Whiskey & Honey

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Whiskey & Honey Page 4

by Andrea Johnston

  And just like that, we’re back to normal. This is why I can’t be the guy who hooks up at a bar. There are far too many dynamics to consider and apparently feelings for everyone in a fifty-foot radius.

  Three hours after Jameson picked me up from my parent’s house in his monstrosity of a truck, I have managed to secure a trade-in for my sedan with Sully. With an agreement to bring the sedan back tomorrow and promise to bring him a piece of my mom’s pecan pie, Sully granted me permission to drive my new-to-me truck home. Living in a city, having a truck never made sense, but here it is the only thing that does. The truck I found is actually the same one I had in high school; well, except about twenty years newer. It seems that every hour I’m home I’m one step closer to being me again, and being me never felt so good.

  I pull up to the house and see that my sister’s car is in the driveway. I am so not ready for this conversation. I love my sister and she really is one of my best friends, she’s just a little spirited. Well, I say she’s high strung, feisty, and overly dramatic. My mother calls her spirited. I suppose there is no time like the present to face the wrath of Ashton Marie Sullivan.

  With every step toward the house, I feel more and more like a man walking the plank. Something about the way Jameson reacted to my kissing Piper isn’t sitting right. I recognize that my kissing her, any woman for that matter, in a bar is completely out of character for me. I can’t even begin to understand my reaction to her. It was something I’ve never experienced and, quite frankly, if someone else had told me they had this response to a woman I’d probably demand he turn in his man card. I feel like one of those ridiculous Hallmark movies. Only, I don’t see how this story will have that cheesy happy ending each of those movies does. No, I imagine I’m going to walk through this door and my sister is going to rip me a new asshole and I’ll feel shitty and apologize and make promises that will suck. Promises I’ll probably hate making but I’ll keep because I’m the good guy.

  I’m within four steps of the door when I hear Ashton’s sweet voice. My sister has a magnificent singing voice and can make a grown man cry with her rendition of Amazing Grace. When we were growing up my parents saw Ashton’s talent early on, and while I was running bases and practicing my swing, she was in voice lessons. Jameson and I used to joke when we were in high school that we were going to kidnap her one night, drive to the open auditions for one of those singing competition shows on television, and make her buy us extravagant gifts to thank us.

  We joked and never followed through. Not because Ashton doesn’t have the talent or doesn’t deserve the recognition. To the contrary, Ashton would make it far in any competition. Not only is she talented beyond comprehension, cute - in a stubborn and annoying little sister kind of way - she is also one of the kindest and most outgoing people I know. Unfortunately, Ash also suffers from panic attacks. The idea of being in front of a crowd of more than the Thursday night karaoke regulars at Country Road sends her into a full panic attack. Not a “she’s a little stressed” attack, no Ashton has these frightening attacks that paralyze her and find us rushing her to the hospital.

  That’s why there was only teasing of the kidnapping and plans for extravagant gifts and no golden ticket to Hollywood.

  I put my hand on the handle to the screen door and take in a deep breath. Ass, hold on because I have a feeling you’re about to get chewed out.

  “Quit being a pansy ass. Get in here so we can do this,” Ash commands before I can even take a step in the door.

  “Pansy ass?”

  Ash turns from the sink where she’s washing vegetables from Mom’s garden. As she grabs a towel to dry her hands, I am taken aback a little. My baby sister isn’t a baby anymore. We may only be four years apart in age but growing up that seemed like a million. I spent half my time threatening my friends and the other guys in school with their life if they so much as looked at my baby sister. Most of the jerks listened. I’m sure a few snuck around behind my back, but for the most part I managed to keep Ash protected from the douchebags around town. After I left that job fell to Jameson and he has assured me that while she’s dated, Ashton has been more focused on trying to figure out where she’s going in life than who she’s going with.

  Ashton is full of spunk as usual but there’s something else in her eyes. I know it’s been a tough year for her and she’s less than thrilled to be living back home with Mom and Dad but I wonder if it’s something more. Thankfully, her sass outweighs the sadness.

  I ignore the look she’s shooting my way and open the fridge to grab a beer. I pop the cap off and take a seat at the island before another word is uttered by either of us.

  “Well?” I ask.

  “Well? That’s what you have to say? Well?”

  “How about ladies first? That better, Ash?”

  “Ugh! You are so infuriating, Bentley. What was that last night?”

  “What do you want me to say? Sorry? Okay, sorry.”

  Ashton stops her foot in frustration and tosses her hands up in the air. I smile and take another drink of my beer.

  “You should have one of these,” I say, motioning toward my bottle.

  “I couldn’t agree more, but I have to work in an hour,” she replies, taking the seat next to me.

  I nudge her a little with my knee and she lays her head on my shoulder.

  “Please don’t hook up with Piper, Ben. She’s been screwed over so much and I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “Gee thanks, sister of mine. So much confidence in me I see.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s not you. You’re the best guy in the world and if you weren’t my brother you are the exact guy Pipe should be with. It’s just…”

  She pauses and turns toward me. I follow suit and look at her. Are those tears?

  “Ash, what’s wrong? Are you crying?”

  “What? No. Okay, maybe. I don’t know. It’s just that Piper is my best friend and you’re my brother. If you hooked up and it didn’t work out, I’d be in the middle. I don’t want to lose my friend and I don’t want to have to hate you and say awful things about you in the name of sisterhood. So just do me a solid and don’t hook up. Please?”

  “First, don’t cry. It’s not that serious, okay?”

  She nods.

  “Second, I don’t plan on hooking up with anyone. You know Laurel and I just broke up. Besides that, I just moved back to town and am living with Mom and Dad. I’m in no position to start something up with anyone, Piper or not.”

  Ashton smiles at me and it looks as if a thousand-pound weight has been lifted from her shoulders. As her brother I am happy to be the one to relieve some of that stress. As the man who experienced the best kiss of his life less than twenty-four hours ago, I feel defeated.

  “You promise? You won’t start something up with Piper? Last night was just a mistake?” she asks me hopefully.

  “I promise. I will not start anything with Piper. But can I ask you something?”

  A little reassurance from me seems to be all she needed because the usual pep is back in Ashton’s step as she hops off the stool and back toward the sink to her vegetables.

  “Sure, shoot.”

  “When did Piper get so hot?”

  I can’t help it. I’m the big brother, it’s my job to piss her off.

  Ashton turns to me with a mischievous smile on her face. “Piper has always been hot. Boys are just dumb and it isn’t until they’re men that they appreciate what’s always been there.”


  What in the world was I thinking inviting Bentley Sullivan to my apartment? More importantly, why did he accept? He obviously lost his mind when he moved away. It’s the only answer. No, he was abducted by aliens who replaced his brain with someone else’s. Yes, that’s it. That’s what makes sense.

  It does.

  Don’t question rational thinking.

  Okay, fine. Perhaps he wasn’t abducted by aliens. And, perhaps, he hasn’t lost his mind. He was obviously drunk and didn’
t know what he was doing last night. There is no actual reason that makes sense as to why he would so openly flirt with me and then kiss me.

  A kiss that I swear I can still feel.

  A kiss that seemed full of promises and questions equally.

  A kiss I have dreamed of most of my life.

  A kiss that made me forget stupid Tony and his stupid ideas of relationships.

  I’ve been a bundle of nerves all day. Ash was trying hard to avoid the topic and it only made my anxiety worse. Besides the anxiety, it cast this weird vibe over our day and made me uncomfortable around the only person in my life who has never made me feel awkward. After breakfast and a little retail therapy she drove me back to my place.

  As I turned to open the door, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Are you mad at me?” I asked.

  “What? No. Why would you say that? I’ve never been mad at you a day in my life.”

  “Not true. You didn’t talk to me for two hours when I declared my undying love for Joe Jonas.”

  “Hmm. That is true. You knew I was going to marry him and you still called dibs. Uncool, sister friend. Uncool.”

  “Yeah well, he proved us both wrong, didn’t he? No ring on either of our fingers.”

  “Eh, it’s cool. He couldn’t handle either one of us anyway.”

  “I just want to make sure we’re okay. That thing last night with your brother. It was just a random bar thing. No biggie.”

  Oh yeah. I’m a liar. Big fat dirty liar.

  “I know. I just … I don’t want to see you get hurt again. Ben and Laurel just broke up. You and Tony just broke up. Plus, while my brother is a great guy he does hang out with the douche crew so, you know, birds of a feather and all that. He may pick up on their nasty habits and you don’t need that.”

  “Oh please, Ben is definitely one of the good guys. But you’re right. I don’t need to start anything with anyone. Its best we just forget about it. I probably won’t even see him around much.”

  It may be best if we all forget last night happened, but there is no way, in this lifetime, I’ll ever forget. I’m just glad I had a breakdown and ran for the sanctuary of the women’s restroom instead of declaring my undying love to Ben. I can’t even imagine the humility that would have followed that kind of proclamation.

  I glance at the clock and notice I still have about an hour before Ben said he’d be here. Again, what was I thinking? I wasn’t. Obviously.

  I pick my phone up and realize I never turned it back on after the tenth text from Tony while we were shopping. I hit the power button and set the phone back down as I head to the shower. I’m not primping or making an effort. Nope, I just cleaned my place and need to freshen up. Totally not anything special or anything to do with Bentley Sullivan.

  Nope. Nothing. Nada.

  I take my time in the shower. I mean, I’m here I might as well shave and deep condition my hair. It’s absolutely all about efficiency. Nothing to do with Ben.

  I almost believe myself.

  A little pep talk in the shower calms me down enough to think rationally about tonight. This is my best friend’s brother. Practically my brother growing up. We were both drinking, he didn’t know it was me, I was sad. All a big misunderstanding.

  I’m going to keep tonight casual. No candles burning, no music, no effort. I grab a pair of my soft-as-butter leggings, a loose-fitting top, and my favorite fuzzy socks. Really sealing the casual, no-effort look is my messy bun with toweled-dried hair and only a little mascara and some gloss for makeup.

  I have managed to use up thirty minutes. Perfect. I light a candle on the mantle - strictly for the scent, not the ambience, obviously. I’m still not putting music on or putting forth any effort. Two out of three shower plans is better than none.

  I have a few minutes to spare so a little glass of courage or, as regular people not about to discuss a life-altering kiss with their best friend’s brother call it, Chardonnay.

  Just as I’m about to check my phone there’s a knock at my door. Of course he’s early.

  I take a sip of my wine as I open the door. Only instead of Ben, it’s Tony. Great.

  Tony slithers in the door before I can stop him.

  “Hey, I didn’t invite you in,” I say, still standing with my hand on the door handle and the door open.

  “Come on, babe, when have you ever needed to invite me in?”

  “Don’t babe me. We broke up. Please leave.”

  He’s made his way to the fridge and already opened a beer before I finish my sentence. He really is handsome. And a cheating jerk, Piper. Don’t forget that. I’m still standing at the door but have released the handle as he places his beer on the counter and begins walking toward me.

  “Piper, you didn’t mean it. Let’s make up.”

  I know that look. It’s the same look he’s used on me the last few weeks when he’s been late for dates, cancelled at the last minute, or didn’t do either and just didn’t show up. I assume now that he was out looking for the “spice.” Asshole.

  “Tony, I did mean it. We are finished and I would like for you to leave,” I say while crossing my arms over my chest. I know that this is technically a defensive position, but suddenly I feel vulnerable and need the hug, even from myself.

  “I’m not leaving until we work this out, Piper. Come on, I’m sorry you got pissed but I thought it would be fun for us. I didn’t know you were going to get all Miss Priss with me.”

  Is he kidding me? Miss Priss.

  “I’m willing to forget your little stunt last night with whoever that asshole was. I know you were just trying to get back at me. We’ll call it even. Now, let’s watch a movie and start the making up.”

  “I don’t think so. The lady asked you to leave.”

  Oh, shit.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  Oh, you know who he is. This is not going to end well.

  “Tony, you know damn well who I am. Now, I believe I heard Piper ask you to leave. Why don’t you do us all a favor and just go,” Ben says as he makes his way directly behind me and places his hand on my shoulder.

  I can feel the heat from his hand through my top and a shiver makes its way down my spine. I uncross my hands and stand up straight. Just knowing Ben is here and has my back has me feeling more confident. Before I can demand he leave, I see the recognition register on Tony’s face.

  “Sullivan. Of course you’re the one to come to her rescue. Wait.”

  Here it comes. Recognition begins to turn to rage. If steam could actually come out of a human’s ears, Tony’s would be a smoke stack.

  “That was you in the picture. What the fuck, Piper? Him? That’s how you’re going to get back at me? Of course it is. You really are a little slut, aren’t you?”

  “Whoa there, pal…”

  What a dick.

  I turn toward Ben. “I’ve got this.”

  His smile says that he’ll give me this moment even if he really wants to punch Tony in his stupid arrogant face.

  “Look, first I am not a slut. You, on the other hand, may be. I wasn’t the one out cheating, you were, so before you start throwing words around, take a look in the mirror.” Kudos to me, I managed to get all of that out even though in my head I was confident and sassy. In real time, it was a single sentence without a breath.

  I feel Ben lean down just to my ear. “Breathe, Piper.”

  I offer a little nod and continue.

  “What I do and,” I motion toward Ben, “who I do it with is none of your concern. You lied, you cheated, and you hurt me. I’m done. You need to leave. Please, for once, Tony, just do what I ask.”

  The tension in this room is thick. I can feel the anger building behind me as Ben places his hand on my shoulder again. I can see the conflict in Tony’s expression. He’s torn between doing what I ask and fulfilling his life-long pissing contest with Ben.

  “Fine, I’ll go,” he reluctantly concedes as Ben and I move out of the doorway. Our movemen
t almost as if we are one. Before he makes it over the threshold, Tony turns to us, “It’s not over, Piper. I decide when we’re done and I haven’t decided yet.”

  Before Tony can make it more than three steps, Ben closes the door and turns the top lock. I release the breath I was holding as he spoke those final words.

  “You okay?” he asks me as he turns toward me. My entry way is just that, for entry. It’s not meant to hold a conversation. I feel like the space is smaller than normal with Ben’s large frame filling the space.

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” I quietly reply as I thank my lucky stars I’m still holding my wine and finish off the glass in one drink.

  “Hey.” Ben takes a step toward me and places both hands on each of my arms. His gesture is undeniably comforting and equally confusing because it makes me feel something I shouldn’t.

  I look up at him. I swear time stops as I look into his gorgeous chocolate-colored eyes. It’s only when he reaches for my face and wipes a tear from my cheek that I realize I’m crying. Ben pulls me into a hug and I unleash a bounty of tears. My level of self-pity is epic. Goodness this man smells good. What is that? Mint? Pine? Leather? All three.

  I pull away and wipe the tears still streaking my face with my free hand.


  “No apology necessary, Piper. You didn’t do anything wrong. I see Dominguez is still a class A jackass.”

  I offer a snicker in response.

  “How about more wine? Go sit down, I’ll get it,” he says, taking my glass and guiding me toward the couch.

  I offer a nod in response as Ben takes my glass from my hand and makes his way to the kitchen, then stops to look at the beer Tony left on the counter. I hear a simple grunt of annoyance as he sets the bottle in the sink and turns to the refrigerator. After filling my glass and handing it to me, he opens a beer of his own. We each take a drink and look at each other.

  And laugh.

  Not chuckles or giggles. No, this is all-out belly laughing.

  A few minutes of much-needed laughing and I finally speak.


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