Whiskey & Honey

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Whiskey & Honey Page 15

by Andrea Johnston

  “Oh, and Ben?”

  “Yeah, Dad?”

  “Just tell your mother you slept in your truck. She’s like a dog with a bone.”

  I can’t help but chuckle at that comment.

  “Don’t I know it. I’m going to catch a few hours of sleep before I head out to the house.”

  “Sounds good,” he says without ever taking his eyes from the paper.

  “By the way, I’d like to have you all out to the place before the weather turns. Maybe next weekend?”

  That seems to get his attention because he turns to me. “We’d really like that. Next weekend sounds good. But, let’s hold off telling the ladies. They may have you regretting the invitation by the end of the week.”

  I laugh and shake my head. Again, my dad is a wise man.

  It takes less than a minute for me to strip out of my clothes and land on my bed. Pulling my comforter up to my waist, I throw my arm over my head and suddenly this bed seems very empty. How did one night with Piper make falling asleep a different experience?

  I’m jarred from a string of Piper-themed dreams by the sound of incessant knocking at my door. Okay, Piper’s boobs-themed dreams. I might be the nice guy, the perfect gentleman, but I’m a man, too.

  Groaning, I hope if I ignore them they’ll go away. They do not. I know it’s Ashton by the whiney sound of my name being bellowed.


  “Are you decent? Can I come in?”

  I pull the covers up a little more and reluctantly admit her entrance.

  “Hey, brother of mine. Eww why does it smell like boy feet in here?”

  “Well, perhaps because I’m a guy and have feet? It doesn’t smell bad.”

  “Whatever.” The typical eye roll follows her response. “Anyway, I have the night off since I was stuck at The Road last night until what was closer to today than yesterday and want to do something so take me to your new man palace so I can see it.”

  “Whoa there, that was one heck of a sentence.”

  “Shut it. Get up!”

  “How much coffee have you had?”

  “What is with everyone’s concern about my caffeine intake? I actually haven’t had any! I just slept like eight hours is all. I’m recharged and ready to do something. Piper is claiming a migraine but I don’t buy it, I think she’s hungover. Besides I need to know who you met last night that kept you out later than me.”

  Her last statement catches my attention and, unfortunately for me, my reaction doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Ah, so there was someone. You can tell me in the truck! Get up, lazy ass!”

  Before I can offer a retort, she’s gone and yelling to our mother that we won’t be home for dinner. I reach to my nightstand and grab my phone. Hoping for a text from Piper, I am disappointed when there is only one from Jameson. I guess his friend from last night is turning into a two-day friend.

  Jameson: So this Sasha is pretty cool. We’re going to hang out again tonight. Want to grab a run and breakfast tomorrow?

  Me: Oh a 2 nighter. Serious business. A run is good but not before 9.

  Jameson: Fuck you. I don’t do serious. 9 at the trails.

  I respond with a thumbs up and contemplate what to say to Piper. I want to see her and spend time with her but I am also a little worried about scaring her off. She’s like a timid cat at this point and the wrong move could send me right back to the real friend zone. I actually want to hear her voice but again there’s that skittish cat thing.

  Me: Are you around?

  If feels like an eternity, but is really only seconds, before my phone signals a response.

  Piper: Yepper.

  Yepper? Instead of responding I hit the phone icon. I’m almost worried she’s sending me to voicemail before she picks up.


  “Hey, baby.”


  “Are you not sure if you’re saying hi?”


  “You said hey like it was a question so I’m curious if you are uncertain if you’re saying hey.”

  “Oh. I didn’t mean to. I think you just caught me off-guard calling.”

  “I wanted to hear you voice. It’s one of my favorite sounds.”

  She laughs and I can hear the disbelief in her voice.

  “Oh hush, it is not.”

  “It absolutely is. To prove it, I’m going to bring a phone book over and have you just read it to me. That’ll show you how much I love it.”

  “You want me to read the phone book? That’s just weird.”

  We both laugh and whatever tension she had in her voice when she answered seems to be gone.

  “What can I say? I’m a weird guy. Regardless, your voice is one of my favorite sounds in this world. It’s sweet, smooth, and gentle. The first time I heard you speak I thought it reminded me of honey.”

  I can hear her moving around and it sounds like she’s settling in before speaking again.

  “Honey, huh? That’s a new one. And I’m pretty sure the first time you heard my voice I was five years old and sounded like a cartoon character.”

  “Ah you’ve got me there, Princess. I suppose that’s true. I meant the first time I heard your current, adult, sexy-as-hell voice.”

  She makes a noise that’s part sigh and moan and I can feel the blood rushing from my head to other parts.

  “That’s the sound I’m talking about. Honey. Don’t even get me started on your eyes.”

  “My eyes? They’re brown, nothing special.”

  “Oh but that’s where you’re wrong. They are special. Everything about you is special, Piper. I thought we covered this need you have to put yourself down. Your eyes are beautiful. They are bright, hopeful, and the perfect shade of brown that is the same as my favorite whiskey. When you get excited or have an idea they dance. And, Piper, when you come?”


  “When you come, baby, they sparkle.”

  I can hear her breath catch at my final words. I smile to myself. My girl is good in all ways that matter, but she seems to like it when I talk about things some would consider a little dirty. Truthfully, I’ve never uttered anything remotely dirty in my prior relationships, but something about being with Piper makes me want to be different. Everything about her and me is different. I am still afraid she’s going to run so instead of digging deep for the dirty version of myself, I clear my throat.

  “So, about that phone book.”

  She responds with a laugh. The laugh that makes me smile and I’m pretty sure is the sound of angels singing.

  “You think I’m joking but I’m not. That isn’t why I called though.”

  “I thought you just wanted to hear my voice,” she flirtatiously replies. Vixen.

  “I did but I also promised I’d call you later and we’d do something. Of course Ashton was in here a bit ago waking me up demanding I take her out to my house. I guess I’ll do that. She also said you had a migraine.”

  “Oh. Well, yeah I did tell her that. I maybe, sort of, kind of lied to her. I’m a horrible person, I know. If this secret friend thing we have isn’t already bad enough, I also blatantly lied to her. I’m going to Hell.”

  I chuckle and throw back my covers as I get up and start finding clothes.

  “I’m pretty sure lying is not a means for a visit with Lucifer. But out of curiosity, why did you lie?”

  “Because it’s Ashton. You know she’ll want to know if I met anyone, who I was with last night, what I did, and so on. I can lie over text but not to her face. I thought I’d cave and tell her everything so I just said I had a headache. I never said migraine. Regardless, I just can’t see her right now. I need to practice my liar face.”

  “Well, we can always tell her. I vote for that option over the liar face. I don’t want you to change your face. I’m a little partial to it.”

  “No, we agreed. Friends and get to know each other and see what happens. You gave me until Christmas Break and I’m taking it.”
br />   “Okay, well, if you change your mind let me know. Do you want to do something tonight? We’ll have to figure out what to do with my truck if we hang out in town.”

  “I would like to do something. What if I meet you at your house and we leave your truck there? We could just come back here and maybe watch a movie or something.”

  “I like the plan of or something.”

  “Ben,” she warns.

  “What? I kept my promise last night. Mouth only.”

  “Good Lord. Okay, on that note I’m going to go and get some stuff done. You go spend time with your sister. I’ll meet you at your house at like eight? How’s that?”

  “Sounds good. Have a good afternoon, Piper.”

  “Bye, Ben.”

  I set my phone down on the side table and grab my clothes before heading to shower. A very cold shower. Thoughts of Piper force me to stay under the freezing-cold water longer than normal and I’m immediately greeted with a less-than-kind Ashton when I emerge from the bathroom. I’m still ignoring her nagging when we both walk into the kitchen and I grab my truck keys.

  “Where are you two off to?”

  I don’t have a chance to answer my mom before Ashton goes on another tangent about my finally agreeing to take her to my house. I don’t bother interjecting that I didn’t actually agree to take her anywhere, she invited herself. My dad is sitting at the table again, but instead of reading the paper he’s working the crossword.

  “Seven-letter word for bowl-shaped percussion instrument,” Dad absently shouts at us, causing a slight pause in Ashton’s rant.

  “Timpani,” Ashton responds without missing a beat in her one-sided conversation with Mom.

  “Excellent, honey!” Dad declares before dramatically setting his completed crossword down on the table. I, on the other hand, am staring at Ash.

  “What? I know things, Ben.”

  “I know you know things, Ash, but really, who even knows what timpani is?”

  “Your sister, Ben. Be kind. Now since you kids won’t be home for dinner would like for me to make a few sandwiches to go?”

  As I’m about to agree Ashton tells my mom that she’s ordered a pizza for us and we’ll be taking it out to my house. Apparently I’m only along for the ride in this plan of hers. I don’t even bother arguing with her at this point and grab my keys as we head out the door. This is going to be a long few hours before I meet Piper.

  I’ve managed to skirt Ashton’s questions about last night. I didn’t lie when I told her I spent the night at my house. I did spend most of the evening here; I just didn’t sleep here. Omission is not lying in this case and I’m okay with that. For now.

  I hadn’t realized how important seeing this piece of my life was to my sister until we arrived. She not only called ahead and ordered us a pizza, she had chairs and blankets in the back of my truck along with a cooler filled with a few beers and some waters.

  Once we got here she was like a kid at an amusement park. In awe at every little thing in the house and on the property, she’s already planned multiple cookouts and bonfires for next summer. Unfortunately, I’ve ran out of distracting conversation and I know she’s about to hit me with what she thinks is her given right as my sister – nosiness.

  “I love this place, Ben. It’s really wonderful and so you.”

  “Thanks. I agree, I’m glad I went for it. The work is hard but once it’s all done it will have all been worth it. Sorry it took me so long to bring you here.”

  “It’s okay. I know you’ve had a lot going on the last few months so I’ve given you the space you needed.”

  Laughing at her assessment of giving me space, I’m suddenly hit in the head with a plastic bottle cap. “Hey now, you don’t want to have to walk home, do you?”

  “Whatevs, you wouldn’t make me walk home. Besides, you still haven’t told me who you met last night. I know you had to have met someone so fess up.”

  “Nope, didn’t meet anyone. Sorry to disappoint. Besides I’m not looking to meet anyone new.”

  All truths.

  “Mmhmm, I’m not sure I believe you but I won’t pry. I’ll figure it out soon enough.”

  We sit in silence a few more minutes and I can tell by the way she’s shifting that Ashton is about to ask to leave. It’s getting colder as the minutes tick by and if I can get her to leave now I can drop her off at the house and get back here before Piper.

  “Good grief, it’s freezing. Can we get out of here before my nose hairs turn to icicles?”

  “Dramatic much, Ash?”

  “Don’t give me grief. It’s absolutely fucking freezing!” she exclaims as she leaps from her seat and hops up and down in some sort of weird-looking jumping jack.

  “Yeah, come on. I’ll take you home and then I’m coming back here for a bit.”

  Again, truth.

  “Whatever, come on. I’m going to have to start singing like a Disney princess if you don’t get me out of here.”

  My sister is a mess and I love her. I take her by the shoulders and kiss the top of her head. She wraps her arms around my body, and this is why I have to convince Piper we make sense. So this person a fun, feisty, stubborn, loving, kind, and passionate human who we both love isn’t hurt in the slightest.

  The drive back to my parents’ house is quiet and I welcome it. Ashton seems happy to have had a little brother and sister bonding time. It occurs to me that not only have I been avoiding Piper but, in doing so, I’ve avoided my sister. Once I’ve dropped Ashton at home, I turn around and make a return drive right back to where I came from.

  I notice that although Piper’s car is parked in front of the house, she isn’t in it. I don’t even wonder where she is, I immediately head toward the house and the kitchen.

  Finding her standing at the kitchen looking out the window, I pause a moment to take her in. The way the moonlight streams through the window, she looks almost angelic. She’s wearing a dress with her cowboy boots and a jacket. She’s not dressed for this weather so I can only hope she’s dressed for me.

  The shadows cast around the room set a feeling of calmness that gives me a sense of home and peace. I clear my throat to get her attention but not startle her. Piper turns her head so she’s peering over her shoulder toward me and smiles. My heart falls to my stomach. It’s not fear that has me reacting so dramatically. It’s simpler than that.

  I love this girl. I’m not sure when or how it happened but all these flashes of what could be are in this moment. That smile is similar to the one she offered me this morning when she woke up. It’s the smile I want every night before I fall asleep and the smile I want to greet me every morning when I wake.

  I return the smile and swallow down every declaration of love running through my mind. It’s too soon, even I know that. It’s too much and almost embarrassing. Almost.

  She turns completely and begins walking toward me and I step toward her. Meeting her halfway. The symbolism of this moment is not lost on me.


  Another smile before she responds, “Bentley.”

  I grab her hands and tug her against me. She laughs and falls into me, placing her hands on my biceps. One of my hands goes around her waist while the other instinctively brushes hair from her face. This time, she leans her head toward my hand and my thumb gently caresses her cheek.

  I could say so much to her right now. I could easily tell Piper how her smile makes me feel like the most important person in the world. Or how beautiful she is and with a single look she takes my breath away. I want to make her eyes sparkle as she comes undone beneath me. I want to tell her how having her in my arms is the only time I know everything I’m doing makes sense.

  I say none of that. Instead, I lay my lips on hers. Gently and slowly, I deepen the kiss and she melts into me. With each second that passes, I increase the intensity. A slight nibble of her lower lip and she opens enough to grant me access. This isn’t a kiss of passion or urgency. This is a kiss of emotion and pro

  I realize I have to slow this down. Not so much for her but for us. For the us I know we are and will be. I need her to know that this is more than physical attraction, that we are more than just something superficial.

  “What’s with the full name?”

  “I didn’t use your full name. If I had, I would have greeted you with ‘Hello, Mister Bentley James Sullivan.’ I did not so thus it was not your full name.”

  Once she’s put me in my place she turns from me and all that sass that first drew me to her is back in full force. I can’t help myself and I smack her ass. Lovingly, but hard enough she yelps and turns to glare at me. Before she can completely turn to reprimand me, I wrap my arms around her from behind so her head is resting on my chest. Rigid at first, she relaxes when I place a feather-light kiss to her temple.

  “You know, Miss Lawrence, I’ve never been one for this whole alpha male thing. But, hearing you say my full name with that tone I may change my mind.”

  “Oh please. I’d laugh you right out of this house. Now, fine sir, what are we still doing here? I believe you owe me a movie night,” she says, wiggling from my grasp.

  “Fine. Let’s go, where are your keys?”

  “Umm, my keys are in my pocket. You don’t need them, I can drive.”

  “I know you can, but you won’t. I’m the man, I drive.”

  “Macho much? I don’t think so. Look, Ben, I don’t think this will work with us being just plain ole friends if you think you’re going to be some alpha male that takes charge and expects me to be some timid wallflower. I will not…”

  Not letting her complete her sentence, I grab by the arms and kiss her. If I’ve learned there’s one way to stop Piper from talking, it’s kissing her. This kiss is not tender or sweet. No, this is passion and fire. As quickly as I started the kiss, I break it while simultaneously plucking her keys from her jacket pocket.

  “Hey! That wasn’t nice!”

  “I actually think it was very nice. Let’s get something straight. I will never expect you to be anything or anyone other than you. I am very fond of the you that you are. But I will drive because as the man in this friendship I will always keep you safe and make sure you are taken care of. That is why I am taking these keys and driving us back to your apartment for movie night.”


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