Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1)

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Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1) Page 32

by Audrey Carlan

  “I’m one lucky, bastard,” he says as he takes my hand and kisses my palm. He inhales the perfume at my wrist. “I love the way you smell,” he says sweetly placing a warm kiss against the tender skin. I smile and he pulls me toward him. My hands land on his finely muscled chest. I adjust his tie making sure it’s perfect. It already is but doing something with my hands makes me feel more at ease. “We’re going to have fun tonight,” he promises.

  I doubt it. My mind supplies, but I keep that thought to myself.

  “Shall we?” He holds out his elbow formally. I grin and clasp my arm around his. “Since the party is so large, we’ll have Jack and Mr. Campbell attending. That way, regardless of where we are, the bases are covered.” I roll my eyes, but stay silent. I don’t want to think about my stalker right now, but I’m happy he’s taking precautions.

  “Any more texts?” I ask and Chase stiffens.

  I look at him in warning, silently willing him to just tell me the truth and not keep something so important from me.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact there have been one a day since you last received the flowers.”

  “And what did they say?”

  He stops and places a hand to my chin. “Baby, I’m not going to tell you. Not because I don’t want to be honest with you, but because I don’t want those things in your head. They’re in mine and they are killing me. Okay?” Besides telling me about his mom and dad, this is quite possibly the most honest and forthcoming he’s been with me.

  “I trust you to take care of me,” I whisper and he swallows. His gaze is so intense and holds mine for what feels like an eternity. Right there I feel it all. His love. His fear. His hatred of the person threatening me.

  “I’ll always take care of you, Gillian. No one will ever hurt you again,” he promises. And I know that if it’s within his power, it’s the truth. Only not everything will always be within in his power, regardless of how much money he has. Money isn’t the end all be all. Sometimes there are really sick and twisted people in this world and unfortunately, one of them wants a piece of me and I’m afraid he just might get it.

  “Any leads on Justin?”

  He grimaces and continues towards the door. “Unfortunately, no, but I have twenty men on it.”

  Twenty? Jesus! I nod as we make our way down the elevator. Our bodyguards are waiting. Austin holds open my door. “You look lovely this evening, Ms. Callahan, Ma’am,” Austin says as I enter the stretch limo.

  “Why thank you, Austin. You’re very kind.” I smile and slide into the car.

  Chase claps Austin on the shoulder playfully. “You know she’s taken, right?” He cocks his head and grins.

  “Oh yes, Sir. I know she’s your lady. I wasn’t intending to…” he stammers.

  “He’s kidding, Austin, relax,” I explain and shake my head. Poor guy. Chase, even when acting playful, can come off authoritative.

  “Whew. Okay. Anything else, Mr. Davis, Sir.” Austin replies.

  “As my lady says, relax, but not too much. She’s priority number one. Nothing happens to her, got it?” And there is my over-protective control freak. I was enjoying playful Chase far too much. I knew Control Freak Chase was just around the corner.

  “Of course, no one but you gets to her,” he confirms.

  Chase grips his shoulder again. “Good man,” he says and slaps the top of the limo. “Jack, we ready to shove off?” Chase enters the limo. Austin gets into the passenger seat.

  “We’ll be there in thirty minutes, Mr. Davis.” Jack replies.

  The ride is smooth and Chase holds my hand as we sit in companionable silence. Eventually Chase takes one of his business calls. It really doesn’t bother me. I thought his need to be available at all times to his work was going to drive a wedge between our relationship, but, for the most part, he’s really good at turning it off.

  We arrive at the Davis mansion, and I see large white tents covering the grounds. Huge Chinese lantern style lamps loop across the gardens in varying shades of white, blue, green, and pink. The limo stops and Austin opens the door for us. We’re greeted by waiters holding tall champagne flutes. I choose one of the pink ones, feeling a bit girly for my choice. We walk through a huge mansion style home with people milling everywhere. I can hear music wafting in the distance. Chase holds my hand and I follow him through the throngs, silently taking in the opulent surroundings.

  “Was this your childhood home?” I ask. Chase nods and smiles. “It’s so…big and beautiful.”

  “My uncle taught me early on to enjoy the finer things in life.” He probably was literally fed with silver spoons. I imagine a cherub faced little boy with brown locks falling into his eyes running around this huge house.

  We exit to the garden, which isn’t really a garden at all. It’s the size of a football field surrounded with lush greenery and flowers of all kinds. Marble statues litter the grass here and there. A giant fountain bursts water ten feet into the sky. Lights bounce off the water, making the streams look multi-colored. Chase leads me to a large group of men in tuxedos. I can see his Uncle Charles in the center telling a story. Chase pushes through the people and his Uncle clasps him in a tight embrace.

  “Chase, my boy,” he says happily. “I see you brought the lovely Ms. Callahan this evening.” He lets Chase go and grasps my hand pulling it to his lips.

  “Happy Birthday, Mr. Davis. Thank you for having me,” I offer.

  “The pleasure is all mine, and you can call me Charles. I imagine “Mr. Davis” gets cumbersome when you have your own Mr. Davis to contend with.” He tips his head toward Chase. He’s obviously very fond of Chase, and it warms my heart knowing how he came to live with his Uncle early in his childhood.

  “Chase speaks very highly of you,” I offer.

  He looks at Chase with a grin. “He does? Sharing my secrets, eh, Chase?” his uncle jokes. So far I really like his family. Well, I haven’t spent much time with Cooper aside from that one charity dinner. And his Mother didn’t seem too thrilled with my presence, but the rest of the Davis clan are top notch.

  Carson pops up behind me. “Gillian, looking stunning as ever,” Carson says as he comes up to hug me. Kat is close behind him, and she is drop dead gorgeous. She’s in a form fitting silver sequined dress with a sparkling fringe cut at mid-thigh. Her legs go for days, coupled with strappy silver heels.

  I pull her into a hug. “Kat, wow. Did you make this one?” I ask, pulling back to assess her dress more closely.

  “I did.” She smiles wide. “If you look really close you can see tiny pink sequins setting off the silver,” she adds. I can see them up close and the workmanship is impeccable. She will definitely design for the stars one day.

  “It’s incredible. I’m digging the fringe! So hip, so now!” I gush.

  “You’re biased,” she says lamely, but she can’t hide the huge smile plastered on her face. “I just wish I’d had the chance to make your dress,” she says with a pout. “Though Gucci does wonderful things for those curves. Damn girl! You are smokin’ hot.”

  I smile wide as we spend a couple more minutes going over the fine details of our attire. Then Carson pulls Kat away to meet his family for the first time as his significant other. I stare off into the distance, holding onto the concrete banister. Chase is enjoying the company of his Uncle and his friends, and I want him to feel comfortable without having me glued to his side. I sip from my glass and enjoy the view of the lush gardens and the smell of fresh jasmine in the air. The yard reminds me of what Shakespeare’s Mid-Summer Nights Dream would look like.

  “You know, you’re better looking than I expected.” I twirl to face the female voice behind me and am face-to-face with Megan, “the Bitch,” O’Brian. I wait for her to continue. “I am surprised by the similarities between us.” She cocks her head to the side. “Looks like he never did get over me. Which is good for me, real good.” Her tone is scathing and smug. I want to smash her perfect pointed face with my clutch. It’s heavy enough to make a
dent or at the very least, scare the hell out of her.

  Instead I choose to find out what she wants. “And why is that?” I ask, fully aware that I’m taking the bait.

  “Because he’s going to be mine again.” My eyes squint in frustration. “Oh, I’m sure you’re nice enough, obviously pretty enough, but I was his first love. I was the woman he was going to marry,” she adds.

  “You are his past; nothing but a distant memory,” I combat. It feels good to dig into her, even though everything she’s saying scrapes across my nerves like a metal scouring pad, feeding right into my insecurities.

  “Ah, but you’re living proof that he isn’t over me. Why else would he choose to bring home a woman that could be my sister? He’s only dated blondes prior to you. I’ve been keeping tabs on him. I knew it was time to re-enter his life when I saw a picture of the two of you a few months ago in the society pages. I knew then he wasn’t over me.” She smiles evilly.

  “Think whatever you want. Chase loves me,” I say with confidence.

  “And you believe that? He tells every girl he wants to fuck that he loves them. He probably told you that you were his, right?” My eyes go wide. She knows she’s hit the nail on the head and goes in for the kill. “You’re a piece of ass to him. He probably fucked you saying, mine mine mine!” I almost threw up when those words spilled out of her perfect pink lips.

  “Fuck you,” I tell her and tear off down the stairs. Tears build as the world as I know it crumbles. Holy shit. Everything she said, he did. Every single thing. He told me he loved me and then fucked me. He’s only said it twice but each time it was right before we made love or during. He’s never said it in the cold light of day. I bump arms with several people as I’m trying to get as far away as I can. A clearing opens and the moon shines down on me. I take a huge lung full of air, trying to catch my breath and calm the anxiety digging its evil claws into my heart and mind.

  I think back to several of our intimate moments and the things he’s said.

  You are mine.

  You. Are. My. Woman.

  I close my eyes and let the tears fall as I relive so many times where he’s claimed me. I believed every lie. He just wants a replacement for her…for Megan. What the hell am I going to do?

  “Hey, Red,” a deep voice whispers across my ear. I back up quickly, my balance teeters as the spike of my stiletto gets caught in the cobblestone path. Cooper’s long arm reaches out and wraps around my waist, his hand against my bare back. “Well, now I’ve got you in my arms, what am I going to do with you?” He presents me with a devilish boy-like smile.

  “Thank you for catching me.” I pull away from him and wipe at the tears in my eyes.

  “Why is such a beautiful woman crying at a happy occasion? Do I need to kick my cousin’s ass?”

  I smile. Maybe Cooper isn’t as bad as Chase made him out to be.

  “Because I will. Wouldn’t be a hardship for me at all,” he adds with machismo. “What’s the matter, Beautiful?”

  I look over to where Megan was standing. She’s still there, only this time Chase is with her. That didn’t take long. He’s smiling and my heart is breaking. She puts her hand on his shoulder and slides it down his arm to his elbow. That one simple intimate touch is my undoing. Chase is willingly letting her touch him the way I would, the way a lover does. It’s over.

  “Um, nothing really. I just…” My shoulders fall and I start to sob.

  He pulls me into an embrace, “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” I spend long moments crying into Cooper’s chest.

  His hands hold me loosely around the waist; his fingers gently caress the naked skin of my lower back. The touch is too intimate and sends chills racing up my spine. That’s when I realize I’ve leaned my face on his chest and he’s whispering sweet nothings in my ear about how pretty I am, how I deserve someone better, someone like him. Holy shit. This is not happening.

  I look up into Cooper’s face and he’s staring at me with eyes heavy with lust. I’ve seen that look many times but he’s not the man I want.

  “You don’t need him, he’ll only break your heart,” he says.

  “Get the fuck away from her,” I hear Chase’s booming voice about ten feet away.

  Cooper pulls me close. “Why? You’re the one who left her crying and heartbroken,” he counters snidely.

  Chase looks at me, fear and anger at war in his ocean eyes. I’m certain my own eyes are swollen and red from crying, makeup smeared beyond recognition. My breath is erratic and my nose is running. His eyes find mine and are questioning, but I can’t hold his gaze, preferring to look away. I can see “the Bitch” high tailing it over here, running down the steps behind him.

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Cooper?” Chase asks.

  “You tell me, cuz. This beautiful woman is crying and where were you?”

  “With me.” Megan’s voice says from the stairs just off our location. “Chase, honey, you don’t need a sugary substitute when you can have the real thing.” She comes up behind him and brings her hands to his biceps.

  He shrugs her off. “Gillian, you’re coming with me. Now.” He comes over to me and pulls my hand. “And if you ever so much as touch her hand or a hair on her head, I will fucking ruin you, Coop. Stay away from my woman!” he yells and makes to drag me up the stairs. His grip on my wrist is tighter than ever.

  “Chase, you don’t need her when you can have me,” Megan pleads. I try to pull away, not wanting to hear him pick her over me. I couldn’t bear it. Chase holds me fast not allowing a retreat. In fact, he pulls me to his side like he has so many times before.

  Chase looks Megan up and down with a fierce scowl. “I’ve had you and so has everyone else at this fucking party. You’re a slut! I wouldn’t touch you again with a ten foot pole!” Her eyes go wide and her mouth opens in shock. “You broke my heart almost a decade ago. I’ve moved on. Now you need to. Why don’t you go fuck Cooper again? He’s available.” He continues up the stairs.

  Fuck Cooper again? Oh my God. She slept with Cooper. Was it before or after their engagement? The details are extremely significant to me at this moment.

  Chase doesn’t slow down, and I regret my expensive purchase on these stilts as I sway and try to keep my balance. The cobblestone walk is proving extremely difficult, and I fear I’m going to break my ankle.

  “Stop, Chase.” He continues to yank my arm, his grip vice-like. “God dammit, I’m going to fall if you don’t slow the fuck down!” I scream and tug on his arm. Instead of slowing down he stops, faces me and pulls me up and over his shoulder fireman style, my ass in the air and my head dangling over his back.

  “I’m not giving you the chance to run this time,” he says as he stomps through the garden and then the house. People at the party stop and stare at the blatant spectacle. Their mouths hang open, completely flabbergasted by the sight, except for his Uncle Charles and his Cousin Carson who are smiling like loons.

  “Don’t let her go, my boy!” his Uncle calls and Chase lifts his hand in a wave as he passes, his other hand firmly planted on my ass. I can see his mother sitting in her wheelchair by his Uncle, absolutely furious with her son’s caveman behavior.

  We make it to the limo and he hauls me into it.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask as Jack speeds off. “Were you trying to embarrass me because if you were, it worked brilliantly!” I’m seething, ready to pluck his eyes out with my tweezers!

  “What were you doing locked in an embrace with Cooper?” His tone is cold and accusatory.

  “I wasn’t locked in an embrace. Pah-leeze.” It slips from my mouth with disdain. “He was comforting me after Megan “the Bitch” O’Brian basically told me that our relationship was a sham!”

  Chase grips his temples and ruffles a hand through his unruly hair. “And you believed her? After everything we’ve been through?” His eyes search mine, the tone of his voice is broken, sad even.

  “I had no choice. She said things, Chase. Private
things. Things that I thought were only between us and she said you say them to every girl just to bed them!” My voice cracks as I explain.

  “Gillian, I don’t know what she told you, but I’ve never said anything to you that I didn’t mean.” His eyes seem honest. He sounds like he’s telling the truth but my insecurities are running wild and I’m afraid.

  “I need some time to think.” I cross my arms over my chest protectively, huddle against the door and look out the window. For the entire drive back all I can hear in the limo is the sound of our strangled breaths.

  Once we arrive at the Penthouse he follows me into his bedroom and pushes me against the wall. His body crowds mine, chest to chest, heart to heart. With our noses practically touching I can see he’s hurting, but so am I. This is too important to back down now. We have to have it out, once and for all if we’re ever going to move forward.

  His breath stirs the wisps of hair from my check. “Gillian, I’m not going to have that whore come between us. What we have is real. More real than anything I’ve ever known.”

  “She said you tell all the girls that, she said that you tell everyone that they are yours!” Tears form, and I choke back a sob.

  He slams his hand into the wall behind my head, and it scares me. The response is too much like Justin used to respond to me, using his fists to make a point. I flinch and instinct brings my hands in front of my face defensively.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I don’t want to scare you, I’d never hurt you. Never. It’s just...this makes me so fucking angry,” he confides. I nod and settle my hands back at my sides. My breath is labored, coming in heaving gusts. My heart is beating so hard within me I fear it might pound right out of my chest. He brings me to the bed and sits me down. He does the one thing I never thought he’d do in a million years. He kneels at my feet. The position is not one of power and authority, but of a man down on his knees in front of the woman he cherishes. He massages my thighs firmly as he reconnects with me. He’s always needed to touch me, even more so now.


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