Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare Page 1

by A. J. Bennett




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Truth or Dare

  A Novella

  Copyright 2014 A.J. Bennett Published by A.J. Bennett




  All rights reserved.

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission of the author.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events; to real people, living or dead; or to real locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and their resemblance, if any, to real-life counterparts is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art by Eden Crane Design

  Editing by

  To my street team, bloggers and readers. Thank you!

  Chapter One

  Luna wished the guy grunting below her didn’t smell like an ashtray. She knew it was absurd since they’d both come from the bar and reeked, but still. She rubbed her hand across her itchy nose and tried to focus. The fluorescent light hummed annoyingly; it bothered her eyes. Attempting to get into it, she moaned softly, grinding her clit on whatever the hell his name was pelvis bone. A surefire trick to reach orgasm. She could feel the slow waves of pleasure building just at the edge of her awareness … but still out of reach.

  She knew it was mental. Closing her eyes, she picked up her pace.

  What the hell was his name? She’d forgotten. Bob, Mark, Steve? They all sort of blurred together after a while.

  Crap! She’d lost it, not even a slight tingle anymore. Why couldn’t she focus? Now she’d have to wait for the build up again. God dammit!

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.” No-name groaned, his bony fingers digging into her hips.

  So, he didn’t remember her name either. Lovely. Baby was always the fall back. They could never come up with anything more original. Hell, neither could she. Luna almost giggled.

  Placing her hands on his chest, she stared down at the stranger’s face, her hair falling around her like a curtain. Good looking enough; blond hair, blue eyes, a little soft around the jawline, but no need to nitpick. And he was certainly into her—they always were.

  All she could do was wish he’d come so she could hightail it out of there. Maybe a nice soak in the tub to wash away the bar smell. A shot of whiskey to help her relax. Read a smutty book to get her mind right. Something.

  An off day, that’s all.

  Luna ran her nails down his bulging biceps. A beefcake, the kind that spent way too much time in the gym. She could picture him flexing at himself in the mirror. This time she did giggle.

  He reached up and twisted one of her nipples—hard. Something she usually loved, but for some reason it annoyed the hell out of her tonight.

  Instead of slapping his hand away, she slid off him, and on her hands and knees, turned in the opposite direction. Nothing made a guy come faster than an ass in the air. She gave a little wiggle, wiped the grin off her face, and glanced back seductively.

  One of his hands grasped her waist and the other hand lightly moved in a circle on her ass, before he popped her a good one. Okay, now he had her attention. Just when she thought the total night had been a waste of time. A smirk crossed her face.

  He drove himself into her and she rocked her hips sensually, back and forth, meeting him thrust for thrust. She waited for the familiar tingle to wash over her body, but nothing. Luna groaned. What the fuck? Was she losing her touch? She was too young to even think about that. Damn, when had twenty-two become over the hill? Again, she almost laughed.

  At least she was entertaining herself.

  Sweat covered her brow. The more she doubted herself, the harder she worked.

  Getting impatient, Luna reached down and rubbed her clit in a circular motion, hoping to speed up the process. She loved getting lost in sex, used it to relax and take the edge off. Today it just wasn’t working. Suddenly, she realized she didn’t even want to be there.

  What the hell time was it anyway?

  Her mind drifted, thinking about what she had to do tomorrow. Shit, she forgot to stop by the grocery store today, which meant she would have no milk for coffee. She’d have to stop at a gas station on the way home, because there was no way in hell she’d get up and get ready for work without her caffeine. Just the thought of work put her in a bad mood. She really didn’t want to go, she hated that god-forsaken store.

  A strong hand twisted into her hair and pulled her head back. The momentary pain surprised her. Jesus, Luna, pay attention. Usually she enjoyed the whole pleasure/pain thing, but tonight it was grating on her nerves. Like nails on a chalkboard. She was about to flip this asshole on his back and go all dominatrix on his ass. Not really her thing, but if he did one more thing to annoy her …

  Time to switch positions again. Something had to work. Flattening her body, he released her hair and she twisted around to face him. Their eyes met and he stared down, his eyes glassy with lust. Her own blue eyes were probably dull with boredom.

  With her right hand she reached up and pushed his head downward.

  Whoever the hell he was got the picture and descended down her body, nipping at her breast as he made his way down. She squirmed beneath his touch. Finally, his lips eased up her thigh. Just as he was about to reach the sweet spot, her phone rang.

  Normally she wouldn’t even notice or care.

  But it kept ringing and ringing. A part of her was glad for the interruption.

  “I gotta get that. Might be important.”

  “It can wait,” he said gruffly.

  Annoyed, Luna pushed him away, disentangling herself and tumbling out of the bed. She reached for her phone on the dresser, which was lit up and moving around from the vibration.


  It was her twin sister, Grayson, checking up on her to see if she needed a ride home. Her sister always checked up on her. Luna glanced back at the guy sprawled out over the bed. He just wasn’t doing it for her. She hadn’t drank enough to need a ride home. Only two drinks and that was several hours ago, but she might as well take advantage of the exit.

  “Seriously? That sucks. Yeah. Okay, pick me up in front of the hotel. Yeah, across from the bar. I’ll be down there in five minutes.” She clicked off the phone. Bending at the waist, she groped around, seeking out her clothes.

  “Gotta run, family problems,” Luna said as she grabbed her boy-shorts off the floor and slid them over her hips.

  “You’re just going to leave me like this?” He ran his hand up and down his below average cock, like it was a work of art. Please.

  She fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Can’t be helped. I’m sure you can finish up on your own. Looks like you’ve got things under control.”

  Reaching down, she grasped her lacy black bra, slid it over her shoulders, and hooked it in the
back. With this vantage point, the guy wasn’t even as attractive as she’d originally thought in the dimly lit bar. She shimmied into her jeans and pulled her top on, but it it was inside out. Whatever.

  “Can I at least have your number?” he asked, still stroking himself. By this point Luna was completely turned off. What the hell had she been thinking?

  Luna cocked her hip to the side. “That depends, can you remember my name?”

  The guy groaned and threw his arm over his eyes. “Give me a second.”

  Sliding on her shoes, Luna rolled her eyes.

  He sat up. “Layla!” The idiot had the audacity to look proud of himself.

  Luna flipped him off and eased out the door, slamming it behind her.

  Layla? At least he got the L right. She should be pissed, but she wasn’t. If anything she was just glad for the escape.

  Christ, how many men had she’d slept with that she hadn’t known their names? Too many, that’s for damn sure. Okay, not the time for self-reflection. She liked sex, did that make her a whore? Probably, even though men were high-fived for their conquest and considered more masculine. Life was full of double standards. Fuck it. It’s not like she planned on stopping anytime soon.

  Her sister, Grayson, had the car idling in front of the hotel. Luna slid into the vehicle, slammed the door, and leaned her head against the back of the seat. “Thank you.”

  Grayson shot Luna an amused look. “Let me guess, family troubles?”

  “Works every time. Thanks for the rescue.”

  “Another dud?” Grayson laughed.

  Turning to meet her sister’s gaze, she was surprised when the truth rolled out, “Something like that. I just couldn’t get into it for some reason. I don’t know why.”

  Grayson’s face softened. “Maybe that’s a sign for you to take a break from your wild ways.”

  Luna rolled her eyes. “Hardly. I just need to pick better next time.”

  “Or maybe, actually find a boyfriend.” Grayson put the car in drive and took off down the road.

  Luna tilted her head to stare at her mirror image. Her sister was so good, and Luna was so bad. Night and day. “That’s your thing, not mine. I’m perfectly happy flitting around from guy to guy. Keeps life interesting. Exciting.”

  “Uh, uh. You seem to forget, I tried your carefree lifestyle for a while. It gets old real quick.”

  She would never admit it, but Grayson was right. It did get old. However, it was all that kept her sane some days. She loved the escape of it, thrived on the attention, and normally she loved the sex. So it was a win-win.

  Tonight was a fluke, that’s all.

  Besides, what else would she do with herself? Take up crochet? Go on scrapbook retreat with her mother? Someday she’d be too old to use her looks to her advantage. For now she’d remain a party girl. Living life to its fullest.

  Right, keep telling yourself that.

  “What are you doing out this late anyway?”

  “We were at a team party. I figured I’d check in on you before we went home. After I drop you off, I gotta pick up Derrick.”

  “That’s right. I forgot Marcus invited me, but the idea of being around military couples and drama … not my idea of fun.”

  “Can’t say that I blame you. Lots of drama tonight. One of the guys brought a girlfriend with him that was apparently seeing one of the other guys on the team and neither were aware. Almost ended in a fist fight, but instead, the girl took off in tears and the guys got shit faced together.”

  “Sounds about right. Bros before hoes,” Luna said, looking out the window. She noticed it was a full moon, and figured maybe that was the cause of her low mood. Her mother claimed whatever you were feeling was intensified during a full moon; that’s why so many crimes of passion happened during them.

  Whatever it was she sure hoped it passed by tomorrow.

  Chapter Two

  The next day, Luna leaned back in the chair, a beer bottle swinging lightly by the tips of her fingers. “Sickening, aren’t they?” She brought the bottle to her lips, savoring the taste. Consciously, she had to peel her eyes away from her twin sister, Grayson, and her boyfriend, Derrick.

  “Sickening and yet inspiring at the same time,” Marcus agreed, tilting his hat down lower over his face, covering his mocha skin. “Never thought I’d see the day that Derrick would be pussy whipped. Seems wrong, but look at him. He’s truly happy. So its gotta be right.”

  Luna grunted under her breath, dropped the chair back till it was flat, and rolled over onto her stomach. “Can you put some more lotion on me?” She held the bottle of sunscreen up. She didn’t tan, but she enjoyed being in the sun. It was relaxing, and vitamin D was good for the soul, at least that’s what her fruity mother claimed.

  “You’re a cruel woman, you know that, right?” Marcus laughed, sitting up and grabbing the bottle.

  “I aim to please.” Luna wiggled her ass and batted her eyes. She knew Marcus was attracted to her and he did have that sexy military vibe going for him, but she enjoyed having a platonic male friend for once. They’d become friends since Derrick and Grayson became fused at the hip after Derrick’s near death experience. Her first male friend since she was like four years old.

  Luna wrinkled her brow. Now that she thought of it, she hadn’t had any friends besides her sister since god knows when. Girls hated her and guys wanted to screw her. The story of her life.

  She wasn’t about to lose her sister to another guy, so she adapted and made friends with Derrick’s friends. The other guys on the team were good guys, but she found she had the most fun with Marcus. He seemed to get her, which was refreshing. He didn’t judge her carefree lifestyle.

  Still lost in thought about her sister, Luna frowned. “Boggles the mind. I mean, I get Grayson, that girl was born to be monogamous, but Derrick, he’s a puzzle.” He was cut from the same cloth as Luna, gypsy souls. Not the type to settle down—ever. And yet there it was right before her very eyes. Derrick madly in love, with her sister of all people. What. The. Hell.

  There’s even been talk of marriage. Just thinking the word made her shudder.

  “It’s not that unusual. You’re just cynical. Who jaded you anyway?” Marcus rubbed the lotion together in his hands to warm it up before rubbing the SPF 50 into her pale skin.

  Luna stiffened. “No one jaded me, I just never got the whole settling down with one person. Too much out there to experience. You know what I mean?” She wasn’t about to spill her guts, no matter how good of a friend Marcus was. Hell, even her own sister didn’t know about Trevor. The one man she’d ever let get close to her and he ripped her soul straight from her chest. To this day she couldn’t think about him without her stomach clenching.

  Marcus’s large hands massaged the lotion in, lingering a little too long on her thighs, but Luna didn’t mind. He was harmless. “I don’t know, I think we all secretly wish for that happy ever after. Even you.”

  Luna huffed. “Why is it automatically assumed you need someone else to make you happy? I think it’s bullshit, I’m perfectly happy on my own.” Luna set the bottle under her chair and forced herself to relax. She’d been in love once, the biggest mistake of her life, and she didn’t intend on ever going through that heartache again. She had to consciously push the dark thoughts away. It still hurt too much to think about.

  “Uh huh. You don’t fool me, girl. You’re jealous as hell that your sister found someone that makes her happy.”

  Pushing her sunglasses back on her nose, Luna said, “That’s where you’re wrong, my friend. If I envy anyone, it’s Derrick.”

  Marcus paused before making his way down her arms. “Derrick?”

  She turned and smiled at him, glad for the glasses, because she knew the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Yes, Derrick.”

  “Expand on that thought,” Marcus said with a hint of curiosity in his deep voice.

  Luna shrugged. “I didn’t think a leopard could change its spots.”

  She pulled the beer bottle to her lips and took another long drink. And if Derrick could, what about her? Could she one day fall in love again and settle down? Her mind rebelled against the thought. Impossible. Never, ever gonna happen. She enjoyed the freedom and the power of being single far too much. She wasn’t going to open herself to the pain.

  “You guys ready to eat?” Derrick yelled over his arm, which was draped around Grayson’s shoulder.

  “In a minute. I’m a little busy.” Marcus grinned.

  Luna rolled her eyes. “You know you can’t stand between me and food.”

  “Just gotta get a few more spots. Can’t have that beautiful skin of yours being burned.”

  Luna sighed and relaxed her body while Marcus’s hands made quick work lathering up her shoulders and arms. “There ya go. Protected from the harmful rays.”

  “Thank you, I don’t know what I would do without you.” Luna grinned as she pushed herself up to sitting. She briefly debated throwing on a cover up, but decided against it. The summer had been hot as hell. She looked over at the glistening swimming pool. It was tempting, but she was hungry. Derrick’s and Grayson’s apartment complex was nice and they regularly took advantage of the pool. Much better than the crappy hole in the wall she was living in.

  Marcus handed her a towel, but she shook her head.

  “Girl you are pure evil and ya know it!” He threw a shirt over his broad, muscular chest and slipped his long feet into his flip flops.

  “You want to go out tonight?” Luna asked as they crossed the grass to the pavilion area.

  “Where are you thinking?” Marcus readjusted his hat, his dark brown eyes bore into hers.

  “We could go to The Trap? I haven’t been there in a while.”

  Marcus shrugged. “We’ll see. No offense, but watching you hook up with guys isn’t really my idea of a good time.” He clasped a fist and put it to his chest. “Hurts the heart a little, ya know what I’m saying?”

  Luna gave him a shove. “It’s not like you couldn’t hook up yourself. You’ve always got women throwing themselves at you.” Luna laced her arm through his and squeezed his thick bicep. “Tall, dark, and oozing sex appeal. You drive the ladies crazy.”


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