Moon Shine (Takhini Wolves)

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Moon Shine (Takhini Wolves) Page 7

by Vivian Arend

  Her eyes darkened. “I thought she was moving away.”

  Oops. He exercised a little more caution. “She’s not living full-time in Whitehorse, no, but she will be around every now and then. Her sister Shelley is part-time with the pack. But again, you have nothing to worry about. She’s just a good friend, and she’s thoroughly married. She’ll be thrilled to meet you in person.”

  Amy shook her head, the motion somehow very wolf-like. “Don’t mind me, I feel as if I’m jacked up on Red Bull and caffeine tablets like during exams week at college. I have no beef with Caroline.”

  Evan looked her over carefully. He understood her hesitation, but there was no reason they shouldn’t move to the next part of their relationship. To the part where they could trust each other and work together.

  Not to mention all the lovely physical interactions he was longing to bring to the table.

  “You realize my number-one goal for the past year has been to merge the Takhini and Canyon packs. There is no need for more than one pack in Whitehorse.”

  “That’s what I believe as well,” Amy agreed. “I’m pretty sure I said that to Caroline, in fact.”

  Hope flared brightly. “Then at least one fact is pretty simple. Now that we know we’re mates, we join the packs. Done. One united pack under Takhini.”

  Her response wasn’t as enthusiastic as he’d hoped. In fact, she faced away, her body tightening. She paused for a moment before turning back.

  “I told you before you’re making assumptions. Let’s see how smart you really are.” Amy lifted her eyes to meet his. “The packs should merge, but I’m ninety-nine percent sure that means Canyon pack takes over.”

  His instant response was to laugh, but in light of her comment regarding assumptions and how smart he was, he resisted the temptation.

  “Even though Takhini is in control of most of the activities in Whitehorse?” Evan shook his head. “I personally know a half dozen members of the Canyon pack. There’s maybe, what? A couple dozen more? Even if you have members hiding in the woodwork, what makes you think Canyon could control Takhini?”

  “Control isn’t always about the number of bodies in the room. Power comes in many forms.” Amy rose from her chair and stood next to him, arms resting on the railing. She was close enough her warm upper arm brushed his. Her scent tangled around him, stirring fingers into his brain and messing with his thought patterns.

  He fought to concentrate on something other than the smooth skin caressing his. “That’s true, but it still seems to me that if the packs amalgamate, Takhini will lead.”

  She didn’t budge an inch. “This is another area we’ll have to figure out. First, of course, is deciding if we’ll work together, or fight to be in control.”

  The idea of fighting with his mate was not only ridiculous, the mere suggestion made him crazy. He held back from saying anything, though. At least about the thoughts racing through his brain that said no way in hell was she going to turn him down.

  The possibility of her taking Takhini from him didn’t even register.

  He risked lifting a hand to stroke back a hair that had fallen across her cheek, tucking it behind her ear. “I don’t want to fight.”

  Amy laughed, and the sound broke around him like a spring breeze, melting some of the fear in his heart as echoes bounced off the mountain. Bright and joyful for the first time since he’d met her.

  She lifted her face toward him, her smile real. “Did you hear yourself?” she asked. “Did you, a wolf, just admit you don’t want to fight? I call bullshit.”

  “How about I don’t want to fight with you.”

  One brow went up. “I want to fight with you. In fact, I think it’s exactly what we need.”

  Evan considered her words, and a powerful truth hit. They were both craving contact, but their human sides weren’t ready to let go of their inhibitions yet. A fight would allow them to give into their animal appetites without really admitting it to the human side.

  Even being a wolf had layers of deceit to it.

  “You are rather brilliant. I like that in a woman.”

  “Thank you. You don’t mind if I fight dirty, do you?”

  The light chuckle that escaped him felt amazing. “I’m pretty sure I can handle you.”

  They stared at each other for a moment, tension rising again, this time of an entirely different nature. Sunset glow lit the area. Amy motioned with her head toward the living area. “Follow me if you dare.”

  It was a challenge Evan had no intention of turning down.

  Chapter Eight

  The crop of hatred Amy had nourished for years was no longer strong and growing. Enough doubt had been planted, but she couldn’t let go yet. The roots went too deep, no matter how much she wanted to move forward.

  The craving for revenge was fading but still strong.

  Add in the first thing Evan had focused on had been joining the packs? A bit of her hope had faded as betrayal hit all over. Was he really excited to have her as a mate, or pleased because she had power he wanted?

  Would anyone ever want her for herself, or was the tradition started in her childhood going to continue?

  Now there was the additional anger of having an animal side growing more insistent with every minute that passed. Her sexual cravings increased. This man was her mate, and her wolf wanted.


  She couldn’t give in to the desire, but she could soothe it in the basest way possible. Evan was as desperate as she was, the tension in his body enough to make her sense his attraction even without physical contact.

  “Where do you want to do this?” Evan stepped into the living room a body length behind her, unmistakable eagerness in his voice.

  Amy moved like lightning. She stepped onto the nearest chair seat, up to the tabletop then twirled to leap full force into the unsuspecting man at her back.

  Her momentum toppled him to the floor. He sprawled under her, a lazy grin spreading across his face as he gazed upward. “You do fight dirty.”

  He looked far too delighted, and Amy ignored the contented rumble rising from her wolf as she lay spread over his muscular body, heat passing between them. She rolled and regained her feet, dodging between the chairs of the kitchen and the living area.

  “You want to take this outside?” Evan asked. “Not that I have any issues tangoing in here, but it might be safer for the furniture if we go elsewhere.”

  “Sure, I got the jump on you because of the furniture.” She backed up, keeping her eyes on his torso so she could react at a moment’s notice. “I don’t mind, though. You’ll look good with grass stains on your ass.”

  “Or you might end up wearing pinecones.”

  She turned her back on him and boldly walked out the door, leading him to the grassy area between the deck and the trees. The entire time she walked she was intensely aware that only a few steps away an alpha male in his prime stalked her.

  This wasn’t about revenge, or finding a solution. It wasn’t about any of the human reasoning side of their brains. This was about the wolf, and Amy shoved all logic to the side and prepared for the coming battle.

  She had one foot crossing from gravel to grass when he made his move, hurling himself at her with a twisting motion that should have ended with her on the ground, his arms wrapped around her lower limbs. She sensed it coming, ducked to the side and narrowly escaped.

  Evan rolled to his feet, an enormous grin stretching his cheeks as he nodded with approval. “Nicely done.”

  “Save your breath,” she taunted. “You’re going to need it.”

  She darted forward, striking with an open hand toward his chest. He blocked the move easily, but failed to anticipate her leg lift. Her knee connected with his hip and rocked him backwards.

  Evan crowded forward, his larger size and stronger muscles dangerous if he
chose to give one hundred percent. But Amy was stronger than she looked. Her deceptive softness had fooled others, and her wolf was almost disappointed it appeared he too would be an easy target.

  Evan swung, obviously looking to tumble her to the ground rather than land a blow. Amy grasped his hand and rotated her body, curling in and surprising him as she moved into his body space. Her back made contact with his chest hard enough to rock them both on their feet.

  She dropped to her knees to escape the iron band of his arm that attempted to close around her body. The motion brought them into intimate contact for a moment, and her wolf sighed contentedly, a little cocky at having successfully tricked her mate.

  Evan retreated a couple paces, legs spread wide as he warily watched her regain her feet. “You have some good moves.”

  Amy smiled, then attacked. One strike after the other shot toward his torso. Evan blocked them all, his forearms and hands moving in a blur of motion. She stepped in closer, and this time he caught her, pinning her hand against his chest. She twisted, trying to break his hold, but that only resulted in him capturing her other hand.

  She struggled, and the motion rubbed them together.

  “Damn, I knew I forgot something.” Evan set her free, pushing her away slightly. Amy twirled to see what he was up to, but he wasn’t preparing for an attack from behind. Instead, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt, peeling the fabric over his head and exposing far too much gorgeous, muscular chest and stomach muscles. Her fingers twitched with the urge to touch. To trace the intricate tattoo on his right biceps.

  She hesitated for a second before copying his move. Her shirt hit the ground to one side, but he wasn’t watching the fabric, his gaze pinned on her body.

  “No bra. I like that. I like that very much.” Evan licked his lips, heat rising in his eyes as he admired her.

  Amy had plenty to admire as well, looking across the small distance separating them. Evan wore a faded pair of jeans that sat low on his hips. Solid muscles flexed and extended rhythmically, one foot crossing over the other as they circled.

  “Less clothing makes it easier when it’s time to shift,” Amy pointed out. “Besides, I don’t really need one.”

  “You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  She didn’t fight the sensation. Satisfaction that her mate found her attractive rushed in, and for one second she preened.

  Didn’t stop her from making the next move. She leapt, and as expected, his eyes remained on her torso. Amy took total advantage and slung out a leg, aiming for his side.

  Evan seized her foot and hauled her with him as he tumbled to the ground. Arms and legs scrambling to escape, she was nevertheless trapped as he caught both her wrists and slammed them into the ground on either side of her head. His larger body pinned her in place.

  Once again they were skin against skin, and a sense of satisfaction rolled over her. She had an itch she desperately needed to scratch, but only with this man. Evan moved his head to the side to capture her earlobe in his teeth and nip lightly.

  “You’re fast, strong, and my God, you’re sexy.” He breathed deeply, and a low, sensual grumble started at the back of his throat. Her wolf reacted instantly, moving against him. She wasn’t even sure when she opened her legs to allow his hips to settle between them. The hard heavy length of his cock rested over the aching core of her body.

  He rocked, and the aching pressure inside changed to a tingling alertness. Need and desire rocketed.

  Only she wasn’t ready to give in. “Next time you won’t be able to use that move with me,” she warned.

  “Then I’ll try something new.” Evan stretched her arms overhead, transferring her wrists until he held her trapped in the fingers of one strong hand. With his second hand free, he reached down and drew a finger along her arm.

  If he’d moved in a rush, taking that hand and placing it against her throat or her chest, Amy would’ve continued to struggle. But the bastard moved so slowly, and so cautiously, she was mesmerized. His fingers traced from her wrist along her forearm, lingering for a second on the inside of her elbow.

  By the time he passed over her biceps to where her arm and torso connected, Amy was struggling to breathe. “Let me go,” she demanded.


  Two fingers now ran along side of her torso, pausing on her rib cage. He pressed his hand to her skin and caressed. Small circles at first, getting larger until he skimmed the edge of her breast. Amy closed her eyes and fought the shiver that rolled over her.

  When he settled his full palm on top of her breast, his hand possessive for all that it was a light contact, she took a deep, deep breath.

  As good as his touch felt, she couldn’t go any further. Her wolf was ready for more. God, the beast was ready to all-out fuck in the middle of the field. But her human was waving a white flag and demanding they retreat and consider terms.

  This time? The human need was far stronger.


  Her tone said it all. Her desperation, her confusion. Evan removed his hand from her breast, bringing it up instead to cup her cheek.

  He didn’t say anything, just looked into her eyes. The contact had a continued calming effect. That, and the adrenaline fading from her system.

  She had been right about a fight being a good thing. She was still turned on, still wanting more, but not nearly as desperate as she had been fifteen minutes earlier.

  They lay on the hard ground, her back on the solid earth and his warm body over hers. For a good five minutes that’s all they did. Satisfaction soaked into her bones. The kind of peacefulness she hadn’t expected.

  But the longer they lay there, the more the injustice of the entire situation burned. It was annoying as hell she couldn’t simply accept him and know that everything would work out.

  Evan leaned in close and brushed his cheek against hers, the gentle caress intimate and yet not overwhelming. “Challenge you to a game of chess.”

  He let her go and helped her to her feet, and she nodded. “You’re a glutton for punishment.”

  A cocky grin reflected back at her. “You’ll find I’m good at all sorts of games.” He scooped her shirt off the ground and handed it over. “Not that I’d argue if you spent the rest of the evening naked, but your choice.”

  Naked for shifting? Fine. Naked without being able to touch him and know it was the right thing? She wasn’t ready for more. Amy returned the favour and passed him his shirt. “I don’t want to win because I distracted you.”

  He raised a brow in the air. Then he reached his hand out. Held it there, steady. Firm. Amy stared for a moment, considering hard.

  She slipped her fingers into his. The contact wasn’t sexual. It wasn’t about who was more dominant, or trying to move faster than they should. It was about connection, and who they were at their core. Wolves.

  He grasped her fingers a little tighter, holding on. Letting her know he was there. “Come on. You can show me your worst.”

  He didn’t want to let go, but it would be far too difficult to spend the rest of the evening with one hand clutched around hers. Not that he would’ve minded. Not at all, but so far they’d kept moving forward, and he wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardize that fragile momentum.

  So, they took an entirely different tack. Amy squeezed his fingers and he released her.

  “You really want to play chess?” she asked.

  Evan settled on the couch opposite the coffee table. “I’m not ready to leave you. I think my wolf would go insane if I tried, so you’re stuck with me for the night.”

  Amy made a face. “Damn wolves.”

  “Yeah,” Evan agreed. “I know we’ve got more to figure out, but I don’t want to talk about any big issues tonight. And since spending hours making you scream during hot, sticky, satisfying sex is out of the question, no matter how much I want you, we nee
d to do something else to pass the time.”

  She’d swallowed hard when he’d mentioned sex, her eyes gone wide as silver dollars, and for one second he hoped, before logic rushed in and slapped him for being an ass.

  “I just meant are you sure you want to play chess,” Amy muttered, not meeting his eyes. “There’s a whole cupboard of other games here as well. I stocked it so when families come out they have other things to do in the evenings.”

  Okay. That was awkward. He made himself busy while she grabbed the game. He needed another cold shower. Damn him for making a smart-ass comment regarding sex. Now he had another hard-on from hell.

  He adjusted his position on the couch in an attempt to ease the pressure. Then he looked around the cabin again and focused on changing the topic, not just with her, but with his own damn libido.

  No television. No electronic games.

  “Does the cabin see a lot of use?” Evan asked.

  Amy shrugged. “Off and on. Some of the Canyon pack have their own retreats. I fixed this one for those times I needed to get away, and for those who like the idea of a place they can call their own for a short while, but can’t afford it.”

  Interesting. “The Takhini pack has the house in town, but nothing in the wilderness. When we go out, we tend to go farther afield from Whitehorse.”

  Amy placed the chessboard on the coffee table and settled on the floor. “Yes, but the Takhini pack is different than Canyon. Your people don’t need the same kind of space my people do.”

  She set up the board quickly and efficiently as Evan considered her comment. “Wolves don’t tend to need a lot of space.”

  He made the first move.

  Her countermove came immediately. She leaned on an elbow as she glanced across the table at him. “It depends on the wolf. You stick people with lone-wolf tendencies into a pack house, and that’s the surest way to drive them mad.”

  Evan frowned. “Lone wolves don’t tend to congregate in packs in the first place.”


  That’s all she said, as if right was any kind of answer. Silence followed as he concentrated on the board, but it was no use. She had made all of four moves, and already Evan was sweating. “Damn, you’re a chess master.”


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