Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare Page 11

by A. J. Bennett

  His face hardened and the atmosphere between them changed. He stared at her without speaking, and she wondered if he was going to answer her.

  Her stomach clenched. She’d crossed a line that she wasn’t aware was drawn.

  Finally, he blew out a breath. “My father used to knock me around. He was a good for nothing drunk.” There wasn’t a trace of sadness in his beautiful face, but somewhere deep down, she knew he had to hurt. The scars no one could see usually caused more pain than the visible ones.

  His confession surprised her. Luna’s breath caught in her throat, and she turned her body toward his. She knew without a doubt, he was letting her see a part of him that he kept hidden from the rest of the world.

  On impulse, she stepped forward and fingered the jagged scar above his eyebrow.

  “One of the many. I can’t even recall what I did to piss him off that day. Seven stitches. I like that one.” He hesitated. “A reminder every time I look in the mirror of who I don’t want to be.”

  “I’m sorry,” Luna said softly. She tried to imagine Hunter as a scared little boy and she couldn’t conjure up the image. “You must have been terrified of him.”

  Hunter gave a harsh laugh. “Terrified? Maybe when I was really little, but as I got older, I was pissed off. I couldn’t wait till I got big enough to give him a taste of his own medicine.”

  That image was easier to imagine. She wondered if his father brought out the savagery in him, or if he was born that way. Probably a little of both. “Well, did you?”

  Hunter shook his head. “Never got the chance. He died in a car accident when I was thirteen. His blood alcohol was triple the legal limit. Thankfully, no one else got hurt.”

  “My father basically drank himself to death. Died of a heart attack much too young. The doctors said his insides were that of an eighty year old. They’d been shocked when they found out he was in his late fifties,” Luna said softly.

  “Lots of drunk assholes out there it seems,” Hunter said wryly.

  “What about your brother? You haven’t really talked about him.”

  Hunter’s hands slid into his pockets and he glanced down at the floor. “Also dead.”

  “What? Your brother died? How?”

  Luna picked up one of the images of Hunter with the younger version of himself. They looked happy.


  “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.” Luna put down the picture and slid her arms around his waist. After a couple of minutes, his hands came free from his pockets and his hand trailed down her hair.

  “Sucks, but he lived a good life. I still miss him every day.”

  Luna couldn’t even imagine a life without her twin or older brother. Hunter had lost so much it made her heart ache. There was a depth to him that she wanted to explore and get to know.

  “What was he like?” Grabbing his hand, Luna pulled him over to the couch. She sank down and tucked her legs beneath her.

  Hunter stared at her as if trying to figure her out.

  When he didn’t answer, she slid closer and dropped her head to his shoulder so that her face rested against his chest. He settled his chin on top of her head. She could feel his smile. “Dylan was nothing at all like me. He was the type of guy that when he walked in the room, everyone smiled. You know what I mean? He had an innate goodness about him.”

  Luna thought of her sister, Grayson. “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I wish I could have met him.”

  “Me, too.” Hunter’s hand rubbed up and down the side of her arm. “He died the same day I got my Special Forces tab.”

  “Oh wow, that’s sad. I’m sure that had to be a bittersweet day for you.”

  “You could say that.” Hunter paused. “But I know if I let that eat away at me, Dylan would be pissed. He really believed in an afterlife and that his time on earth was just a stepping stone. Still, I was a mess for a while. Just lost myself in work mostly. As you picked up, I enjoyed the violence.”

  Luna pulled away and glanced up. She wondered if the loss of his brother cemented his personality, but she didn’t believe that. Having an abusive father probably had more to do with his hard shell. “Did your father abuse Dylan, too?”

  Hunter tensed under her. “Not very often. I always made sure to take the brunt of it.”

  She could see him doing that. Always the protector.

  “Kinda makes me feel selfish comparing my troubles to death.”

  “Hey, don’t say that. There are things worse than death.”

  “I don’t know. I mean, is there really?” Luna pressed her head against the back of the couch. “I’ve wasted so much time being pissed off over something that happened in my past. I let it define me. And for what? The world didn’t stop spinning.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Luna shrugged. “Honestly, it seems silly now, but I’ve been holding onto it letting it eat away at me.”

  “What happened?”

  “I’ve never told anyone.” Luna pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around her knees. “Not even my sister.”

  “I want to know,” Hunter said softly.

  Luna took a deep breath and let it out. “I was pregnant once and lost the baby.”

  Hunter stilled beside her. “I’m sorry.”

  “The jackass had the nerve to give me money for an abortion as he made his way out of my life for good. I was stressed out and lost the baby that night. I just haven’t seemed to be able to get past it. And now the attack from last night. I’m afraid I’m going to do the same thing—let it change who I am. I don’t want that to happen.”

  “Fucking bastard,” Hunter said through clenched teeth. “Do you want me to find him and kick his ass?”

  Luna’s lip twitched at the thought. “A few weeks ago, I would have jumped at the chance, but he’s not even worth the effort.”

  Hunter lifted his arm and she leaned into him, releasing her knees from her chest. She loved the way he held her, like she was the most important person in the world. Leaning down, he kissed her temple. “I’m sorry about your loss. A life is a life no matter how new. I’m also sorry I wasn’t around to kick that fucker’s ass. But what I’m grateful for, is the fact that somehow our paths crossed. If things hadn’t happened the way they did, we might have never met.”

  Luna leaned back and let that sink in. “Want to hear something corny?”

  He smiled slightly and nodded, running his hand through her hair.

  “I didn’t realize I wanted to be whole again, until I met you.”

  Next thing she knew, Hunter was standing up and carrying her to his bedroom.

  Chapter Eighteen

  As soon as they crossed into his room, Hunter kicked the door shut. Her breathing was uneven and her heart thudding wildly. As his mouth found hers, she moaned and he kissed her fiercely. She didn’t even care about her bruised lips. All she wanted was to get as close as possible to Hunter.

  Hunter pulled away and stared down at her, his eyes blazing. “Tell me you love me.”

  Luna eyed him, suddenly wary. “Hunter, that’s not fair.”

  “Tell me, I need to hear it before I go crazy.”

  “You know I do.”

  “Say it.” Every muscle in his body seemed unbearably taut.

  “I’m afraid.”

  “Of what?”

  “Loving you.”

  “It’s too late to worry about that. Say it, Luna.”

  Luna tried to push him away, but he just held her tighter.

  “Please, stop,” she cried, dropping her head to his chest. “I can’t.”

  Hunter lifted her chin. She looked away, trying desperately not to meet his gaze. He waited till her eyes glanced back, meeting his. “It’s not that hard. I’m not going to hurt you. I’d cut off my right arm before I’d intentionally cause you any harm. You need to let go and trust me.”

  “I-I do, trust you. More than anyone.”

  “Is that all? Trust and great sex? Look at me,
Luna. If you can honestly tell me that’s all you feel I’ll walk away. Because that’s not enough for me. I need more. I need all of you. I’ve had this insane urge to make you mine since we met.” His normally rough voice was full of emotion.

  Turning her back, she walked away and stared out the window.

  Hunter came up behind her and put his arms around her, drawing her back gently against him. She sucked in a breath when one of his hands cupped her swollen breast. Looking down, she saw his hand dip below her shirt and slide under her bra. A moan escaped as his lips trailed down the side of her neck, while he rolled her nipple between his fingers. She closed her eyes and let the heat wash over her body. She tried to turn into him, but he held her tighter, so she relaxed into the embrace.

  His other hand slid across her belly. He knew her body well. His hand dipped lower until he was cupping her mound, his skillful fingers sinking into her. “You’re ready for me.”

  “Always,” Luna gasped, as he pressed harder, moving in a slow circle and stroking her. Her back arched and she threw her head back against his chest. She felt his warm mouth on her neck. Her breathing was coming in short gasps.

  “Tell me. Are you mine?” he whispered, before tugging her earlobe between his teeth.

  She groaned. “I don’t think I could be anything else if I tried. Are you happy now? I’m completely yours.”

  Hunter spun her around and grasped her arms, staring intently into her eyes. “Say it.”

  “I love you, Hunter. I don’t know how I could go a day without you. And I hate it!” Luna cried. “I hate knowing if you walk out on me, I’ll crumble into a million pieces.”

  Hunter pulled her into him, running his hands through her hair, and kissed her lingeringly. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”

  Hunter reached for her hand, pulled her toward him. With a smile, he dipped his head to graze his lips across her palm, and a shiver ran through her. “You’re extraordinary.”

  “And you’re still dressed,” she teased.

  His trembling fingers quickly lifted her shirt and tossed it to the ground. She could feel him struggling to shed his own clothing. They couldn’t get naked quick enough. Luna needed to feel him skin to skin. They were in such a haste, they didn’t manage to get completely naked. Her bra was hanging off one shoulder and her panties were stuck on one of her ankles.

  Hunter grabbed her under her thighs and pulled her up to his waist. Wrapping her arms around his neck, her legs encased him. His large hands cupped her ass, lifted her up, and slid her over his throbbing cock. Her breathing was shallow.

  Luna wondered if he was going to admit he loved her as well, but he just started moving. Unable to resist, her body moved with his in perfect rhythm, thrusting frantically. Hunter made a rough sound, his teeth grazing her skin.

  Luna threw back her head in ecstasy, and her fingernails dug into the muscles of his back. The tips of her nipples flattened against his chest, the friction felt incredible.

  With her back braced up against the wall and her legs wrapped around him, he thrust into her with such passion it left her mindless. She didn’t even notice the way her back scraped against the wall. She urged him on with her throaty moans and pleas. Something fell off the wall and crashed on the floor, but neither of them bothered to see what it was.

  Without turning, he walked backwards until he was against the bed, and then lowered her down on top of him. He flipped her over without breaking contact and tossed her legs over the crook of his arms. Luna lifted her hips eagerly. He yanked her closer, thrusting deep and hard. They were in a frenzy for each other.

  They were both breathing raggedly and bodies trembling when they reached climax perfectly in sync, unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. Wave after wave of intense pleasure, so exquisite it brought tears to her eyes. Dazed, Luna cried out. Shortly after, Hunter shuddered, groaning her name.

  For several moments they remained locked together, trying to steady their breathing. Her lips throbbed.

  Finally he loosened her legs, dropping them to the bed. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she held him tightly, as if afraid he would disappear.

  “Wow,” Luna sighed; a sensual flush covered her from her face to her toes. She could feel herself radiating.

  “I meant to be gentle. I just lose control when I’m with you.” Hunter rolled to the side so they were facing each other.

  They laid there, enveloped in each other’s arms for a long time afterward, clinging to each other. Suddenly, Luna realized they hadn’t used a condom. She’d broken one of her cardinal rules. Granted, she was on the pill and just last month she got a clean bill of health from the doctor. “We were careless,” Luna said.

  He smiled, and made no effort to lift his head. “I’m clean. Haven’t been with anyone except you since I moved here, and I had to have a full checkup before I transferred to the new unit. Are you on birth control?”

  Luna nodded her head.

  Hunter gently tugged on her hair, his gaze meeting hers with an intensity that made her feel as if he was peering deep into her soul. “In case you’re wondering, I’ve been falling in love with you since the first day you called me a dark knight.”

  Luna laughed shakily. “I guess I was wondering.”

  “Do you think I’d be sticking around if I didn’t want to be with you? And only you.”

  She felt all her boundaries slip away. Any uncertainty dissolved. She caught his lower lip gently between her teeth. “Do you think we actually have a shot at this?”

  “Stranger things have happened. All I know is I want you for as long as you’ll have me.”

  “You don’t think it will run its course and you’ll get me out of your system?”

  “Luna, you’re so infused in me, I’ll never get you out of my system.”

  She felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Her fingers trailed over the ink that snaked around him. “What does all of this mean?”

  Hunter’s lips twitched slightly. “Lots of stuff. Mostly to do with mythology and constellations. I had a slight obsession in my younger days.”

  “You’d get along with my mother. She has an obsession with astrology. She swears the stars know more than we’ll ever know.”

  Hunter smiled. “She might be right.”

  “Or looney.” Luna laughed affectionately.

  Hunter shrugged. “Maybe so.”

  “What’s your favorite mythological god?” Luna asked, laying her head on his chest. She lifted her head. “Let me guess, Zeus.”

  Hunter ran his fingers through her hair. “He’s definitely up there. Have you heard of his version of soul mates?”

  Luna looked up at him. “No, I don’t think so. When I think of him, I picture lightning bolts and ruler of the sky.”

  “That he is.” Hunter’s fingers combed through her hair.

  “Tell me about the soul mates.”

  Hunter stretched his legs out in front of him. “Legend has it that humans originally had four arms and four legs, with one head.”

  Luna scrunched up her nose at the visual. Not very romantic.

  “In this form, the humans had great strength and threatened to destroy the gods.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “Pride. So Zeus came up with a solution: splitting the humans in half as punishment. It’s said that the humans were in utter misery and would not eat. Many died. Apollo left the navel as the only remnant of their original form. The humans would spend the rest of their lives longing for his or her other half of their soul. It’s said that when two find each other, there is an unspoken understanding of one another. When they come together there is no greater joy.”

  Luna laid still, unable to think of something to say. She hadn’t imagined Hunter was such a romantic. Lifting her head, she looked at him uncertainly. “Do you believe that to be true?”

  “Do you?” Hunter touched her face gently.

  Luna shrugged, and ke
pt her tone light. “It’s a nice idea.”

  “That it is.” Hunter held her gaze. “Do you remember what I said to you the first time we met?”

  Luna thought back. She knew it was a weak pick up line, but couldn’t recall the exact wording. She shook her head no.

  Hunter laughed. “I said, there you are.”

  “That’s right. I remember thinking what a lame pick up line.”

  “That’s what I thought when you walked through the door. You know that feeling when you’re looking for something, but you’re ready to give up because it seems hopeless? I didn’t even realize I was looking for you till you walked through the door. I just knew.”

  It sounded like a line, but she knew from the serious look in his eyes that it was true. Her throat was achingly tight as she lifted her head to look at him.

  “You also told me I wasn’t that hot.”

  Hunter laughed loudly. “You pissed me off. I thought you were going to feel the same way I did and then you totally blew me off. I think what I feel about your hotness is quite obvious.”

  She slid her hand down his chest. Hunter’s head dipped down and his lips brushed hers in a soft wet kiss. Her hand lingered lower; he was rock hard. Luna grinned.

  By the time he pulled away, she was gasping for breath.

  So this is what forever feels like.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Luna groaned when she looked at her phone. “I really should go to my mother’s. They are all freaking out because they haven’t seen me. Do you want to go with me?”

  Hunter looked down and she registered the surprise in his blue eyes. “Does this mean I’ll no longer be your dirty little secret?”

  Luna couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that what you think you are?”

  “Well you haven’t introduced me to anyone yet. And you never want to stay the night, so yeah, that’s what I’ve been thinking.” Hunter held the door open for her. They had to take Zeus out for his afternoon walk.

  They crossed outside into a warm breeze. The sun was about to set, but it was still hot.

  “I guess I have been keeping you all to myself. Haven’t I?”


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