Kat Dubois Chronicles

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Kat Dubois Chronicles Page 87

by Lindsey Sparks

  Anapa returned my stare, his expression unreadable.

  “We had a plan,” I said. “And a good one. We can still go for it . . . maybe with a few tweaks. We just have to step up our timeline a bit.” I looked from Anapa to Nik-Re and back. “I mean, now it’s even more urgent than ever, right?”

  Anapa’s eyes searched mine, and he nodded, slowly.

  “The Mother didn’t say they would start killing Nejerets immediately, so we may still have some time.” I flicked my hand in Nik-Re’s direction. “And with Nik here in spirit, the bonding withdrawals are lessening.” Really damn slowly, but at least it was getting better. “That’ll make me stronger. If I can get a handle on tapping into the Essence, then I can portal back to my universe, free Isfet, and return with her. Then”—I smacked my fist against my palm—“the Mother’s going down.”

  I raised my eyebrows for emphasis. “I think the Mother imprisoned Isfet because she fears her power. She imprisons all of the universal consciousnesses because she’s afraid of them. Because if they were free, there’s no way in hell they would let her snack on their energy, let alone suck them dry.”

  Now, Nik-Re was nodding, too.

  “And I think the Mother is afraid of me, too, because I have the power to release one of the few beings in existence who can challenge her. That’s why she’s holding me here while her Netjer assassins do her dirty work—because the most dangerous place she can send me is to Aaru.” I paused, taking a play from the Mother’s own handbook for dramatic effect. “What do you say we make her worst fears a reality?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “. . . so they have to hide,” I told Dom. “I don’t know for how long. Who knows if the Netjers will ever give up—maybe not until the Mother is out of the picture. Maybe not even then . . .”

  I was sitting on the floor in front of the standing mirror, one hand pressed against the glass-turned-At, the other against the wall, connecting me to the Essence. Nik was sitting beside me, a silent, supportive spectator. It was so strange to see him now possessing Re, just as Re had done to him for thousands of years. The tables had turned, spiritually speaking. I was just glad that they’d turned in my favor for once.

  “Tell them to pack only what they need and to go, now,” I told Dom. “Avoid cities. Nowhere openly associated with our people.” I’d already given him a flash recap of all that had happened here, and he was fully aware of our people’s fate. Hiding wouldn’t protect them from the Netjers forever, but it would give them some more time. Which meant it would give me some more time—just like Nik’s spiritual presence was feeding the soul-bond ever so slowly, adding time to the withdrawal meter—and more time was the thing I needed most right now.

  “I understand,” Dom said.

  A portion of the dream-echo replayed in my mind. “And alert the human authorities,” I added. “They need to evacuate all cities associated with our people. The Netjers are going for total genocide here, and they aren’t going to be too picky about which kind of humanoid they slaughter.”

  I closed my eyes, clenching my jaw against the raw, alien energy singeing my soul. It grew more painful with each heartbeat, edging ever closer to unbearable. This was my longest session yet, and I’d connected to the Essence fairly easily. It was the holding on part that remained as hard as ever.

  Tears gathered in the corners of my eyes, and I sensed that I had only a matter of seconds before the power slipped away from me, chased off my body’s own self-preservation defense mechanisms. You know, the kind that listen to survival instinct over kamikaze tendencies. “And don’t tell me where they go,” I said to Dom in a rush. “No matter what, don’t tell me. Who knows if she has some way to compel me to tell her what I know.”

  “I understand,” Dom said again. “Should I—”

  But I couldn’t hold on any longer. The threads of At and anti-At snapped back into my hand, retreating into my ba, and my connection to the wild Essence was severed. I would have to send the rest of my directions through Nik when he eventually withdrew from Re and returned to his own body a universe away.

  A wave of dizziness crashed over me. “Whoa,” I said, hand to my forehead and eyes shutting to block out the spinning room.

  It didn’t help that the bonding-withdrawal headache was still there, lessened but working in concert with the temporary vertigo to make me feel oh so dandy.

  “What is it?” Nik asked, fingers curling around my arm to steady me.

  It was just the two of us now; Anapa had left a few minutes ago, heading off to search for more information about the “cleansing” that would wipe out every Nejeret life from my universe. We needed to know when it was going to start. I was already operating in high gear, but I could always push harder. There was always overdrive.

  “Dizzy,” I whispered. “So, so dizzy . . .”

  “Here,” Nik said, putting some pressure on my arm and pulling me backward. “Lie down.” Once I was settled on my side in the fetal position, he let go of my arm. “I’ll be right back,” he said.

  I cracked one eyelid open and watched him retreat into the bathroom. He grabbed the hand towel from the rack on the wall and turned on the faucet, wetting the towel, then wringing it out. When he returned, he settled on the floor once more, one knee upraised, and gently placed the damp terrycloth on my forehead. It was cool and refreshing, giving me something to focus on besides the discomfort in my head.

  I sighed, blindly reaching out for his hand. My fingers fumbled around for a few seconds until Nik placed his borrowed hand in mine, lacing our fingers together.

  “Thanks,” I said, giving his hand a squeeze. The ache in the base of my skull seemed to ease slightly, and my shoulders relaxed, releasing some of the stored-up tension. It was better when we were touching. Not all the way better, but not as bad, either.

  “How’s your headache?” Nik asked.

  I frowned, eyes still shut. “On a scale of one to ten, I’d place it at a five or six. Not bad enough to knock me on my ass, but still distracting.” That frown turned upside down, and I opened my eyes, gazing up at Nik. “It’s better now that you’re here, though. I wish you could stay.”

  “Me too,” he said. He genuinely looked like Nik now—actual Nik, not that strange, superimposed version of him from the trial chamber—face, eyes, tattoos, and all. Re had altered his own appearance to strengthen the illusion that Nik was truly here, not just in spirit by way of their strange connection, borrowing Re’s body.

  “How’s your head?” I asked.

  He shrugged one shoulder lazily. “Maybe a four.” The corners of his mouth tensed, his brows bunching together. “I think it helps that I’m not pushing myself to the point of passing out every half hour . . .”

  “Trust me, if this wasn’t necessary, I wouldn’t be doing it. Tapping into the Essence hurts like a bitch.” I gave his hand another squeeze. “So how much longer do I get you?”

  “A few minutes,” Nik said. “I need to help the others pack up and move out.”

  I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout and made a soft whimpering noise. The melodramatic gesture masked my genuine heartbreak at knowing he would be leaving me soon.

  “Don’t worry, Kitty Kat,” Nik said, the faintest smirk touching his lips. “I’ll come back as soon as we’re settled. But to tide you over until then . . .” He withdrew his hand from mine and shifted so he was on his knees beside me. Gently, he pushed on my shoulder, rolling me onto my back.

  My heart gave an enthusiastic couple of beats. There was no mistaking the desire glowing in his pale eyes.

  Nik leaned over me, closing the distance between our lips. The kiss was light, restrained. He brushed his fingertips across my abdomen, but the touch was so much more than physical. Tendrils of his ba somehow crossed the immense distance separating us and slipped through my skin, skimming along the surface of my soul like fingers trailing through water.

  For the briefest slice of eternity, our souls blended together, and I was both here in m
y bedroom-cell with Nik-Re and back in my universe, sitting beside Nik on a piece of driftwood on the beach, staring out at the Puget Sound. Our bas merged, and we were one being for a fraction of a heartbeat.

  But all too soon, the moment passed, and all that was left was his borrowed fingertips lightly grazing my skin. He kissed me one last time, then exhaled his regret and pulled away.

  Gods, I missed him. So damn much. I’d probably only been gone a matter of days, but my soul ached to be back on earth with his, staring out at the restless Puget Sound, shooting the shit and teasing each other with innuendo-laden comments. And then following up all of that innuendo with some seriously lascivious acts. Nik wasn’t a perfect person, but he was my perfect person—just as I was his—and it hurt my soul to be away from him for even this long.

  “I miss you,” I said, staring up at him.

  What if things went seriously south here, and I never made it back to him? What if this was the closest we would come to being together again?

  I had no idea what the Mother of All had planned for me once she’d obliterated my species. If I failed to stop the slaughter—to stop her—would I ever be able to join my people in Aaru? If the Mother killed Nik, it was only a matter of time until I died too. He’d bought me some more time on the withdrawal clock by being here, but only another day or two. Eventually my body would succumb to the bonding withdrawals. What would happen to me after that? Would my ba be stuck in this prison cell for all of eternity? Or—

  “Stop, Kitty Kat,” Nik said softly, resting his hand flat against my belly.

  My brows rose. “Stop what?”

  “Panicking,” he said, pressing another, gentle kiss against my lips. “Don’t let this situation beat you. You’re better than that. You’re stronger. You just focus on what you need to do over here, and I’ll take care of things at home.”

  I looked away, focusing on the squat wooden pegs at the base of the violet armchair in the corner of the room and fighting back tears. I just hoped he was right. If anybody could protect our people, it was Nik. I may have had the potential to be insanely powerful, but he already was.

  “You should go,” I said softly. “Keep our people safe.” So long as they were still alive, there was still hope. Right now, that was the single thing keeping me going.

  “Kat . . .”

  “Tell Lex I—” I choked back a silent sob, then cleared my throat. “Tell her I’m sorry I couldn’t help the twins. Tell her—” I shook my head weakly. “Tell her I’ll do everything in my power to keep Reni from the same fate.” I looked at Nik, reaching for his hand and squeezing his fingers. “I love you.” I let out a shaky, breathy laugh. It was either that or start crying. “I love you so damn much.”

  “Yeah,” Nik said. “I know, Kitty Kat. I love the shit out of you, too.” His eyes burned with sudden intensity. “So you better get it together and take this bitch down. We need you here. I need you here.”

  I lifted my head, stretching out my neck to press my lips against his. “Go,” I said when I pulled away. “Now.”

  He didn’t waste any time. His features melted back into their natural shape—Re’s natural shape. His eyes were the last thing to change. Once the final hint of pale blue was gone, I knew that Nik was, too.

  “Katarina,” Re said, “I—”

  “Don’t.” I turned my head, looking away from him. “Please, just don’t.”

  In my peripheral vision, I watched him straighten. “I didn’t understand before,” he said. “I didn’t know the truth about the Mother, and I couldn’t see your place in the grander scheme. But I do now, and I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” I asked without looking at him.

  “For wanting to kill you.”

  I laughed bitterly. “Which time?” When I was eighteen and hunting down those responsible for my mom’s death? Or when his hatred of me sent Nik into a three-year coma? Or a month ago, when he’d tried to convince Nik that killing me was the only way to save the universe?

  Re was quiet for a moment. “All of them.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  My hackles rose as Anapa entered my cell through the doorway he’d just created.

  I was lying on my back on the bed, my arms tucked behind my head, resting between Essence-tapping sessions. After a half dozen attempts, my ability to wield that alien power was growing in leaps and bounds.

  Re was sitting in the purple armchair in the corner, where he’d been for the last hour or so. My ability to channel and wield Essence had surpassed his a few attempts back, and he’d retreated to the chair to spend his time running through the different variables that might affect the execution of our fast-tracked plan.

  “What is it?” I asked Anapa. From the set of his features and the wariness shadowing his eyes, I had a feeling we were about to run into one of those less-than-awesome variables. I slid my arms out from under my head and propped myself up on my elbows. “What’s going on?”

  Re shifted forward in the purple armchair, roused from his thoughtful daze.

  Anapa turned to face the wall for a moment, waving his hand to close the doorway. “The group assigned to cleanse your universe is gathering in the portal chamber right now,” he said, his back still to me. “The Mother of All will be creating a portal to transport them shortly.” He inhaled deeply, shoulders slumping on his exhale, and turned to face me. “I am so very sorry, Katarina.”

  I sat up all the way, heartbeat suddenly hammering in my chest. Nik, Lex, Reni, everyone—they were out of time. Which meant I was too. Only problem was, I wasn’t nearly strong enough yet.

  Anapa took a step toward me, hand partially upraised. “This can still work,” he said, a plea in his voice. “You just have to concentrate on the task at hand and build your strength. There is no need for the plan to change.”

  “Like hell there isn’t,” I said, scooting to the edge of the bed and standing. The blood coursing through my veins was laced with adrenaline, feeding my muscles and sharpening my thoughts. The whoosh of air rushing in and out of my lungs gave my racing thoughts a rhythm. “Make sure Nik knows it’s starting,” I told Re as I marched toward the wall where Anapa’s doorway had been moments ago.

  “What are you doing?” Anapa asked as I passed him.

  “What has to be done,” I said, raising my hand and placing it against the blank wall.

  “Katarina, please . . . do not do this,” Anapa said. “Do not throw away all we have worked for.”

  I shot him a be-quiet look over my shoulder, then closed my eyes and concentrated on a single word: open. I needed to get out of this prison cell, now. If the Mother thought she could just wipe out an entire species without repercussions, she had another thing coming. Specifically, me.

  The wall seemed to resist at first, but I pushed those threads of At and anti-At further into the Essence, willing it to do my bidding. The doorway didn’t form smoothly, like when Anapa or Sian made one. The air crackled around me, there was a thunderous crack and a sharp concussion, and suddenly a jagged opening appeared in the wall. A long, featureless white hallway stretched out on the other side, no doors, just an endless stretch of blank, white walls.

  I stepped through the opening and into the hallway without hesitation.

  “Katarina,” Anapa called after me.

  I paused, half turning so I could see the Netjer out of the corner of my eye. He stood on the other side of the opening I’d blasted through the wall. “This is suicide,” he said. “You are not strong enough to face her and survive. You have to wait until—”

  “There’s no more time to wait,” I snapped. “Don’t you get it, Anapa? Those people she’s about to slaughter are my whole world. They’re my everything. Without them, I have no reason to fight anymore. No reason to care about any of this. Without them, this is over.”

  “Katarina, please listen—”

  I raised a hand, cutting Anapa off. “It’s now or never, Anapa. You can either help me or stay the hell out of my way.”
br />   Sadness shone in his midnight eyes, overshadowed by disappointment.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, and I meant it. “But I have to try to get through that portal. If I don’t . . .”

  I waited for him to say he understood, or at least to nod. When it became clear that he would do neither, I took a deep breath and turned my back to him.

  Taking that first step felt like walking through cement, but I picked up my foot and did it again anyway. And again I took a step. And again, and again, and again, until I was running down that endless hallway at full tilt.

  The Mother of All may have chosen the time and place for our grand confrontation, but I could at least choose my weapon. The threads of At and anti-At sprouted from my palm as I ran, extending out several feet and solidifying into a near-exact replica of my sword, Mercy.

  I didn’t need to kill the Mother of All. I didn’t even need to beat her. All I had to do was get past her so I could pass through the portal to my universe. Then the playing field would even out, and I would have all the power of my universe at my hands.

  I just had to figure out how to get to the portal chamber first. I hadn’t really thought this part out, mostly because I hadn’t expected this all to be happening so suddenly.

  Almost as soon as I thought about the portal chamber, a wall appeared about fifty yards ahead, where there had been none before. It started out opaque but quickly grew transparent as I neared, until it was almost as clear as glass. Beyond the wall, I could see the immense, domed quicksilver chamber where I’d first arrived in this universe. A group of Netjers were gathered near the center of the room. There were fourteen of them, lined up in pairs. My people’s executioners.

  But I only had eyes for one being standing among them—the Mother of All. She stood in the dead center of the room, back to me. A portal swirled in the far wall, and I had no doubt that it led to my universe. A pair of Netjers passed through the portal. Another followed. And another.


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