Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1)

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Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1) Page 27

by Audrey Carlan

  Jack pulls the limo out into the busy New York City streets. I press the down button on the privacy screen. “Where we headed, Jack?”

  “Park Avenue,” he says flatly. It takes everything I have not to burst out the theme song for “Greenacres.” Where else would a billionaire live? With effort I refrain from rolling my eyes and peer out the window.

  Down the entire length of the avenue is a median with lush flowers and small trees lending to its name. Despite the hustle and bustle of Manhattan there is a Zen-like flow to the traffic. The greenery dissecting through the cars going in opposite direction is lovely in its yin and yang quality of movement. I’m taken out of my reverie by the ping from my cellphone. I can’t believe that man. He’s so anxious! I look down at the display and frown at the unknown number.

  From: Unknown

  To: Gillian Callahan

  Don’t be gone long. I’m waiting.

  That’s strange. I click on the “Unknown” name and not even a number pops up. Who’s waiting for me? I wonder if one of the girls got a new phone. I decide to respond quickly.

  From: Gillian Callahan

  To: Unknown

  Who is this?

  That should help me figure out the mystery caller. The phone pings, and I look down. The hair on my neck stands on end and my stomach twists.

  From: Unknown

  To: Gillian Callahan

  All will be revealed when we’re alone.

  Chase has got to be messing with me, pranking me. It has been three days since I felt his embrace. I shake off the weird vibe, sure it’s nothing. Probably a wrong number. No need to get worked up over nothing. Besides, I’m about to see Chase. Excitement swells and lays heavily between my thighs. When Jack stops the car I hop out before he can open the door. He frowns and proceeds to grab my bags.

  “You may go on in. Use the elevator.” He gestures to where the doorman is holding open the door. The doorman tips his hat as I walk through. My legs feel weak with anticipation.

  “Which floor?” I ask Jack over my shoulder, too excited to completely stop and wait for him. I turn when he doesn’t respond.

  Jack looks at me with disdain. “The Penthouse, Ms. Callahan. Use your thumb. It’s the same drill as back home.”

  I scowl and pop my hands on both hips. Dramatic effect is necessary to get this point across. “You needn’t be such a jerk about it!” His eyebrows go up, and the doorman chokes back a laugh. Him I like. I smile at him and saunter into the elevator.

  Putting my thumb on the screen, it scans and the green light beeps. Still incredibly cool and it works even three thousand miles away! The doors close and the elevator starts its ascent to the top floor. I have to figure out a way to win Jack over. This tension between us is thick as Texas toast and not as yummy.

  I adjust my skirt making sure everything is in place. With Chase in mind, I chose a simple black A-line skirt that flows out at the knee. I’ve paired it with a silk crème colored buttoned sleeveless blouse. I take off my fitted chocolate colored blazer and hang it over my arm. I’m feverish with anticipation of seeing Chase. My hair is pulled up into a chignon, held there with one long dainty clip through the center of the swirl. I look down at my feet and thank the shoe Gods for these sky-high, sexy strappy heels. They are going to make Chase weak at the knees. My toes are painted a perfect pale pink. A trip to the salon yesterday made sure my entire body was buffed, exfoliated and waxed. I wanted to be sure there are no rough edges, only soft, smooth planes. I can’t wait to rub them along every ridged surface of my man’s body.

  The elevator doors open, and I lose the ability to breathe. He’s there waiting for me. The man who has taken over every fantasy and dream for the last three nights. He leans against the opposite wall, arms folded, dress shirt pulling at his muscular arms. His dress slacks are navy and hang low on his delectable hips. He’s not wearing a tie and the first three buttons are open, giving me a hint of his beautiful chest. I look into his eyes. They are smoldering, no longer ocean blue but a smoky gray.

  With as much grace and elegance as I can muster, I saunter over to him slowly and drop my purse and jacket to the ground. I stop a foot in front of him, close enough to feel the heat radiating off his much larger frame. Even in four inch heels he towers over me. I take a deep breath and his sandalwood and citrus scent assails my senses, filling me with incredible want and need. I lick my lips slowly and it’s over. He moves lightning fast. Strong hands grip my waist and haul me against him. His hands slide up my back and around my neck. Chase’s lips assault mine in a fiery ball of desire, his slippery tongue invading my mouth. His taste beckons me, surrounds me, and holds me to him. It is like being enveloped in a hot bath. I’m lost in the sensation.

  He pulls his lips from mine and drags them along my neck. “Jesus, Baby, I missed you.” His breath is hot against my earlobe sending the little hairs on the back of my neck to stand up with excitement. Sharp teeth clamp on the tender flesh at my pulse point, eliciting a tremor that goes straight to my core.

  I can’t speak. I can’t think. I can only feel as his tongue slides along my clavicle, making me lose all train of thought. The buttons on my blouse are magically undone and his large hands squeeze and test the weight of my breasts. They swell, my nipples pebble, engorged with the need to be touched. His fingers make quick work of the front clasp of my bra and his mouth engulfs an aching peak. Closing my eyes I’m assaulted by his hot, feral desire and pure want. It zips through my body like lightning.

  “God, Chase.” I moan, mentally congratulating myself for having the foresight to wear a front opening bra. His teeth clamp down on the tender flesh and I cry out in pure ecstasy. My fingers weave into his hair and I arch my breast into his mouth harder. He growls his appreciation, taking the offering ravenously.

  In two quick moves, he reverses our positions. My back is now against the wall and his solid flesh presses hard against mine. My fingers deftly undo the remaining buttons on his dress shirt and I scrape my nails along the open expanse of golden male skin. Two hands slide up my skirt and fasten against my bare bottom.

  “Oh, good girl, you take direction so well.” His hands grip my bare ass and he hauls me higher against the wall, as he presses his turgid length against my center in the perfect position. “You deserve to be rewarded,” he says against my open mouth. He grinds his erection against my bare sex. It ignites a fire in me so deep I clench my legs tightly around his waist and lick into his mouth, sealing our lips in a searing kiss.

  I pull away roughly from his swollen lips. “Fuck me, Chase, I can’t wait another minute,” I beg.

  He grinds his ridged cock against me again, making me spiral out of control with lust. I squeeze his waist with the power of my thigh muscles and tip my pelvis against his erection trying for more pressure. For more of anything to relieve the torturous ache three days bereft of Chase can do to a woman. My heels dig into the tender flesh of his lower back and he groans in delight.

  “Baby, I love it when you beg me to fill you.” He holds me up with one hand and unbuttons his pants. They slide down his legs and his engorged cock is free. His hands cup my bottom. In one swift move he’s tilted his pelvis and pulled my hips down on his cock, imbedding himself stretching the walls of my pussy wide, plundering so deep my head slams back against the wall.

  “Ahhh God, Chase,” I scream in sweet relief. I can’t even remember what life was like before feeling this full, this complete.

  The elevator pings and we both stop moving, the hair on my neck stands in the scary way when you know someone is watching you. Our breaths sound overly loud as we pant in the quiet space. I hide my face in the crook of Chase’s neck. My haven, the place I go to find solace.

  Chase’s turns his head toward the intruder.

  “Guess I should have waited a little longer to come up,” Jack says and opens the door next to us and disappears quickly.

  Chase laughs and picks up right where he left off, pulling his hips back and slamming into me

  Before I can comprehend that Jack just caught Chase balls deep inside me, his hips move faster. With strong thrusts he presses me into the wall, my back grating along the smooth edge. Twinges of pain slip along the surface but die out instantly with another delicious move of his hips into my center. Every thrust makes me forget that we were just caught in a compromising position, and I give into the passion between us. It’s been too long since we’ve been together. Three days feels like three years when a sex God like Chase Davis is fucking you.

  Chase captures my lips. Our tongues tango, our lips nip at one another, and our teeth bite and graze on warm flesh. He picks up his rhythm, pounding into me. I welcome each push of his hips with a tilt of my own, allowing each thrust to penetrate against my tender bundle of nerves. He grinds and presses into me so deep and with so much force it’s like he’s physically squeezing and pulling my release from me by sheer will alone. My body goes tight, a top wound too tight and ready to spin. One more crush of his pelvis against my clit and I cry out, screaming a litany of expletives in my pleasure. He continues to batter me roughly, pressing so hard it’s as if he’s reaching into my soul.

  “Again, baby, give it to me again,” he whispers in my ear. His teeth clench down on my shoulder. And just when I think I can’t possibly feel the pleasure again so quickly, he shifts me higher and the new position presses his thick cock perfectly against that miracle spot within my core. I arch into it greedily, practically climbing up his body, bouncing on him like a pogo stick, using his shoulders for leverage. He fucks me so hard the texture of the wall behind us abrades my skin. Only instead of hurting, the tiny sparks of pain push me further into the abyss.

  “That’s right baby, I want it. You come for me, only me,” he urges with a particular deep stroke that crushes my clit between our bodies. My mind is thick with lust. I forget everything but being with him and receiving the pleasure he gives me. My entire body is aflame. I can do nothing but obey his command.

  He jackhammers into me. I hear the wet noise of our bodies coming together and pulling apart with each penetration and twist of his hips. Finally, he shows me mercy, slipping a hand between us and pressing my clit with the pad of his thumb in tight dizzying circles. I go crazy, and practically squeeze the life out of him with the strength of my thighs. He bites my lips, capturing my attention. My eyes meet his in a silent command. I come so hard I lose all sense of hearing. Chase’s mouth moves but I can’t hear anything. I just see his beautiful eyes as they swirl with feral hunger. My body and mind focuses on the apex between my thighs where his length is ramming into me, over and over as his fingers spin me into sweet oblivion. The second orgasm rolls into a third. He’s relentless. I’m completely limp as he tortures me with his pounding cock, twirling fingers and blessed mouth.

  I scream when he sinks his teeth into my shoulder. I regain awareness the moment Chase loses it. His body strung as tight as a drum, muscles flex and ripple as he releases his essence into me, holding my hips in a bruising grip. I can feel every tingle, every twinge of his cock as he muffles his cry into the crook of my neck. Beautiful oblivion. God I love him.

  Once we catch our breath, I unwind my legs from his waist. He kisses me with such passion that I want to scale his body and ride him again but I’m exhausted. He stares deep into my eyes as he holds my shoulders then cups my neck. He lays his forehead against mine. “Too many days without you. I don’t like it.”

  “I missed you too, big guy,” I tell him and kiss his nose.

  He grins from ear to ear. “Come on, I have dinner being made for us by a world renowned chef.” He pulls his pants up and in place. “We have time to take a shower and you can put on something more comfortable.”

  “What’s more comfortable than this?” I ask knowing the answer but enjoying playing with him.

  “I was thinking a saucy little number I left waiting on the bed would be perfect for this evening,” he retorts.

  “I highly doubt the lingerie you had Dana buy me is ideal for eating a world renowned chef’s meal,” I counter.

  “I actually picked out the piece and bought it for you myself when I was in Toronto,“ he tells me. “It comes with a perfectly appropriate robe, and I’d like you to wear it.”

  I grip his arm and rub my head against his shoulder. “Anything for you, Baby,” I whisper and kiss his neck. He holds open the door and we enter arm in arm.

  We walk through the spacious apartment. It is completely different from his home in San Francisco. This one is much colder. The floors are white marble. Every wall except one is stark white with black and white photos hanging throughout the space. The accent wall is a bright color. The wall closest is a royal blue with an image hanging dead center. A canary yellow wall off in the distance has photographs of random objects, the wheel of a car, the front of a train, the window of a plane. This place is not at all like the Chase I know and love. His home in San Francisco is filled with books and trinkets from his travels and feels warm and inviting. This seems like a museum.

  “Did you design this house?”

  “A friend of mine did. I hate it actually, but I didn’t have the heart to change it. I don’t want to hurt his feelings,” he admits dryly.

  I knew the man had a heart, but he takes friendly consideration a little too far. Instead of raining on his parade, I figure it’s probably best to leave it alone and follow him to his room.

  We take a long, hot shower, reacquainting ourselves with each other’s bodies now that the initial need has been slaked. I inspect the black lingerie Chase picked out for me. It’s beautiful and very tasteful. A lacy spaghetti strapped camisole with high cut matching lace shorts. The satin robe that goes with it is floor length and covers me from shoulders to ankles. I quickly put the lingerie on, and it fits like a glove. He has an uncanny ability to size me.

  Once I’m dressed I brush the tangles from my wet hair. Chase comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me. He inhales against the crook of my neck and layers the skin with tiny kisses. “You always smell and feel so good.”

  “Thank you. Now about that dinner? I’m starving.” I puff out my bottom lip and turn in a circle clasping him around the waist. He’s wearing pajama pants that look suspiciously similar to the ensemble he laid out for me. Chase nibbles on my lip before pulling away.

  “After you, my sweet.” He gestures for me to lead the way even though I’m not at all certain where we’re going. My sweet? Another new one. I smile. Eventually he takes the lead, clasping my hand and bringing me to a dining room. Another boring white room with black and white images of objects grace the walls. Only these images are worse. An old fashioned milk jug, a fruit bowl, and a picture of mismatched place setting. Chase really needs to have a chat with that designer.

  The chef he hired definitely earns his status as being world renowned. Every bite is better than the last and I feel as though I could die a happy woman now that I’ve consumed an incredible meal and been thoroughly pleased by my man.

  “Who are you prospecting tomorrow?” Chase asks around a bite of fresh bread.

  I sip my wine and hold it on my tongue for a moment appreciating the thick berry notes. “Theodore Vandegren.”

  His eyes narrow.

  “Taye has a friend of a friend of a friend who got us the meeting,” I say unable to hide my excitement over my first donor visit.

  “You’re not meeting with Theo, Gillian,” Chase says stiffly.

  Alarm bells flare and I lift an eyebrow, waiting for him to rephrase his command. He doesn’t. “What do you mean I’m not meeting with him? Do you know him?”

  He nods. “Theo is a business associate. He probably agreed to the meeting because he knows I’m the Chairman, and it’s my foundation.”

  “So what’s the problem? Taye says he’s incredibly wealthy and gives to a lot of charities. We’d be lucky to secure him as a major donor, Chase.” I place a hand over his arm to remind him of the reason I’m meeting with this man.r />
  “Theo is a player. He will get one look at you and make every effort to woo you and get into your pants. I won’t have it.” He takes a sip of wine and puts down his fork. It clangs loudly against his plate. He turns toward me, arms crossed over his chest.

  I lick my lips and take a deep breath. I’ve learned a thing or two about Chase over the past few months. When he feels threatened by a man who he believes may have interest in me, he gets extremely unreasonable. I’ve given him no indication that I would ever want anyone else, but something inside him drives this jealousy. Eventually I have to get to the bottom of it. For now, I need to remind him of his place.

  “You don’t get to decide who I see professionally. You’re my boyfriend, not my boss. You agreed to not get involved in my job any more than you already have,” I remind him, trying to be reasonable.

  He takes a deep breath through his nose, and that sexy jaw, the one that delectably abraded my skin just an hour ago becomes hard.

  “Remember, if this is going to work between us, you’re going to let me do my job. There are things you can’t protect me from.”

  “The hell there are!” he says, angrily. “That man will do everything in his power to fuck you; I know his tastes well, Gillian. I used to have them.”

  I grip his arm forcing him to unwind from his defensive position with them crossed over his chest. I put his hand in both of mine. His thumb instantly traces his favorite pattern over the top of my hand. That’s it; my lovable Chase is coming around. Touching me always helps. I grin internally not wanting him to know I have my own way to secretly soothe him.

  “I’ll be there with Taye. I have to learn and the Foundation is paying me to be here. Now, I’d prefer we not discuss this further and enjoy the rest of our evening.”

  Chase grips my hand. “Fine, but Jack will take you and wait outside the restaurant until it’s time for you to leave and bring you back to me.” His tone is back to being demanding and unrelenting. It’s the best compromise I’m going to get and the only way to salvage the evening.


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