feel my phone vibrate in my hand. Once I make it in the door, lock the door behind me, and toss off my shoes I allow myself to look at the phone. It’s a text from Tony. Apparently I’m a glutton for punishment because I open the text.

  Tony: What the fuck Piper!

  As soon as my eyes finish reading his text I glance up to see what he’s talking about. Someone sent him the picture of Ben and me kissing with a comment. Oh shit, that’s funny. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge before I head to my bed and throw myself down on it. I can’t stop laughing. The idea of Tony receiving that text is more than I can handle. Imagining his face when he opened the picture throws me into a bigger fit of giggles.

  I click on the picture so that it fills my screen and my heart flutters. Seeing the kiss sends my lips tingling at the memory. I’ve kissed my share of guys, not a boat load or anything but enough, and thought they were good kisses. But, I was wrong. Those kisses, in fact all the kisses before Bentley Sullivan, were mediocre at best.

  This time in response to Tony’s text I power off my phone and crawl under the covers, not even bothering to change my clothes. I fall asleep to the memories of Ben’s voice, his hands on my face, and his soft lips. I’ll deal with the repercussions tomorrow.

  Tomorrow is minutes after I fall asleep, or so it seems. I am jarred awake by a banging on my door. I glance at the clock to see it’s eight in the morning. Shit, I missed boot camp. This can’t have come as a surprise to Ash considering my state when she put me in the cab. I throw back the covers and slowly make my way to the front door. I open the door to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and a greasy bag of goodness.

  “You are a goddess,” I say to Ash as she pushes past me and straight to my small living space. I live in a small apartment so I have very little furniture, but have managed to make it homey and mine.

  “Yes, well that is always the case, but today I have to say I’m in agreement. You look like death and smell like you slept in a bed of whiskey.” Offering me a smirk, she hands me a coffee and a bag that is already sporting grease stains fro
m the piece of heaven I know waits for me. A breakfast burrito from Rosa’s.

  “Please tell me this is the meat lover’s,” I mutter as I stuff my face with the deliciousness.

  “Of course. I know you and what you need after whiskey. I’ll give you a minute to devour that burrito and maybe shower before we talk about my brother’s attack on your poor mouth.”

  I guess it was wishful thinking to assume Ash would let this go. I take another bite of my burrito before rolling it back up and putting it in the bag. I set the bag in the fridge and head toward the bathroom. I recognize I haven’t responded and I’m sure Ash will think it is because I’m upset about the kiss. The reality of it all is that I need to get my game face on. There is no way I can tell her it wasn’t an attack. That I welcomed it and wouldn’t turn down an opportunity for it to happen again. Ash is a lot of things, but I know for a fact she wouldn’t be okay with me having a thing for her brother.

  I turn on the water and strip off last night’s clothes. As soon as the water hits my skin I feel the tingles everywhere. I stand under the hotter-than-normal water for a few minutes before slipping in my shower routine. Once I am sufficiently free of last night’s ick and the lingering smell of whiskey I towel off and wipe the mirror of the steam.

  Looking back at me is a tired girl who is losing herself in these loser guys she’s been dating. I shake off the pitiful thoughts as quickly as I let them surface. I brush my teeth – twice. And manage to feel more human by the time I put on some lounge wear and grab my phone off my nightstand. I make my way out to the living room and plug my phone in before powering it up.

  Ash is in the kitchenette washing my dishes. That girl cannot go a day without cleaning something. It’s almost compulsive but beneficial to those she loves. My phone is just powered up when she flops herself on the couch next to me and my phone starts going off with every type of alert available. Text messages, voicemail, e-mail notification, and private messages. I groan as I start with text messages. Three more from Tony, two from Ash this morning, and one from an unknown number.


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