Scholomance 7

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Scholomance 7 Page 6

by Logan Jacobs

  Finally, Samara came to a sudden halt, and Theodora and I both stopped quickly in our tracks. We held our breaths as her figure gazed upon a glowing, vine-covered stone wall, and we watched in silence as she swiftly began to brush the leaves away from the rock.

  Whatever she was looking for, it had something to do with this wall in particular. Perhaps there was an engraving on it, or there was a dug-out hole with a hidden treasure located inside. As we both watched her, the air was still and steady, but then a violent wind suddenly brushed past us and nearly knocked us off our feet. It swept past Samara, too, and as soon as it did, she stopped touching the wall and slowly turned around.

  As I gazed upon Samara’s beauty, my breath immediately caught in my throat, and her brilliant, sea-colored eyes stared right at me. Then I felt a strange sensation wash over my entire body, like she was peering into the very depths of my soul and attempting to devour it.

  “Who’s there?” Samara whispered in her deep, husky voice. “I can feel you watching me…”

  “We have to go,” Theodora gasped before she snatched my hand, and suddenly, the entire vision disappeared from view.

  We twisted through time and space once more, but in seconds, we found ourselves back inside the office, and despite the chill from the forest, thick beads of sweat were dripping down from my forehead and into my eyes. When I glanced back at Theodora, her entire face was flushed, her skin was glistening, and her usually impeccable hair was out of place.

  “I told you… it would be one hell of a journey,” she joked lightly, “but it was worth it.”

  “How so?” I asked in a raspy voice. “With all due respect, Headmistress… do we have any idea what we’re even looking for? We may know the name of the realm, but how much do we actually know about it? The artifact could be anywhere within those woods… that wall is our only clue, and it was hidden behind thousands of vines.”

  “Easy, Cole,” she replied with her chin raised. “It’s true. All we know is whatever we’re searching for, it’s located in the Angelus Daemonium. It’s the only realm I know of with trees that glow like sunlight, and it’s located in the far north… in elder territory. Still, concerning your other question, you’re right… I’m afraid we still don’t know what the artifact looks like.”

  “Do you think she saw us?” I asked after a long moment. “When she looked at me… I felt something very unusual coursing through my veins… I could have sworn she saw me.”

  “Do not worry,” Theodora said as she took a seat and pushed back her frizzy hair. “If she saw us, I’m sure she would have tried to kill us, but remember, what we saw was only a memory. She might recall something or someone watching her, but I don’t believe she knows it was us… at least not during that time.”

  “I see,” I replied as I took a seat in front of her desk and pressed my fingers against my throbbing temples. “So, at least we know which realm to go to. We can proceed from there, can’t we? If you shadow port us there, perhaps I can use the blood star to guide our way, and--”

  “Again, I’m afraid it won’t be that simple, Cole,” she said with a long, drawn-out sigh. “I can send you to the north, but I won’t be sending you directly into the woodland. It’s far too dangerous… Samara will be able to sense my magic if I do so… not to mention yours as well.”

  “Alright,” I breathed. “Then what?”

  “I’ll send you to the outskirts of the northern realm… to a kingdom, just beyond the borders of elder territory. You’ll have to use your premonition skills to carefully navigate your way into the woodland, but I have faith in you and your coven. Speaking of, who else did you plan to bring along? You mentioned earlier you would like to take other Wiccas… I suggest that whomever you pick, you choose carefully.”

  “Well, I’d like to bring Marina and Beatrix,” I replied as I drummed my fingers along the desk. “Marina showed promise during the battle, and Beatrix has been a constant, loyal companion of ours. Her charms can be of great use to us, and it would be foolish not to bring her along.”

  “I agree.” The headmistress nodded. “Very well… you have chosen your camaraderie… I also suggest you bring your familiars with you. You never know what an animal can sense, and I think Alexander would be a helpful addition. Now, before I send you off for a good night’s rest, I have one more thing to give to you.”

  “Oh?” I asked with an arched eyebrow.

  Curiosity surged through my body as Theodora’s brilliant eyes peered into mine, and the corners of her lips twitched up into a small smile before she pulled open a drawer and began to rummage inside.

  “It may not look like much,” she explained as she continued to search through her desk, “but I assure you, it will come to use. It has been in my family for years, and I know Vanessa will be displeased that I’ve chosen to give it to you, but she’ll get over it eventually. Ah, here we are.”

  I expected the headmistress to pull out a weapon, or perhaps a new wand, but instead she retrieved a small, gold necklace with a tiny pentagram as the pendant. As it dangled under the firelight, its light shone across the office like a firefly darting madly past my face. It appeared plain at first, but there was something about the way it caught the light that made me believe otherwise. Deep down, I knew without reason this was rarer than any gem and more valuable than all the gold in the world.

  “Damn,” I whispered as I marveled at its peculiar allure. “What is it?”

  “This is a praesidium leporem,” Theodora explained in a soft voice. “It is a powerful relic and will act as a protective charm against Samara… she won’t be able to trick your mind once you put it on. Only those with benign intent will be able to communicate with you, so the woman from your dreams will be able to and there will be no need to fear or question her, so long as you always wear this.”

  “Thank you,” I said as Theodora stood up from the desk and gestured for me to come closer. “I truly appreciate it, Headmistress.”

  “There are only a few of them left,” Theodora said as she carefully placed the necklace around my neck and secured the fastening. “Take great care of it… and never take it off. No matter what.”

  “Understood,” I replied as I looked down at the glittering gold around my neck. “I’ll guard it at all times.”

  “Now,” the headmistress sighed when I turned to face her, “you are in dire need of rest. So, I highly suggest you retire to your bedroom and get as much sleep as possible. Who knows when you’ll be able to sleep in a warm bed after tonight? This journey could take days… weeks… possibly months. I know it’s a lot to ask from you, but you’re our only hope. If we do nothing, she could take over the entire school whenever she chooses.”

  “I know,” I answered with a small smile, “but I’m not worried… and I promise you, I won’t stop until I find all three artifacts and destroy them. And by the time I’m through with Samara, that bitch will regret everything she’s done to Scholomance. I vow it to you and Satan.”

  “I know,” Theodora purred, and she brushed a strand of hair out of my face. “Now, off with you… I’ll see you at first light. Don’t be late.”

  “I won’t,” I promised before I spun around and headed for the door. “Goodnight, Headmistress.”

  “Goodnight, Cole,” she whispered before I left her office and gently shut the door.

  As I walked down the corridors and past the curious paintings, I couldn’t help but wonder where this new journey would take us. How would the coven react? I knew they’d be excited, but this was technically unorthodox for them, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I wasn’t here, and if a war wasn’t brewing between elders and Wiccas, what would their world look like? Would it be more tranquil, and would the women attend their classes every day as if nothing were out of the ordinary?

  No. That was a fairytale. Even without my presence, I knew the elders would stop at nothing to see the fall of the Wicca era. This war had been brewing for years, even before I came to Scholomance, and if it
weren’t for me and my coven, the academy would already be in ruins, so there was no point in wondering about a different world. This was the one I was in, and I knew I would have to fight with every fiber of my being to protect it.

  By the time I crept into the common room, everything was quiet, and I supposed the women were upstairs, asleep and tucked in their beds. Tomorrow, they would be in for one hell of a surprise, so I was glad they were taking the time to rest. As Theodora mentioned, we had no idea when they’d be able to sleep in a warm bed again.

  Despite Theodora’s stern advice to get some sleep, I wasn’t quite ready to retire to my bedroom just yet, so instead, I took a seat on the sofa and stared deeply into the flames looming in the fireplace. As I pondered over everything, I thought I could feel something or someone watching me. Then I noticed there was a small, flapping noise drawing closer and closer, and as I reached for my wand and slowly turned around, I caught a pair of ruby-red eyes staring right at me.

  “Satan!” I gasped as one hand went straight over my pendant, and the other grasped my wand. “Fuck you, Alex!”

  Ha! my familiar chuckled as he hovered above me with his massive, bat-like wings and long snout. I got you good, didn’t I?

  “Oh, please.” I smirked. “It’s just been a crazy fucking night, and your little surprise simply caught me off guard… don’t let it get to your head.”

  Yeah, sure, Alexander teased as he flew around in taunting circles. You should have seen your fucking face! You looked like you just saw your own ghost.

  “And you should see yours,” I laughed. “I don’t get what Silvia sees in you… you look like a deformed wolverine who mated with a bat.”

  Oh, fuck off, Alexander growled. You’re just jealous that I’m banging the sexy bear.

  “Uh-huh… that’s totally it.” I grinned before I looked around the common room. “Where is she, by the way? Normally, you all tend to sleep together.”

  The others decided to sleep with their Wiccas tonight, he answered with a small pout. I was going to as well but decided against it.

  “Why?” I asked with a lopsided grin. “Are you sick of me?”

  Nah, he laughed as he flew down and perched himself on my shoulder. He was heavy, but I didn’t want to nudge him off me. I felt like it had been ages since we got to connect, and I was going to take advantage of the moment.

  “Then why aren’t you upstairs?” I pressed. “You know you’re welcome to sleep there, too.”

  Oh, I know, he said with a smug grin, but trust me, you wouldn’t want me up there, at least not right now. Anyway, what’s that thing around your neck? You grabbed it like it was the most precious thing in the world.

  “Well, it kind of is,” I replied as I twirled the pentagram between my fingers. “It’s actually a protection charm… Theodora just gave it to me.”

  A protection charm? Alexander asked. Against what?

  “Well, that’s a long story,” I sighed, “but it sort of involves you.”

  How so? he asked as he flew off my shoulder and hovered above me. I’d like to know more about it if it includes me, you know.

  “Well, it turns out we’ll be going on a little adventure,” I explained in a low voice. “I’ll tell you all about it in the morning, but for now… you’d better get a long night’s rest. You’re going to need it.”

  If you say so. Alexander shrugged. I’m pretty sure you won’t be resting at all, though, and if I were you, I’d get upstairs now… you have someone waiting.

  “What--?” I began, but he shook his head and smiled even wider.

  Just go, man, he urged with a small wink. Trust me, and have fun!

  I chuckled to myself as my shit-talking familiar flew away from me and toward the carpet by the fireplace. He quickly curled himself into a ball and closed his eyes before he began to softly snore, so without wasting another moment, I got up and dragged my sore body up the stairs and into my bedroom to see who was waiting for me.

  I was brutally exhausted and aching until I opened the door, and there, lying on my bed and clad in nothing but a pair of pale-pink panties and a matching lace bra, was the sexy, serpentine Circe.

  “Cole,” she purred as her forked tongue licked her pink lips. “I’ve been waiting patiently for you all night. As you know, I don’t have my own bedroom, so I took the liberty of sneaking into your bed.

  “I can see that,” I chuckled before I closed the door. “Fuck… you look amazing.”

  “I’ll look even better when you tear the rest of my clothes off,” she teased with her bright, snake-like eyes. “Why don’t you come a little closer? I can see how tense you are… I’ll make you feel so much more relaxed.”

  Blood rushed to my cock as I closed the door and took several steps closer toward the bed. As I stared at the gorgeous blonde Wicca, all I wanted to do was push her down into the sheets and fuck her brains out, but a small part of me was telling me it would be wiser to rest.

  “Circe,” I growled as she crawled toward me. “There’s something I have to tell you first--”

  “Shhh,” she whispered, and she placed a finger against my lips. “We can talk after… right now… all I want to do is suck on that delicious dick of yours.”

  Before I could say another word, the bold blonde reached down and slowly began to unzip my pants. I groaned with pleasure as she slid her warm hand down my trousers, and I looked deeply into her slit-shaped orbs.

  “Are you sure?” I panted as her hand ventured further. “It’s important…”

  “Yes, master,” she moaned. “Whatever it is, it can wait… now please… take me again.”

  “As you wish,” I growled before I pressed my lips firmly against hers.

  As soon as our tongues snaked together, I knew neither of us were going to get a wink of sleep tonight, but at that moment, I didn’t give a flying fuck.

  Chapter 6

  “Please, master,” Circe gasped when we pulled apart for air. “May I taste your cock? I’ve been craving you every second of every day, and I can’t wait a moment longer. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “You may,” I answered as I began to take off my boots, “but I want you to go slow… I want to savor tonight, and you will obey my every order. Understood?”

  “Whatever you desire, sir,” the blonde Wicca purred as she slowly got down on her knees and positioned herself in front of me. “I am yours to command by blood and soul. Not even Satan could take me away from you.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” I grinned from ear-to-ear. “Now… let’s get to it, shall we?”

  As I unbuttoned my shirt, Circe took her time to pull my pants and briefs down, and when my throbbing cock sprung into view, the greedy serpentine witch licked her lips with her long tongue and moaned with delight.

  “You’re already soooooo hard, master,” she breathed with wide eyes. “May I begin?”

  “Yes,” I grunted as we locked eyes with each other. “You have my permission.”

  Without breaking eye contact, Circe gently grasped my base and slowly began to lick my throbbing head with her incredibly long, forked tongue. The corners of her lips pulled up into a small smile, and she moaned deliciously as my tip leaked thick precum. She then batted my dick lightly against her tongue and giggled with delight each time she swirled her serpentine appendage along my thick, mushroom-shaped head.

  “Hmmmmm,” she hummed as she churned her tongue along my underside in gradual, expert motions. “You taste so good, my master.”

  “Good girl,” I grunted before I roughly weaved my fingers through her golden locks. “Keep going slow… just like that. Yessss… fuuuuuuck.”

  Circe gripped my hip as she slowly began to take me all the way into her warm, wet mouth, and my hold on her hair tightened as she bobbed her head up and down in slow motions. A low moan resonated in her chest as she took me deeper, and when my tip scraped the back of her throat, my entire body shuddered as a groan escaped my lips.

�� I breathed. “Satan, Circe… you can go deep, can’t you?”

  “Mmmmmmm,” she moaned as I bucked my hips and fucked her wanting throat.

  I quickly grew light-headed as the sensual serpentine witch slurped and hummed along my length, and as I guided her up and down my shaft, she took the initiative to wriggle her blonde head all the way down to my balls and gently gagged. Her serpentine eyes were glassy as she stared up at me with nothing but pure adoration and devotion. Her cheeks were flushed, too, and I could see a wet patch growing in between her legs as she fervently moved her head back and forth.

  “Yeeeeees,” I grunted as I thrust deeper into her mouth and tightened my grip on her hair. “Keep going… yes… just like that… don’t you dare stop until I fucking cum. Do you understand?”

  “Mmmhmm!” Circe began to move even faster, and the entire room echoed with the sound of her slurping on my dick. Her eyes were drowning with lust and desire as she gagged and sucked every inch of me, and I knew she longed to taste my unholy seed.

  As I sped up my movements and fucked her throat over and over again, I could feel a raging orgasm bubbling to the surface, and a deep groan left my mouth as I gasped greedily for air.

  “That’s it,” I panted. “I’m cumming… are you ready for your reward?”

  “Hmmm!” Circe’s snake-like eyes stared deeply into mine as she swirled her forked tongue along my throbbing shaft, and my entire body violently shivered before my cock twitched inside her mouth.

  “Yesssss…” I groaned as soon as I poured my creamy seed inside her mouth like a river, and the sound of her swallowing every precious drop made my head spin even more. My climax lasted a good half minute, and she licked every inch of my cock and moaned with delight as soon as I finished emptying into her greedy mouth.

  “Good girl,” I said as I gasped for breath and gently pulled my slick cock out of her wet mouth.


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