Rebel's Karma

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Rebel's Karma Page 23

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “No.” Benjamin slammed his fist on the table. Dishes bounced and landed with a loud clatter.

  Karma jumped. “It’s just a backup plan. Shouldn’t we make it as good as possible?”

  Mercy’s eyes glimmered with sympathy and understanding. “There are two children at risk, Ben. If Karma wants to do this, to try to save them, you can’t hold her back.”

  Benny looked at Logan. “Would you let your mate go?”

  Mate? Karma turned partially toward Benjamin, the heavy arm over her shoulder hampering her movements. “We have not mated.”

  He turned his head, his gaze nearly black. “How long do you think Terre will wait to mate you?”

  Dread dropped into her stomach. “Not long.”

  “Mating doesn’t have to be consensual,” he said, his face showing no give.

  “I know,” she whispered. “But there are bigger issues at play than my feelings. You have to understand that.”

  For the longest of moments, he just studied her face. An expression settled over him that she couldn’t read. Maybe acceptance and determination mixed with…she just wasn’t sure. “I’m not saying yes, but we can develop a contingency plan in case we don’t find the girls within the time frame.”

  Relief flooded through her. She’d deal with her fear of what Terre had planned later. “It’s not just the girls, Benny. I know the Kurjans have kidnapped more enhanced women, maybe even children, and they matter, too. We have to find and free them before Jaydon attempts his ritual.” He had power, and he had followers, so it was entirely possible he’d be able to do so without Dayne even knowing about it. The Cyst often went on their own paths, temporarily living apart from the rest of the Kurjans.

  “Fine, but make no mistake,” Benny started, his gaze not leaving hers, “if you plan to go into Kurjan territory, you’ll do so as my mate. My mark will protect you from Terre to a degree.”

  She gasped. “I can’t do that. If I’m mated, Terre has no reason not to just kill me.”

  Benny smiled, and the sight was frightening this time. “Not if he thinks you have access to the virus. Give him a little hope, a little rope, and I’ll make sure to strangle him with it.”

  Karma swallowed, her mind reeling. This was a side of Benjamin she’d never witnessed, and his determination was intimidating. And intriguing. He’d also had no problem making such a declaration in front of everyone else. So much for privacy. “I don’t know.”

  “I do,” he said, his tone unrelenting.

  Mating Benjamin? For real? Her body heated and then flushed. Goodness.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  After another night spent in wild copulation with Karma, Benny was about to lose his mind. It had been two nights and two more days, and he only had one day left to find her twins. She’d told him story after story about the girls, and while he had no clue what to do with children’s feelings, he knew how to protect and defend. That he could definitely do for them. The female had been correct that the contingent of Kurjan soldiers moved around. He’d almost had them the day before, but they’d moved on.

  Satellites weren’t as helpful as he’d hoped they’d be.

  “We could reach out to the Realm for help,” Garrett said from his computer console in the main room. “I can’t guarantee they’ll assist us, and it may take them more than a day to get up to speed, which won’t help us any.” He kept his voice calm, but a thread of anger wove through each word. “I’ll back your play, Benny.”

  “Ditto,” Logan said from a computer down the way. “If you don’t want Karma to go, we’ll stand by you.”

  Benny appreciated the support, but he had to make a decision on this. Karma and Mercy were downstairs in the gym working on self-defense moves.

  Garrett turned around in his chair. “I don’t want to get my head snapped off my neck, and this is none of my business, but I don’t think you should send her in mated.”

  Benny rolled his neck and forced himself to think calmly. “Explain.”

  Garrett poked at a hole in his T-shirt. “From everything we’ve gathered, Terre has a shitty temper. The second he senses that she’s mated, he might kill her. Or beat the hell out of her with a bat or something that won’t give him the mating allergy.” Garrett scrabbled a hand through his unruly hair. “That’s not all.”

  “What?” Benny growled.

  Logan partially turned. “If you mate her, no way will you let her go.”

  Benny stared at the young warrior. He wasn’t wrong. “I know.”

  Garrett held up a hand. “Again, I’ll back you, no matter the consequences. But I have a mom who’d walk through fire for me, Logan has one who would happily blow up an entire island for him, and I assume your mama was a warrior, too. Karma’s a mother. In my experience, there’s nothing she won’t sacrifice to save those kids.”

  That was one of the many things Benny admired and truly liked in the female. “Terre will rape her. How can I let that happen?”

  Garrett steepled his fingers beneath his chin and his eyes burned. “You’ve been training her nonstop. She can fight.”

  “She can’t fight,” Benny said quietly, glancing toward the door to make sure Karma wasn’t there to hear him. “It’s been only three days—she’ll be no match for Terre or anybody else. Even Mercy, who frankly isn’t the best sparrer, is having to pull her punches wearing cushy gloves.” The idea of Karma being harmed was like a dual kick to the solar plexus and the balls.

  Logan’s eyes swirled with understanding. “If she’s hurt, we’ll help her heal after we get her back. Again, this is up to you.”

  Karma bustled into the room with Mercy on her heels. Both women were winded, and Karma’s blouse hung with the bottom twisted as if they’d grappled on the ground. “We were sparring, kind of, and I have an idea.” Her eyes were bright and her voice rushed.

  Benny couldn’t keep himself from reaching for her. “Go on.”

  “We can’t mate.” Her lips turned down, and her face turned pink. “I appreciate the offer, but one, I don’t want to mate for convenience or any other rational reason. I want love and passion and crazy, over-the-top possessiveness. Like Mercy has.”

  Mercy grimaced.

  Benny sent her a look. The last thing he needed was Mercy working against him. “We have passion. I’m definitely possessive.”

  “I want love. The whole wild experience of it.” Karma placed her hands on his chest. “And two, we have an idea. Maybe a good one.”

  He couldn’t give her the words. She meant so much to him, but what was love? He didn’t want to sing in the rain, and he sure didn’t want somebody telling him what to do or changing who he was or needed to be in the future. “What’s your idea?”

  She hopped once. “A rash. A big, ugly, itchy rash all over my body. We can tell Terre that it’s a side effect of the virus, and it takes a while for the mating bond to dissipate. That should get me at least a little time before he, well, you know.”

  “Tries to rape you?” Benny growled, unwilling to use euphemisms.

  “Yes.” Karma turned pale. “Even so, I’m going, Benjamin. If the worst happens and I can’t kill him, then I’ll deal with what happens after I get my children to safety. I miss them. Terribly. It’s like there’s a hole in my soul, and I’m so afraid they’re scared or hurt. It’s torture worse than anything Terre could possibly do to me.”

  How could Benny argue with that? “You’re immortal. How are you going to get a rash?”

  “Poison ivy,” Mercy said, plopping onto Logan’s lap and wrapping her arm over his shoulder. “It grows wild across the river, and we can rub her from head to toe with the stuff.”

  “That’s a decent plan.” Logan clicked his tongue. “Healing cells fix allergic reactions within seconds, but if Karma refuses to use her cells, she could claim the rash was a reaction to Virus-27. The Kurjans don’t have
a sample of the virus, so they don’t know much about it.”

  Karma expression brightened even more. “It’s a fantastic idea, because Yvonne will want to test me immediately. She’s desperate to know more about the virus, so maybe Terre will take me to her right away. We want that, because her location is stable and more than likely where the kidnapped enhanced females are being held.”

  Garrett stiffened. “If that plan is going to work, we can’t cover you with tracking dust. They won’t take you to Yvonne until the dust dissipates, and if you wait that long, the rash will probably heal itself, even if you don’t employ your healing cells on purpose.”

  “I know,” Karma whispered.

  Benny growled low and long. This was an impossible decision.

  * * * *

  Except for the constant worry about her girls, this had been the best week of Karma’s life. Partly because of Mercy, but mostly because of Benjamin and his kindness—as well as his spectacular body. Even so, she was about to kick him in the groin.

  “Again,” he barked, grasping her arm and pulling her off the mat. “You have to kick faster and then turn.”

  They’d been training for three hours, and she was done. She’d donned yoga pants that made her feel exposed, but she could tell her timing was better in them, and she was going to make herself wear jeans when it was time to go. She had that confidence now. “There is no faster. I’m tired, Benjamin.” It was time to stop avoiding the inevitable. “I have to make the phone call, and you know it.”

  He stood so tall and broad, an immovable object in a dangerous world. His eyes blazed a deadly hue, and his muscles stood out from head to toe, giving him the look of a panther about to spring. The lazy humor usually evident in his expression had fled, leaving this battle-scarred warrior in its place. His tension and fury colored the atmosphere of the entire training room. “We need some rules.”

  What was it with the soldier and rules? Karma tried to remain respectful and not roll her eyes. “All right. Rules.”

  “One, you don’t heal the rash at all—no matter how much it bugs you.” He looked as if he was about to pounce and then lock her away in a closet.

  “Agreed.” She understood his need to control the situation as well as his frustration that he could not. She felt the same way about her daughters. Linda had disappeared, most likely crossing over at last. Karma would truly be on her own. “Next rule?”

  “Once we get them back, this is your last mission. No going into danger—no matter what happens between us.” This was said on a growl that sent spirals of desire right to her core.

  She cleared her throat. “Agreed. I have no interest in being a soldier, spy, or dignitary. Not right now.” She didn’t care whether that was a modern attitude or not. She wanted peace and fun and time to enjoy her girls as they grew up. Her adventures would consist of picking the right flowers to plant and messing around with odd recipes. She’d lived in fear much too long; now it was time for joy. Would that life include Benjamin? It was shocking how badly she wanted a chance with him, but she wouldn’t settle for anything less than everything. Never again.

  “Fine.” If he looked any angrier, steam would probably blow right out of his eyes and nose. He drew a small black phone from his back pocket. “This is a burner. Crouch down, whisper like you’re hiding from me, and be quick.”

  Her hand shook when she accepted the phone, and by the tightening of Benjamin’s jaw, he noticed. “Okay. I had to memorize Terre’s number before I escaped with you.” She crouched down, following Benny’s directions, and then dialed.

  “Terre,” he answered.

  She cupped the phone. “It’s Karma. I have a way out and will be on the road in an hour while they’re training. I don’t know exactly where I am, but I will seek a road name I can recognize.”

  Terre was quiet for a moment.

  She put her mouth closer to the phone. “Hurry up. I don’t have much time before I must take them supper. I’ll run right after I serve them.”

  “They’ve made you a servant.” For some reason, Terre sounded pleased. “That’s what you are.”

  “They’re coming,” she whispered, her voice naturally rising. “Promise my girls will be there.”

  Papers shuffled. “Go north and west, wherever you are. Head toward Seattle, and call me again when you’re close for more specific instructions.”

  She kept her voice as level as she could. “Once I get close, I will require proof that you have my children. If you don’t, I leave. Period.”

  “You’ve grown some balls while you were away.” Terre chuckled, and the sound was chilling. “Very well. I will have those brats here. I’m looking forward to exploring this new side of you. Before I destroy it, of course.” He clicked off.

  She felt as if the acid in her stomach was eating through her body. She trembled and dropped the phone onto the mat. “He said to head toward Seattle.”

  Benny reclaimed the phone. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Yes, I do.” She stood, accepting his hand when he offered it.

  Mercy appeared in the doorway with a bag in her hand. “I collected enough poison ivy to turn you into one big blister, and I also cooked some of the leaves and extracted the urushiol to rub directly on your skin so the reaction will happen sooner than usual. It should take an hour or two, tops. This is going to be incredibly uncomfortable.”

  “I can handle it,” Karma said softly, sliding her hand into Benny’s.

  Mercy’s gaze dropped to their joined hands. “All right. What’s the plan?”

  Benny tightened his hold around Karma’s hand. “Have Logan and Garrett search around Seattle for a Kurjan encampment, and somebody needs to notify Bear and the Grizzly motorcycle club. If we’re going into his territory, he’ll know it. The last thing we need is to get the Bear Nation pissed off at us.”

  Mercy set the bag to the side. “We can be wheels up in thirty minutes. Just let me know.” Then she disappeared down the hallway.

  “Bear is the leader of the Bear Nation?” Karma asked. “Is that a joke?”

  “Bear is a smart-ass and took the name a long time ago,” Benny admitted. “He’s the leader of the Bear Nation, and he also leads a motorcycle club of wild-assed bears, where Logan and Garrett once worked undercover for a while. I think Garrett may join them again for a time.”

  She frowned. “Why are we calling them?”

  “Out of respect, as well as the fact that they’ll provide backup when we need to come in and get you.” Tension rolled off Benny. “Unless they decide to kill us first. The shifters really don’t like the Seven.”

  Life just kept getting worse. Karma looked at the innocuous garbage bag by the door. “I guess we should do this. I should.”

  Benny finally grinned, although the look was more of a grimace. “I’ll help. Head to toe, right?”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The helicopter ride was made in the dark of a moonless night. Benny and Mercy made sure to rub the sappy oil and leaves all over Karma in the back of the copter as Logan and Garrett rode up front. Sam sat just behind them, sleeping with his head against the wall. Just as they started to land, Benny ripped off his gloves. “Does it hurt yet?”

  Karma shook her head. “No. When am I supposed to start showing a rash?”

  “Soon,” Mercy said, wincing. “That pure oil is going to take effect way too fast for your peace of mind. Maybe we should’ve waited a few hours?”

  The helicopter set down just outside Grizzly territory.

  Benny waited until the blades had stopped and then opened the door. “Stay inside until I make sure Bear isn’t going to just try to kill us.” He jumped into the rainy night, instantly scenting grizzly. He turned to see Bear and two lieutenants standing near a log wood hangar. Sam leaped out behind him, his boots smashing the wet weeds.

  Mercy sat at the edg
e of the doorway with a gun resting lightly on her lap.

  Benny started forward, noting the lieutenants stiffening in response. He had known Bear for decades, and the guy looked better than ever, even though his square jaw was set hard and his honey-brown eyes sizzled with irritation. His shaggy brown hair touched his broad shoulders, and his clothing looked like it had seen better days. He waited until Benny reached him, flanked by Logan and Garrett. “The Seven isn’t welcome in my territory.”

  Benny caught Sam moving out of the corner of his eye. The middle brother had angled to the south, just in case he needed to cover them. That was a good brother. “I know, and I don’t want to be in your territory. I assume the Kurjans and Cysts aren’t welcome, either. Have you found them?”

  “Not yet,” Bear admitted. “Nessa is back at the control center looking, and believe me, my witch is not happy the Seven is here.” His gaze softened slightly when he looked at Garrett and then Logan. “Although she misses you two and can’t wait to make s’mores again. You’re going to have to visit with her, or I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  Garrett grinned. “Your mate is a badass and one of my favorite females, and no way am I messing with her temper. S’mores it is.”

  Benny settled his stance. “I don’t want to be here, Bear. You know it and I know it, but I have no choice.”

  Bear’s gaze narrowed as he looked past Benny. “Who are the pretty ladies?”

  Benny growled as the sweet scent of Karma grew nearer. Hadn’t he told her to stay in the helicopter?

  Logan grasped Mercy and pulled her in front of him, wrapping his arms around her waist. “This is Mercy. My mate.”

  Bear grinned and held out a hand the size of a Frisbee. “The fairy? Cool. I’ve never met a fairy.”

  “Fae,” Mercy corrected, quickly shaking his hand. “Can I watch you change into a grizzly later? I’ve never seen a bear shift.”

  Bear’s smile widened. “Definitely.”


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