Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1)

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Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1) Page 11

by Audrey Carlan

  “I do, but honey, what are you doing here?”

  Strong familiar arms encircle me from behind as I stand. Phillip. A big grin splits my face and I twirl and hug my dearest friend tightly. “Phil, what are you doing here?”

  He cups my face and frowns. “Not again, Gigi.” He’s looking at the stitches above my brow. His fingers graze my bruised cheek, inspecting the damage. He shakes his head and I turn away from his ministrations, not able to look at him. I know what he’s thinking.

  A throat clears behind me and a hand settles on my waist. I’m pulled toward Chase. His body plasters along my back. “Introduce me,” he growls into my ear.

  “Oh my God.” I got so swept away in seeing Anabelle and Phillip I forgot Chase. “Phillip Parks, meet Chase Davis.” I gesture to Chase behind me.

  Phillip’s eyes widen as he looks down and clocks Chase’s possessive hand around my waist. “The Chase Davis? As in Davis Industries?” Phillip asks as he holds out his hand.

  Chase nods and grips Phillips hand in a firm shake.

  “Wow, Gigi, I didn’t know you were arriving with anyone. I came to pick you up as we discussed yesterday.”

  I frown. If I remember correctly, we didn’t confirm anything officially. “Oh, I completely forgot you offered. One too many hits to the head,” I joke. Phillip frowns and Chase’s jaw clenches. “Bad joke,” I say miserably. Chase’s arm comes up my back and encircles the nape of my neck where his thumb makes endless infinity symbols.

  “Shall we go,” he asks softly nuzzling into my cheek.

  Phillip eyes the exchange warily.

  I did not anticipate this. As much as I’d love to take him back to my apartment and convince him to have his wicked way with me, I can’t leave Phil and Anabelle. This is not going to go over well. But Phillip is my best friend and Chase is…well, I don’t really know what Chase is right now. I shake my head. Chase’s eyebrows raise, I’m not sure whether in surprise or in question.

  “Thank you for the flight, Chase. I’m going to head home with Phillip.” For some insane reason, I’m nervous about how he will take the news. He’s been so incredibly possessive over the past few days but the last thing I need is a scene.

  Chase nods, seemingly unfazed. “Phillip, good to meet you.” He shakes Phil’s hand once more. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other in the near future.” His blue gaze bores into mine. He says so much with that one look. I imagine it’s something like: We will discuss this. You will be mine. You will not escape me.

  Chase turns me around and cups both cheeks. His thumbs sweep along the apple of my cheekbone. Slowly he brings his lips to settle over mine. I inhale the intoxicating sandalwood and citrus scent, trying to capture it within me. He increases the pressure on my lips and I’m unable to fight the charge between us. He slides his tongue across my lower lip and I open my mouth. He enters with his warm, wet tongue and I grip his shoulders. Chase alternates between nipping my lower lip and then my upper lip. Then his hands tunnel into my hair as he holds me against him, sliding his lips over mine. That spark between us ignites and I press against his body, forgetting where we are. Everything disappears as I’m swept into the vortex that is Chase. I moan and he growls as I try to pull away. He won’t let me. I can feel the hard evidence of his desire and thrust my hips against it. He grins against my lips peppering my mouth with sweet baby kisses. In my peripheral I hear giggling, the kind that can only come from an angel.

  “Aunt Gigi is kissing that man, Daddy!” Anabelle exclaims loudly, breaking my trance. I pull away and swipe the back of my hand against my swollen lips.

  Chase looks at me with that devastatingly sexy grin and I want to jump him all over again. He was staking his claim, and from the look on his face, he’s very proud of himself. I’m certain my face is beet red. He pecks my lips once more. “I expect a call later,” he stresses. “Jack, her bags,” he says over his shoulder. I completely forgot the linebacker was waiting and watching the exchange.

  Phillip is waiting rather impatiently. I didn’t exactly go into any detail about Chase and the relationship we’ve formed in the short time I’d been away--if you could call what’s happened between Chase and I a relationship. I’m still confused about the entire thing.

  Jack sets my bags at my feet and looks at me with a scowl. I don’t think the linebacker appreciates me leaving with another man. Chase obviously means a great deal to him. I sigh and thank him.

  Chase and Jack saunter towards the exit and I look into Phillip’s worried eyes. “You have some explaining to do,” Phil admonishes.

  I nod miserably and we head to the exit. I clasp Anabelle’s hand and smile as she skips alongside me, swinging my arm happily. What I wouldn’t give to be a carefree child instead of a confused twenty-four year old.

  Phillip puts my bags in the trunk when we get to the car while I buckle Anabelle into her booster seat. Phillip hands her a portable DVD player and Snow White springs to life on the screen. He places the earphones over her ears blocking out sound. I know he’s ensuring we can talk without worrying about what she might hear.

  We settle in and head out onto the highway. He waits for me to say something, knowing I won’t share openly with him unless it’s on my terms. Damn him. It’s annoying that he knows me so well.

  “Phil, I don’t know what you want me to say?”

  “How about telling me about the man who had his tongue down your throat and his hands all over you?” he says with a twinge of anger.

  A quick look out the window shows the grey misty skies of downtown San Francisco. The streets are teaming with cars as we crawl towards our exit. “Chase and I met at the meeting. He’s, uh, he’s the Chairman of the Board for the Foundation,” I admit.

  “Are you kidding me, Gigi? You’re fucking your boss?” He frowns and shakes his head.

  “Hey, that’s not fair and you know it. And I haven’t fucked him!” I cringe and look over my shoulder to make sure Anabelle isn’t listening. She is happily nodding along with the movie, eyes glued to the screen.

  “Yet. You haven’t yet!” he confirms.

  “You’re right, Phil. I haven’t yet. But I want to, and I will!” I admit without apology. Who does he think he is anyway? Questioning the men in my life. He’s not my boyfriend or my father.

  “I’m sorry.” His tone softens and I take a deep breath. “I just…I don’t want you to get hurt. A man like that? He’s insanely rich, and very powerful.” I nod in understanding. He doesn’t want me to lose myself in a man again.

  With a shake to my head I try to explain. “Phil, this is different. There’s something about him. I know it’s wrong to date your boss, but he’s never at the office. This is the first time in two years of working there that I’ve seen him.” I’m grasping at straws. We both know that dating one’s boss isn’t a good idea.

  “You know what’s funny, Gigi?” He laughs and I wait. “He’s my boss, too.” He snickers and I know I must look like a fish out of water.

  My head starts to pound. “What do you mean?” I rub at my temples. It’s as if I can feel the thud of my heartbeat at the site of my wound. Between the flight and now an annoying conversation with my brother-esque best friend, I’m exhausted.

  “He owns the architectural firm I work for. He even has a big office on the top floors of the building, which he also owns.” I have trouble comprehending this new information. He continues, “Chase Davis is a billionaire many times over. He owns the fucking skyscraper and every company in the building I work in. You know that big shiny sign outside of my building.” I nod. “It says, “Davis Industries” on it.” He laughs, and I cringe.

  “I had no idea. Jesus, this is getting complicated.” That’s the trouble with liking a man. My radar on men hasn’t always been trustworthy. They either beat me, call me a whore, or love me and leave me. One way or another they all seem to want to own me. Chase is no exception. I just wish the connection between us wasn’t so strong. It would be easier just
to blow it off as a little fling.

  Phil brings his hand up to his face and worries his thumbnail. He always does that when he’s about to tell me something I don’t want to hear. He looks at me sideways then takes a deep breath. “He’s also known for being a player. Bedded a couple of the girls at my firm and never called them back. He uses women and throws them away like trash. I don’t want that for you.” It’s sweet how he’s genuinely concerned. I’m lucky to have him.

  “I’ll be careful. I know he has a history. He told me as much.” He’s looks surprised Chase admitted his philandering to me. “I’m okay. I don’t even know what is between us but I can say that I’m intrigued and fascinated by him. Not to mention, the man is hot.” Phillip laughs loudly as I pretend to fan myself.

  “I’ve heard that a lot,” he admits. “Just promise me you’ll safeguard your heart and be careful. That’s all I ask,” he says and grips my hand in a reassuring squeeze.

  “I’m a big girl, Phil. I can handle this,” I say with all the confidence I can muster. It’s a total lie.

  Chase is an enigma. One that has me tied, twisted and feeling uncertain about my surroundings. All I know is that I want to be near him. Want to be with him. Want him in whatever capacity he’ll have me.

  Phillip drops me off at the apartment after I present Belle with a glittering snow globe from Chicago. It has a few skyscrapers and Navy Pier alongside Lake Michigan. She’s instantly fascinated by it. I wave Phil off. He doesn’t need to walk me up. I tell him I’ll call him tomorrow and we’ll meet for dinner later this week. He agrees, and I head up to my building.

  I enter the apartment and hear bare feet slapping the wooden floor as Hurricane Maria comes barreling down the hall and captures me in a fierce hug.

  “Dios Mio! Are you okay?” Maria studies my features, moving my hair to the side to check out the damage. She clucks her tongue and shakes her head. A look of deep concern mars her brow.

  “Fine, I’m fine. Though I’ve missed you, girl.” I mean every word. She gives me a sad smile and traces the bruise along my cheek. Her eyes mist up. “I’m okay, really. Chase took excellent care of me.”

  With the strength of her dancer arms, she drags me to the puffy, eggplant colored couch and we plop down, still holding hands. I grip one of the sari covered throw pillows to my chest. “Tell me, did you?” she asks. I know what she’s dying to know. Maria is laser focused on sex most of the time. She’s our resident nympho.

  “No,” I say miserably and rub my temples.

  “What the hell? Is he gay?”

  I laugh. “He’s most certainly not gay.” My face heats as I recall our rendezvous in the restaurant. My sex clenches at the memory of his long fingers piercing me. “You’re never going to believe this.” She waits patiently, her ice blue eyes focused on me. “He wants to wait until I’m healed to have sex.” Her head imitates whiplash.

  “Como?” she says in her native tongue.

  “I know, doesn’t make any sense,” I blow a breath over my hair, moving the wisps out of my eyes. “And I’ve made it very clear that I want to be with him.” I pout and cringe, once again annoyed that things didn’t go further in Chicago.

  “Estúpido,” she says. “He has a willing hottie and he’s being chivalrous?” She shakes her head. “Estúpido, Cara Bonita.”

  “I know, and guess what else?” She pulls her long raven waves off her neck. Her perfectly sculpted eyebrows knit together. “Phillip came to the airport to pick me up.” Her eyes widen. “There was some serious battle of testosterone going on between them.”

  “Oh, this is too good.” She pulls her legs under her bottom and waits. “Don’t leave me hanging, Bonita. Continuar,” she asks. Continue.

  “Chase all but mauled me in front of Phillip and Anabelle.”

  “No, he didn’t!” she says throwing her hand over her mouth.

  “He did! And I totally let him. I sucked his face like it was the last drink I was going to have and a drought was coming.”

  She howls and grabs her stomach in laughter. “What did Phillip do?”

  “He gave me a talking to in the car. Oh, and there’s more.”

  “No, no, I can’t take it. This is like Jerry Springer live!” She laughs, leans back and kicks her legs in the air dramatically.

  “Chase owns the building and the firm Phillip works for!” I laugh hysterically.

  “Oh, Dios Mio. Mierda, shit! I can’t believe it. That’s crazy!” She shakes her head and puts her hand over her eyes.

  “I know, I know. This is becoming really complicated.” I lean back on the couch.

  “What did Chase do?” she asks.

  What did Chase do? I ask myself. He staked his claim as surely as a dog urinates around a tree to ward off other dogs. “He was cool and calm. Though he demanded I call him later. I’m not looking forward to it.”

  She nods and then I remember her weekend. “Hey, what happened with Tom? Did you?” I ask, excited.

  Her head bobs up and down happily. “Hermana, he was amazing. He made me come twice!”

  I laugh and she continues with the gory details. She’s as dirty as Chase. I think they’ll get along well in that arena. They are both very sexual creatures and seem rather proud of it. “He was dulce…sweet. Though, girl, that man pounded me so hard I think I felt my teeth rattle!”

  Smacking her lightly on the leg, a snort bubbles up, and out when I laugh too hard. “Good for you! When are you going to see him again?”

  She smiles brightly. “This weekend. He’s taking me to a baseball game. The Giants.”

  “I didn’t know you liked baseball?”

  “I don’t.” She shrugs. “But, I like him, so I’ll go.”

  I giggle then stop when she becomes quiet, her gaze focuses on my neck. She reaches out and pulls at the collar of my shirt, exposing the glaring bruises and scabs. “Cara Bonita, are you really okay? This had to bring up some bad memories.”

  I take a deep breath. “It did, I have to admit. Looking at myself in the mirror after the attack reminded me of all the times I was tending to my bruises in the bathroom after one of Justin’s tirades.” She grips my hand and tears fill my eyes. “After two years it shouldn’t come back so easily, should it?”

  “Cara Bonita, we will always have to deal with the fact that we were battered women.” Her face tilts to the side and she clutches my hand. “Remember in group therapy where they made us talk about each experience we could remember so we could flush it out. You talked about the time Justin beat you so badly your face was unrecognizable for weeks?”

  I nod. How could I have let him hurt me for so long? The guilt of taking those beatings still haunts me.

  “I think you need to go see Dr. Madison,” she says. “Talk about what happened so that it doesn’t consume you.”

  “You’re right. I’m stronger now. I can talk about the attack. Mostly because it wasn’t with someone I trusted. Now that some time has passed, it’s a lot easier. That first year of therapy…” I take a deep calming breath. “Having to talk about my relationship with Justin, what he did to me.” I shake my head and pinch my lips together. “Fucking torture.”

  “It was for me too, Hermana. I didn’t want to admit to what Antonio did to me, but talking about the experiences has made us both stronger. And remember, we got out.” She hugs me. Her familiar floral scent reminds me of all things good in the world.

  I grip her tightly. We made it out of those diabolical relationships alive when many didn’t. Several of our group went back to their men. The next time we saw them, they were in the hospital or a casket. I shiver and Maria holds me tighter. God, I love this woman. “I love you, Ria.”

  “Te amo, Cara Bonita.” She tucks my hair behind my ears. “Looks like you cleaned up the bruises pretty good. When are the stitches coming out?”

  “End of the week. I have to make a follow-up appointment with my doctor.”

  She gets up and goes to the side table to grab her keys.

/>   “I have rehearsal.” Her smile drops into a frown. “Are you going to be okay?” She looks at me worriedly.

  “Ria, I’m fine. I’ve been through worse,” I remind her with a wink.

  She grins. “I’ll be home this evening. Make me dinner? Por Favor?” The woman is a glutton for my meals.

  “Yes, of course. I’ll make dinner. I need to invite Bree and Kat over, too. Thanks to Phillip, they were blowing up my phone yesterday, and they’ll want the details.”

  She throws on a cardigan and nods while pulling her thick, dark hair into a knot on the top of her head. “I’ll be home at seven. I expect my women to be loaded with vino and ready to grub when I return.”

  Maria is a riot. She always refers to the girls as “my women.” It’s an endearing quality that makes me feel needed.

  She’s out the door in a flash and I’m back to being alone with my thoughts. I decide to take a shower and unpack. I check in with Taye and confirm that I’ll be at work tomorrow at ten. After working the weekend and dealing with the attack, I’m taking a little time for myself. Besides, I need to file for a new license. I’ve already cancelled my cards and notified the bank. Such a mess. When will my life feel like it’s back to being mine?

  Chapter 8

  Bree arrives first. The woman is striking. I’m always shocked by her beauty. Her long blonde hair hangs like a golden sheet down her back almost touching her bottom. Her eyes are cerulean blue that instantly remind me of Chase’s ocean eyes. Like any true Californian girl, her skin is sun-kissed and glowing. Bree’s wearing yoga pants and a knit tank top. Even in her work attire, she’s all tight muscles and lean curves. At five foot two, she’s the smallest of all of us, but her strength makes up for her tiny frame. Her pouty lips turn into a wide smile, and I grab her into a hug.

  “Gigi, you had me so worried,” she whispers against my ear. The smell of rich incense permeates her hair.

  “I’m okay, I promise.”

  She nods and continues to hug me. Her hands encircle my waist. “You look like shit,” she says lightening the heavy moment. I turn and lead her in. “And your ass is getting big. You haven’t come to class in a whole week. You owe me three days this week,” she admonishes.


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