Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters

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Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters Page 13

by Kim Merrill - Massive Merger of Galaxies is the Most Powerful on Record - Nasa’s Hubble Telescope Shows Milky Way is Destined for Head – On Collision

  2, Reisner, Speed of Animals Np n.d. - Elephants Do Run, Say Researchers - Elephants


  3. The Idiots Guide to the Sun. Alpha – a member of the Penguin Group 2003 print The Idiot’s Guide series

  4. – First video Game


  5. - Lcross Impact Data Indicates Water on Moon - Recycling Water is not just for Earth Anymore

  6. - Bees

  7. -Triton

  8. - Information on Neptune

  9. How to make a magnet. Be sure to get the help of a responsible adult

  10. – What Will Happen to our Earth When the Sun Dies? Answered by Dr. Carolyn Brinkworth of NASA's Spitzer Science Center Credit: NASA and Caltech

  11. - Imagine the Universe: The Life Cycle of Stars - Stars


  Cover image from


  Black dwarfs – A white dwarf that has cooled to the point that it no longer emits light. It takes a very long time for a white dwarf to cool enough to become a black dwarf and it is believed the universe is too young to have any black dwarfs yet. Our sun will become a white dwarf and then end its days as a black dwarf.

  Black holes- The ultimate fate of a massive star after it burns all its energy and collapses onto itself. Its gravity is so great even light can not escape.

  Dark Matter-Name given to the unseen mass that exists in our universe. We know it exists because we can see how it affects other things in the Universe. We don’t know exactly what dark matter is, but there are theories. Some believe there is also Dark Energy. Like Dark Matter we can see the effects, but we don’t know what it is. We do have theories though.

  Goddard, Robert (1882-1945) – Robert Goddard was an early rocket scientist. He is considered by many to be the father of modern rocket science.

  Kuiper Belt - a group of icy objects orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune. Sunlight takes more than four hours to reach Kuiper Belt Object (It only takes eight minutes for sunlight to reach Earth). These objects are sometime referred to as "KBOs"

  Neutrinos- Small particles that were made the very first time in the very first second of our Universe. Neutrinos also come from stars. We can’t see them because they are so small. As they travel they pass right through the Earth and anything on Earth. As you are reading this millions of neutrinos from our sun are passing through you.

  North Star- Our current north star is named Polaris. It’s at the celestial North Pole. It seems to remain constant while all the other stars dance around it. Because of its northern location it’s often used for navigation.

  Solar winds – Gas particle that flow off in streams from the Sun. They can travel as fast as 1 million miles per hour. I million miles is about 4000 trips around the Earth.

  Spaghettification – The theory that an object would be stretched and torn apart from the gravitational pull of a black hole.

  Temporal- Having to do with time


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