Bad Behavior

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Bad Behavior Page 12

by Kiki Swinson

  “Bitch you stupid,” he responded calmly. “You think I would really give a chaser like you my real name? It’s all a part of the game, baby girl. You gotta take it on the chin. Y’all got caught slippin, that’s all. Stop crying and making them dry-ass threats. Now if you’ll excuse me, I got some money I need to go spend. Ten grand, to be exact. Like I said, tonight was a good night. Thanks again. Click!”

  * * *

  Less than an hour later Honore was grasping a pissed-off Cucci up under her arm as she struggled to get her and the bulky car seat she was carrying into the backseat of an Uber. The hotel lobby was clear when she walked in, and she pretended like she could barely believe the wild story her cousin had told her.

  “Ow!” Cucci moaned and grabbed her knee as she tried to skooch her way deeper into the ride and make room for her fellow passengers. “This shit is completely crazy, yo!” She stared at her cousin with her lip poked out. “It took your ass long enough to get here, Honore! And I can’t believe you brought no baby out here at this time of night with you neither! You ain’t even put a hat on his head!”

  “Hell yeah I brought him out! What else was I supposed to do with him?” Honore snapped back as she struggled to get the baby strapped in. “Leave him up in that attic all by himself crying his head off? Forget his damn hat. You lucky I got my ass outta that house without getting caught! Or you really woulda been sitting around waiting for a ride!”

  Honore finally settled in next to Cucci and the baby and she frowned at the look of pain on her cousin’s pretty face. “You lookin real beat, Cucci. Are you sure you don’t wanna go to the emergency room?” she asked.

  “No!” Cucci said sharply. “Uh-uh. Them doctors see me looking all fucked up like this and they’ll be asking a million questions. Don’t worry. I’ma go to the free clinic later on and get myself checked out. I’ll let ’em test me for STDs and check my shit out thoroughly. But right now all I wanna do is go home and get in the tub.”

  Honore tapped the Uber driver on the shoulder and he pulled away from the curb and took off toward the projects. Every little sway and bump of the car sent a shriek or a moan busting outta Cucci’s mouth, and feeling guilty as fuck and sorry for her cousin, Honore tried to get her talking to distract her from the pain.

  “So who do you think was behind this shit?” she probed like she was clueless. “The strippers, the white boys, or what?”

  Cucci closed her eyes and shook her head wearily.

  “It had to be one of the strippers because it damn sure wasn’t the white boys. Like I said, I left one of them idiots with his thoughts leaking all over the rug.”

  “Damn! We gotta figure out how to get that money back!” Honore said as her brain worked overtime to come up with something slick. The chances of finding that Rasul nigga were real slim, but she damn sure wasn’t about to tell Cucci that. Besides, how was she supposed to know they were gonna get licked! That lil babysitting job of hers didn’t pay shit, and she had been looking forward to splitting all those racks with her cousin and getting caught up on all the shit she needed to do.

  Honore bit down on her bottom lip real hard, straight-up disgusted with herself. I can’t tell her it was my stupid ass who fucked up the whole situation. I shouldn’ta been trying to be so greedy. I should have known the whole shit was too good to be true. How could a slickster like me be so careless? Her dirty transgression was weighing on her heart. Cucci was her best fuckin’ friend for life, and no matter how broke they got Honore never wanted to see her hurt. This was a real hard mistake to stomach. Only thing good about the situation was that Cucci was still breathing.

  Honore ran her mouth and kept Cucci distracted until they pulled up in front of the building where they lived. To the casual observer the projects looked dark and deserted, but there was plenty of business being conducted and behind-the-scenes action going down if you knew where to look. Honore gazed toward the building’s porch where a few winos and crackheads stumbled around in plain view.

  “Can you make it upstairs by yourself?” she asked her cousin.

  Cucci gave her the eye. “Girl, no! You see my knee is all jacked up! You don’t wanna come upstairs with me?”

  “Nope.” Honore shook her head and nodded toward the sleeping infant. “Not if you can make it by yourself. Sheeeit, I ain’t taking this white baby up in the building! Them niggas’ll see me with him and they’ll cut my throat then kidnap his lil ass and try to hold him for ransom.” She shook her head again. “Bad enough he’s gonna have colic from being out in all this night air without a hat. Nah, I need to get lil man home before his momma gets up to go to work and comes looking for him.”

  Honore waited while Cucci inched her sore ass outta the whip. She watched as her girl limped slowly up the walkway toward the towering project building, then she tapped the young Indian driver on his shoulder and gave him the address to a house out on Long Island.

  “Listen here, Ahmed. I’m about to be in some big-ass trouble if I don’t get this baby home real quick, so I’ma need you to take some shortcuts and run some red lights and do whatever you gotta do to get me back to Long Island before the sun comes up, you heard? So go ’head and push it, papi. Push this shit!”


  It was damn near five thirty in the morning when Honore finally made it back to the rich white people’s house on Long Island. The only light that was shining from the property was the one over the front entrance, and Honore breathed a sigh of relief as she crept through the kitchen door and unbuckled the sleeping baby from his infant seat.

  After all that hollering and fussing he had done earlier, the night air had Sal Junior knocked out and sleeping just like a baby, and he didn’t make a peep as Honore crept up the stairs, passed the master suite, and headed farther upstairs toward the nursery.

  Relieved as fuck that she had gotten the baby back in one piece and feeling pretty damn slick about herself, Honore twisted the doorknob and stepped inside the dark, spacious room. She was just laying the lil tyke down in his luxurious bassinet when a noise from the corner of the room scared the shit outta her.

  “What the fuck!” Honore almost jumped outta her skin as a figure rose from the darkness and appeared before her. Her heart banged up in her throat when she saw that it was Sal Senior, the ugly-ass slimeball himself, who had been lurking in a rocking chair and waiting for her in the darkness.

  “Hey, sir,” Honore said as she finished settling the baby down and covered him up with a receiving blanket. “Ohhh, I’m sorry about my mouth, Mr. Silberman, but you scared the hell outta me. Is everything all right?”

  “I don’t know,” Slimy Sal said quietly as he stepped over to the door and closed it firmly then turned the lock. “I came upstairs to check on my son, only to find that he wasn’t here. And neither were you. You wanna tell me where you were, and what you were doing with my child in the middle of the night?”

  “Oh, we didn’t really go nowhere.” Honore waved her hand and lied. She coulda kicked herself up the ass! This asshole probably had some footage of her sneaking out the door on video! The whole house was prolly wired and everything she did was probably recorded on camera for the world to see.

  Honore almost panicked. She couldn’t lose this cushy-ass night job. She just couldn’t. The judge had been real clear when he sentenced her, and her jail time would only remain suspended as long as she kept her job. She had been so busy rushing out to get Cucci that she didn’t even think about that shit.

  “Seriously,”—she gave him a big, cheesy smile—“lil man was just being his normal fussy self so I walked him around the house for a little while until he calmed down. And see?” Honore nodded toward the crib like she had this shit covered. “It worked.”

  “Is that right?”

  Honore peeped Slimy Sal’s move on the door and the sinister tone in his voice. She nodded real quick as she tried to figure out what angle this muthafucka was tryna come from while hoping like hell he wasn’t about to fire her.
  “Yep, that’s right. You know he likes to be walked around, so that’s what I did. I walked him around.”

  Slimy Sal cracked a smile and Honore felt a chill go straight through her.

  “I find that hard to believe because I went looking for you. I searched the entire house, and you were nowhere to be found. And neither was my son. So do you want to tell me where you took him, or do you want to tell your little lie again?”

  Suddenly the baby started crying again and Honore quickly swooped him up in her arms. She plopped down on the bed and held him over her shoulder and jiggled him up and down.

  “Look, Mister Silberman, I just walked the baby around, that’s all. I mighta stepped outside for a second or two so he could get a little air, but I was just tryna make him comfortable, that’s all.”

  Slimy Sal nodded as he went over and sat next to Honore on the bed. “Well I’m paying you good money for him to be comfortable. As a matter of fact, he looks pretty comfortable right now. Lay him down and rub his back.”

  “Okay, sir,” Honore said as she laid the kid down. She wasn’t used to this nerd-ass looking rich white man being all up in her grille like this but she didn’t wanna believe what her hood instincts were telling her. She tried to scoot over a little bit but she was already on the edge of the bed so there was nowhere else to go.

  “Lil man love him some Honore,” she said, playing it off nervously as she gently patted the baby’s back. “He’s gonna be knocked out again in no time.”

  Instead of answering, to Honore’s surprise Slimy Sam leaned over and stuck out his tongue and licked her neck like a dog.

  Honore jumped up off the bed looking shocked as hell. No wonder they called this bastard slimy! She frowned in disgust as she wiped his spit off her neck and backed away from her boss.

  “What the hell are you trying to do up in here, sir?” Honore barked. “I hope there wasn’t any miscommunication going on between us because I don’t get down like that!”

  “Like what?” Slimy Sam said softly as he stood up and unbuckled his belt.

  Honore peeked the stiff little woodpecker tryna poke outta his pants and she shook her head real fast.

  “Uh-uh. I’m not with that shit sir, and I’m not trying to lose my job neither. What if your wife finds out what you tryna do with me?”

  “My wife won’t find out,” Sal said. “Because you’re not going to say a damn thing. If you don’t get your beautiful ass over here and park it in my lap I’ll fire you right now and then call the police and tell them how you kidnapped my son. You’ll be arrested and sent to jail so fast it’ll make your pretty little head spin. And you don’t want that, do you?”

  “Sir, you know I need this job,” Honore pleaded. She was so damn mad that she was on the verge of crying. This slimy fucker had her hemmed up tight between a rock and hard spot, and what he wanted from her was the same damn thing every man wanted from her: some pussy!

  “C’mon, now, chill with that, Mister Silberman! Don’t be talking about calling no cops on nobody, son! You know I’m on probation and I can’t get in no legal trouble. Don’t do me like this sir. Please. I don’t want any problems.”

  “Problems? You haven’t seen problems! In fact, I think I’m going to just go ahead and call the police right now,” Slimy Sal said as he cracked a big smile that indicated he was enjoying Honore’s distress and her state of nervousness and desperation. “Unless you agree to cooperate and give me what I want when I want it, that is.”

  Honore was stuck like fuck. There was no way in hell she wanted to open her legs for this bony-ass creeper but she didn’t really have a choice. His dirty white ass had her by the panties and there wasn’t shit she could do except submit to it. Reluctantly she walked back across the room and went over to the bed and sat on his lap.

  A few moments later her luscious tits had been ripped outta her bra and Slimy Sal was sucking the life out of her caramel-colored nipples.

  “Act like you like it.” Sal stopped sucking for a moment and glared up at her and demanded. “You can either go to jail, or you can make me feel good.”

  Honore knew when she was licked. This fucker had two handfuls of titties and a nipple between his lips, and she could feel his stiff woody stabbing her right in the ass.

  Go to jail or make me feel good!

  The choice was easy, and Honore sighed as she stood up and wriggled outta her jeans. Slimy Sam gasped at the sight of her bold honey-colored hump of an ass, and with the baby sleeping peacefully on the bed beside them, Honore pulled his slimy father down to the floor and got ready to put the best pussy on him that he ever had in his life.

  “Lay back,” she ordered him after yanking off his wrinkled khakis and polka dot drawers. Honore felt his bulging eyes crawling all over her in the darkness as she slowly stripped outta the rest of her clothes, and she knew this was gonna be a two minute job. It was obvious that Sal had never seen such a prime, naked body like hers before because he was watching her with tears of lust in his eyes.

  Honore knew what her best look was, and as Sal lay stretched out on the floor she faced away from him and shook her massive ass cheeks like she was a race horse about to come outta the blocks. Slowly, she stepped backwards until she was straddling him with her ass right above his face. She did a real deep squat and wiped her pussy on his nose, then rubbed her clit all over his thin, puckered up lips. Duck-walking forward, she paused with her pussy hovering over the head of his stiff little dick.

  Sal reached out and grabbed two handfuls of her glorious ass cheeks, and Honore paused while he lifted and lowered their weight in his palms and massaged her booty with glee. Lowering her knees to the floor, Honore guided the tip of his dick to her slit, then plopped down on it hard, impaling herself on his rigid meat.

  She rode him backwards, and Sal gasped and moaned as he watched her naked ass bucking up and down. Honore put that shit on him wickedly, squeezing and milking his balls in her hands while she clenched down with her pussy muscles hard enough to make him yelp.

  This sucka’s about to cum, Honore told herself with a satisfied smile. She started fucking him even harder. Her booty cheeks clapped and quivered and he slapped her ass loudly on every downstroke. Honore was working up a sweat. For fifteen long minutes Sal took everything she threw at him, and still his dick remained brick-hard and lodged inside her slippery pussy.

  “Hurry up and bust,” she finally told him, glancing over her shoulder. “Let’s get this shit over with.” Sal didn’t answer right away. Instead, he pushed her off of him and crawled up on his knees. Urging Honore down flat on her back, he looked down at her and grinned. He jammed two fingers straight inside her wet pussy then pulled them out and sopped up her juice.

  “Hurry up, my ass,” he said with a wicked laugh. “You get paid to work a ten hour shift, my dear, and I’m about to fuck you all night long!”


  As Cucci lay stretched out in the bed the next morning with a raggedy fan blowing cool air all over her aching body she couldn’t help but replay the bullshit that had gone down the night before in her mind. She had soaked her aching ass in a hot bubble bath as soon as she stumbled inside the apartment that her and Honore shared with her mother, Frita, and right now she was holding some ice cubes wrapped in a washcloth against her swollen cheek.

  Cucci was hood to the bone and she had given and taken her share of ass-kickings in her day, but none that had ever left her feeling this fucked up. She was planning to go to the free clinic as soon as they opened so she could get herself tested for any sexually transmitted diseases that might have gotten through those condoms. Thankfully, she had been knocked out during the worst of what was done to her in that hotel room, but it was the wounds to her pride and spirit that hurt even worse than those that had been inflicted on her body.

  The truth was, it was very hard for a slick chick like Cucci to accept the fact that she had gotten booked, beat the hell up, and banged all in the same damn night. Her face and
her body bore the evidence though, and she was trying to figure out what the hell kind of lie she was gonna tell her mother when she got home. She had a little time before she needed to worry about that though, because today was Sunday and right now Frita was out visiting a few of the sick and shut-in church members in her congregation. Cucci was alone in the apartment with Honore, who had just come home from her night job, and she was in the kitchen cooking up some bacon, eggs, and grits.

  “Here,” Honore said, handing Cucci a hot plate of food as she walked into the small room they shared.

  “Ungh,” Cucci grunted as she snatched the plate and got to grubbing.

  “Um, how about a little thank you, damn!” Honore snapped as she pulled the sheets back and got into the bed next to Cucci and balanced her plate on her thighs.

  “Yeah okay, thanks for coming to get me last night!” Cucci smirked and said sarcastically. “And no damn thanks for making me come upstairs by myself! You knew I didn’t have no shoe and my damn knee was jacked up, Honore!”

  “I had that little white baby with me, Cucci! Shit, coming to get you is what got me in trouble last night!”

  “You think you had trouble last night? Bitch, please! Not only did I get mad burners pulled out and brandished in my face, I got robbed and beat the hell up and I also got fucked last night, just in case you forgot!”

  “Well I hate to bust ya lil bubble, but I got fucked last night and fired too!” Honore snapped.

  “Fucked by who?” Cucci demanded.

  “By my boss,” Honore admitted. “Slimy fuckin’ Sam, the same savage who fired me. That old skinny doofus with the hot breath and the funny teeth pushed up on me last night. He found out that I left the house with the baby and he threatened to call the cops and report me for kidnapping if I didn’t go along with the go-along. I put a real strong booty game down on him but as soon as he busted his nut he got up and fired my ass.”


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