Rebel's Karma

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Rebel's Karma Page 17

by Rebecca Zanetti

  She stared at the flames, her legs drawn up beneath her and covered by the blanket. “I think Linda’s been resting, and after that she’ll be able to travel more. So I’m expecting her to check in again now that’s it’s dark. I’m hoping. She was determined to find their location, but she can’t move maps to help her navigate, so she just has to keep looking.”

  Benny reached out and took her hand, unable to stop himself. “You’re doing your best. Just take a deep breath and wait for her to arrive.”

  She sighed. “I’ve experimented a little through the years, and most spirits can’t travel like this. She seems to be losing power each time, and I’m not sure how much longer she’ll last here.”

  Garrett leaned toward the fire, his elbows on his knees. “We have it narrowed down to eight probable locations, but that’s too many for us to scout on our own.” He looked sideways to where Logan sat on the other side of Mercy. “Where’s your mom these days?”

  Logan winced. “She’s in Ireland at Witch Headquarters, and she’s gonna be pissed I haven’t told her about this.”

  Karma perked up. “Your mom is a witch?” Vampires and Kurjans were male only, but the rest of the immortal species had females as well. Hope Kayrs-Kyllwood was the one exception in the history of the world, because she had vampire blood in her.

  “No,” Logan said. “My mom is a purebred demoness, and she mated Daire Dunne, one of the witch Enforcers. Believe it or not, I have a little sister.” He grinned. “She’s almost as wild as our mom.”

  Garrett snorted. “Logan’s mom likes to rob banks for fun.”

  “Just the safety-deposit boxes and accounts of criminals,” Logan protested.

  Karma sat straighter. “Wait a minute. Your father had to have been a vampire. Yet she’s mated to a witch? Did your mother take the same virus I took?”

  Logan nodded. “Our father died a long time ago, and Mom took the virus before she mated Daire. It all worked out in the end, although she’s going to kill me if she ever finds out that Sam was taken by the Kurjans and I didn’t immediately call her.”

  “That is not a lie. Your mother is intense,” Garrett said.

  Logan picked up his mug of coffee and stood. “I’m going to study those schematics of the mountain range to the south one more time. Just in case.”

  Mercy stretched to her feet, barely reaching Logan’s chest in height. “I’ll help.”

  Garrett also stood. “I’m going for a run, and then I’ll be back to help. Maybe there’s something I missed about the Nevada rock formation that’s a possible location.”

  Benny remained in place. “Karma? Do you want to stay here by the fire for a little while to see if Linda makes contact? Maybe with fewer people around, she’ll show?”

  Karma squirmed. It was obvious she wasn’t accustomed to people asking her opinion or what she wanted. The idea just pissed Benny off. Finally, she cleared her throat. “Yes. That’s a good suggestion,” she said.

  Benny smiled. “We’ll do that and then maybe join you all to look through more data.”

  The other three left, and Benny stretched out his legs toward the fire. “Do you want more coffee?” He glanced at her half-empty mug.

  “I am fine,” she said softly, watching the flickering flames. “That really was nice of you this morning—wearing the skirt.”

  He took another swig of the excellent coffee Karma had made. “Did you get the point?”

  “Of course.” She sipped delicately, and the firelight caressed her heart-shaped face the way Benny wanted to do. “I think I should like to train when I get the girls free. It’s doubtful I’ll have time before that.” She turned toward him, her eyes a glimmering hue. “Maybe a few lessons before I go? It would be nice to know some self-defense.”

  He kept her hand in his while he searched for the right words. Too much of her life had been out of her control, and as much as he wanted to tell her what to do, he wouldn’t. So he fought himself for the moment. “The coffee is wonderful. Thank you for making it.”

  She ducked her head, and a lock of her sunshine-colored hair fell onto her cheekbone. “I am happy to help. In fact, I truly enjoy cooking and baking. I’ve lived so many years underground. Being aboveground and growing herbs is a hobby I would like to pursue further.”

  He jolted. “Really? No kidding?” His heart leaped.

  She laughed softly. “Yes. It’s the truth.”

  Oh, thank God. “Then you’re hired while we’re here, if you don’t mind. I love to cook, and we could have some fun creating dishes.” The idea of having decent food enticed him almost as much as the female herself. Her sweet scent wafted his way. What was that? The scent of flowers growing beside a lake? It was all her, and he could wrap himself up in the smell and happily remain beside her.

  She took a deep breath.

  All right. He was starting to recognize her tells, and she had something to say. Something she was gearing up to communicate. He waited patiently, which was not one of his strong suits.


  “Yes?” He turned back to the fire to make it easier for her to ask or say whatever she wanted. The woman was shy.

  She waited a beat. “I enjoyed the other morning.”

  His cock jumped against his denim jeans, and he bit back a groan. “Me, too.”

  “I was wondering, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble—” She shifted restlessly next to him. “I would like one night with you before I return to the Kurjans. A real night. You and me as partners. Just once.”

  His ears heated and damn if his head didn’t almost blow off his entire body.

  * * * *

  Karma couldn’t believe she’d just been so forward with a male. But she wanted one night to feel such pleasure again before she returned to hell, just in case she failed to get the girls out. She was unencumbered by the mating mark, and she could do with her body as she chose. For now, anyway. “I know about modern women,” she said softly. “That they have a choice and that one night doesn’t have to mean forever.” The idea intrigued her, as did ripped abs and prolonged orgasms like she’d read about in the books.

  Benjamin made a strangled sound.

  Heat flushed into her face, burning her cheeks. “I’m sorry to be forward.” It was entirely possible that he didn’t want her in that manner. Oh, he’d been interested the other day, but the physical part hadn’t progressed very far. Perhaps she’d insulted him. “I also apologize if I’ve insulted you in any way. I am not saying you’re easy.” She’d heard the expression from the new mate of a Kurjan lower soldier, and it probably applied in this situation.

  He sucked in air and made a gulping sound.

  Oh, she could just die. She tried to pull her hand free from underneath his arm and firm palm, but he held her tight.

  “Karma.” He turned to face her, and his eyes blazed through the darkness. “We need to get a couple of things straight. More things. Besides the fighting-with-a-skirt problem that isn’t really a problem.”

  Was it her imagination, or was Benjamin having difficulty speaking in complete sentences? Had he injured his head that morning when fighting with the other soldiers? She leaned in closer to check his pupils just in case he was concussed. “Are you all right?”

  “No, I’m not all right,” he sputtered. “You have me harder than a rock, and it’s all I can do not to bend you over the nearest table and take what you’ve so generously offered.”

  “Oh.” She sat back, her body relaxing. He did want her. She had thought so, but it was nice to have the idea affirmed. “Why do you sound pained?”

  His flash of teeth didn’t reassure her. “I’m pained because I’m hard and I want to do something about it.” Then he took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and did it two more times. “Here’s the deal. Yes, I’d like a night with you. In fact, I’d like a whole lot of nights with you. I’m no
t easy, you’re not easy, nobody is easy. That’s just a dumb word. We can do whatever we want so long as it’s consensual. That’s number one. Got it?”

  She quite liked that line of thought. “That makes sense to me.”

  “Good.” His hand tightened on hers. “I’ve been honest about not wanting to mate, even though I want you with a desperation that burns. Although, from what I’ve seen around here, if we do indulge, I may throw caution to the wind like the rest of these morons and mate anyway. I mean, with your consent.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Um…”

  He chuckled and brushed a curl off her forehead. “What I meant is that if mating is on the table, we should discuss it. I like you, you like me, and we definitely have chemistry. But I don’t think you should mate somebody just because you think that’s what you’re supposed to do. You can do anything and be anything you want in this world.”

  Oh, she just could love him forever. “I know, Benjamin.” She wasn’t an innocent young girl.

  He winced. “Also, I’ve been a warrior for hundreds of years and don’t know a thing about kids. I wouldn’t want to hurt your little girls or scare them or screw them up. It’s probably much better if I stay away from them.”

  Could he be any sweeter? Right now, she wanted to concentrate on him. “I’ve lived a long time, and I’ve met a lot of people—alive and dead. If I mate, I will do so with my eyes open.” It was nice to speak so frankly with him. “I’m not asking to mate. I want to engage in physical closeness with you.”

  “Sex,” he said.

  She felt her blush intensify. “Yes. Sex.” Just the thought made her body light up like a rocket. “Although, is mating on the table?” She’d heard the expression years ago and liked it.

  A muscle ticked right beneath his powerful jawline. “I don’t know.”

  She liked him all the more for his honesty. He wasn’t making false promises just to get her into bed. “I agree with the unknowing part but still would like intimacy with you.”

  Did he growl?

  “Okay. One was consent, two was possible mating. Three is a bit more difficult.” He looked away at the fire for a moment and then refocused on her, his concentration absolute and somewhat intimidating.

  She frowned. “What is difficult? Are you unable—”

  “God, no,” he burst out. “I’m able. Very, very, very able.”

  “Oh.” She fought a chuckle. “That is nice to know.”

  He shook his head. “You just need to understand what you’re getting into. I’m not kind, Karma. I sure as hell am not gentle, either. I can try, and I will, but you have a watered-down vision of me.”

  “You are kind, and you are gentle,” she said quietly. “I’ve seen you be both.”

  He breathed out. “Yes, you have. What I’m saying is that I’ve been trying to be both of those things for you since you’ve had a difficult life with very little control. I like control, and I have no problem taking it when necessary. You’re someone who deserves to make her own decisions in life. You’ve earned that.”

  She bit her lip. “Couldn’t we share control?”

  He ran his thumb across her knuckles. “Family is everything to me, and I protect family with everything I have and everything I am. Even if it makes them mad or if they think it’s unfair.” He frowned, but the thumb on her knuckles continued to be gentle, making her shiver. “My motivations are good—to protect and defend. But sometimes I come on too strong. I don’t think you could handle that.”

  Her chin lowered. If he was motivated by affection and protectiveness, she could handle it. “I don’t think you’d hurt me.”

  “Of course not.” He sighed. “I also wouldn’t let you venture into Kurjan territory by yourself.” He seemed to check himself. “In fact, I’m not going to let it happen now, either. So we’ll have to find another way to find your girls and get them to safety. We will, though.”

  She reached out and cupped his rugged jaw. There was only one way to rescue them, and he’d have to agree with her on that at some point. In fact, that realization made tonight all the more important. It might be her last chance to make her own choices. She chose him. Nerves stretched tight inside her—a combination of need and anxiety. Right now, she needed an answer. “I understand your three points. I have not changed my mind. Have you?”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Benny had never been one to hesitate, and the fact he was doing so now when she’d offered something he so desperately wanted shocked him. The immortal animal, the primal need deep down, had awakened and was ready to play. Ready to take. “How much have you had to drink?” he asked.

  “Not enough to make me do something I do not want.” She stood then, and the scent of flowers, almost gardenias but with a hint of spice, wafted his way. She flipped her hand beneath his palm to tangle her fingers through his. “Yes or no, Benjamin?”

  Yes. Definitely yes. He stood, catching her off guard. Then he smiled at her small gasp of surprise. “You might be doing that a few times tonight.” Without waiting for a response, he ducked and caught her up against his chest, turning and striding off the deck and into the darkness.

  She slid her arm around his shoulders and snuggled into his chest as if she belonged right there. “You have the broadest chest,” she murmured, lifting her head and letting her mouth wander beneath his jaw. “Were you this big and strong before you became a member of the Seven? Your torso is impenetrable, correct?”

  Right now it felt like she had a direct line to his heart, and nothing about him was impenetrable. A warning bell clanged in the back of his head, but he gentled his hold as he strode along the river. “Yes and yes.” The woman felt light and fragile in his arms, even though her mouth was doing dangerous things to his neck. Once he’d given her the go-ahead, she seemed to want to explore. A lot.

  Her hand caressed his shoulder and dug in, tracing the muscle to his neck. Her sigh this time was one of pleasure—and it went right to his balls, tightening them up.

  She was killing him, and she had no clue. Damn if that didn’t make him want her more. She was genuine and inquisitive, and she wasn’t hiding anything about herself. In fact, except for the device that had been implanted in her head, she’d been honest about herself the entire time.

  He walked easily up the steps to his back deck and opened the sliding glass door. “There aren’t any ghosts here right now, are there?” he asked. Their presence wouldn’t stop him, but he wanted to be aware.

  “No.” She giggled, and the sound was charming. Young and free.

  “Good,” he growled, prowling through his house without needing the lights. He reached his bedroom and stepped inside, grateful the moon streaming through the window softly illuminated the bed in the middle. Setting her down, he dropped to his haunches in front of her. Even so, he was as tall as she was sitting on the bed. “Are you sure?” He had to ask.

  “I’m sure.” She slowly began unbuttoning her flouncy blouse with the pearl buttons.

  “Me, too.” He reached down and unzipped first one boot and then the other, sliding them off her small feet. Women from centuries ago had the darndest small feet. If he and Karma ever danced together, he’d have to be careful not to step on one. Gently, for him, he drew down her stocking, rubbing the pads of his fingers along the smooth skin of her ankles.

  She was so soft and breakable—immortal or not. Then he leaned in and kissed her knee.

  “Benjamin,” she murmured, trembling. “I have to tell you that it has been a long time. I want to please you.” She slipped out of the blouse, leaving her in a plain white bra with the cutest pink flower in the center.

  “You please me by just existing,” he said honestly. Yet the skirt really was a hindrance. So he pushed her back, grasped the waistband, and tore it off her legs.

  She laughed out loud this time, and the sound grounded him. Calmed and reass
ured him. Then she sat up and pushed him in the stomach, and when he stepped back, she stood. “You undressed me. Now I get to undress you.” Her knuckles brushed his abdomen when she grasped the bottom of his T-shirt. Jolts of need shot right to his groin. Humming, she slowly pushed the material up, her palms flat against his skin until she reached his neck. He ducked his head and let her continue until she stood up on her toes and pulled the material away. “Oh, Benjamin.” She flattened her hands over his chest.

  Yep. She was going to kill him. He shoved the animal inside him way down and let her explore. She deserved to play and have fun, even if his head exploded off his body. She unsnapped his jeans, and he helped her shove them to the ground while kicking off his boots.

  “You’re beautiful, Karma.” Sliding his hands through her silky hair, he twisted it at her nape and pulled her head back, taking her mouth. He couldn’t wait any longer. Never in his life had taking off his clothes been so erotic. Her lips were soft, and she tasted like chocolate-flavored coffee. She kissed him back, her nails digging into his chest, her open eagerness spurring him on still more.

  He unclasped her bra in the back and slid it off her arms, keeping her mouth the entire time. Then he gently brushed his free hand across her nipples, enjoying the shudder that went through her body. He released her mouth to look his fill. She was small and firm, with light pink nipples that looked like candy. “You’re perfect,” he whispered.

  She scraped her nails lightly down his flanks. “You’re perfect. Benjamin?”

  “Yeah?” he asked, palming her and nearly dying as her hard nipples scraped his palms.

  “I would like for you to take over now,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  She might as well be a virgin for all she knew about a male’s body. Especially this male. Benjamin was all solid muscle and firm skin. The bulge in his black boxers was both intriguing and intimidating—much like Benjamin himself. She could feel him holding back, and though she appreciated it, he was making her nervous.


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