Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1)

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Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1) Page 14

by Audrey Carlan

  “Bring her in,” a curt voice comes through the speakerphone. She opens the doors for me.

  The room is exceptionally large, taking up the entire corner of the building. One wall is glass from floor to ceiling looking out over the dimming city. The Pacific Ocean can be seen clearly from this height. The view is breathtaking. To the left of the room is a seating area with two long couches parallel to one another separated by a black reflective coffee table. The couches are white with bright blue and black pillows neatly placed. A canary yellow sculpture stands about two feet tall in the middle of the coffee table. Along the back wall is a sidebar with what looks to be a small bar. The space is decorated well.

  To the right of the door is an enormous black desk. Behind it is a matching credenza filling the entire wall with intricate pieces of art. A couple sculptures, small paintings, statues of varying size are precisely placed in specific locations. A couple of framed photos are thrown in between the art, but I can’t tell what they are from this distance.

  Chase sets down his cell phone and his eyes meet mine. His gaze is predatory. He takes his time dragging his gaze from the tip of my head to the spike of my heels and back again. He saunters over like a wild animal hunting its prey. All stealth and smooth moves. When he reaches me, his hands slide into my hair and his lips cover mine. He’s gentle at first but increases the pressure, sliding his tongue along the seam of my lips. I open and his tongue circles mine. I’m lost in the sensation of his kiss. Heat builds from our chests pressed together. My body goes liquid against his and he holds me up through his kiss. He tastes of coffee and his own intoxicating maleness. He briefly pulls away and nips at my bottom lip.

  “I’ve missed you this week,” he says against my lips. Even though we saw one another just this morning, we both know what he means. We missed the physical nature of our connection all week.

  “Me, too.”

  His lips press mine once more. “Dana, I won’t need any further assistance. I’ll call you in the morning and bring you up to speed on anything over the weekend.”

  I completely forgot she was standing there. Turning and looking behind me, I can see a huge smile is plastered across her face. “I’ll have clothes sent first thing in the morning.” She looks me up and down in a calculating manner. I cringe and she smiles. I look up at Chase and he smiles in her direction and nods. She closes the door.

  “What’s that about?” I ask, still in his embrace.

  “She’s never seen me kiss a woman in all the years of being my assistant. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever entertained a woman here.” That makes me innately proud.

  My lips part in an “Oh” and he laughs. I smile up at him. “Baby, you are so beautiful when you smile.”

  I love when he calls me baby. Anything that shows his interest in me on a more personal level. “It’s you, you know,” I confide shyly.

  His fingers slide up and down my back ending at my waist. “What is me?”

  “You make me smile.” I dip my head to avoid his gaze. He seems to see through me when our eyes meet, as if he’s gazing directly into my open soul. I’m not ready for him to know so much about me.

  “I plan on doing a lot more than making you smile.” He punctuates each word with a thrust of his hips against mine. I feel the ridged length of his erection hard and unrelenting. “Just seeing you here makes me ache.”

  His words fill me with uncontrollable lust. “Jesus, Chase, I want you.” I haul his face into a crushing kiss. I fiercely try to devour him whole. The time for niceties is over. I’ve had enough of his innuendo and teasing all week. It’s time for him to make good on his promises.

  He slides my jacket off my shoulders. It drops to the floor with a thud. I mimic him by slipping his suit jacket down those thick arms, adding it to the pile at our feet. I search his eyes and am shocked to find them filled with intense desire.

  “Baby, I was going to wait, bring you to my bed, but hell, I need you now.” His head comes down and he inhales against the tender skin at my neck. “Vanilla…” he whispers in reverence. His mouth so close to my pressure point sends shivers of lust ripping through me.

  His need ramps up my desire a hundred notches. I yank at the buttons of his shirt impatient in my need to get him naked, see that golden chest again. Once the shirt is open, my hands are greedy, smoothing along his hard pecs. I pull my lips away from his to kiss every inch of exposed skin. I suck the flat disk of his nipple then bite down. He groans and tugs at my head keeping me close. I lightly swirl my tongue around it, lapping in a soothing motion. He shudders in my embrace when his shirt falls to the floor. Time seems to stop. His hands are everywhere at once, down my back, tugging the hair at my nape, bringing me closer to him.

  The tiny buttonholes on my shirt and his large hands do not work well together. “Fuck it!” He rips the shirt open and buttons go flying. It’s such a cliché, right out of a romance novel, but I don’t care.

  I tremble in his arms as he strokes his hands over my ribcage to cup my breasts. Both of his thumbs scrape against the swollen hardened nipples. The action forces me to lunge and bite down on his chest so hard I’m sure to leave a mark. I lap and kiss the flesh better.

  “Damn it! I need to fuck you!” His hands slide over my ass and scrunch my pencil skirt to my waist. He grips my thighs and hauls me up as if I weigh nothing. My legs twine around his body, and I clench my thighs around him, enjoying the feel of his hard body between my legs. Chase palms my ass while walking us over to his desk then plops me down onto the hard surface. Before I can make a sound, his lips are on mine.

  Through my lust, I fumble to remove his belt and unzip his pants. Finally the button breaks free and I’m immediately sliding my hand into his underwear to grasp his length. “God, Baby,” he breaths as I stroke him firmly up and down. He’s huge. I can barely wrap my hand completely around him as he lengthens and hardens further under my ministrations.

  Chase’s lips trail down my neck as his hands busily pull my panties from my hips. He lifts me with one hand around my back and yanks the garment from under my ass. Tugging the lace down my legs, they slip to one ankle dangling along the stiletto provocatively. He gently pushes me to lie down against the hard surface of his desk, my chest and core fully exposed to his gaze. My breath is heaving and my hands bemoan the loss of his skin as I grip onto the edge of the desk tightly. Chase takes a moment to just stare at me laid out on his desk, ripe for the taking. I know I must make for a pornographic image. My chest arcs toward him, breasts reaching for the sky, trussed up and flowing out the cups of my bra that Chase so quickly forced down. He scans the naked skin, a feral gleam in his eyes. I’d be frightened if I wasn’t so turned on.

  He licks his lips as he slides one finger from my neck down between my breasts. Finally, his head comes down and he brings those stunning lips to my navel, swirling his tongue into the indentation. My stomach jumps and he laughs. He continues down my body planting kisses on every inch of exposed skin. I’m dying with need and can’t stay still. My body twitches and thrums with unquenched desire.

  “I can smell your need.” His hands slide down each thigh firmly, as if he has every right to the sensitive bare skin. He grips my knees and stretches each leg out, opening me wide. His eyes are riveted to my sex and I clench under his gaze.

  He says one word and it blows me away. “Mine.” Then his tongue is on me, lapping from anus to clit. I howl and try to close my legs. It’s too much, yet not enough. Nowhere near enough. His strong hands prevent me from closing them, keeping me wide open to him. “So good,” he mutters, then dips his tongue deep into my center.

  Bliss. An overwhelming feeling of contentment flows through me as his talented tongue plays me. “God, Chase.” I bite my lip almost to the point of pain.

  He brings his hand into play and slides one long digit into my opening. I grip his hair, pulling and yanking as he swirls his tongue around my clit slowly, not allowing too much pressure. My hips gyrate against his face and fi
nger when he adds another digit. It’s just the amount of pressure I need. He picks up the pace, fucking me steadily with his hand. My greedy pussy sucks and clenches around the intrusion.

  “God, Baby, I could do this all day. You’re succulent.” His words have me on the very edge of release. He slides his other hand up my body and to my breast, gripping the mound roughly, possessively. The sensation is mind-numbing and I press deeper into him. He laps at my clit and digs his fingers high and hard into me, hooking them up into that secret spot, one I think is solely for him alone. A few more licks of his tongue and he presses down hard, sucking with all his might on the tiny abused bundle of nerves. I shatter into a million pieces. My orgasm sweeps over me in an explosion of intense pleasure as I convulse on his desk. Chase stays with me, finger fucking me leisurely while I break apart.

  He removes his fingers and places his mouth greedily over my sex delving his tongue deep, as far as he can go. A loud groan fills the air as he laps up my release. He licks and pets me with his tongue, milking me for everything I have as I come down from my high. Best orgasm ever.

  He places kisses up my body until he finds one taut peek and sucks it deeply into his mouth. My sex twitches with pleasure. I can’t believe I’m responding again so quickly. I’m panting and moaning as he nips at the tight bud. I try to grip his head, make him stop the sweet torture of my oversensitive tips, but he won’t stop. He smiles against my breast and continues his ministrations, flicking the edge with his tongue. His other hand tweaks my breast’s twin, plucking it, making it impossibly engorged and hard as a rock.

  Finally his lips find mine. I can taste the tangy sweetness of my release on his tongue. “I need you,” I whisper against his mouth. His eyes pierce mine. It’s as if the word “need” trips something inside of him. His fingers grip my hips roughly, digging into the soft flesh, his nostrils flare slightly, and sweat dusts his hairline. He’s every woman’s fantasy.

  “Are you on birth control?” he asks.

  “Yes, yes, the pill,” I stutter through my sex-induced haze.

  An evil grin breaks across his face and he slides down his pants. His cock springs free and my mouth starts to water. I cannot wait to take him into my mouth. He spreads my legs so wide my calves knock against the desk. Thank God for yoga. His hand encircles his length and gives it a couple long hard strokes. I moan watching pre-cum bead at the tip. It makes me salivate. He adjusts his cock at my opening and slides just the head in. I lean my head back against the desk, close my eyes and arch up on a gasp. His hands grip my hips possessively and in one quick thrust, Chase impales me.

  “Chase!” I scream at the onslaught. His cock has stretched me wide, the lips of my sex retracting around his girth. I’m filled to bursting. He holds his position, allowing my body to adjust to his size before sliding out. Then slowly, inch by glorious inch he presses more into me. It’s not enough. I want him hammering me, showing me how much he wants me. That he’s as crazy for me as I am for him.

  “More, Chase. I need all of you,” I say through gritted teeth.

  He pulls back almost all the way and slams back against me until he bottoms out at my cervix. It’s unlike anything I’ve felt before. This is a whole new kind of sex. His body comes over mine and he kisses my lips, neck, and breasts, while he pistons his large cock in and out of me feverishly. My pleasure builds with each long stroke of his length and I lift my hips to meet every thrust. His hands pinch my nipples hard and lightening shoots to my lower body, preparing me for the mother of all releases.

  “God, Baby, this is so good. You’re so fucking tight!” He lifts my thighs and presses them close to my chest, changing the angle of his penetration. Split open, I scream out at the intrusion. Every stroke of his thick cock slides deliciously against that bundle of nerves within me. It is almost like he’s pressing an elevator button over and over except it’s more like an orgasm button. With every twitch of his hips, I rocket further into the abyss. A few more strokes and it’s as if his name is forcibly ripped from my lungs, the orgasm tearing through every nerve ending in my body, splintering out into a burst of heat and energy.

  “Fuck yeah, come for me, Baby!” Chase encourages as he strokes that spot with perfect accuracy. “I need one more, Baby. I want it all. Your pleasure is mine now.”

  His words are like a dusting of kerosene on an open flame. My body burns for him. He continues to plow into me, furiously gripping my hips. I know I will be wearing his mark in the morning. I don’t care as long as he keeps fucking me. His mouth nips at my lips and I put everything into this kiss, holding nothing back. My fear of commitment, of losing myself, of my career, I leave it all behind, content to give him everything. He’ll accept nothing less. Chase’s hand slips between our bodies and his thumb crushes my swollen clit. Spirals of light shoot past my eyes, so bright I squeeze them shut. Pleasure skims through every pore as Chase thrusts into me over and over, extending my orgasm to a place beyond reality. My entire body quakes with the viciousness of his lust. He relentlessly gives pleasure and I take all that he gives and more. I scream his name so loud I’m sure the people in the other offices hear it.

  “God, Baby, so beautiful when you come…” A few hard strokes and his eyes close tightly, his jaw sets, teeth clenching down. With a mighty roar his release jets into me, his arms tight, the veins on his forearms raised as he pumps into me over and over. I almost come again from the heat washing over my insides, coupled with seeing his loss of control. He’s more than my Superman, he’s a God, lit up from the inside out when he comes. I know I have to see it again. That beauty is as great as a sunset or a newborn baby. It’s light and love and all nature’s beauty put together. It’s Chase, letting go.

  For me.

  With me.

  Because of me.

  He melts against my chest and I grip him to me protectively as he shudders and trembles, his cock throbbing delectably with every breath. I kiss his shoulders, neck, temples, everywhere I can reach. His head is firmly planted in the crook of my neck. I can feel his strangled breath against my skin. It’s warm and comfortable. It’s everything.

  I slide my hands up and down his naked back and relish touching his skin. The man is a work of art in the bedroom.

  “Gillian, damn woman. You’ll be the death of me. I’m going to fuck you until we both die. It’s inevitable.”

  I chuckle and kiss him as he lifts me upright. His penis slips from me and I cringe at the loss. His essence trickles out of me and he watches it pool on the surface of his glossy black desk. A combination of our pleasure. He grins solicitously, clearly fascinated. He likes what he sees. Dirty boy.

  We kiss for a couple of long minutes and then he pulls up his pants. I watch as he enters a door I hadn’t noticed to the side of his desk. I hear water running but I’m too far gone to move from my position on his desk. The man ruined me for the evening. I’m completely sated and reeling. Three times! My mind sings. Chase returns with a warm washcloth and wipes between my legs removing the essence of our pleasure.

  “Better?” He asks, quietly cleaning me.

  “Perfect.” I smile.

  And it was perfect. I know the sex wasn’t conventional. It wasn’t in his bedroom after a nice romantic candlelit dinner but the fierceness in the way he took me was intense, incredible, consuming. I loved every moment of it. I stand as he takes the washcloth into what I can assume is his personal bathroom. Must be good to be the King.

  I pull on my panties and slide my skirt back in place, adjusting my bra so my breasts are covered. I pick up my blouse. It’s completely destroyed. A slow grin smarts across my lips.

  Chase returns with a bright white men’s dress shirt and holds it out for me with a shy grin. I turn my back and put my arms through the holes. He turns me to face him. “Let me.” He makes quick work of the buttons. The shirt hangs to my thighs but I’m completely covered. I roll the arms up to three quarters. If I had a thick belt, it would actually look like I put the look together intentionall

  “Are you hungry?” What an odd question after mind blowing sex. “My chef has prepared a meal for us.”

  Oh, dinner. “Starving,” I admit. I pecked at my lunch after the horrible experience at the doctor’s office. I am famished, especially after the body-melting sex we just had.

  He picks both of our suit jackets up from the pile in the middle of his office floor. He grabs my hand and steers me through the building. Most of the offices are now quiet and dark but the lighting makes the path easily visible. A couple offices still have people hard at work and they look up in surprise as Chase walks me through the halls, holding my hand. Looks like I’ve managed to stir two gossip mills today.

  We enter the elevator and he places his thumb against the LED computer screen. A light shines red and scans his thumb and then the elevator springs to life, taking us another level up. He’s taking me to his home. The place he never takes women. A sense of pride fills me and I feel taller, standing straighter. The elevator opens to a foyer. The door opposite is wide and Jack holds it open as we enter.

  “Mr. Davis, Miss Callahan,” Jack greets us.

  I smile confidently, Chase still holding my hand. It takes everything I have not to stick my tongue out at the man like a silly schoolgirl. “Mrs. Shepherd said the clothes you ordered for Miss Callahan will be here first thing in the morning. I will have Mr. Bentley see to them.”

  Chase brings me through a cozy living room adorned in rich jewel tones. Bookcases and large paintings fill the walls. An enormous stone fireplace blazes, making the room glow with ambient light. Before I can examine the space, I am led into an elegant dining room. A long mahogany table that seats twelve fills the room. A sparkling crystal chandelier hangs over the center of the table. Silver candle sticks run down the center of the table on top of a gold threaded table runner. Two places are set, one at the head of the table and another at the seat just to the right. A water glass and wine glass are preset with the finest looking china. The plates are white with swirling gold trim etched along the edge. Several forks, spoons and knives hug the sides of the plates. Too many for me to know which ones to use with which course, but I’ll watch him pick the right one.


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