Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare Page 9

by A. J. Bennett

  When he finally pulled away he ran a finger down the side of her jaw. “Doesn’t mean I’m not jealous as hell of the bond you two have.”

  “I read somewhere jealousy is good for the soul.”

  Hunter shook his head with a laugh. “Only you.”

  “He’s going to be here in a few moments.”

  Hunter ran his hand over his jaw. “All right, well how about you come over to my place after? Stay the night.”

  “We'll probably be out late. I don't want you to have to wait up.”

  “I don't mind. Just give me a text before you head over. If you don't hear back means I'm asleep.”

  “I can do that.” They shared a long kiss before Luna untangled herself and jumped in the shower. By the time she got out, Hunter was already dressed and waiting by the door.

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  Hunter shrugged. “If we want this to work we have to trust each other. If you need a ride or anything give me a call.”

  Luna nodded and brought him in for a long, slow kiss. She was so tempted to blow off Marcus and stay home with Hunter, but she couldn’t do that.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A few moments later the doorbell rang. Marcus. She threw the door open and gave him a hug. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.”

  “That’s ’cause you’re always blowing me off these days.”

  Luna rolled her eyes. “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t care. Where there’s music and beer.”

  “And don’t forget hot women.”

  “That too.” Marcus laughed.

  “Are you seeing anyone these days?” Luna asked curiously.

  “Nothing serious. I’m guessing you’ve found someone to occupy your time, since you haven’t been harassing me.”

  Luna smiled. “I have been hanging out with someone. But we’ll see.”

  “That’s what I thought. All I can say is he’d better not hurt you or he’ll have to answer to me.”

  “I’m lucky you’re my friend.” Luna grabbed her purse off the chair. “Let’s go dancing. I heard there’s a new club near the river.”

  Marcus held out his arm and she linked hers through it. Maybe the place would suck and she’d have an excuse to head off to Hunter’s before he fell asleep. Damn she was pathetic. They’d only been apart a little while and already she was itching to see him again. She tried to push him out of her mind and focus on Marcus. On the drive they caught up on what’s been going on in his life the last couple of weeks and talked about Grayson’s wedding. Luna still couldn’t believe her sister was tying the knot.

  The line to get into the new club was around the bend. Luna didn’t feel like waiting, but also didn’t want to act like a prima donna and move to the front of the line. Luckily, one of Marcus’s friends called him over so they moved ahead quite a bit. Once they finally got inside, Luna had to admit the place had definite possibility. Techno music pulsed through her veins. Strobe lights flashed bright colors all around them, pulling them into the darkness. Luna grinned and grabbed Marcus, dragging him onto the dance floor. Before long she was lost in the swell of the music and having a good time. As one of the waitresses walked by, holding a tray in the air, she grabbed a couple of Jell-O shots..

  Somehow during the night she got split up from Marcus. She thought she caught a glimpse of him talking to a woman at one point, but it was hard to say with the lights. She made her way over to the bar and pulled out her phone to text Hunter.


  How’s it going?

  Good, we’re at some new club near the river.

  Having fun?

  Not bad. Would be better if you were here.

  Want me to come get you?

  Luna looked around, searching out Marcus, but of course she couldn’t see anything in the darkness. She glanced at the time, and saw it was already after midnight.

  How about you pick me up in an hour?

  What’s the name of the place?

  Luna grabbed ahold of the coaster on the bar and sent him the name and address.

  See you soon.


  Hopefully, she would run into Marcus within the next hour and if not, she’d just text him and tell him she found a ride home.

  “Truth or dare?”

  Luna looked up, and her eyes raked over the guy standing beside her. Average at best and he had cold eyes. She didn’t like the looks of him, so she ignored the question. Turning, she asked the bartender for a drink.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “And I ignored you. Take the hint.”

  “What’s wrong, party girl, afraid to have a little fun?”

  Hardly. Luna’s life revolved around fun. She took a sip of the drink before setting it down on the bar. “Dare.”

  The guy smirked. “I dare you to suck my cock right here.”

  Luna grabbed her drink and threw it in the guy’s eyes. “Go to hell.”

  “You bitch!” He wiped the liquid off his face. Even in the dim bar light, she could tell his eyes were red and knew it probably hurt like hell. Well screw him. Bastard.

  Luna brushed past him and pushed through the crowd, making her way to the bathroom. Her hands were trembling. She took a few deep breaths, before passing back through the throng of people in search of Marcus.

  Where the hell was he? She couldn’t find him anywhere. A couple of times she caught that jackass glaring at her, and he was giving her the creeps. Looking at her phone, she realized Hunter should be there in about thirty minutes. She sent Marcus a text and told him she was going to wait outside for her ride and she’d call him in the morning.

  A few minutes later, she had pushed through the crowd and out the door. The fresh air felt amazing on her face. She inhaled deeply, glad to be out of the smoky club, which was set on a cliff overlooking the river. Luna decided to take a walk and look out at the water. It was a beautiful night. The moon sat high on the sky and because the place was so dark the stars shone brightly.

  She heard the crunch of gravel behind her. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Instantly, her senses were on high alert. Walking off by herself was not one of her brightest ideas; Lesson 101 in self-defense, her brother had insisted they all take classes, even their mother.

  Luna grabbed her keys from her purse, and placed a key between her fingers and whirled around. Where the hell were the bouncers? There was a dark silhouette in the moonlight. As he got closer, she realized it was the asshole from the bar that she’d just wasted a drink in his face. In hindsight, not the brightest idea. His eyes were red-rimmed, glassy, and wild.

  “Think you’re too good for me, bitch?” In a jerky motion, the guy pulled a concealed knife from the back of his tattered jeans. He flicked it open and the blade gleamed beneath the misty streetlight. His face had turned ugly with hatred.

  Oh shit. Before she knew it, he was grabbing her and jerking her around.

  Luna yanked back, afraid. There was nothing more dangerous than a knife fight with a pissed off drunk. For all she knew, he was on drugs, too. She tried to recall the steps to disarm someone yielding a knife and came up blank. Fear overrode rational thought.

  She raised an unsteady hand. If she could just get to his eyes with the key, she’d be able to make a run for it.

  As if he sensed what she was thinking, he grabbed her wrist and her purse dropped to the ground. He yanked the keys from her hand and tossed them behind him into the parking lot. She’d never find them in the poorly lit lot.

  Quickly, she raised her knee and caught him in the groin. Groaning, he stumbled back.

  Scrambling, Luna ran forward, searching for her keys. She thought she saw them gleaming under the dim streetlight, but it was someone’s stupid bracelet. She grabbed a handful of gravel and scrambled to her feet. When she turned around, he was coming for her again. She ran as fast as she could toward the bar.

  The parking lot was full of cars, but no one was outside. If she screamed, s
he wouldn’t be heard over the band playing inside. She didn’t care, she screamed anyway. Maybe someone would happen to come out to their car. She’d be damned if she was going to die at the hand of this jackass. Her heart was pounding so fast, it sounded like a drum to her ears.

  She could hear his footsteps coming closer. She ducked and hid behind a car. Fear rushed through her. She couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe. She was literally paralyzed with terror. She hated feeling so weak and vulnerable. The crazy drunk spun in a circle, his eyes wildly looking for her. “You can’t hide forever,” he yelled.

  She didn’t need to hide forever, she just needed long enough for Hunter to get there.

  Just then, her phone rang in her pocket and he laughed. Stalking forward toward her. Luna was ready and flung the rocks. He screamed and covered his face, but it only pissed him off more.

  He lunged forward with a sickening grin on his face. He grabbed her and yanked her, causing her to stumble to her feet.

  Luna cowered back. She couldn’t see the knife, but knew he had it on him.

  Her head jerked back and her face stung as his open palm struck her. She put up a fierce struggle, but she knew she was no match for him. He was clearly high on something.

  “I’m sorry!” Luna wailed.

  He struck her again, and fear like she’d never known engulfed her. He pulled her forward, dragging her across the gravel, her knees scraped on the ground, but that was the least of her worries. She yelled as loud as she could, but was only met with his harsh laughter.

  “No one here to save you, party girl. You think you’re too good for me? I’ll show you.”

  Luna shook violently when he raised the knife again. A trickle of sweat trailed down the side of her face. Her hands were holding her up in an awkward position, but she didn’t dare move. The knife was so close, all it would take was a flick of his wrist.

  “If I were you, I would stand very still. I’ve had a bit too much to drink.” His grin was evil. He brought the knife closer, until it was resting between her breasts. She felt him dip the knife and she tried not to move, but she couldn’t stop the trembling. With a light jerk of his hand, she heard her dress tear.

  Tears flowed freely down her face. She was about to die at the hands of a mad man. And who knew what he would do to her before he got to that point. He took the knife and cut her bra strap, and her bra fell forward, exposing most of her breasts. With the edge of the knife he slid it down further.

  “Fuck you!” Luna roared. She lifted her leg, and with all her strength she kicked him as hard as she could in the knee. He screamed out in pain, but lunged toward her. She scrambled backwards, trying to get to her feet.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Suddenly, Hunter’s voice cut through the air, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  Luna’s head snapped up. Never in her life had she been more grateful to see another human being. Tears filled her eyes.

  Savage rage twisted his features, but his eyes were as cold as steel.

  Hunter grabbed the asshole’s shoulder and jerked him away from her as if he weighed nothing.

  In one fluid movement, Hunter slammed the asshole to the ground hard enough to knock the breath out of him. The knife fell out of his hand. Hunter straddled on top of the guy. A flurry of fists slammed into the guy’s face. Luna watched part mesmerized and part horrified as blood flew from the guys face every time Hunter’s fist connected.

  Next thing she knew, his hands were around the guy’s neck.

  Her attacker’s face had gone a shade of purple and his eyes were bulging.

  Luna wanted to cover her face, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away.

  When Hunter released his grip, the guy went into a coughing fit. When he tried to talk, his voice was hoarse. He muttered something about a whore.

  Hunter dug his thumb into the side of the guy’s throat and his face contorted in pain, but no sound came out.

  “I can do this all night,” Hunter said, his voice quiet. “I’m really good at causing pain.”

  When he released his thumb, the guy tried to yell something, but it was hard to say what it was. If she had to guess, it was fuck you.

  Hunter yanked him forward with his shirt and his head snapped back when his fist connected to his jaw.

  Next thing she knew, Hunter had the man’s knife in his hand and pressed the blade to the guy’s neck. Blood slowly trickled down his throat.

  Luna’s chest heaved up and down and she backed up a step, astonished and frightened. “Hunter?”

  “Do you want me to slice him or call the cops?” Hunter asked, his voice laced with a steely edge. Luna had a feeling he would do whatever she said, and that he might even enjoy sliding the knife across the man’s throat. She hesitated, but only for a second.

  “I’ll call the cops,” Luna said, and reached into the back of her pocket with trembling hands, only to find she’d lost her phone.

  “I don’t have my phone.” Her voice shook even as she tried hard to conceal her fear. She took a deep composing breath.

  Hunter flipped the knife shut and slid it into his pocket.

  Then he yanked the guy to his feet, Hunter slammed his fist into the guy’s stomach a couple of times. Luna had to turn away.

  She heard several grunts and cries of agony. She should have been appalled by the brutal beating, but when she recalled how close she’d come to losing her life, she had no desire to stop him.

  Hunter leaned in close. “If you ever so much as look at my girl again, I will rip your throat out. And trust me, I will be watching.” He let go and the guy crumbled to the ground.

  She looked down and he was lying very still. Blood poured out of his nose, his eyes were already starting to swell, and his jaw was at an unnatural angle.

  “Is he alive?” she asked.

  “He’s alive.”

  She stood shaking while staring down at the body.

  “Luna.” He said the name softly, as if saying a prayer. His face settled in a deep frown. “Come here.”

  She stared at him. His steady voice dampened the panic …

  “Come here,” he repeated softly.

  She hesitated for a moment. Tears welled in her eyes. Her body hurt and her lips were swollen. Running her tongue along her lower lip, she tasted blood.

  She took a hesitant step forward. He reached out and took her by the elbows, pulling her toward him.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get here earlier.” His expression was tormented, but his eyes were full of tenderness.

  Then he lowered his lips to her forehead and pressed a feather-soft kiss there. His hand gently brushed the hair at her temple away from her eyes.

  His hand came up reflexively, cupped the back of her head, and he searched her face before pressing her face into the crook of his shoulder.

  Her fingers curled inward, pulling at his shirt. “Please, get me out of here.”

  Luna clung to him desperately, bordering on hysteria.

  “Shh, I’m here. I’ll protect you.”

  “He almost ki-killed me,” Luna sobbed.

  Heart still racing, Luna threw her arms around his waist and clung to him like a life vest. Still trembling all over, she waited for the terror to subside. Tears streamed down her face, and a distant part of her mind was horrified that Hunter was seeing her so vulnerable.

  He held her close, gently stroking her hair.

  “Do you want to file charges? I could call the cops.”

  Luna looked behind her at the guy crumbled on the ground, her eyes filled with anxiety. She shook her head. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “Do you really think I give a shit about that? He’s lucky I didn’t slice his throat with his own knife.”

  Hunter brushed a strand of hair out of her face and ran his thumb down the side of her cheek. “You’re trembling. Are you afraid of me?”

  “You don’t scare me. I know you’d never hurt me.”

  He reached down and swung her u
p into his arms. Luna clutched at the front of his shirt to remind herself that he was real and she was safe. It felt a little silly being carried off this way, but she was too shook up to complain.

  “Hunter, if you hadn’t shown up—” She stopped suddenly, and her body shook.

  “Shh, it’s over. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  He carried her too his truck and gently set her down in the back seat. Grabbing a bag off the floor, he began to pull out medical supplies: bandages, anti-bacterial salve, and cotton swabs.

  She looked down at her legs, which were covered in abrasions and dirt. Her clothes were in tatters; blood mixed with dirt ran down her legs. Pebbles were embedded in her skin. It stung like hell, but she didn’t want to act like a baby in front of Hunter.

  First, he soaked a wad of cotton in alcohol. When he cleaned the wounds, she jerked from the sting. Gripping the sides of the seat, she was determined not to scream.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Just get it over with.”

  She could tell he was trying to be gentle as he began to painstakingly pull out the small debris, and she grimaced beneath his touch. Afterward he smeared some kind of salve on the cuts and the pain eased.

  “Medic?” Luna managed to ask. Marcus was a medic and he always had his trauma bag with him.

  “Yeah. You should probably get a tetanus shot. Just in case.”

  Luna hated needles. “If it starts to look infected I’ll go in.”

  Hunter didn’t reply, he just continued to clean and wrap gauze around her cuts.

  “Thank you,” Luna said softly, her throat closing up. She knew if Hunter hadn’t shown up she’d have been raped and maybe even killed.

  Hunter methodically replaced his supplies and tossed it back on the floor. Easing himself between her legs, he slowly stroked her neck with his thumb. “I wanted to kill that bastard.”

  “You almost did,” Luna whispered, trembling slightly.

  “Yes, I almost did. Does that scare you, Luna? The first night at the bar, you called me a barbarian and you weren’t far off from the truth.”

  “Did I?” She didn’t recall much from their initial meeting. She shook her head. “You don’t scare me, Hunter.”


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