Kat Dubois Chronicles

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Kat Dubois Chronicles Page 28

by Lindsey Sparks

  I released him and straightened, raising my boot to the seat of the chair between his thighs. I moved his flaccid penis out of the way with the toe of my boot and slammed the sword blade home.

  Carmichael howled in pain. He didn’t stop howling until I was finished and his family jewels lay in a bloody mess on the hardwood floor. He’d never touch another kid again.

  “Enjoy your hell, you ball-less sack of shit,” I said, then spat on him. I turned away and stalked into the kitchen, where I started to pace. “Dom, can you let the Bainbridge folks know to expect a prisoner? I’m going to send him to the dungeon.” It was under the massive garage in the Heru compound, a separate building from the main house where Lex, Heru, and some of the others lived, and it was about as stereotypical as a dungeon could get with all the stone and iron and generally dank atmosphere. I didn’t want to risk the possibility that this sick fucker might cross paths with Reni, Lex and Heru’s three-year-old girl. “And let them know everything we learned about him, will you? I’m sure they can get more useful info out of him.”

  “Of course,” Dom said. “But are certain you’ll be able to create a gateway?”

  I heaved a breath, then another. I could practically feel the magical energy gathering strength within my sheut. “Oh, yeah.” I shook out my hands and cracked my neck. “I got this.”

  “Very well. When should they expect him?”

  I was quiet for a moment, estimating how long it would take me to draw the dungeon. “About an hour,” I said finally. I grabbed a canister of chalk from the counter beside the fridge—seriously, who the fuck has a chalkboard for a fridge door, anyway—and stalked back into the living room area. I shoved the coffee table and ridiculous zebra-striped bearskin rug out of the way and knelt on the hardwood floor to get to work.

  Once I was finished drawing the dismal dungeon and felt the telltale spike of otherworldly energy, I stood and moved behind Carmichael’s chair. I raised my foot and planted my boot on the back of his chair, kicking hard and savoring his scream as he fell through the gateway. All that was left of him was a puddle of blood and his now-useless balls.

  I considered cleaning up the mess for all of two seconds, opting instead to use the hideous rug to smear blood onto the drawing, rendering it inert. I didn’t give two shits whether or not someone found the mess. Carmichael got what he deserved. Better than he deserved, because he was still alive.

  “I should’ve killed him,” I whispered. I shook my head and stared up at the exposed ceiling beams to keep myself from crying under the force of my regret. I was suddenly more disappointed in myself than I’d ever been in my entire life. It didn’t matter that Carmichael likely had a wealth of useful information about the Ouroboros Corporation’s other nefarious projects, not after what he’d done.

  I balled my hands into fists and squeezed my eyes shut. “I should have killed him!” It wasn’t a scream or a yell or a shout. It was a roar.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was maybe six by the time I left Carmichael’s building. I didn’t even attempt to draw another gateway; creating the gateway to Bainbridge had left me completely drained. The sun had set, dusk had come and gone, and the moon was blocked by a thick layer of clouds, leaving behind a darkness better suited to the middle of the night. Which was well enough, because I looked like I’d just murdered someone. Which was extra frustrating, considering the knot in my stomach was there because I hadn’t killed Carmichael. It was there because I’d let him live.

  The trip back to Garth’s was a rain-soaked blur. I walked a few blocks, then hot-wired a little crotch rocket and rode the bike up slick streets to Capitol Hill. I ditched the bike in an alleyway a few blocks from Garth’s condo and skulked the rest of the way there through the puddles, sticking to the shadows between streetlights.

  I pulled up short when I reached the glass double doors marking the entrance to the building. “Shit,” I hissed, backstepping a few yards. I’d totally forgotten about the doorman sitting behind the little reception desk. This was the only exterior door I had a key for, and I couldn’t exactly tromp through the lobby with blood smeared all over my clothes.

  I couldn’t break in the same way I’d left, either—that door was exit only; no keyhole at all, so picking the lock wasn’t even an option, and Garth wouldn’t be home for another hour or two, so I couldn’t call him to come down and open that door from the inside. There was a garage underneath the building. It had a roll-down steel and glass door at street level that opened only when the condo residents came and went. I’d never been down there, but I didn’t see that I had any other choice.

  Hands stuffed into my pockets, hood up, and head down, I made my way around the corner to the east side of the block and ducked into the deepest shadows near the garage door. And waited . . .

  The waiting was awkward, because it was still early enough that the street was busy, even if it was dark out, and because the rain was falling steady as ever. I felt like a creeper. Probably because I looked like a creeper, no matter how nonchalant and unobtrusive I tried to be. But at least I wasn’t alone. There was a genuine homeless dude chilling in a trash bag poncho on the ground beyond the far side of the garage door. We were like a match set, he and I.

  After a good long while, there was a beeping sound from within the garage, a mechanism clicked over, and the door slowly lifted. A dark sedan slowed on the road and waited for the door to open all the way. It wasn’t ideal—I’d have preferred someone leaving rather than someone coming home—but at least this got me in through the gate and off the street.

  I waited until the car had pulled through all the way, gave the driver a few seconds to get deeper into the garage, then slunk in and crouched down between the nearest two cars. I waited there, hidden and silent, until I heard the car door, followed by the beep of a car alarm and the footsteps of the new arrival leaving their car. I waited a little longer, listening to the sound of a key fitting into a lock and the gentle whoosh of a door opening on well-oiled hinges. And then I waited a little longer, giving whoever it was some time to move on. Patience is a virtue, after all, even if it’s not usually one of mine.

  After a ten count, I stood and walked along behind the bumpers of parked cars, not too slow and not too fast, like I owned the place. Like I belonged. I doubted any cameras could pick up on the bloodstains, and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself by sneaking around and looking generally sketchy.

  As I neared the door into the building, I pulled my lock-picking kit out of my pocket and readied the two little tools I would need. I had the door unlocked in less than thirty seconds and slipped into the building. I tossed a glance over my shoulder when the garage door triggered again and picked up the pace, heading for the metal door to the stairwell.

  The second I shut the door to Garth’s unit, I was already toeing off my boots, even as I locked the deadbolt. I shrugged out of my leather coat and hung it on the back of a barstool, then unbuckled my sword harness and slung it over the coat. I unzipped my sweatshirt and pulled off my tank top, dropping both straight into the trash can beside the fridge, followed by my jeans, socks, underwear, and bra. I could never wear them again; they would always remind me of that sick fuck Carmichael, of my failure to end his pathetic existence. Even if I managed to get the clothes clean, the memory would remain a dark stain. Besides, the last thing I wanted was to leave traces of that bastard’s DNA in Garth’s washer. Someday soon, someone would get into Carmichael’s loft, and they’d find the bloody scene I’d left there. I wouldn’t risk implicating Garth in any of this.

  Barefoot and naked, I hurried through the bedroom and into the bathroom to turn on the shower. While I waited for the water to heat up, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My straight, dark hair hung around my face and past my shoulders in strings wet with a combination of blood and rain. Be warned that when cutting an asshole’s balls off, the blood can and will get everywhere.

  The bathroom was steamy and the mirror started to fog ove
r before I shook out of my daze and realized the shower had been running for plenty long enough to warm up. I opened the glass door, and only when the hot water hit my skin did I notice how chilled I was. That I was shivering.

  “Little sister—”

  “Not now, Dom,” I snapped.

  I gritted my teeth to fend off the sudden swell of frustrated, disgusted tears and snatched the bar of soap off the little built-in recess in the shower’s slate-tiled wall. I lathered it between my hands, then started scrubbing my body. I scrubbed and lathered, lathered and scrubbed. I attacked my hair with a vengeance. I washed myself until my skin felt raw and stung when the water touched it. Until the soap was little more than a sliver. Only then did I set what was left of the bar down. Only then did I feel even remotely clean.

  I placed my hand on the wall beside the recess and bowed my head, letting my hair act as a dark curtain shielding me from the world. Letting the water cascade all around me.

  I should’ve killed him. The thought buzzed around in my skull like a drunken bee. “Damn it!” I yelled, slapping my hand against the wall hard enough that it made my palm throb. I may have broken something. I didn’t care. I should’ve killed him.

  My shoulders shook, and my whole being caved in from the soul out. Horrors danced through my mind, taunting me. I couldn’t help but imagine whatever ghastly, perverted things Carmichael had done to poor little Sammy. The possibilities haunted me. Nauseated me. It didn’t matter that he could still be useful, that he still had information we could use, even if none of it had anything to do with the disease.

  I should’ve killed him.

  I leaned in, resting my forehead against the shower wall, then turned, wedging my shoulder in the corner. I slid down along the wall until I was sitting on the floor, one knee pulled up to my chest, the other leg outstretched. Forgotten. I leaned the side of my head against the wall and stared at the glass door, watching the rivulets of water stream down in stops and starts.

  I should’ve killed him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Kat?” It was Garth, calling out for me from the other room.

  I was shivering again. I was still on the tile floor and the showerhead still rained down on me, though the water was no longer even remotely warm. I could hear Garth’s footsteps drawing nearer. He was in the bedroom now. He was almost to the bathroom.

  “Should I join you in th—” He stopped in the doorway, his arm partially outstretched to pet the cat perched on the counter, his words halting right along with the rest of him. The shirt of his uniform was unbuttoned and hanging open, displaying the bulletproof vest he always wore underneath it. He stood there, frozen by shock for barely a second.

  “Jesus, Kat.” He lunged into the bathroom and yanked the shower door open, reaching in to turn off the water. He stepped into the shower, shoes and all, and crouched down before me. “What happened?” His hands hovered around me, like he was afraid I was physically injured. Like it would matter if I was. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

  I watched him, took in his concern and confusion, wrapped them around me like the fact that he gave a shit about me might soothe the invisible wound caused by my razor-sharp shame. “No—” The word was barely a whisper, and I cleared my throat. “I’m fine. I—” I squeezed my eyelids shut, but it only made Carmichael’s face clearer in my mind’s eye. It only sharpened the sting of regret.

  Garth’s fingertips touched my cheek, a gentle caress following the contours of my cheekbone and jaw. “Kat . . .” He was quiet for a moment. “What can I do to help you?”

  Much as I wished there were magic words he could utter, some secret touch that could cure what ailed me, I knew better. There was nothing he could do but let me wallow until the mood passed. I opened my mouth, intending to tell him as much, but the words caught in my throat. I sat up ramrod straight and snapped my head to the left to stare at the slate-tiled wall like I could see through it to the kitchen and the front door.

  People. I could hear them, out in the hallway. They were moving slowly, quietly, but I could still make out the sounds of them arranging themselves around the door to Garth’s condo. There were only two reasons for a group of people to arrange themselves around a door like that—either they were setting up to sing Christmas carols, or they were planning to bust the door down. I narrowed my eyes. There had to be at least eight of them fanning out in the hallway, maybe more.

  “Wha—” Garth started, but I slapped my hand over his mouth.

  “Someone’s here,” I hissed. I heard the sound of clicking metal. A terrible, ill-boding sound. An unmistakable sound. Guns. Automatic. Big.

  The door crashed open, and I had Garth’s gun drawn before he even had a chance to reach for it. “Get down,” I mouthed, anticipating impending gunfire.

  Eva jumped off the counter and low-crawled deeper into the bathroom to hide behind the toilet.

  Garth caught my wrist as I squeezed past him through the open shower door. “You can’t go out there!” he whispered, his words no less vehement for their quietness.

  “I have to.” Whoever just broke in—whether they were sent by the Senate or Initiative Industries, the Ouroboros Corporation’s parent conglomerate—they weren’t going to let us just hide out back here, and they certainly weren’t going to let us slip away. They would find us, and they would kill us.

  I’d known it was a bad idea to stay with Garth. I’d known I would be endangering him, and I’d done it anyway. It was my fault that they were here, whoever they were. This was on me, one hundred percent. I owed it to him to make it right.

  One of the intruders entered the bedroom, an armed mercenary—human—from the looks of him. I could see his reflection in the mirror. He was armed to the teeth and dressed in all black, from his flak jacket down to his cargo pants and combat boots. I swept the gun around and aimed, threatening to put a bullet in his head before he could train his gun on me. It probably helped that I was naked. That might be what allowed me to get the jump on him.

  The merc froze, a quick blink his only movement.

  “Why are you here?” I asked, feeling like a moron for wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt. If his orders weren’t to kill me, I’d let him live. I wanted to leave him alive—he was only human, after all, and this life was it for him and his mortal soul—but not at the expense of my life, let alone Garth’s. He was human, too, and one that I cared about. If humans were going to be dying in this condo today, he wouldn’t be one of them. Not on my watch.

  The merc didn’t answer. He just stood there, staring at me.

  Not a moment later, one of his buddies tossed a small metal can into the room. It started spewing a foggy gas.

  I reacted without thinking. I shifted my aim lower and pulled the trigger, shooting the guy I had in my sights in the thigh, then swinging around to get his buddy in the shoulder. I backstepped and slammed the bathroom door shut. “I think it’s tear gas,” I told Garth, crouching off to the side in case the other mercs got gun happy. I grabbed a bath towel off the towel rack and stuffed it into the crack under the door. “There’s eight, maybe ten mercs out there.” They wouldn’t have long after that gunshot. Someone would call the cops, which meant the intruders would get desperate, quick. Not great for us.

  Garth nodded, impressing me with his sharp focus. He wasn’t dazed in the slightest, and the glint in his eyes told me he wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  “Here,” I said, reaching into the shower and handing him back his gun. As I turned away from him, I slammed the side of my fist down on the iron-esque pole of the now-empty towel rack, knocking it free. Thankfully, Garth had splurged for high-end fixtures; the thing didn’t just look like iron, it was iron.

  Now that we were both armed, Garth with his sidearm and me with a two-foot, hollow iron pole, we’d at least be able to put up a fight. Of course, we’d be sitting ducks stuck in here, little more than target practice for the mercs outside.

  “Look up, little sister,” D
om said. “People rarely expect an attack from above.”

  I glanced up at the ceiling. This was a top-floor unit; there should be just enough room for me to crawl around up there. I climbed up onto the vanity counter and shoved the iron pole through the drywall ceiling. “Thanks, Dom,” I said under my breath.

  Garth ducked, his hands going over his head. “What are you doing?”

  “Keep them distracted, OK?” The corner of my mouth lifted, and I quirked my head to the side. “And try not to get shot. I’m going out a different way . . .”

  I stared up at the ragged opening overhead. It was just under two feet wide; plenty of room for me to fit through. I reached up, balancing the iron bar across the two-by-fours framing the ceiling, then grasped the supports. I glanced down at Garth. “Give me a boost?”

  Dubious, Garth crawled out of the shower and stood, crouching. He kept shooting furtive glances at the door. Not surprising, because I could hear the mercenaries gathering in the bedroom. We had a handful of seconds before that door came down, and unless I managed to get up into the ceiling and surprise them from above and behind, we’d both be dead in not much longer. I just needed Garth to hold them off for a fraction of a second, and holding them off might include taking fire. It was risky, but we didn’t really have any other choice.

  Garth wrapped a hand around either of my ankles and lifted. “Be careful,” he said, his voice polished gravel.

  I renewed my grip on the two-by-fours, flexed my arms, and pulled myself up into a maze of ducts, wiring, and insulation. I sort of bear-crawled in the general direction of the bedroom. With any luck, the mercs wouldn’t have a chance to do anything to Garth until it was too late and I was already on them. With any luck . . .


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