Becoming Ruby (Soul Twins Series Book 1)

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Becoming Ruby (Soul Twins Series Book 1) Page 12

by Brandi Bell

  “Seamus, listen very closely. I could never love someone who kidnapped me and held me captive, no matter how comfortable the captivity was. I appreciate your candor, so I’m offering you the same.”

  “Fair enough. we'll revisit this conversation later. For now, just know I care more than you think.”

  He walked off and I let out a sigh. I wasn’t sure what to do with Seamus’s confession of his feelings, so I filed it away in the deal with later portion of my brain.

  I went upstairs and read until I was restless and needed to burn energy. I made my way downstairs and started to go outside, then I decided to knock on his office door. “Come in.”

  “You really need a home gym.”

  “I thought you had found it. It’s off of the library.”

  “I always got stuck in the library and never went further.”

  I shut the office door and headed to the basement and looked for doors off the library. When I found it I was impressed with his guy set up. There was about any machine you would want to use in there. I threw myself into a good workout so I wouldn’t have to think.

  When my limbs were jelly and I couldn’t go any further I finally stopped. There was a little fridge that was full of bottled water so I grabbed some and downed it. It felt good to work my body and slow down my brain for a while.

  I headed upstairs and showered, then collapsed on the bed to read until dinner time. When my alarm went off at five fifty, I went downstairs. I made it to the dining room and Seamus was sitting there, but the table wasn’t set.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m trying to make a difficult decision.”

  “Right before dinner?”

  “Aye, Jade, right before dinner.”

  “Well, I’ll go wait somewhere until you decide.”

  “No, lass, stay please.”

  “Uh, ok.”

  “If I sent you home, would you agree to see me, start over?”

  “No Seamus, I would love to lie to get away, but honestly, no.”

  “I saved you from the crazy man that caged you.”

  “In a cage you made.”

  “I didn’t know it was you he was after!” he roared.

  “Why do you think I convinced him to bring you to the mall so I could keep you safe. He would have just went after you again. I had him committed today. You can safely leave now.”

  “That’s it? I can just walk out the door and not turn back?”

  “Aye, but I would suggest letting me drive you into town, it would be quite a walk.”

  I thought about everything he said. Part of me wanted to give him a chance, he was never mean to me, but the rest of me knew it wasn’t normal to keep people you care about captive. Then I realized when he started caring for me he decided to let me go. I felt bad to hurt him, I must have a messed up case of Stockholm Syndrome.

  “Grab anything you want to take with you, lass. I’ll meet you in the foyer when you are ready to go. I already called Fiona to meet us.”

  I stared at him in shock for a moment then ran up the stairs. There was a knock on the door. “Lass, would you like a bag for the clothes?”

  “No thank you, the Kindle is all I would like to take.”

  “As you wish.”

  I went down to the foyer and we went out to get in his yellow Aston Martin to ride into town. “What town are we driving into?”


  “Not too far from where I was taken. I’m glad for that. I wonder how much breaking Ruby’s contract with the label will cost. I’m sure they won’t care she was kidnapped. It cost them money to cancel the shows.”

  “Don’t worry about that I’ll take care of it, after all, it is all my fault.”

  “I honestly don't know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything then. Maybe one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me, and give me a chance. Even if not, I’ll know I did right by you in the end.”

  I sat quietly and stared out the window while we drove into town. I wondered what Ruby would do when we switched. Crap I didn’t think this through. “Do you have a pen and paper in here?”

  “In the glove box, why?”

  “I need to write Ruby a note explaining what is happening so she doesn’t flip out.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t factored her into the equation.”

  “That’s why I’m writing the note.”

  I finished the note and kept it firmly grasped in my hand. Slowly the scenery switched to a more urban feel and before I knew it we were in the city. We drove through until we were in a busy area and then he parked.

  “Just remember that I truly care for you, and I let you go home because of that.”

  I got out of the car and in front of me was Fiona and beside her was my mom. I started running to her tears streaming down my face. “I thought I’d never see you again Mom.”

  “I know, baby, we were all scared, but you are safe now.”

  Seamus, “One more thing.”

  I suddenly felt my magic return. I had been without it for so long it was a shock. I gasped and new tears formed. This time, happy tears.

  “Thank you for making the right decision,” I told him.

  He nodded at me then walked back to his car and drove off. I felt an odd sense of loss with him leaving, but shook it off. You were not supposed to care for your captors.

  “For what it’s worth, this is the first time my brother has ever put someone else before himself. I think he really did grow to care for you,” Fiona commented.

  “Still, he held me captive, that’s not something to be forgiven easily.”

  “Let’s head to the hotel before Ruby comes out, I’ll sit in the back with you so she’ll have a familiar face and not flip,” Mom said.

  “Let’s go then.”

  I followed them to the car and right after we pulled out I was gone.

  Chapter 19

  I rolled over and landed on the floor. I sat up and looked around. I was in a hotel room. There was a note clutched in my hand.


  It was nice for the heads up in the car, but I’m not stupid, I know who Mom is. I was a bit shocked to be sat next to her. Good job getting us out of there, whatever you did it worked. I have a surprise behind door number one. Go check it out.


  I jumped up, opened the door and Grady stood on the other side. He wrapped me in his arms and just held on, tears streamed down his face and onto mine.

  “I’m so sorry, baby, we failed to protect you. I was out of my mind when you disappeared. We tried everything to find you. Nothing worked.”

  "It wasn't your fault, honey. Remember the wheel kept turning up when we tried to see what would happen. There was nothing any of us could do to prevent this."

  "I’m just so happy you are back safe and sound. I was lost without you."

  "I couldn't quit thinking about you. I spent a lot of time daydreaming about being in your arms just like this, where I feel safe and sound."

  "How can you feel safe with me? I couldn't protect you."

  "Again, Grady, it wasn't your fault, he was being helped by an incubus."

  "If I ever get my hands on the man who took you, I swear!"

  "Honey, he is locked up in a mental facility now, and the incubus let me go once he was locked up. In a weird twisted way I think he was trying to protect me from Creepy Eyes. Even though he was the reason creepy eyes was able to get a hold of me."

  We went to the diner downstairs. I ordered a big plate of french toast and coffee. Grady just stared at me, like he couldn't believe I was real. I tried to make small talk with him, but he had a hard time getting past the fact he felt he failed me.

  "You know how to make a girl feel awkward."

  "Why’s that?"

  "I keep trying to talk to you, and you are hanging onto the fact that I was gone, I’m here now. Let's focus on that instead?"

  "Point taken, Jade, I care about you a lot. Are you sure you forgive me?"

  "There is nothing to forgive, Grady, and I care about you a lot too."

  "Let's go upstairs then."

  I followed him to the elevator and we rode in silence up to the floor my hotel room was on. I was nervous as we headed into my room.

  "I want to give you everything, Jade, but right now all I want to do is hold you. It’s going to take me more than just a couple of hours to believe you’re really here."

  "I’ll never say no to being wrapped in your arms."

  He came towards me and wrapped his strong arms around me then leaned down and kissed me. His kiss conveyed all the emotions he was feeling, the fear, the guilt, and even the love. I knew we weren't to the point of confessing aloud, but our lips had a mind of their own. He kept me crushed to him for a while, not wanting to let go. When we finally came up for air, his light green eyes were looking into mine. I felt vulnerable like he could see into my soul and know everything about me. At that moment I knew that Grady would be with me for a long time. Our souls sang to each other.

  Later, he finally let go of me long enough to take a shower and get changed, so I convinced him we could go find a nice burger and fries. It was the one meal I had been dying for during my captivity.

  We found a place not far from the hotel that boasted about having the freshest burger in town. As we walked there Grady held my hand, it made my butterflies go nuts again. I couldn't wait for him to be ready to take things further.

  We sat down and waited for our burgers, and they smelled amazing. I dug in once they came out and couldn't believe how good it tasted. Grady watched me with an amused expression.

  "What? I’ve been wanting a burger for a couple of weeks now."

  "I can tell!"

  "A girl’s gotta eat. I don't understand the rabbit food some girls try to pretend to like on dates. Take me as I'm or go away."

  "Ruby is rubbing off on you."

  "Maybe a tiny bit."

  Grady just laughed and finished his food.

  We walked around for a while after we ate and chatted about nothing important.

  When I saw a bright yellow Aston Martin drive by, I tensed up immediately.

  "Let's head back to the hotel," I said.

  "Ok, but why are you so worked up?" Grady asked.

  "How many people do you think drive bright yellow Aston Martins?"

  "Um, not many?"

  "Exactly. That's what Seamus drives. The incubus I was with for the last few days of my captivity."

  We took off towards the hotel at a jog, mindful of the other pedestrians on the street. When we arrived at the hotel we slowed down to catch our breath before we went inside. As we walked past the desk the man waived us down.

  "Are you Jade, ma'am?"

  "Yes, that is me."

  "These were just left for you."

  He handed me two envelopes, both with my name on them. I was a bit freaked out but tried to stay calm until I was in my room. We rode the elevator up and I couldn't quit fidgeting.

  "Jade, baby, it's ok they're just envelopes."

  "It's who sent the envelopes that bothers me."

  "we'll look at them together ok?"

  "I was hoping you would say that."

  We arrived at my room and I sat on the bed and Grady sat next to me. I carefully opened the first envelope and in it were a letter and a check.


  The longer I’ve been away from you, the clearer it becomes that I was absolutely horrible. I should never have taken you home with me. I should have had Jake committed when I first saw you, but I recognized something in you that I'll always be drawn to. Ask Fiona how our kind reproduces and marries. Once you are ready for the rest of my information read the second letter. I’m so sorry that I didn't do right by you and I hope someday you'll forgive me and give me a chance to know you in a normal setting.


  I picked up the check and looked at it and gasped. He had written me a check for one hundred thousand dollars. That was not normal behavior, even for someone who feels guilty. I was half tempted to open the second envelope, but I wasn't ready for that information yet.

  Grady growled a little after he read the letter. His eyes were burning, "I don't know if I can share you, Jade."

  "Who said anything about sharing?"

  "Once you talk to Fiona you’ll understand."

  "I only want you, why are you freaking out on me?"

  "Let's go find Fiona."

  "Fine, but I think it's a waste of time."

  We headed down the hallway and knocked on the door two down from mine. Fiona answered and I held the letter Seamus left me out to her. She took it with a concerned expression and read it. A flash of understanding crossed her face.

  "I don't know if you are truly ready for this conversation, Jade."

  "Grady insisted we come here now so I can understand why he is so upset."

  "Where to start. So you know what my brother and I are?"


  "The odd thing about our people is we can’t be together, or reproduce together. The way we feed off of emotions makes it so that we cancel each other out and we get sick if we try. We each have a mate that is from another species, that is born able to handle being fed on without any ill effects."

  "That's not me though. When he had the collar on me and I called my mom he drained me until I passed out."

  "Honey, that was because of the addition of the collar and you living with him. When the collar was gone did you find yourself sleeping?"

  "No, but..."

  "Exactly, if Grady would have been in the house he would have been sleeping a lot more. The reason he was drawn to keep you was the mate bond, but he didn't recognize it or he would have never tried to keep you the way he did. He’ll now do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness. Even if that means staying away."

  "So I truly don't have to worry about him taking me again?"

  "Not unless you want him to, but I’ll warn you, once a mate has been around their incubus they're usually drawn back to them."

  "I only want Grady, so I don't see that happening."

  "I’m just giving you the facts sweetie, no one can force you to be with Seamus, not even he will try. He’ll see you as precious and something to be protected, even from himself if need be."

  "Thank you for the information, Fiona. That is a lot to digest. Not to be rude, but I think I'm going to go think in my room now."

  "Not at all rude, sweetie, go take all the time you need to think. Just don't feel like you have to do something because of the information I gave you."

  We headed back to my room and Grady felt distant. I was trying to find the right words to help him understand he was all I wanted, but I kept coming up with nothing.

  "Grady, why are you pulling away from me?"

  "I don't want to be hurt when you choose him over me."

  "You are who I want, there is nothing that is going to keep me from wanting you."

  "What happens if you decide you want him too?"

  "I don't know. Ignore it since it isn't worth losing you over."

  "That might hurt you though, Jade," he said quietly.

  "It would hurt me if you left."

  "I don't want to think about sharing you, but if it came down to it I would do it for you."

  "Let's just leave Seamus behind us for now. I don't want to think about him anymore."

  "After you read the second letter. I can't let it go until I know what is in it," Grady replied.


  By now you have spoken with Fiona and know about the bond between an incubus and their mate, so you should know you have nothing to fear of me. I know you said you would never forgive me, but I'll spend my dying breath trying to earn it. I know you are in love with the bald one, Grady is it? Even if you do get drawn to me by the bond you can keep whoever you want. I'll always be willing to share you if it means your happiness. My sister will always know how to get a hold of me if you change your mind.


  "See it's just saying pretty much what Fiona already said."

  "Except he admitted he has no problem sharing you with me," Grady growled.

  "You realize this has been a hypothetical conversation correct?"

  "Jade, from everything I have read, bond mates always end up being attracted to each other eventually."

  "Just because they're normally doesn't mean I can't fight it," I whispered, scared that I would not have control over it. I felt the attraction to him before he brought me back but I chose to ignore it. I didn't think I was ready to admit that to Grady though.

  "I know that I want to be with you, Jade, but I need time to accept this fact. It isn't your fault, but I need to sleep on this and talk to you tomorrow before I do or say something I regret."

  He stood up and kissed my forehead then walked out the door. It felt like my heart broke. I laid down and cried in my pillow. I knew he said he wanted to be with me, but I just got back to him and he walked away.

  I finished my pity party and decided a bath would help ease my emotional aches. Someone had left bath bombs in my bathroom, which made me smile. I would have to find out who, so I could thank them. I started running the water for the bath then looked around the room to see if anyone had brought my clothes. In the closet there were two bags, one for me and one for Ruby. It was the same bags I had packed for the hotel I didn't get to stay in. I smiled at the thought of wearing my own clothes.

  The bath felt like a bit of a reprieve from all the stress I had dealt with for the past couple of weeks. I was able to shut my mind down and not worry about anything for a while. When I got out my mom was sitting on my bed.

  "Hey, Mom, how are you doing?"

  She stood up and gave me a big hug. "Fiona told me about the mate bond, are you ok, sweetie? It must be hard to hear."

  "It’s hard to hear, but he was better to me than the crazy guy and in his own way he rescued me from him, even if he didn't let me leave. He did let me call you which helped get me out of there as well."


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