by Ann Wilson
31. Explanation
Medart wasn't hungry at all by the time Cortin and her new sworn manwere finished with their prisoner, but he did feel better when theyleft the third-stage room, better still when they left the dungeon. Assoon as they got to the main floor, he touched his throat, activatinghis comm implant. "Empress Lindner?"
When the ship replied, he went on. "Show Lieutenant Keith DarElwynreleased from Imperial service effective this date; reason is oath ofpersonal fealty to Colonel Joan Cortin of the Kingdom Systems. Allback pay and allowances are to be sent to her in whatever form shespecifies. Have his personal belongings--and copies of all referencematerials we have pertaining to Sandemans, transcribed intopre-Imperial English--sent down as soon as possible. And I'll need areplacement pilot."
Cortin frowned. "Why me? It's his money."
"How to explain best is difficult," Medart said slowly. "I've been ina 'na's mind, and I'm still not sure I understand it completely. Whenyou accepted his oath, he became a part of you--literally, by theirreckoning, to the point where Sandemans would consider you the fatherof any children he might engender."
"Dear God! I thought the oath was extreme, but I didn't dream . . ."Cortin trailed off, staring at her 'na.
"Going to extremes is a Sandeman characteristic," Medart said drily."As another example, he'll want the tattoo I mentioned on his face toshow he's yours. Their custom entitles him to it--and if he doesanything against their custom with other Sandemans around, it protectshim from punishment or dishonor, because they'll see it as doing yourwill."
And, Cortin thought, if their negotiations took the Kingdom Systemsinto the Empire, there would definitely be other Sandemans around. Sheturned to Keith. "Do you want that?"
"Yes, Thakur, very much."
"It's your face; is there any particular mark you'd prefer?"
Keith thought for a moment. "Since you're an Inquisitor, a questionmark like the one on your badge might be appropriate."
"It would, yes--and since I'm High King's Inquisitor, there should be acrown on top." She cocked her head. "I don't know much about thelocal tattoo artists, but I'm sure someone here does; if you're aseager as you look, I can find out who's best and have him brought hereto do the job."
"I am eager, Thakur, but not enough for you to go to extra trouble."
Cortin grinned. "Sometimes I enjoy going to extra trouble for mypeople. Let's get up to the Family floor and see who knows abouttattooing experts."
"Thank you, Thakur!"
"My pleasure."
On the way upstairs, Keith began to feel something odd. Not reallyodd, he corrected himself; just inappropriate in these surroundings andcertainly not the sort of thing he'd expect a proper 'na to feel towardhis thakur! Honor, respect, devotion, of course--but desire? Customwas silent on the subject--naturally, with almost all suchrelationships between warriors--so sex wasn't forbidden, exactly. Onthe other hand, it didn't quite seem properly respectful, either.
The feeling subsided a bit as his thakur spoke to her team, then hadTony call an artist he knew, but it didn't go away completely. And,oddly enough, he seemed to be sensing her feelings, maybe even a shadowof her thoughts, in spite of his lack of Talent. That was a blessinghe hadn't expected, and he sent a quick prayer of thanks to the godsfor it; if he could know her thoughts, it would make doing her will farmore certain.
They had supper while waiting for the artist to arrive; Medart excusedhimself as soon as the meal was over, saying he wasn't in the mood forsex and had some thinking to do.
For Keith's experiences: 31a. Tattoo