Know Me, Keep Me (Full Heart Ranch Series Book 3)

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Know Me, Keep Me (Full Heart Ranch Series Book 3) Page 34

by Barbara Gee

  “That’s better news than I thought it might be, considering how bad he looked when I saw him,” she said. “What’s the second thing, Agent Holt?”

  “This’ll be the last room service meal I’ll be lugging in here. It’s been determined that the threat to you is over, and Tobin and I are being pulled off effective immediately.”

  “So I can go back home?” Boone asked hopefully.

  “You can. Might want to wait until morning, though, considering it’ll soon be time for you to turn in. You need a full night’s sleep in addition to those carbs.”

  Jolene laughed. “You tell him, Holt. We don’t want to show up to the game and be embarrassed because he runs out of gas in the second period.”

  “So I really am still going to the game?” Holt asked hopefully.

  “You two will be right beside each other. And my parents will be there, too. The ones I just met. But they know next to nothing about hockey, so be patient.”

  Holt grinned. “I’ll teach them all they need to know. I might even teach Jolene a thing or two.”

  “Doubtful,” Jolene declared. She stepped forward and gave the agent a hug. “Thanks for everything, Agent Holt. Thank your partner for us, too. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  “Tell Tobin if he changes his mind and wants to give hockey a go, I can get a ticket for him, too,” Boone offered.

  “I’ll tell him,” Holt promised. “But I wouldn’t count on it. He thinks basketball is the only worthwhile sport.”

  “Poor misguided soul,” Jolene said, pulling out a chair at the table as Holt left. “Sit, Boone. Time to feed the monster.”

  “I’m down with that. We’ll eat first, then I’ll get the call to my dad out of the way.”

  “And then we’ll call it a day,” Jolene said.


  The next morning was a whirlwind. Boone was up early and wound tight, barely able to contain his excitement about playing again. They ate a quick breakfast at the hotel, then hauled their bags to his car, which had been parked in the lot, unused, while Tobin and Holt chauffeured him around.

  “Nice,” Jolene said as he popped the trunk on a beautiful black BMW sedan. “I wasn’t sure what kind of car you would have. I thought either something a little conservative like this, or an outrageously fast sports car of some kind. Both suit you, somehow.”

  He grinned. “Good, ’cause I also have a Jag F-TYPE that does okay in the speed department.”

  She laughed. “I should have known.”

  He loaded their bags and closed the trunk. “My house is about twenty minutes out. Don’t expect too much. It’s a good house, but it’s definitely inhabited by a bachelor. It’s not warm and welcoming like your place.”

  “It’ll be fine.”

  “It’ll be clean, at least. I pay a service well to make sure it stays that way, even when I’m not around.”

  Jolene settled in the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt, enjoying the chance to learn more about the life of Boone Kendall. As they pulled out of the parking spot, his phone rang.

  “It’s Holt,” he said, parking the car again. He put the phone on speaker and answered. The agent had thoughtfully called with an update on Landon Dean, who’d had a good night and was doing well this morning. He was still in ICU and couldn’t have visitors, but was expected to move to a regular room sometime in the next day or two.

  The phone call further buoyed Boone’s mood. He leaned over and gave Jolene a hard, quick kiss before putting the car in reverse once more. “I like this day much better than yesterday,” he said with a smile. “Tomorrow not so much, but I’m going to try not to think that far ahead. Today I want to live in the moment and enjoy what I have.”

  “I’ll go with you to Chicago, you know,” Jolene said. “If you want me to.”

  “I do. I’m going to have my agent hire a plane again. I’m not up for flying commercial right now.”

  “Okay. Now I won’t talk about it anymore. Living in the moment is where it’s at, for today at least.”

  “That’s my girl.” Boone merged into traffic, smoothly changing lanes as he accelerated, heading north. He was as skilled and confident in the driver’s seat as he was in all other aspects of his life, and Jolene relaxed, feeling comfortable and safe with him at the wheel. The twenty minute drive passed quickly and she sat forward eagerly when he pulled into his drive. He lived in a gated community, with large lots and stately homes. Boone’s house was a lovely two story stone colonial, with a wide front porch, regrettably devoid of furniture.

  “You don’t sit out on your porch?”

  “Nah. That’s only fun if you have someone to sit out there with.”

  “Or if you have a good book. I love porches.”

  “I don’t read much.” Boone pushed a button and the garage door rolled up. He pulled inside, beside a low-slung silver car that Jolene thought looked a little bit on the dangerous side.

  “Which car do you drive the most?” she asked as they got out.

  “This one. The Jaguar isn’t real suitable for Minnesota winters. I take it to Tahoe though, for the off season. Makes the drive out there a lot of fun. I have a pickup at that house, too, for pulling boats and stuff.”

  “A typical man, obsessed with vehicles,” she teased. “So let’s see this bachelor pad.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll come get the bags later.” He led her up several steps to a landing, then opened a door that led into his kitchen. “After you.”

  It was a beautiful kitchen, and it looked like he actually used it.

  “You cook?” Jolene asked, feeling a little nervous. Being here in his house seemed suddenly intimate, and she was very aware of him so close behind her.

  His low chuckle made her shiver. “I do. If you’re lucky, I’ll make you a meal sometime.”

  The house had a modern, open concept floor plan, and the kitchen, dining area and a huge living room all flowed together beautifully. A large fireplace in the living room immediately drew Jolene’s attention, and as she inspected it she realized it was a two sided one, with the second side placed in a wonderfully cozy den. A guest bedroom and bath were located in back of the house, finishing off the main level. Next Boone showed her the basement, which consisted of a huge gym and a theater room, which he admitted he mostly only used to watch game tape.

  Back on the main level, Boone took the time to go to the car to get their bags, which he carried upstairs when they went, to save another trip. There were four bedrooms up there, two master suites and two other rooms with a bathroom situated between them and accessible from either side.

  “This can be yours,” Boone said, taking her into the unused master suite. The room was huge, decorated neutrally in taupes and creams. There was a king sized bed and some very nice furniture. It was lovely, but a little sterile feeling.

  “Needs a little color, I know,” he said. “Maybe you can help me with that.”

  “Maybe. It’s a beautiful house, though, Boone. You have nothing to apologize for.”

  “Thanks. It has potential.” He left the room and crossed the hall, Jolene right behind him.

  “So this is your room.”

  “Yes ma’am. Looks pretty much like all the others, although I do at least have a colorful spread on my bed.”

  Jolene burst out laughing when she saw a bright red bedspread with a huge Minnesota Wild logo emblazoned in the center.

  “Oh my word, Boone. You really do your team proud.”

  “It was meant as a joke. When I bought this place, I told Jax and Sarah that it could probably do with a little more color, and the next time they came over, Sarah showed up with this. She was poking fun at my lack of decorating expertise, and she never thought I’d actually use it. To this day she can hardly stand that I still have it.”

  “Which makes you more determined to keep it,” Jolene surmised. She liked that he had good friends like Jax and Sarah.

  With the tour concluded, Boone checked the time. “I need to
get going. Coach wants us to do a light morning skate, and I want to get there a little early because I haven’t heard from Ian yet, which means he’ll be there waiting for me. I’ll take the Jag so you can have the other car if you want to go anywhere before I get back.”

  They headed back downstairs, and Jolene had to smile at his quiet excitement and the spring in his step. The man really was born to play and compete.

  “I had my service stock the fridge with a few things this morning. You should be able to find plenty for lunch. I’ll be home early afternoon sometime. Then I’ll need to leave again around four thirty.”

  “That’s about when I’ll be leaving for the airport to get the Desmonds.”

  “I guess you know your way around this town well enough to get to the arena from there?”

  “I definitely do. Our tickets will be at the main box office, right?”

  “Yep. I told Holt to pick his up there, too. You’ll all be seated together.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her in. “Sorry I have to leave you.”

  “I’ll be fine. I have my laptop. I’ll use the time to remote into the system at the ranch and start going through the registrations for the next retreat. Cam promised to scan them in for me.”

  “Sounds good. My wi-fi password is wildman15. Don’t laugh.”

  “I won’t. I love it. Have a good skate, Wildman.”

  He looked down at her, his eyes glinting. “I like having you here, Jo. I like that I’m going to come home to you in a few hours. So much better than an empty house.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” She stood on her tiptoes and took his head in her hands, drawing it down to meet her lips. His hands slid down her back to the curve of her waist, pulling her closer as the kiss instantly went white hot.

  It caught Jolene by surprise and she gasped against his mouth, straining closer to him, not even thinking about the slight discomfort it caused her ribs. He moved his hands restlessly across her back, then slid them beneath her top to the silky skin of her waist and oh so slowly up over her ribs. His hands were big and warm, his touch soothing and sensual at the same time.

  “Boone,” she breathed, reluctantly breaking the kiss. “You’re going to be late.”

  “So worth it,” he murmured, pressing his lips to her throat.

  She gave a low moan. “Not if Ian is there waiting for you to explain why you didn’t tell him what was going on.”

  “Hm. There is that.” He raised his head and gazed down at her, his beautiful mouth curved into a smile that made her shiver. “I’ll see you in a few hours.” He dropped one last quick kiss on her lips and pulled away. “Let me know if you hear from Tuck. I’ll do the same.”

  She nodded and watched him go. She heard the Jag start up with a roar and went to the window to watch him back out and pull away. The sleek, powerful car suited him to a tee, and Jolene let out a long, slow breath as it disappeared around a curve.

  She had it bad for the man. Real bad. Maybe even the ‘I’m-in-love’ level of bad. But she knew there was still much to learn about life as Boone Kendall’s girlfriend.


  Jolene was sitting at the dining table when he returned in the afternoon, her laptop and pages of notes spread out in front of her. He walked up behind her and swept her hair away from her neck, dropping a kiss on her nape. She reached up and slid her fingers into his hair as he moved his mouth along the curve of her shoulder.

  “How was your skate? And did you meet with Ian?”

  “It was good, and yes, he was waiting for me, just as I predicted.” He took her hand and tugged her to her feet. “I’ll tell you about it while I make a smoothie. I need the protein. I also just got off the phone with Tuck.”

  “And?” Jolene asked anxiously, following him to the kitchen.

  “The Tamkins have been arrested. Paula too, although she’s out on bail. They’ll try to get the other nurse who was involved extradited from France, but that’ll take a long time. They’re still trying to find Ethan Golding’s other accomplices. They have the guys he hired to abduct you, and the ones from the arena, but Doug is convinced he’s also been utilizing a hacking group somewhere, and they’d like to get them rounded up. But Tuck figures they’re just mercenaries, and don’t pose any threat now that Golding is out of commission.”

  “Have they searched Ethan’s house?”

  “Yeah. They found his father’s files hidden in a safe there, so that’s how Golding knew who to blackmail. He probably found the files when his dad died. Tuck figures the oil guy and the other couple who paid for a baby will be arrested in the next couple of days. And of course my dad. They’ll likely all get out on bail, though. Then at some point, the innocent families will be contacted to let them know their children are alive.”

  “So were all three blackmailed?”

  “Looks like it, and from what Tuck has heard, what Golding got out of my dad was petty cash compared to what he took the other two for. It’s no wonder he was desperate to preserve his little operation.”

  Jolene watched as he put frozen fruit, a banana, protein powder, milk, and ice cubes into the blender. He looked over his shoulder and smiled. “Looks good, huh?”

  “Sure.” She leaned her elbows on the counter. “So how did it go with Ian?”

  He shrugged. “Not bad, I suppose. He was hurt that I didn’t tell him everything before going to the ranch, because we’re pretty close for a player and a manager, but when I explained how far reaching this thing is, and how many people are affected in addition to my own family, he understood why I struggled so much with it, and kept it to myself for as long as I did.”

  “He sounds like a reasonable man,” Jolene said approvingly.

  “He’s great. And the skate felt good. I’m a little stiff from the hard practice yesterday, but otherwise I’m ready.”

  Jolene waited for him to blend his smoothie.

  “Want some?” he asked, holding up the pitcher.

  “No thanks. I had a huge salad for lunch.”

  He poured the icy mixture into a huge glass. “So I have two hours before I have to get back to the arena. What shall we do?”

  “Well, the first thing I think we should do is go downstairs to the gym.”

  His eyes widened and he almost choked on his smoothie. “No way, Jo. If you put me through one of your workouts I’ll be too dead to even show up tonight. Sorry. No gym for me today.”

  She gave an exaggerated sigh. “That’s too bad. I went down this morning and found a massage table folded up in the corner. I got it all set up and ready for you. But I guess it was just a waste of time.”

  He stopped mid-drink and looked over at her, his eyes going heavy-lidded at the thought. “Oh man, you’d really put those magic hands to work on me today?”

  “Well I was going to, but if the gym is off limits…”

  He hurriedly finished his smoothie and rinsed his glass. “Come on. Let’s do it before you change your mind.”

  She laughed as she followed him down the stairs. “I couldn’t find any oil, so we’ll have to use my lotion. Which means you’ll smell like me afterward.”

  “Could be worse things,” he replied.

  “It won’t pull your man card?”

  “Uh, on second thought, I might not want to hit the locker room smelling like the sexiest woman I’ve ever met.”

  “Oh come on, Boone. I’ve seen pictures of the women you’re surrounded with. I’m not even close to that level of sexiness.”

  He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and caught her around the waist, nuzzling her neck. “Putting everything you have on display is not sexy. Trying too hard is not sexy. Seeing how many wealthy, successful men you can dangle on the end of your string is not sexy.”

  “Some men think so, obviously, or they wouldn’t allow themselves to be dangled,” Jolene said, a little breathless because his lips felt so good on her skin.

  “I suppose. But my definition of sexy is a woman who knows what she wants and
goes after it. A woman who has a heart for others and puts them first. One who is loyal to her friends and family and would do anything for them. One whose house smells like warm brownies and who has magic hands.” He raised her hands and kissed both palms, his eyes glinting as he smiled down at her. “And it doesn’t hurt that she’s adorable and gorgeous and has a body I dream about every single night.”

  Jolene felt her cheeks flame. “Okay, Boone. I’m not going to change my mind about giving you a massage, so you can stop the flattery.”

  “It’s only flattery if it’s not true,” he said, tugging her toward the table. “And I speak nothing but the truth.”

  “Whatever, Wildman. Now take your shirt off and lay on your stomach.”

  He frowned. “This won’t hurt your ribs, will it?”

  “If it does, I’ll adjust my movements. Don’t worry about it.”

  For the next hour Jolene enjoyed herself thoroughly, working over nearly every muscle in his body, amazed as always by the way he was put together, and the incredible symmetry and litheness of his muscle structure. Her awareness of him as a man threatened to distract her from the purpose of her task, and several times she realized her touch was more of a caress than a therapeutic movement. But for the most part she was in the zone, and her hands moved with purpose across his skin.

  When she finished, he was on his back and she was standing at his head, having just worked the muscles of his neck and shoulders, shoving her fingers between him and the table and using the weight to increase the pressure. She placed her hands on the sides of his face and leaned over, pressing an upside-down kiss on his relaxed mouth.

  He grabbed her head and held her there. “You’re the best, babe,” he said against her lips. “I’ll be playing for you tonight. You, Virgil and Kay. And we’re gonna win.”

  She didn’t doubt him for a second. “We’ll be cheering our hearts out. Now you’d better hit the shower. You smell like peaches and vanilla and mint. Drink a big glass of water on your way up, too.”

  He sat up and rolled his shoulders. “Gotcha. You coming?”


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