STEPBROTHER ROMANCE BOX SET: Romance Stories For My Hot Stepbrother, My Younger Stepbrother Soldier & Dr. Stepbrother (Romance, Alphas Bad Boy Soldier ... Forbidden Short Stories, Military Romance)

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STEPBROTHER ROMANCE BOX SET: Romance Stories For My Hot Stepbrother, My Younger Stepbrother Soldier & Dr. Stepbrother (Romance, Alphas Bad Boy Soldier ... Forbidden Short Stories, Military Romance) Page 3

by Andrea Niles

  Curse that man! He could see right through her façade. She turned to the side and scampered over to the table, her brown hair touching her shoulders and curling slightly. She was a cute girl, one who looked younger than twenty but sure was. Her brown eyes gazed at her cereal, excited to eat that instead of look at the hunk in front of her. It really didn’t help that Gideon was shirtless, that’s for sure. All she wanted to do was tell him her feelings, but that would not only be taboo, that would probably end badly. Besides, the guy apparently had a girlfriend, or at least a side chick that he did stuff with. If the way he was talking on the phone late at night had any indication, it was probably a side chick.

  She blushed. She didn’t want to think of her stepbrother with another woman. That just felt so wrong, but in a sense it felt right in a way. She wanted that other woman to be her though, more than anything else. She would rather have that than anything else on this planet, but she didn’t know how to approach the man. No, he seemed so unapproachable, especially since he was such an alpha who got whatever he wanted.

  The two of them sat together but didn’t say much. When Rita was done, she left, heading to the front door where the last of the bags were being pulled. She looked at her mother, smiling.

  “I’ll miss you,” she id.

  “I know, but it’ll only be for the weekend. We plan on coming back Monday, so make sure that you guys keep the place kind of tidy. If you need anything, let us know, but unless one of you is dying we’re not coming back,” she admonished.

  Rita nodded, a little thankful that she had no intention of coming back to see her. She watched as her stepfather came back in.

  “You be a good girl too. I don’t want you fraternizing with boys or anything,” he said.

  “Don’t worry Thomas, I’ll probably be studying all weekend,” she said. The truth was she didn’t have a test that Monday, so she probably wouldn’t do anything but play video games and maybe go out. But she also wanted to tell Gideon about the feelings that she had, but of course, she was afraid to really say those things to him. After all, it was kind of awkward to tell someone that you like them a whole lot like that. It just felt weird to her, but she hoped that one day she would get the courage to tell him. Of course, that opportunity was going to come around way sooner than she expected.

  The two of them drove off, and Rita realized that she was alone. This was the start of the weekend that would change everything, and she wondered if he was going to open up to her like how she wanted him to.

  Chapter 2 – Gideon’s Secret

  The first day was pretty boring, with Rita hanging out in the house and just playing games most of the day. She didn’t even see Gideon, but that didn’t mean that the feelings she had for him were going away. No, they were only becoming worse with wear.

  She had a bad crush on him, and it was getting to her. He came to her room a few times, knocking on the door and making sure that she was alive. When she opened it, he was still there, his brown hair cascading down his shoulders and his blue eyes gazing upon her.

  “You doing okay? I hadn’t heard a peep from you since this morning,” he said.

  “Yeah I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,” she said. She tried to play it off, but the fact that he cared enough about her to want to check up on her made her heart flutter.

  “Okay, but if you need anything hit me up. I’m supposed to be the responsible adult this weekend,” he joked.

  “Yeah, I wonder how that’s going to go,” she spat back with a smile.

  “Oh don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. I’m not leaving this weekend either,” he said.

  She looked at him, shock present on her face. It was a Friday night, and he would rather stay at home with her? That was crazy!

  “You serious?” she asked.

  “I’m dead serious. It’s not like I have a girlfriend or anything,” he mused.

  Wait, so he didn’t have one? But she thought that he at least had one, or maybe a side chick. She kind of hoped that he didn’t, but this was Gideon, the guy who was extravagant and got all the ladies, or at least that’s how she pictured the man.

  “So you’re staying her because of me? But I thought you had a girlfriend,” she said.

  “What made you think that? I mean, I had one a while ago, but since then I’ve been thinking about one girl in particular that I really want to say what I want to say to, and I want to tell her the truth,” he replied.

  She looked at him, confusion present on her face. Who was this girl? Was it her? Probably not.

  “Why not?” she asked.

  “Because it wouldn’t be the right thing. I mean, I’m kind of in a moral dilemma if I tell her, plus I have a secret that nobody knows about, and I’m a bit embarrassed about it,” he said.

  The blush that was present on his face put her off for a brief moment, but she was curious.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “I would rather not tell you. It’s embarrassing,” he replied.

  Rita wanted to get it out of him, but before she could even manage to do so, Gideon was gone.

  “Shit,” she told herself. She wanted to find out the secret that he had hidden from her and everyone else, and she wasn’t going to stop at anything before she learned it.

  She decided to watch over him for a little bit over the next couple of hours. However, she heard the sound of the water running, and it was louder than usual. When Rita up, she noticed something, and she blushed.

  The door was wide open. Why was it wide open? Was he trying to say something to her? She didn’t think so, after all he probably didn’t think of her in that way. It was so taboo, but at the same time she kind of wanted to at let take a peek. She was curious about this, and soon she moved over to the door, gazing inward.

  Goddamn he was gorgeous. She wondered how in the world a man could be that hunky, but as she thought that, a blush formed on her face. She felt embarrassed to even think of her stepbrother like that, but at the same time, she felt turned on by this man. Crap, this was too good to be true.

  She wanted him, and her lions ached for him. She then ran to her room, practically slamming the door as she felt her body start to heat up. Soon her panties were off, and her fingers dug into the crevices of her folds, pushing into her entrance. She bit her lip to keep from saying anything, but her body was going insane. She wanted him, and seeing him like that practically turned her libido on more than she ever thought that it would. She wanted him, but she knew that it was bad. However, she kept her feelings to herself in hopes that maybe he would tell her.

  The next day, Rita woke up, striding over to the kitchen to get food. Gideon was there, watching tv. After she finished, she looked over at him, a questioning gaze present on her face.

  “I didn’t know you liked that show,” she said. It was some cartoon from her childhood that he put on. She was kind of a cartoon freak, and she loved those types of shows. Seeing Gideon like this sort of thing shocked her, but at the same time, it kind of made sense.

  “Well I do have a guilty pleasure for these types of shows. But I’m surprised that you like it,” he said.

  “Yeah. It was my favorite as a kid,” she replied. Rita blushed as he patted the seat next to her.

  “Well come over here then,” he said.

  She sat down, the proximity making her blush. They watched the show, but the tension was growing within her. She wanted to tell him, to get her to spill her guts out and tell him what she felt about him. It made her feel a bit embarrassed, but she knew that she had to. However, Gideon was the first to speak.

  He turned off the TV, looking at her. It was nearly noon.

  “Something the matter?” he asked.

  She blushed. How was he able to read her like a book?

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  “Trust me, I can read you very well Rita. I always have been able to. but seriously, what’s up?” you look a bit flustered,” he said.

  She blushed, knowing th
at there was no way out of this.

  “Well I was just thinking about what you said last night,” she admitted.

  He looked at her for a moment, and she blushed. “What was it that I said?” he asked.

  “Well, just the whole thing about you having a secret and stuff,” she admitted.

  “Oh that. Yes, I actually was thinking about telling you. Actually, I think it’s best if I show you right now,” he admitted.

  She looked at him as if he was crazy. What was t that he wanted to show her? Was it some sort of secret girlfriend or something? She didn’t think so, because he wasn’t the type. However, before she knew it, his face was mere inches from hers, and her face heated up.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Something I’ve wanted to do since I came back,” he murmured.

  He pushed his lips against Rita’s, and she blushed, but she realized the truth. He did have feelings for her, and soon her lips moved against his own.

  It felt like forever, but it was only a few seconds. He pulled away, looking at her with a smile.

  “Well?” he asked.

  “What was that for?” she replied.

  “For the truth. I’ve liked you for a long time Rita. I’m a bit uncomfortable with this, so bear with me while I get used to the fact that you like me,” he said.

  She blushed. She did like him a lot. This was not what she expected, not at all.

  “But what about the other girls and such?” she asked.

  “What other girls? The only one I’m looking at is you. I’ve liked you for a long time Rita. I had a girl for a while, but we didn’t work out and I broke up with her for a while. But, there is something else that I must tell you. It’s something a tad bit embarrassing on my end,” he admitted.

  She leaned in, looking at him with a glance. “What is it?” she asked.

  “He turned to her, breathing into her ear before saying those words.

  “I want to tie you up and have you my way,” he said with a dark and smoldering grin. The entire atmosphere changed, and immediately Rita was as red as a tomato.

  Chapter 3 – A New Unleashed Desire

  That was certainly not something that she was expecting, but Rita liked the idea of it. She felt her heart flutter a little bit, looking at him with a smile.

  “Well I’m a bit surprised, but I’m serious,” she said.

  “Well come to my room in five minutes and I’ll show you a thing or two. That is, you want it,” he cooed.

  She wanted it all right, but Rita was definitely nervous about what this would mean for them. She wanted to tell him that she craved the feeling of having him, but she didn’t know how to say it to him in a good fashion. She decided to just follow his instructions, waiting a bit before she made her way up the stairs. What else did the man have planned for her?

  She found out soon afterwards. She got inside, and before she knew it, she was pulled into his arms. But, before she could say a word his lips were on hers in a passionate kiss. This was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, because she realized that the passion that was between them was something stronger than a simple romance. It was love and affection for the other, and she kind of loved it.

  She continued to kiss him hard, and the two of them let their mouths mingle with one another. But even though Rita tried to take control of the kiss, she wasn’t able to, and soon she was completely overwhelmed by this man. It wasn’t a turn-off per se, but more of a surprise than anything else. She wondered what was going on, and after a little bit, he pulled away.

  “Strip for me,” he breathed.

  She blushed. His voice was so stern and demanding, but so hunky as well. Gideon could be quite the hottie when he acted this way. But she conceded, taking off her clothing one by one. She pulled off her shirt first, blushing at the way that he looked at her. She looked at him with fixed eyes, both embarrassed and turned on, as she took off her bra, her breasts tumbling out of the garment. She had a nice set, she knew that, and immediately Gideon was looking at her with a gaze that made her heart soar. She then pulled off the last offending garment, which was her panties, and finally she stepped out of them. Gideon was looking her over, licking her lips.

  “Good good. Now, I want you to put your hands there and have your backside facing me. I want to touch that ass,” he cooed

  Hearing him talk in such a way made her super excited. She never knew that Gideon was a kinky motherfucker like this. She moved, pushing her hands up against the wall. She heard the sound of rummaging, and soon he pulled something out. She was going to look back, but then he put something in front of your eyes.

  “I want you to feel me this first time. If it gets too bad just let me know. I’ll be as gentle as I can be,” he said.

  She felt nervous about this. Was this really a good idea? But in a way, she felt happy about this, and soon she nodded. However, she wasn’t prepared for what she felt next.

  She felt something tail down her backside. It was cold, and the feeling of it against her skin made her shiver. Her body started to heat up, but as soon as she noticed that, she felt something thwack against her, causing her to let out a small cry in pain. It hurt for a brief moment, but she got used to it, realizing that it was just a paddle. She felt it again, and soon her body felt raw with the feeling of the paddle against her. She moaned though, and soon he started to hit it against her harder. She could feel her legs spread on instinct, and Gideon smiled.

  “You like that don’t you? Naughty girl. I know that you’ve been looking at me. Hell I even knew you saw me last night in the shower and proceeded to masturbate. Your cunt love that didn’t it?” he said. He hit her again, and Rita moaned. In a way, having him find out about her feelings made this even more arousing. He then pushed his hands against the edge of her pussy, feeling the folds.

  “So wet already. You’re definitely going to enjoy this then,” he said.

  He grabbed something else, and soon she felt her body being flogged by the man. She wasn’t in pain anymore, rather, she felt the raw pleasure envelope against her. She never thought that she would get to do this with the man that she had feelings for, which made her even more aroused than she expected. He continued to smack her with the flogger before he pulled away, and soon she felt him grab her.

  ‘Now princess, it’s time for you to go to bed, and I’ll dominate you here,” he said.

  She blushed, realizing that he was going to take her. He set her down, the soft sheets feeling good against her raw butt. He then grasped her hands, pulling them up and tying her to the bed. She blushed, realizing where she was. She then had her legs spread as well, and soon she was exposed for him to see. He moved onto the bed, smiling at her and getting closer to her.

  “So you’re already so turned on by me, and I haven’t even began to touch you. I’m going to make you mine, and the two of us will have the best moments possible. Nobody will know about this, and we’ll be able to do this together. You like that, right?” he asked. His voice was dark, but still heartfelt.

  “Yes I do. Please take me,” she breathed out slightly.

  “What was that Rita? I didn’t hear you. You’re going to have to speak up,” he said.

  She blushed.

  “Please take me Gideon. And when you do, can you take the blindfold off?” she asked.

  There was a pause. He was thinking about it, but then he spoke.

  “Sure why not. I don’t want you to be blinded the entire time. Just let me feel your body up and make you moan,” he said with a soft gasp. He then pressed his lisp to hers, and the two of them became enveloped in that.

  It was a hot and passionate kiss, not what she was expecting. He pushed his tongue eagerly into there, and the two of them started to let their tongues mingle with each other in a passionate dance. Rita loved this, and soon he pulled away, looking at her with a smile.

  “Damn you taste good. But I want all of you Rita. I wat to taste all of you,” he gasped.

then started to lick a trail down her body, making her shudder with pleasure. Rita had never felt this good before, and soon he was moving his lips all the way downward. His soft tongue completely tantalized her, and she loved the way that it felt. He continued to lick around, and suddenly, he got to the edge of her neck, lightly nibbling on the juncture there.

  The result was amazing. She bucked her hips, moaning in pleurae as he did that. He continued to do that, kissing around until he got to the hard bony part of her upper half. He then bit down on there, hard, and Rita moaned. She didn’t expect it to hurt so much, but in a way, the pain turned her on. Maybe she really was a masochist fort this sort of thing. She didn’t mind it when her hot stepbrother was completely and utterly dominating her.

  He continued to bite down a few times, nibbling on the flesh there and making her moan. She bucked her hips, moaning out loud and feeling her entire body start to tense up. She felt happy, excited and she wanted more. Oh how she wanted more. He then did it one last time before kissing downward, and soon he was right up against her peaked nipples.

  She had nice breasts, and Gideon already liked them. He lightly cupped them, causing her to let out a small garbled cry of pleasure. His hands felt so warm against the soft mounds, and Gideon was impressed by the size. He didn’t expect his own stepsister to have that size. Then again, he didn’t expect any of this, and soon he was letting his thumbs hang over the edges of them, lazily stroking the area and making her moan. She blushed, feeling her nipples harden at the slightest touch, her face hot with pleasure

  “My, you like this a lot don’t you,” he said.

  “I do,” she said.

  “Really now. Let me see how you react when I pinch your nipples,” he cooed.

  He then started to manipulate his hands until they got to the edge of her nipples, lightly touching and caressing them. He then grabbed onto them, causing Rita to moan like never before. It hurt for a moment, but she loved the pinching feeling of them. He started to play with them, touching and tweaking them until they got so painfully hard. He then let his tongue dart out, taking one of the nipples in his mouth while the other one was still played with.


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