Something Spooky

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Something Spooky Page 6

by Janet Woods

  ‘Shut up, Patrick.’ Determined not to laugh when he leapt to his feet, Ellie picked up her cup and swallowed a mouthful of tea. ‘If you’re going to rub it in, I’m going to bed. I feel stupid enough as it is.’

  ‘So you should. Vera will have a fit when she finds out what you’ve been up too.’ Patrick’s smile was smugly satisfied when he leaned back in his chair.

  ‘You’re going to tell her I dosed you up with love potion?’ Amused, Ellie burst out laughing. Her seventy-year-old aunt was disconcertingly off-beat. She’d thoroughly approve of the action. ‘Go ahead. If she thought I wanted you she’d make a stronger one and drip-feed it to you.’

  ‘If you detest me so much why did you do it in the first place?’

  ‘It wasn’t intended for you, Patrick.’ She could have bitten her tongue off when comprehension dawned in his eyes.

  ‘Let me see ... ?’ Her heart sank when his wicked expression returned. ‘You were all dressed up when I arrived. You were expecting my brother, I believe.’ Her heightened color endorsed his speculation. Slanting his head to one side he appeared to think. ‘Yes ... Andrew has a gift for attracting women. The trouble is, green-eyes, you’re not his type, and he’s definitely not yours.’

  ‘Really?” The frosty look she bestowed on him changed to alarm when he elaborated.

  ‘You’re more my type.’

  He made her sound like a blood donation. At the stroke of midnight his fangs would descend and pierce her jugular vein. Goodbye Ellie Bryce. She gave a delicate shiver. ‘You weren’t born in Transylvania by any chance?’

  ‘Glamorgan, in Wales.’ There were no fangs evident in his smile, just a row of perfectly even teeth. This man displayed everything desirable in a male, except ...? Ellie wanted to gnash her teeth in frustration. He was a law unto himself. He’d expect a woman to subjugate herself.

  ‘What makes you think I’m your type?’ She hoped he didn’t think she was fishing for a compliment when she was merely curious as to his reasoning.

  ‘I like your independent quality.’ That blew her theory out of the window. ‘You’d treat your partner as an equal instead of a meal ticket.’

  There must be a catch. Ellie warily recalled her relationship with David Lessingham. That had started as an equal partnership. They’d kept their living arrangements separate, their relationship private. Weekends were spent at his flat, or at a country hotel.

  ‘It’s better that way,’ David had said. ‘Your father’s my boss. He wouldn’t like you involved in speculation.’

  David had been her first serious male friend. His blonde good looks, his sophistication, had completely bowled her over. In her naiveté she’d been led to expect more than a one-sided love affair. She remembered the callous remark he’d made the last time they’d met. She’d been in tears after he told her he was going abroad the next day.

  ‘Put it down to experience, Ellie. It’s time for me to move on, marriage doesn’t figure in my plans now the company’s gone bust.’

  Equal partners? Where did equality begin and end? In bed? A tight smile stretched across her lips. ‘Explain your idea of equality to me, Patrick.’

  ‘Give and take.’ Patrick shrugged, seemingly uncertain. ‘You would demand back as much as you put into a relationship.’

  ‘Is that wrong?’

  ‘Did I say it was?’ Finishing his tea he stood up. ‘I’m trying to point out that Andrew wouldn’t be able to give you that. He takes the line of least resistance. You’d walk all over him and hate him for it.’

  ‘But you wouldn’t let me.’ His strength of mind seemed to match her own and she felt a sneaking admiration for it.

  ‘No, I most certainly wouldn’t.’ He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. ‘But before you start getting ideas, I’m not in the market for a women, and if I were you’d be well out of my league.’ His smile was almost a grimace as it landed on the book. ‘Next time you weave a spell, aim for a man who can give you the lifestyle you’re accustomed too. This one can’t afford expensive trinkets.’

  His description of her blew her mind. Who asked? What did money have to do with love anyway? Patrick suffered from inverted snobbery. Some devil in her made her rub it in.

  ‘I could afford a trinket like you, Patrick.’ Eyes loaded with mischief she ignored his frown. ‘I could set you up in a pied-a-terre in Melbourne. In return you could escort me to social functions, and ...?’ Take this you dishy blue-eyed monster! ‘ … you could perform duties as required.’

  ‘That’s enough, Ellie!’ How harsh his voice sounded. ‘You’re coming across as cheap.’

  ‘Make up your mind.’ Her eyes collided with his as she stood and faced him across the table. ‘A minute ago I was classified as an expensive trinket. If you can’t take the heat don’t dish it out, Patrick.’

  ‘I keep forgetting you believe in reciprocal arrangements.’ Amusement flared in his eyes, as though he’d seen the humor in the situation. Even so, they remained challenging. She discovered why two seconds later. ‘You’re on. I accept your offer.’

  ‘What?’ Very funny, Patrick she silently fumed. I suppose you expect me to renege on it. Be damned if I will. It’s you who can eat crow. ‘What about Todd?’

  ‘Where I go, Todd goes.’

  Knees feeling weak Ellie subsided back in a chair and stared dumbly at him.

  ‘Of course … if you don’t want him?’

  Don’t raise an eyebrow at me, you unprincipled rogue! His shoulders were shaking with laughter now, his chuckles coming one after the other. He could laugh on the other side of his face for all she cared. ‘I’d love to have Todd.’ Ellie raised a smile of her own when Patrick’s laughter stopped. ‘He can come to the child-minding center with me whilst you do the housework. He’ll enjoy having other kids to play with.’

  Speculation narrowed Patrick’s eyes, his voice was softly menacing. ‘I guess he would at that. Right. You’re on, Eloise. I have a couple of jobs lined up after this one, then I’ll be all yours.’ He was heading for the door when he turned and smiled. ‘I’ll let you know when I’m free.’

  ‘Sure he would.’ She grinned at the specious statement. Patrick had maneuvered himself into a corner, and then deftly climbed through a crack. He’d be ninety-nine and confined to a wheelchair before he showed up.

  * * * *

  Ellie woke to rain pounding on the metal roof. Todd’s bed was empty, and instinct told her she’d slept in. Her run-in with Patrick the night before had resulted in a rush of adrenaline. After he’d gone to bed she’d remembered the washing machine was still full of jeans, her dresses still soaking in the sink.

  The washing machine had been choked with paper, money, and bits of tissue from the pockets she’d forgotten to empty. It had taken an hour to pick off each individual piece before hanging the pants on a rack in the kitchen to dry.

  Her Liz Davenport had turned out to be beyond hope, but she was still optimistic of saving the white dress. She’d spread the money and paper on the bench to dry, tidied up the kitchen, and gone to bed about three.

  Feeling decidedly lethargic, she was about to turn over and grab another forty winks when a knock at the door drove the foolish notion from her head.

  ‘I thought it was time you were awake.’

  The man had an in-built radar system. It was a pity his thought hadn’t coincided with her intention. He also had two steaming mugs on a tray. Ellie regarded him in a more kindly light.

  ‘Todd said you’re a grouch without two cups of tea to start the day.’ He grinned as she struggled upright and silently held out her hand for it. ‘You look as though you had a night on the tiles.’

  * * * *

  Ellie could only manage a grunt, but it implied her state was due to the fact of being chained to the washing machine on his behalf for half the night. Taking the mug he offered she swigged half its contents before she realized it had an odd taste. ‘This taste’s a bit funny. The milk’s not off is it?’

  ‘I shou
ldn’t think so.’ Patrick grinned as she took another tentative sip, his eyes intent on her.

  Her reviving taste buds selected the flavor of peppermint. Peppermint? ‘You Dingo! … You’ve spiked it.’

  ‘That’s odd?’ Patrick’s hand closed around the cup before she could throw it at him. ‘The potion seems to have had the opposite effect on you. You’re still a grouch.’ Setting the other mug on the bedside table he headed for the door. ‘Try that one and let’s call it quits. You’re bewitching enough without the spells.’

  The second cup was pure unadulterated pleasure and her disposition improved in leaps and bounds as the caffeine made inroads into her bloodstream. Bewitching, Patrick had said. Leaping from the bed she slid into a pair of black velvet pants, topping them with a white lacy blouse and a matching black velvet waistcoat. She brushed her hair until the sparks flew and secured it to the nape of her neck with a velvet ribbon. Adding a touch of cologne to her pulses and headed into the kitchen.

  ‘Sit.’ Patrick placed a plate of bacon, eggs and tomatoes on the table. ‘That’s Ellie’s,’ he said as Todd moved his chair closer to her. ‘She doesn’t need your help.’

  ‘Can I have some bacon as well, Patch?’

  ‘You had corn-flakes. There isn’t any bacon left.’

  Made the recipient of a hopeful smile, she exchanged an amused glance with Patrick. ‘He can have some of this.’ She cut a piece of toast in half and made Todd a sandwich.

  ‘If you need any personal shopping give me a list after breakfast,’ Patrick said. ‘But not too long ... and nothing bulky.’

  ‘You’re going into town?’

  ‘Of course not.’ Gazing bleakly at the rain Patrick muttered. ‘The creek’s still impassable and likely to remain so. The forecast is for rain and more rain. I’m going to call a friend of mine. He’ll deliver what we need.’

  ‘How? The land-line is out of action. I left my cell phone in Melbourne and yours is under water in your truck.’

  ‘By helicopter.’ Patrick turned and grinned at her. ‘How did you think? He hasn’t got the power to zap it over here in a shower of stardust. However, if you’d like to have a go …?’

  Ellie met his sarcasm with a frosty look. ‘I meant. How are you going to get in touch with him? The telephone’s still out of action.’

  ‘I’ll use the CB.’

  She stared at him blankly.

  ‘The citizen band radio in Vera’s den.’

  ‘I didn’t know she had one.’

  ‘She’s had it for the past six months.’ He hesitated, and then said. ‘It used to be mine. I had no room in the van for it so I gave it to her. It enables her to contact those who need her services and can’t afford to pay.’

  ‘You mean she consults over the radio?’ Ellie couldn’t imagine her aunt doing that. ‘It wouldn’t be very private with everyone listening in.’

  ‘They use call signs.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Don’t be too long with your list. I want to start preparing the house for painting.’

  * * * *

  Patrick’s attitude towards her seemed to have softened, and Ellie saw no reason why she shouldn’t meet him half way.

  ‘Can I help?’ Ellie demolished the last of her breakfast before Todd did.’

  ‘If you don’t mind washing walls, sure.’ His eyes swept critically over her outfit. ‘You seem to be dressed more for a decorative effect than for work. Do you have anything old?’

  His inference that she was a useless, vain woman annoyed her. ‘One of my Paris originals will do. I think I have a pair of sequined overalls somewhere.’

  Her sarcasm brought a frown to his face. He said nothing more, but his lips tightened ominously before he strode from the room.

  Ellie experienced a certain amount of embarrassment when she slid her list next to Patrick’s elbow. It was one thing writing out a list, but to have her more intimate needs broadcast by a man to a stranger was intimidating.

  A trickle of relief ran through her when she heard he was communicating with a woman. The woman’s voice was accompanied by static as she reeled off the various items he wanted. Ellie blushed slightly as she slid her list next to his.

  ‘Did you want to talk to Ace again?’ the woman asked.

  ‘No need.’ Patrick picked up her list, glanced at it, then up at her. A faint grin hovered around his mouth. ‘Morgana is here now, Bluebird. I’ll give her a crash course, then she can tell you what she needs herself.’

  ‘Morgana!’ She gave him a dirty look as she slid into the chair he relinquished.

  He ignored it. ‘Press that when you want to talk. When you’ve finished, say Morgana over and out. Got it?’

  ‘Yes.’ She placed a hand on his arm. ‘What’s your call sign?’


  ‘That figures!’ She rolled her eyes in disbelief.

  Patrick stayed long enough to see she was doing it right, then headed for the room. Pressed against her knee Todd watched every move, then scrambled on to her lap and grinned in expectation. ‘Can I talk to bluebird please, Ellie.’

  She ruffled the dark thatch of his hair. ‘I’ll ask her.’

  After repeating her list back the woman asked. ‘Did I hear my Godson in the background? Put him on for a couple of minutes.’

  ‘Hello, Auntie Bluebird,’ Todd shouted. ‘Guess what? The truck got stuck in the creek ... and my bike’s gone ... and guess what? Ellie crashed her car, then she fell in the mud and said lots of rude words ... then Patch kissed her, and–’

  ‘My, you do have an exciting time,’ Bluebird cut in smoothly. ‘Put Morgana back on now chicken. I want to speak to her.’

  ‘She’s not Morgana, she’s Ellie.’

  Ellie wondered what sort of jail sentence she’d get for plucking out a child’s tongue. ‘Could you add a large bag of gob-stoppers to the list,’ she said darkly, faintly relieved that Patrick hadn’t been listening.

  ‘Will do. I’m sorry about that.’ Bluebird sounded faintly amused. ‘The gob-stoppers are on me. If there anything else?’

  ‘No, that’s about all thank you, Bluebird.’ Ellie could feel her face burning with embarrassment. ‘Morgana, over and out.’

  Her glance fell on Todd. Pleased with himself, his face was glowing with excitement. The little wretch had no idea what he’d done, but Ellie couldn’t be annoyed with him when he said.

  * * * *

  ‘That was fun, Ellie.’

  ‘Yes.’ She grabbed him up and gave him a hug. ‘We’ll have a game of hide and seek after I’ve changed. Then I’m going to help your dad wash the walls.’

  ‘And me,’ Todd promptly said. ‘Patch said I’m good at washing walls.’

  ‘Why don’t you call your father, dad, Todd?’

  Todd thought for a moment, and then gave a passable imitation of Patrick’s shrug. His face had a closed look to it and his voice dropped to a whisper. ‘I had a mean dad once, so I call my real dad Patch.’

  ‘I see.’ Ellie didn’t see at all, but she knew she’d been party to the child’s confidence and wasn’t going to press the point. Todd’s words and his manner of telling her suggested some sort of trauma in his past. She wasn’t about to remind him of it.

  Giving him a cuddle she lowered him to the floor. ‘I’ll race you to the kitchen. ‘Ready - steady - go.’ Todd was off and running before she could finish. Charging after his giggling form she caught up with him when he reached the kitchen door and they barged through it together.

  ‘Ellie and I are going to have a game of hide and seek,’ Todd shouted breathlessly at his father. ‘Wanna play?’

  Patrick was doubled over the table, his shoulders heaving with laughter. ‘I’d love to play but I’ve got to ... got to ... start work.’

  Ellie knew exactly what he was laughing at when his eyes met hers.

  ‘Couldn’t you murder the little pest,’ he choked out. ‘The radio picked up the whole thing.’

  ‘You mean in was broadcast over the airwaves?’ Horr
or came into her eyes.

  ‘No,’ he reassured her. ‘Just this one.’

  ‘What are you laughing at?’ Todd climbed on Patrick’s lap and peered up into his face. ‘I talked to Auntie Bluebird and she’d going to send me some gob-stoppers.’

  Patrick’s eyes were streaming with laughter when they met hers. ‘Gob-stoppers,’ he whispered.

  It was too much for Ellie. Laughter bubbled through her like champagne. Her stomach ached with it. Knowing she’d be unable to stop if she stayed with Patrick and Todd in the kitchen she raced through to the laundry, and leaning against the sink she waited for it to subside.

  Directly in her line of vision, a piece of dried paper from Patrick’s pocket lay on the bench. The faded letterhead seemed vaguely familiar, and her fingers automatically reached out for it.

  It was from the auditor of her father’s company. Suddenly sober, she scanned the printed words.

  Patrick had been ruined by the collapse of her father’s company! It had been her father’s buildings he’d been contracted to paint. Those buildings had been sold at a fraction of their worth to pay her father’s debts.

  No wonder Patrick was bitter towards her. Up until now she hadn’t given it much thought. Now the reason for his attitude was obvious. Patrick had lost everything he owned because of her father, and so had Todd. Crumpling the letter into a ball she stuffed it in her pocket. Pride was all he had left, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

  Forcing a smile to her lips she took a steadying breath and headed towards the sound of their laughter. Her smile softened. He did have something more than pride, something very precious. He and Todd shared the special kind of love she’d experienced with her own father.

  Suddenly Ellie felt very much alone, and very lonely.

  Chapter Five

  Ellie’s muscles were beginning to ache. Straightening up, she scowled at the wall she was in the middle of washing. Was it her imagination, or had it doubled in size since she’d started?

  Patrick gazed down at her from his perch on a ladder. He’d nearly finished the top half of his third wall. Compared to her half a bottom, he’d set a cracking pace. ‘Tired, already?’


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