Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me

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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me Page 9

by Angie Hayes

  “Momma what you think I have been doing?”

  “Well obviously it ain’t working so you need to try harder. I swear it’s like I ain’t teach yo’ ass shit! Just handle yo’ business Katrina.” My momma said and then hung up in my face as well.

  Both of these muthafuckas are working my damn nerves with all their demanding shit! Then they have the nerve to hang up in my face. I knew I should have left shit how it was and just continued to fuck with Rashaad how I was before, but no, I just had to listen to my momma to trap him with this damn baby. I swear this shit better be worth it in the end or somebody gone have hell to pay, and it won’t be me.


  After Last night with Rashaad confessing everything to me and then asking me to stick by his side and be his wife, I was seeing things in a whole new perspective. I always considered myself his rider so that’s exactly what I planned to do. I was going to ride this out with my baby. We made love again last night and then I fell asleep right in his arms with him holding me all night long. He had a veterans meeting this morning and then the guys were going to look over film all afternoon, so I was happy to have my girls come over and kick it with me for a while. While I was in the kitchen getting the fruit, cheese and crackers platter ready, my doorbell rang.

  “Hello gorgeous, come in.” I greeted Pam with a kiss on her cheek, before I let her in. “Hey yourself. You seem like you’re in a much better mood today.” Pam said as she followed me into the kitchen as I finished preparing the snacks and drinks.

  “Girl I am!” I exclaimed. “I got some shit to tell you, but I wanna wait until Katrina gets here so I won’t have to repeat myself.”

  “Speaking of Katrina, how long has your cousin been here?”

  “About a couple of months. She moved here to be with her baby daddy.”

  “Baby daddy? I didn’t know she was pregnant.”

  “Yup! She told me that she’s been messing with some baller nigga and when she found out she was pregnant, he asked her to move out here with him, and so she did. Katrina always has been like that though. She is the honey that attracts many bees.” I laughed.

  The doorbell rang again, this time I knew it was Katrina.

  “Hey Pam can you do me a favor and take this tray and wine into the entertainment room while I get the door?”

  “Sure.” Pam replied.

  “Hi cousin! You look cute.” I said to Katrina as I opened the door and let her in.

  “Thanks boo. I’m starting not to feel like it though with my skin stretching and shit.”

  I did notice that she was getting a pudge. A little bit of jealously crept up in me looking at her stomach and I wished that it was me who was experiencing instead.

  “Aww don’t worry about it, you still look good as hell and could barely tell you’re pregnant. I’m sure you’ll wear the rest of your pregnancy well too!” I complemented her.

  Even though it wasn’t me that was pregnant, I was still genuinely happy for my cousin and her blessing.

  “Come on, Pam is already here.” I said as I led Katrina into the room.

  “You ladies remember each other from the other day right?

  “Of course, what’s up Pam?” Katrina greeted her as she took a seat.

  “I’m good Katrina.” Pam answered a little short.

  “Ok now that we are all here, I have some tea to spill to you heffas! Ya’ll gone need a drink first with what I’m about to tell you!” I told them eagerly as I poured us each some wine.

  “Wait can you have wine Katrina?” I asked as I stopped midair as I was about to pour her some in her glass.

  “Yeah girl I’m good, a little wine won’t hurt my baby.” Katrina responded rubbing her little pudge.

  “Oh so you’re pregnant?” Pam asked.

  “Sure is honey.” Katrina answered Pam with a little attitude.

  I hope Pam didn’t catch that because I didn’t have time to pay peacemaker with their asses.

  “Oh how nice, does your baby daddy live here in Atlanta?”

  “Damn what’s with the first forty-eight questions?” Katrina snapped as she took a sip from her glass.

  “Hey I was just asking a question boo. The attitude isn’t called for.” Pam snapped back.

  “Ok ya’ll two can we get back to what we are really here for and that’s to get some girl chat in, not go off on each other, geesh!” I interrupted them before their little semi cat fight escalated.

  I don’t know what the beef was with these two, but fuck all that right now I have bigger shit to worry about.

  “I’m sorry about that girl, this is your house and I wouldn’t dare disrespect it. So anyways, what’s this tea you are dying to spill?” Pam asked changing the subject.

  “Well, Rashaad came home last night from the club and finally confessed to actually getting some bitch pregnant.” I blurted out as I took a drink.

  “He did what? Am I hearing you right?” Pam asked looking at me as if she couldn’t believe what I had just blurted out.

  “Yup you heard me. Rashaad confessed to getting a bitch pregnant, well it’s a possibility.”

  “What do you mean a possibility?” Katrina asked.

  “He told me how he met this chick at a party that was being thrown for one of his other teammates. He talked about how drunk and fucked up he was that night. Then he said next thing he knew he woke up next to her ass naked. Obviously they must have fucked and he can’t remember. So a couple of months pass and here she comes hollering about how she’s pregnant by him.”

  “And you believe that story?” Katrina asked me this time laughing.

  “Whether I believe it or not doesn’t worry me anymore, especially since we decided to just ride this out together with whatever the outcome may be. He wants to get married now.” I said with a smile.

  I still couldn’t believe Rashaad wanted to get married ASAP!

  “Married? So you still gone marry this nigga after he beats yo’ ass and then confesses with a bullshit ass story about getting drunk and not remembering fucking this broad?” Katrina asked getting loud.

  “Damn calm down cuz! I know it sounds crazy, but Rashaad and I have been through too much for some hoe who obviously loves attention to try and fuck up our home. I mean, the bitch did run to the blogs obviously trying to start some shit, so I refuse to allow her to come in between us. Besides, I’m not about to give her or anybody else the satisfaction of knowing they can break us apart.” I reminded her as I took another swig of my wine.

  “Well hey, if you think you can wing it and be happy then I’m happy for you.” Pam finally said after an eerie silence in the room as she put her wine glass in the air for a toast.

  “Thanks boo.” I replied bumped my glass against hers.

  “I’m saying Kema, I think this shit is too much stress and you need to get out while you can. Girl Rashaad on that bullshit with that tired ass story he came up with.” Katrina scolded rolling her eyes.

  “Damn honey you act like you know Rashaad like that to say that his story is bullshit. Besides if Kema ain’t worried about no bird bitch running around claiming to be pregnant by her man, then we shouldn’t either.” Pam smirked.

  I’m not sure if she was saying this to show her true support of me or to get under Katrina’s skin, either way my girl was living for me right now!

  “First off, I’m not your honey. So now that we got that understanding let me remind you that Kema is my cousin, therefore I have the right to voice my opinion about whoever I feel is bullshitting her in her life and that’s what I did and what I’m gonna continue to do.” Katrina responded. Each word that came from her mouth was laced with nothing but attitude.

  I felt like I was in the middle being pulled between my closet friend and my cousin. Before I could intervene once again between these two my phone rang.

  “Can you ladies please try and keep your claws in while I take this call from my boo?” I asked them as I got up and headed into the kitchen to talk to Rashaad private


  As soon as Kema stepped out of the room, I immediately checked Katrina slimy ass.

  “Look bitch, I don’t know what your game plan is with Kema but you need to just take yo’ ass back to where the hell you came from!”

  “Damn, seems like someone is still bitter because she can’t taste the kitty anymore.” Katrina smirked. “I tell you what, if you’re nice from now on I might let you sniff it again just to remind you what you been missing.” She laughed.

  I was trying to contain myself from slapping this bitch. I already told Kema earlier that I wouldn’t disrespect her house, so this bitch will get a pass this time only!

  “And I see you are the same delusional bitch who just don’t know when to let things go.” I shot back.

  “Say whatever you want, but let’s not forget you are an outsider my dear. I am blood and believe me when I say what I say will always overpower your little ass opinions.”

  “You maybe her cousin, but I bet she doesn’t know how much of a slimy ass snake hoe you are. I’m telling you Katrina, Kema is my girl so whatever your real intentions are for coming to Atlanta besides that bullshit ass story you are telling that you moved here to be with your baby daddy,” I said making air quotes. “You might as well dead that shit.”

  I said seething trying to keep my voice down.

  This bitch really had me hot!

  “Now you know me better then to think that I take threats or orders from anybody. Especially from bitches who would rather lick pussy then go home and suck their husband dick. Bitch save all that shit you are talking because all you need to worry about is if I don’t spill your little secret to ya man and whoever else will listen. Do you know how much bread these sites will be willing to pay me if I came at them with a sob story of a famous football player’s wife having a secret affair with a woman whose heart she broke?” Katrina said to me pretending like she was crying.

  I already thought this bitch was crazy after she blackmailed me, but I after sitting here listening to her I knew she was!

  “You are one crazy ass bitch Katrina. I need you to hear me when I say this trick, I am far from the naïve woman you were dealing with before, so just try!” I threatened her as I got up in her face.

  The wine wasn’t making it any better with my temper. Next thing I knew Katrina grabbed my face and stuck her tongue down her throat kissing me. I know I should have pulled back and slapped the shit out of her, but I tongue wrestled back with her, as my pussy started to get wet. We sat there kissing and as if Kema couldn’t have walked in the room any moment. Suddenly I heard footsteps and pushed Katrina away and quickly scooted back down back over to my side of the couch.

  “Sorry about that y’all. That was my baby telling me he wants to take me out on a date tonight! We are gonna have to cut our chat a little short so I can get ready for later.” Kema told us smiling from ear to ear.

  “No problem girl, handle your man first before anything.” I responded to her as I got up preparing myself to leave.

  I wanted to get the hell out of dodge with the shit that just happened between me and Katrina.

  “Oh Pam, before you leave we should exchange numbers, so that we could hang out sometime. I know we started off on the wrong foot, but overall you seem like a cool chick.” Katrina smiled.

  I knew she was faking and it was more to it, but I couldn’t call her out on her shit with Kema standing right there, so I played along and agreed.

  “Sure no problem.” I said as I recited my number to her and she locked it in her phone.

  “Thanks, I’ll be calling you soon.” Katrina grinned.

  “See, now that’s what I’m talking about ladies. We all can be friends with no beef. It’ll be great to have my cousin and closet girl kick it.” Kema said to us.

  If only she knew how me and Katrina us to kick it, she would trip! Especially if she knew that we were damn near about to go there again in her living room!

  “Alright Kema, I’m out of here. Call me later and tell me how your date went Hun. You already know that I’m rooting for y’all.” I reminded her as I grabbed my purse and headed out her door.

  I got in my car and exhaled loudly before pulling off. I couldn’t believe after everything Katrina did to me, I still fell into her clutches. Her kissing me brought up some feelings that I had buried a long time ago. I knew by her asking for my number and me giving it to her was a recipe for disaster, but unfortunately my kitty was doing the thinking for me right now.


  I had just gotten home from Kema and Rashaad’s place and I’m mad ass fuck! Nothing was going the way I had planned it. By now her ass should be out the door on her way home crying to her momma and daddy! Instead she round here thinking she about to be Rashaad’s ride or die bitch by sticking by his side through everything. Then this nigga had a nerve to call her and tell her that they going on some little ass date tonight when he hasn’t really been spending a lot of time with me? Well both of their asses got another thing coming if they think they about to live happily ever after while I still stay stuck in the background pushing out his big head ass baby! My momma was right, it’s time for me to stop playing like the nice little sideline and kick this shit up a notch!

  I picked up my phone and called Rashaad.

  “What’s up?” he answered after the fourth ring.

  Usually he’ll answer quickly when I called unless he was around Kema and I knew he wasn’t. Yeah this nigga beginning to feel himself just a little too much for me now.

  “Hey baby I know you’re probably busy with right now, but I was calling you because I’m not feeling too well. I threw up some blood this morning. I think I need to go to the hospital to make sure the baby is ok. It’s just that I don’t want to go alone.” I pretended to cry into the phone.

  “Damn. A ’ight I’m on my way over there now.” Rashaad said before he hung up the phone.

  I immediately started laughing. I knew anything involving this child would get his ass running. I quickly jumped in the shower to wash this awful Atlanta sun off of me before Rashaad got here. I kept smiling as I was showering thinking about how little Ms. Perfect was going to be so broken hearted when her man cancel plans on her ass, because the way I have this going Rashaad ain’t going no damn where tonight!


  Ever since I told Kema the semi truth about the baby, something has sparked inside me with her. It was like I was falling in love all over again with the same innocent pure girl that I met in high school. I knew her loyalty to me hadn’t changed when she told me that she would still be here with me no matter what. Now I know I should have just went ahead and told her the complete honest truth about me messing with Katrina and it’s her that is pregnant, but I knew that for sure would make Kema leave my ass. Call me a selfish ass nigga if you want, but I don’t want Kema or Katrina going anywhere.

  I love Kema, but Katrina was giving me something she can’t so that makes me have love for her too. I’m on my way over to Katrina’s place now. She called me crying talking about she was throwing up blood this morning and that she needed to go to the hospital to make sure everything was ok with my shorty. I had to cut my workout drills short with the rookies and rush over to her.

  As soon as I pulled up, I rushed up to her door letting myself in.

  “Hey baby you ok?” I asked when I found her laying on the couch.

  I haven’t seen her in a couple of days, but looking at her now reminded me just how beautiful she is pregnant.

  “I don’t know baby. I was throwing up blood earlier and now my stomach is hurting.” Katrina said to me as she sat up.

  “Ok, let’s get you to the hospital and get you checked out to make sure everything is good with you and the baby.” I said to her as I helped her off the couch and we headed out the door.

  I decided to go to Clearview Regional Medical Center outside of Atlanta, which is located in Monroe, Georgia. I couldn’t take the risk of someone recognizing me at
the ER with Katrina.

  “This isn’t the way to Emory.” Katrina said to me twenty minutes into driving.

  “I know, I’m taking you to Clearview in Monroe instead.”

  “But that’s an hour and some change away Rashaad!” She said getting loud.

  I didn’t say anything back, I just kept a straight face looking ahead as I continued to drive. I knew the drive would take me a little over an hour to arrive, but I hope that once we got there that we could be seen quickly and that everything is ok so that I could rush my ass back home. I didn’t want to disappoint Kema and have to cancel our night out. I had reservations at her favorite restaurant, Bones that was located back in Buckhead.

  The rest of the drive was quiet and calm. Katrina had fallen asleep which was fine by me. Finally I pulled up to the hospital and decided to park in their garage instead of using their valet service like I normally would do anywhere else.

  “Katrina wake up, we’re here.” I said to her as I lightly shook her shoulders.

  “Damn I didn’t know I dozed off. This baby has me all out of whack.” Katrina responded as she grabbed her purse and climbed out of the car.

  I put my shades on and walked behind her in the direction of the entrance.

  When we got inside, I was relieved to see that the Emergency room was empty. We walked up to the desk and Katrina checked in. Once the Nurse gave her the papers to fill out, we went ahead and took a seat.

  “You’re awfully quiet.” Katrina said to me as she was filling out her papers not bothering to look up at me.

  “Naw, I’m just tired from my drills earlier that’s all.”

  “Whatever Rashaad.” Katrina snapped.

  Moments later she was finished filling out her papers, she got up and took them back up to the front desk.

  I don’t know what the fuck was up with her attitude, but I’m not trying to entertain in right now. Katrina came back, sat down and started playing with her phone. I saw her take a selfie and post it on Instagram. I just shook my head because her ass was always doing the most on social media. How you don’t feel well, but you well enough to post pictures is beyond me. After about fifteen minutes, the nurse came out and called Katrina back, so I got up to go with her. Once her vitals and weight were documented, the nurse gave her a gown to change into. As Katrina was changing out of her clothes, my dick got hard as I noticed her getting naked. I suddenly had the desire to run my dick straight up in her pussy and tear that shit up. Just when I was about to just ask her to bend over, the doctor opened the door.


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