A New Game

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A New Game Page 8

by Linda L Barton

  “I’ve noticed that myself,” Mac laughed nervously. “But I do think I surprised him with my trip here to see you.”

  “He knows you’re here?” John leaned forward with a new sense of purpose.

  “Well, he knows I flew to Philadelphia, but he doesn’t know why.” He seemed quite upset too,” Mac laughed.

  “You know since I’ve been here, I’ve had plenty of time to think about him. How he does things, how he always seemed to be one-step ahead of me. He appeared to be able to manipulate everything to suit himself; computers, telephones, and people. He even was in my house and left a bottle of whiskey in my desk drawer,” John dropped his head with the shame clearly on his face at his weakness.

  Those words brought Mac to attention. “You say he was in your house? I would never admit this to anyone, but I’ve had the strangest feeling of not being alone lately when I go home. I don’t understand why I would all of a sudden feel that way, but I do,” Mac felt a strange chill move through her body.

  John shook his head in acknowledgment. “Yeah, I know that feeling well. Anyway, he knew how to get to me. He discovered my weaknesses and my fears, and then he used them against me. He even used my insecurities against me with my marriage.”

  He leaned forward, placed his elbows on the table, and clasped his forehead with both hands, “I knew Kathy would never betray me, but somehow he convinced me she had. I don’t know if that folder was real or not, but I know how it made me feel. I was hurt and angry at what I had found in it; devastated to learn the woman I trusted would deceive me in such a way. They tell me it was all in my head, and I made that folder up while I was in some sort of a psychotic episode, but I know the truth. Erebus told me where it was, and he was right. She didn’t have faith in me, and she was embarrassed that I had failed. You need to be careful because he’s smart, and he knows how to find your weaknesses then he uses them against you,” he looked at Mac with tears streaming down his face.

  “He killed all those people because of me, and my choices. He killed the prostitutes because of my arrogance and need for glory. He caused the destruction of a lifelong friendship then made one kill the other to show me how I had let my partner die because of my need to prove myself. He murdered that poor woman and her unborn child simply to show there are no more happy endings. Then he…Oh God, he tricked me into killing my sweet Kathy. I didn’t know what I was doing, but the video showed it all. He told me I had the last move to make, but I couldn’t take the coward’s way out. I deserved punishment for what I did.” He dropped his head again at the memory of that terrible night.

  Mac was at a loss for what to say. Erebus had destroyed this man, and now she was his target. “Did you try to tell anyone about him, and what you believed?”

  He lifted his head to look at her again, “I did at first with the Everett arrest, but no one wanted to listen. They were happy with the result and didn’t want any further investigation. You know something, it’s amazing how he can use people the way he does. With Everett, he was able to learn the most personal and deepest secrets about him. He even stole an old family relic to use in framing him,” John shook his head.

  “Then he was able to hide a body in Everett’s trunk and set the scene for the police to find it with Everett there. Hell, he even knew about Everett’s secret stash of pictures to put the final nail in his coffin. Now the set-up of the friends was truly amazing. Erebus was even able to break into the company computer, transfer large amounts of money to an offshore account. He used the private passcodes of the shooter but made it traceable back to the poor unsuspecting victim. Erebus made that guy believe his longtime friend was stealing money from the company and then made it look as if he had done it himself. They had already had some history with a woman, so it didn’t take much more to push the weak one over the edge of sanity. The guy walked right into his friend’s office and shot him.”

  Mac had no idea what to think, So, Erebus did all of that to destroy John, but why? Why would he feel the need to destroy John, and now me?

  John could see the questions on her face. He knew what they were because he had asked himself the same ones. “I know what you’re asking yourself. Why did he do it, and why are you his target now, right?”

  Mac tried to hide her emotions but failed. “John, none of this makes sense to me. For someone to choose a random person to destroy makes no sense!”

  “But we weren’t random. He took his time to find us. He chose us for a particular reason. He told me that I was chosen because of my arrogance, and he wanted to prove to me how my faith in the evidence was flawed. I used to believe that if you followed the evidence for any case it would always lead you to the truth, but I never counted on someone manipulating things as Erebus did. He created the perfect crimes. He would set them up to clearly point a guilty finger at his chosen target when all the while he was the one who had orchestrated the crimes. I never imagined someone would be capable of convincing trained detectives of his lies, but he did. No matter how hard I tried to prove he existed I was never able to, and then as time went on I didn’t want to.” John stared at the tabletop, too ashamed to look Mac in the face.

  Mac could tell that he was wrestling with his emotions, but she had to keep him focused. “John, what do you mean that you didn’t want to? Surely you knew you couldn’t stop him without proving he was real?”

  John sat quietly and tried to gather his thoughts. He knew he had to stay in control to be of any help, but he could feel himself slipping back into the safe place he had been since the night Kathy died. “Detective, you and I both know those words are more easily spoken than done. Erebus has a way of staying in the shadows, just out of the light of day. He is smart, much more than I am. I thought I could beat him, but he always managed to stay one-step ahead of me. You know, I used to talk to Kathy about serial killers and what made them kill, but Erebus doesn’t fit that mold. He doesn’t kill for his personal enjoyment. People are no more than pieces in his game, and they are only valuable to set up his moves. He told me the prostitutes he killed had meant nothing more than they were needed to set up his move that involved Charles Everett,” John lowered his eyes with tears forming in the corners.

  Mac listened patiently, not sure how to take this information. She could feel a new sense of fear growing inside of her in the knowledge she was up against someone different from anyone she had ever dealt with before.

  John wiped the tears from his eyes and continued. “I can still see the picture of her in my mind, and she was quite a beauty, lying there in her silk gown. He killed her and her unborn child because of me. She died because he wanted to show me how easy it would be to steal my happiness. I saw her poor husband at the Department, and he had no idea why his beautiful wife would kill herself and their unborn child.” John’s voice was thick, and the tears streamed down his cheeks.

  “That poor man will live the rest of his life believing she killed herself because of him. How shitty is that? He didn’t deserve to have his life destroyed. He was a good man who loved his wife...” his words floated on the air, as he fought back his emotions.

  Mac had no idea what to say to ease John’s pain. She reached across the table and rested her hand on his without saying a word.


  The silence in the room broke by the sound of the door opening. “Miss Mackey, I believe that Mr. Cooper needs his rest now. You will need to leave for now,” Dr. Jenkins said in a calm voice, as he walked over to John.

  “I want to thank you for your time, John. I’ll come back tomorrow so we can finish our conversation before I fly back to Texas,” Mac smiled, and walked toward the door.

  She stopped and turned back to look at him one more time because she knew if she were not careful, she would end up the same way as John.

  Erebus was more complex than she had imagined, and she wondered if she would beat him at his game. “Goodbye, John.”

  John never said a word. He only sat at the table with his eyes closed, and tears
wetting his cheeks.

  Chapter 7

  On the drive back to the hotel, John’s words kept spinning in her mind, and they caused a sick feeling to grow in her stomach. He doesn’t kill for his personal enjoyment. People are no more than pieces in his game with no actual value other than to set up his moves; the words swirled in her mind.

  “I have to figure out how to stop him,” she groaned to herself, as she pulled into the parking space at the hotel.

  When she reached for the door handle, her cell phone rang. She was not in the mood to talk, but she went ahead and answered the call. “Hello.”

  The voice on the other end caused a chill to run through her body. “Good evening, Lucinda. I hope all is well with you?”

  “Yes, I’m okay. What can I do for you?” Mac tried to hide the disgust at the sound of his voice.

  “I was only wondering how your trip has been so far. I was surprised when you left town and flew to Philadelphia in the middle of an important investigation. I know you don’t have any family there, so I can’t imagine why you would go the on your Thanksgiving weekend.”

  He tried to hide the displeasure of not knowing what she was up to with this sudden trip. She had turned out to be quite a surprise as an opponent, and he never liked anything to change the course of The Game.

  When he had learned of her trip, it had stirred a feeling inside him he had never experienced before - Doubt. In all the times, he had played the game his Trackers had always followed his lead and stayed within the bounds of the game, but this one was different. She did not seem affected by him, in the same way, like the others. This one was strong, much stronger than the others were, and he did not like the way it made him feel.

  Mac sensed the displeasure in his voice, and it excited her. She had to careful and plays her cards well, so as not to give him any information that he could use against her.

  “I didn’t know where I spent my private time had anything to do with our game. I thought it was only about my position as a detective. Am I wrong?” she replied with an innocent tone to her voice.

  This response caught him by surprise. How strange, she is not shaken by her part in the game, but why?

  He needed to learn what she was doing. “I was only surprised you would leave with the Afton boy still missing.” He hoped this would bring her back into the game, and under his control.

  You can be thrown off your game! Mac thought to herself.

  “I know the boy is missing, but I also know you won’t let anything happen to him,” she held her breath, waiting for his response.

  Her words hit him like a brick. He felt the anger growing inside of him at the realization she did not fear him, or what he was capable of doing.

  He had steadied himself before he answered, “You’re playing a dangerous game, Lucinda. Never underestimate my moves, or an innocent person may pay for your mistake. I don’t think you’re ready to sacrifice an innocent piece in the game, are you? You see there are rules to The Game that must never be broken, and you need to follow them, or people will die needlessly.”

  She knew she had struck a nerve with him, so she needed to be careful as she pushed forward.

  “I understand your rules, and I never meant to break them by coming here. I just wanted some time away, so I thought spending a couple of days with some old friends would help clear my head. You can’t begrudge me that, can you?” She prayed this would put him at ease because the last thing, she wanted, was for him to learn that she was on to him.

  “I’m flying back home tomorrow, so we can continue with our game then. I haven’t forgotten the Afton boy or my part in his disappearance. I only have one request, please don’t make any more moves before I get home,” she asked, not sure if he believed her story.

  The silence on the phone seemed to last for an eternity before he finally spoke. “I’ll wait for your return but remember the moves are progressing all the time, so don’t delay your return. Little Joey misses his parents and wants to go home,” he hung up the telephone, not giving her the chance to respond.

  Mac sat in the car, her body shaking with rage. That bastard just threatened me!

  However, she knew by his response that he felt the loss of control of his game. He was not thrilled, but she also knew if he found out that, she had spoken with John Cooper; all bets were off. She knew things were about to get extremely interesting, and she hoped that her next meeting with Mr. John Cooper would have more information for her to use against Erebus.


  Mac was relieved to be back in her hotel room. She had called in a pizza order, and while she waited, she decided to take a shower to mull the day’s events around in her mind. The visit with John, the call from Erebus; it all seemed to make sense finally. As she stood under the warm water, a horrible thought came to her. What weaknesses can he use against me?

  She knew her childhood was difficult, but she had come to terms with it. She had learned how life did not always give you flowers and rainbows, but would gladly heap pain and sorrow on you. She had grown up shedding many tears while enduring the pain of losing her brother and watching her mother live a life of abuse at the hands of her stepfather. However, she never gave into the misery.

  Mac had sworn never to let anyone cause her to sell her soul for a relationship based on lies and control. She had grown up watching her mother slowly wither away into an empty shell because of her choices and weaknesses. Mac had watched her mother endure countless beatings at the hand of her stepfather only to see her then defend him, and his actions. Mac swore she would never let anyone control her in that way. Momma, he took everything. First, he took Matty, and then he took you.

  Mac clearly remembered the night her mother died. She had recently graduated from high school and was at a friend’s apartment looking through different college brochures when she heard several sirens outside.

  “I wonder what’s going on,” Mac got up to look out the window.

  “Crap, they’re going in my building!” She knew her mother was in poor health, so she prayed they were not there for her.

  Mac ran across the street and up to the gathered crowd. She looked around to see what was happening when she noticed several police officers enter the building.

  Why are the police here? She thought to herself, but no sooner did the words form in her mind than she looked up to see a man handcuffed and led out of the building by two police officers.

  “JT…why is he here?” Mac said to herself.

  She watched the officers lead her stepfather down the stairs and put him in a patrol car, when a horrible thought came to her, “Momma!”

  Mac forced her way through the crowd until she reached the officers standing by the stairs. “I know him! Please, tell me why you are arresting him. My mother, she’s alone in our apartment…,” Mac felt the despair growing inside her from the look on their faces.

  “Miss, please calm down and tell me your name,” the older officer asked.

  “My name is Lucinda Mackey, and I live in apartment 204,” she cried with the fear growing inside her by the second.

  “Miss, could you please come over here with me. I need to ask you a few questions,” the older officer asked.

  Mac did not want to answer any questions; she only wanted answers! “I need to check on momma!” she cried out.

  She turned to walk up the stairs to the apartment, but the officer grabbed her by the arm and stopped her.

  “Miss, I’m sorry, but you can’t go in there. Please, come here with me.” He forced a smile, as he led her to one of the police cruisers.

  As she walked with the officer, she heard a sound and turned to see a gurney with her mother on it rolled down the stairs by two paramedics.

  Mac could see her face was battered and bloodied. “Oh, my God, what happened to her?”

  She fought to break his hold on her. “Please, let me go, I need to see momma!”

  Mac could not understand what had happened. Just an hour ago, they had talked
about her going away to college and laughed about all the great times she had ahead of her. She stood motionless as she watched them close the doors on the ambulance, and then as it pulled away from the curb.

  “Do you have anyone who can take you to the hospital, miss?” the officer asked with a look of concern on his face.

  Mac’s head was spinning, and she felt trapped in a terrible nightmare. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I said do you have anyone to take you to the hospital to be with your mother?” The officer tightened his grip on her arm when he felt her began to sway.

  “Jennifer can take me. She lives across the street…that’s where I was…,” Mac fought to regain her balance.

  “That’s good. Let me take you over there, okay?” The officer knew she was in shock and did not want to leave her until he knew there was someone to care for her.

  “Would you tell me your mother’s name?”

  “It’s Leticia Mackey,” she murmured as they walked toward Jennifer’s apartment building.

  “Thank you,” he smiled, and then he wrote her name on his notepad. “That’s a beautiful name.”

  “Yeah, it means happiness,” Mac smirked. The sad thing was she knew that her mother had not known much happiness in her life.

  “Lucinda, Lucinda…,” Jennifer waved her arms in the air, hoping to be seen above the crowd.

  The officer turned to see a young woman in the back of the crowd calling out to Lucinda, “Is that your friend?”

  Mac turned toward the crowd and saw Jennifer, “Yes, that’s her. Jennifer… oh God, it’s momma!” Mac could no longer hold back the tears.

  “Chambers bring that young lady over here, now!” the officer ordered as he pointed to Jennifer.

  “What’s your name, officer?” Mac asked.

  “It’s Davis Riddleman, but you can call me Davis,” he smiled.

  “Thank you, Officer Davis. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am you’re here with me,” she looked into his eyes, seeing compassion in them.


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