Deadly Alpha

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Deadly Alpha Page 11

by Brenda Sparks

  “Thanks again, Marcus. I’ll be in touch.” Stephan’s form wavered then disappeared, leaving only a black wisp of smoke in the air.

  After Stephan dematerialized, Marcus punched the code into the alarm keypad and headed for his mate.

  He joined Christina in the kitchen, coming up behind her as she sat on a bar stool by the granite island. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down next to her ear. “What did you find to eat, my dear?”

  “Ice Cream. Want some? I’ll make you a sundae. I’ve got the chocolate syrup, cherries, and whipped cream right here.”

  “Not right now, but those cherries look good.” Releasing her, he sat on the stool beside her and popped a cherry into his mouth.

  “How did the meeting go?” She scooped a spoonful of the sundae, then presented the spoon to Marcus and raised both eyebrows giving a want-some look. He wrapped his lips around the spoon and took the offering.

  “It went well. Stephan and his heartmate will be flying into Savannah tomorrow evening. I hope you don’t mind that I invited them to stay here.”

  Christina fed him another spoonful. “I think it will be fun. Tell me about Katrina. What is she like? How long have Stephan and she been together?”

  “First of all, her friends call her Kat not Katrina, so she’ll want you to call her Kat. Stephan calls her Kitten, but he is the only one who can get away with that.”

  “Why does he call her Kitten?” Christina popped a spoonful of sundae in her mouth.

  “When I introduced them, I called her Kat, of course. Because she is so much younger than Stephan, he referred to her as a kitten to make fun of her age. The name stuck.” Marcus lifted the spoon from its resting spot in the bowl and sucked down another chocolaty spoonful.

  “You introduced them?”

  “Yep. Kat and I were roommates.”

  Before he could clarify, Christina shot him a look that told him he needed to explain and quick.

  “We were friends back in Vegas. When we met, she was down on her luck. I offered to let her stay with me for a little while because she didn’t have anywhere else to go. Once she was there, she just stayed.” He gave a casual shrug of his shoulders. “Most nights she was out dancing, so we barely crossed paths.”

  Christina raised an inquiring brow. “Dancing. What is she, a showgirl?”

  The Alpha nodded, popping another cherry in his mouth. “She used to be a showgirl. She danced in a club I own on the strip, but once she married Stephan, she gave that up. He helped her open a dance studio. She manages the place and teaches some of the dance classes. And boy, are those kids lucky. That woman really knows how to move.”

  Christina pinned him with a jealous glare. “So just how close were you and this Kat?”

  Marcus noted the wary look on his heartmate’s face, but she worried for nothing. Christina was the perfect woman for him, and he would never look at another woman again.

  “She is Stephan’s heartmate, you have nothing to worry about. Our relationship is strictly platonic. There is only one woman for me and that’s you, my dear. Plus,” he added with a shit-eating grin, “Stephan would kill anyone who got near Kat, and I don’t have a death wish.”

  Marcus ducked as Christina threw a cherry at him.

  “You giving me your cherry again, babe?” he quipped when she grabbed a handful of the red fruit.

  “I’ll…give…you…my…cherry…” Christina pitched a series of cherries toward Marcus to emphasize each word of her sentence. He used his preternatural reflexes to catch each in his mouth. As he chewed the fruit, he dipped his finger into the whipped cream mound atop the ice cream and deposited the dollop on the tip of Christina’s nose.

  “I can’t believe you just did that.” Christina smiled as she wiped the whipped cream from her face and grabbed the canister. She pointed the can toward Marcus.

  “You’re in trouble now, mister.” She pushed the button and drew a creamy line up his face.

  Marcus licked the whipped cream from his lips and wiped it out of his left eye. “Oh, you are asking for it now.”

  “Am I?” Christina pulled his shirt away from his body and launched the cold cream down his chest with a laugh.

  “Think that’s funny? I’ll show you funny.” Marcus grabbed the chocolate syrup and gave it a squeeze, sending a little onto Christina’s chest. She let out a yelp when the cold liquid slid down her body.

  “Oh, too cold for you, baby? Here, I’ll get that off.”

  Marcus leaned in and used his tongue to lap the chocolate off her bosom. A rush of heat coursed through his body. Once he had gotten every last bit off, he noticed Christina had stilled in response to his attention, and he slowly raised his chin and saw lust in her eyes. Marcus pushed into her mind to glean her sinful thoughts. Delicious images of the two of them in his bed with the sweet cream played in her mind for him to see.

  Half of her mouth crept up before she wagged her eyebrows in insinuation. Christina glanced at the can of whipped cream she still held in her hand and took off at a full run toward Marcus’ suite with him in tow holding the bottle of chocolate syrup.

  “I’m going to get you, my sweet,” Marcus called as he followed his love. “I have some delicious ideas about what we can do with these toppings.”

  And did he ever.

  Chapter 17

  The next evening Christina sat in the kitchen, busily making hors d’œuvres, when Marcus reached over and plucked one off the tray. He tossed it into the air, easily catching it in his mouth.

  “Yum, babe, those are delicious. You shouldn’t have gone to all that trouble for little old me.”

  Christina smacked the back of her heartmate’s hand playfully when he reached for a second treat. “Little old you needs to keep your big old hands off of these. They are for Stephan and Kat.”

  “But I thought you liked my big old hands. I didn’t hear any complaints when they were all over your body last night.” A sly grin took Marcus’ face, matching his wagging brows.

  Christina took a tray from the oven. “Ha, ha. Very funny. Listen, I thought I’d go to my apartment. There is an outfit there that I want to wear tonight.”

  “Okay, I’ll get my keys, and we’ll go over there now.”

  “Excuse me, sir.” Payton stood in the doorway looking concerned. “The contractor would like to see you before he leaves for the night. He has a question about the panic room.”

  “He’ll have to wait. I was just about to take Christina to her apartment.” Marcus leaned against the counter as she placed the pâté en terrine on the perfectly polished silver tray.

  “You go deal with the contractor, my love. I’ll run over to the apartment real quick. I’ll probably be back before you even finish with him.”

  “I don’t like you going out alone.” Marcus glanced over at his valet. “Payton will go with you.”

  “Of course, sir.” Payton gave a quick nod. “I’d be happy to escort Miss Christina.”

  Payton crossed the kitchen and pulled the plastic wrap from the cabinet before making his way to Christina.

  “I don’t need anyone to accompany me, Marcus. I can go by myself.”

  “I’d prefer Payton to go with—”

  “Excuse me, but may I speak with you a moment, Mr. B?” The burly contractor interrupted Marcus’ protests as he walked into the kitchen. “I need you to show me where you want the security cameras installed, so we can run the wires before we leave for the night.”

  Obviously noting his employer’s reluctance, the contractor hastily added, “It should only take a couple of minutes.”

  “All right,” Marcus agreed reluctantly. “I guess I can give you a few minutes.”

  The Alpha leaned over the island and placed a quick kiss on Christina’s lips before leaving to confer with the contractor. After the men left the kitchen, she turned to her companion.

  “Payton, I don’t need a sitter. Besides I’m sure you have lots to do before you go to the airport to pick up Kat
and Stephan. I’ll just go to the apartment on my own. It won’t take but a minute, and then I’ll be right back.”

  “But Mr. Marcus said I should accompany you.”

  “I heard what he said, but there is no reason for you to take me over there. I know you have things you need to do. Please, don’t argue. I will go by myself.”

  Wrapping the hors d’œuvres in plastic wrap, Payton placed them in the refrigerator. “Madame, I really think—”

  Ignoring the valet’s protest, Christina effectively ended the discussion by declaring, “Marcus is just being over protective.”

  She washed and dried her hands on the tea towel which hung by the sink, then turned to look at Payton over her shoulder with a smile. “I’ll be fine. Please stop arguing with me.”

  An exasperated breath puffed out the butler’s cheeks. As if knowing it was never wise to argue with a woman, he simply responded, “As you wish, madam.”


  A short time later, as Christina ascended the stairs to her apartment, her spidey senses began to tingle. Her instincts screamed to her something was wrong, but she quelled them and continued up the stairs, silently chastising herself for being paranoid. When she reached the top, she glanced left then right, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Finding everything in place, she admonished herself once more for letting her imagination run wild and turned left down the hallway to her apartment.

  She withdrew her keys from her purse and reached for the door knob. Suddenly the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She realized the door stood slightly ajar. Peeking through the opening, Christina realized the inside doorframe was splintered, as if it had been broken when someone bullied open the door. Christina eased open the door slowly, looking around her beautiful apartment that now lay in shambles.

  The couch cushions lay strewn about. Her pictures, knocked from the walls, sat on the floor with the glass and frames broken. Her television and electronics rested in a heap of plastic and metal off to one side of the room.

  She made her way into the kitchen. All her cabinets hung open like gaping mouths. Broken pieces of dishes and drinking glasses covered the linoleum. She spied some pink and blue flowers on a white porcelain background and realized her grandmother’s china rested among the wreckage. Christina’s stomach heaved at the sight of her things broken and damaged. A horrible sensation overtook her; tingly and warm like a rash. Christina rummaged through her purse for her cell phone. She snapped it open and scrolled through her contact list to speed dial Marcus.

  “Hello, babe. Whassup?”

  In a shaky voice Christina whispered, “S-someone broke into my apartment. It’s a mess. S-stuff everywhere. They b-broke my grandmother’s china.” Her voice hitched on a sob. “Wh-Why would anyone do this?”

  “I want you to get out of there right now. Run, as fast as you can, find a neighbor, the doorman, anyone.”

  The concern in his voice sent fear racing up her spine.

  “I’m on my way. Stay on the phone with me. Don’t hang up!”

  Gripping the phone to her ear, Christina turned to run, but something hard and strong came around her waist locking her free arm to her side like a vise. When she looked down, she discovered a thick arm trapped her. She opened her mouth to scream, but a hand clamped down on her mouth, causing her muffled scream to come out as a little whimper.

  Who the hell grabbed her? Did this person want to hurt her? Her mind raced through the possibilities, finding none that made any sense. Her adrenaline spiked, she thrashed against the steely hold in vain.

  Losing her grip on the phone in the struggle, it dropped from her hand, and shut off when it contacted the floor. Her newly freed hand attempted to pry the hand holding her mouth loose, in a desperate effort to get away. She kicked her legs, fought to pivot around to get a look at the person who attacked her, but the person’s grip held her fast.

  Hot, sticky breath oozed over her ear. From behind a deep voice said, “Don’t bother to struggle, you can’t win. You’re no match for me. However, it you want to keep rubbing your body against mine, go right ahead. It’s a turn on.”

  She struggled with all her might, and it seemed of no consequence to him. When he spoke, he wasn’t even winded by his effort to contain her. Well, if she couldn’t fight him, she could at least keep from stimulating him.

  Christina drew all her will power and silenced her fight-or-flight instinct, which screamed at her to struggle. Her body stilled. The evidence of his arousal rested against her bottom. The realization made bile rise in her throat, and tears clouded her eyes. She refused to give the bastard the satisfaction.

  “What, stopped so soon? I would have thought you were the type to put up a good fight.” The evil voice sent a shiver through her. “I’ve been waiting for you. I’d hoped you’d be here when I first got here, but you weren’t.”

  The attacker took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “I can smell him on you…Marcusssss.” The attacker hissed her love’s name into her ear.

  Christina trembled uncontrollably as fear snaked up her spine and wrapped around her brain in a strangling grip.

  “His scent is all over you. You stink.” The attacker rubbed the front of his body against Christina’s backside, pressing his erection against her, his intentions perfectly clear. “Perhaps I should take you into your shower and wash him off you. My scent is the only one I want you to wear.”

  Her mind raced. He knew Marcus. Given his strength and his obvious heightened sense of smell, he must be a vampire. She realized she was at his mercy. The way he spoke to her said there was no mercy to be given. Tears fell down Christina’s face, dripping to the floor to mix with the broken shards of china.

  “Now, now, tears will get you nowhere, my dear.”

  The attacker used the hand holding her mouth to pull her head toward her left shoulder, exposing her neck. A sharp stinging sensation burned into her flesh. As the pain of his bite eased, her attacker pulled at her neck with insistent draws that hurt her sensitive skin. Awareness hit her square when her vision started to fade. She was going to die!


  Marcus materialized into the hallway of Christina’s apartment building and burst through the door to her apartment, his heartmate his only thought. When the phone went dead, panic flooded his body, giving him a boost of adrenaline that focused his concentration like never before. For the first time, he’d been totally focused on only one thing, getting to his mate. Sensing her in the kitchen, he used his preternatural speed to take him there.

  In a puff of black wispy smoke, the coward dematerialized just as Marcus entered the tiny space. Dammit! One second sooner and he might have at least gotten a look at the bastard. Obviously, the attacker had been one of his kind. The Alpha sent a silent prayer up to the heavens thanking the powers for his ability to dematerialize. If he’d driven over here, he would have arrived too late. The realization sent a wave of sickening fear through his body, cooling his blood.

  Christina’s legs refused to hold her weight. Marcus ran to her, catching her as her knees gave out, and she fell toward the floor.

  “I have you, cara.” He lowered her into one of the chairs by her dinette set and came to rest on his knees in front of her.

  Christina trembled, wringing her hands in her lap. “H-he…” she stammered in a faint voice. “A…v-vampire.”

  Marcus took her hands in his, and cocooned her in a wave of soothing comfort. “I know, sweetheart. I didn’t get a look at him. He dematerialized as I entered the room, but I knew as soon as I got here what he was.”

  Marcus noticed the trails of blood rolling down Christina’s neck and followed the eddying to the brutal wound torn open at the base of her throat. “Christina, he bit you.”

  “I know,” she whispered, and pulled one of her hands from his to place it over the throbbing wound on her neck.

  His eyes softened as he captured her gaze. “I need to close the wounds he left. I don’t want to s
care you, but I need to lick the wound. It will help it to heal. Do you understand, Christina?”

  He watched her carefully, waiting for an answer. Her eyes widened slightly, the only indication she heard him. She looked at him with fearful determination, as if she had to force herself to allow someone to touch her neck.

  Marcus rose on his knees and slowly leaned toward Christina, while he pulled her hand away. His mate flinched when his tongue licked the wound to quell the bleeding. Once the wound started to heal, the Alpha pulled away and immediately recognized that his touch had caused his mate anxiety. Anger flared white-hot in his gut.

  How could anyone hurt someone as wonderful as Christina? It didn’t make sense. She wasn’t a threat. Why would one of his kind come after her?

  Marcus stood and wet a paper towel, making sure the water felt tepid. “I’m going to use this to get the blood off your neck, if that’s okay.”

  Christina nodded approval then stared ahead, like a deer caught in headlights, not acknowledging the act while he wiped at her flesh.

  Marcus gently pushed into her mind to discover the thoughts she wasn’t capable of stating. She found the water warm, but it could have been like ice for all she cared. Her body didn’t seem like her own. She sat, allowing his ministrations with impartial detachment, as if all of this was happening to someone else. No emotion registered while he carefully washed away the evidence of her attack.

  Wash. Get a new paper towel. Wash. Get another paper towel. His eyes scrutinized her intently as he went about the task. She sat stone still, observing Marcus with sightless eyes, not reacting to his aid.

  When he’d finished, Marcus crumpled the paper towels in his large hand, then stood and whispered, “All done, sweetheart. You’re clean now. The blood is all gone.”

  Christina blinked once, twice, then looked at Marcus. Tears welled in her eyes when her brain allowed her to finally process all that had happened. The events played like a horror movie in her mind, there for Marcus to witness. The memories crashed in and brought with them helplessness and despair. “Oh, Marcus. I was so scared. I felt helpless, so afraid.”


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