The Lies That Bind

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The Lies That Bind Page 7

by Kate Carlisle

  “That’s way too much labor,” said Jennifer, who worked at the same library. “And the little kids won’t be able to operate something like this.”

  “Are you kidding?” Gina said. “If I can do it, anyone can.”

  “It’s true,” Whitney said, elbowing her friend. “She’s all thumbs and press-on nails.”

  I pulled a large binder clip off my stack of notes and held it up. “Two of these will hold a book in place almost as securely as a wood press.”

  Jennifer’s eyes lit up. “Binder clips. How clever. Now that’s more my speed.”

  Once they all had their signature pages firmly held inside the presses, I demonstrated how to apply the thin layers of PVA glue to the text spine.

  “Dip the brush halfway into the glue, then swipe it liberally across the spine edges. You want to soak the threads completely. Be sure to daub the wet brush carefully between the pages so that everything is covered in glue.”

  I wandered around the room, watching them apply thin layers of adhesive to the compressed textblock.

  “Something’s wrong with mine,” Mitchell said, scratching his head as he stared at his project.

  “What happened?” I asked, walking around the table.

  “I think I overglued.”

  “Wow, you sure did.” I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Glue was dripping down the side of the wood press and his linen tabs were drenched as well.

  “I know you’re laughing with me,” he muttered.

  “Absolutely,” I said, grabbing a wet wipe. “Here, use this to wipe off the wood.”

  “You said a liberal application.”

  “I did,” I said, shaking my head at the mess. “I also said to do it carefully. But I’ll take the blame for this one.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he said.

  “We can fix this,” I said, raising my voice so the entire group would pay attention. “For the linen tabs, take a cotton swab dipped in acetone and wipe the linen carefully.”

  I demonstrated. “These tabs should remain dry and loose because they’ll eventually be used to hold the spine to the covers. The last thing we do is glue them between the cover board and the pastedown.”

  Mitchell groaned at my incomprehensible explanation.

  “Okay,” I said, with a laugh. “Instead of trying to explain it, let me find an example to show you what I mean.”

  I grabbed two of my sample journals from the table at the front of the room and passed them around the table. The three tabs were clearly outlined beneath the pastedown.

  “Ah,” Mitchell said, peering at the inside cover. “I think I get it now.”

  “Good.” I smiled and gave the book to Dale, who sat next to Mitchell. “Pass those journals around so everyone can get an idea of what the tabs are used for. Thanks.”

  I spent a quiet half hour working alone in the classroom while everyone took a dinner break. I munched on malted-milk balls and string cheese as I prepared another textblock for demonstration purposes.

  Once the demo was set up, I did a little paperwork and balanced my checkbook, adding in the check I’d deposited that morning from Holyroodhouse Palace. It had been sent along with another children’s book that Philip Pickering-Jones wanted me to restore.

  While I was in Edinburgh, Derek had taken me to the palace, where Pickering-Jones, personal secretary to the British princes, gave me a shabby old book that belonged to one of the prince’s girlfriends. He wanted it restored for her as a gift.

  I knew I’d received the job only because I’d been in the right place at the right time. With the right British commander, of course. So I was shocked and pleased and honored that they’d sent me more work.

  The book I’d received today was Mrs. Overtheway’s Remembrances by the same beloved British author of the first book, Juliana Horatia Ewing. Pickering-Jones asked that it be restored in the same style as the first, making a matched set. Coincidentally, the two books were illustrated by George Cruikshank, the same man who did the Oliver Twist I restored for Layla.

  “Small world,” I murmured.

  As students began to shuffle back into the room, I put my personal stuff away and pulled out my bookbinders hammer.

  “It’s hammer time,” I announced, and everyone groaned. “Hey, these are the jokes, people.”

  Marianne raised her hand. “I hate to interrupt the jokes, but could you show me that weaver’s knot again?”

  “Fine, ruin my timing,” I groused good-naturedly.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Sorry, but I still don’t get the kinky part.”

  There were a few chuckles as I cut a length of thirty-gauge linen thread from the spool. I ran the thread through my fingers several times, reminding them that it was an important step to take the twist out and get rid of any sizing or wax the manufacturer had applied to the thread. I reached for the long sewing needle and was about to show them how to kink the thread in order to make a knot when someone shouted out in the hall.

  “Buzz off!”

  “No! Don’t go in there.”

  The classroom door flew open and Minka stormed in, followed closely by Layla and Naomi. Minka walked right up and shoved me. I fell back against the counter, hitting my hip bone.

  “Hey!” I cried. Even knowing Minka for as long as I had, she’d caught me by surprise again.

  “I suppose you think I owe you my life or something,” she said belligerently.

  “Nope. You don’t owe me anything.” I sidestepped her and backed away. I’d vowed never to be within arm’s length of Minka again. She had a bad habit of belting me when I wasn’t paying attention. On the other hand, with her head wrapped in a thick white gauze bandage, she didn’t seem half as threatening as usual.


  “I mean it,” I said, balancing on the balls of my feet, ready to spring if she made a move. “If I could do it over again, I would’ve left you to rot.”

  “You bitch,” she snarled.

  “Back atcha. Now get out of my classroom.”

  “Just because you made a stupid phone call doesn’t mean you’re some kind of savior.”

  “I agree.” I gestured toward my students, who watched with avid interest. “Now, I have a class to run, so amscray, itchbay.”

  “Because you’re not,” she continued, as though I hadn’t said anything.

  “I know. I heard you.” That’s when I noticed Naomi wringing her hands. Even Layla looked nervous. Fascinating. But not much help. To Minka, I said, “What part of hasta la vista don’t you understand?”

  Her scowl would’ve been scary if not for her tendency to spit when she spoke. “I can see the smug satisfaction in your eyes.”

  “Can you?”

  “Yes, and it sickens me.”

  “Minka,” Naomi said, tentatively reaching for Minka’s arm, “you should thank God that Brooklyn found you in time.”

  “Oh, really?” Minka shrugged Naomi’s hand away as her voice grew louder and more shrill. “So she can rub my nose in it for the rest of my life?”

  A few of my students cringed as she shrieked the word life. She sounded like a squealing rat, but I could sympathize. The thought that I’d saved her life made me just as queasy.

  “But you could’ve died,” Naomi said. I appreciated her attempts to be civilized, but she didn’t know who she was dealing with.

  “Oh, get real,” Minka said to Naomi. “It was just a friggin’ bump on the head.”

  “Is that so?” Naomi said, irritated now. “I heard you were still out cold until late this morning.”

  Minka rolled her eyes, then grimaced in pain from the effort. “Never mind.”

  “You probably shouldn’t be here,” Naomi said. “I’ll bet your doctor doesn’t even know you left the hospital.”

  Minka’s nostrils flared but she said nothing. Naomi folded her arms in triumph.

  “We’re just glad you’re back in fighting form, sweetie,” Layla crooned, touching Minka’s shoulder. “Now, don’t you
have your own class to teach?”

  Why did Layla treat her so nicely? Professional courtesy among snakes, maybe?

  Minka glared at me. I gazed back at her with what I hoped was a look of blasé indifference, though I wanted more than anything to stab her with my long, sharp sewing needle.

  Finally, she shook her head in fury, stomped her foot like the frustrated cow that she was, then whipped around and clomped out. Layla rushed after her and wrapped her arm around Minka’s shoulder. Naomi exhaled loudly, shot me a fulminating look, and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

  I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. So much for gratitude.

  “Wow, that was so rude,” Alice said, shocked. She turned and studied my face. “Are you all right?”


  “Isn’t she the girl who was knocked out in the hall the other night?” Gina asked.

  “Yes, she’s the one,” Whitney said, then grimaced. “I remember that hair.”

  “What an ingrate,” Marianne said, righteously indignant on my behalf. “She could’ve died if Brooklyn hadn’t found her.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” quiet Jennifer asked.

  “She’s just a royal bee-yotch,” Whitney said, and the others agreed.

  I smiled gratefully. I was growing more fond of my students every day. “So, where were we?”

  “It’s hammer time?” Mitchell said, causing more groans and a few laughs.

  “Right. Everyone find their hammer in their tool packet.” While they went through their packets, I took a minute to catch my breath. Minka was a menace to my health.

  “Okay, everyone ready?” I asked, holding up my favorite tool. I’d purchased the new bookbinders hammer when I’d returned from Edinburgh last month. My old favorite hammer, a gift from my mentor, had been stolen and used as a murder weapon.

  It was a long story, and I tried not to think about it as I prepared to demonstrate the proper way of rounding the spine of the textblock.

  I had them remove their glued pages from the wood presses and test the glue.

  “The adhesive should still be slightly tacky,” I said, holding up my demo and touching the spine.

  “The reason we hammer the spine is to round it out. A flat spine won’t allow the book to lie nicely. You want to round it slightly. And you do it by pounding it with a hammer.”

  “Fun,” said Kylie.

  I demonstrated by holding up two different books I’d made. “If you keep the spine flat as it is now, the book will plop one way or another when you open it. See? But a rounded spine will allow the book to fan open.”

  “Cool,” Jennifer whispered.

  “Now, hammering works best if you place the textblock flat on the table with the spine near the table’s edge.” I used the end of the worktable to demonstrate.

  “I’m going to hurt myself, aren’t I?” Gina whispered to Whitney.

  I smiled at her. “No, you won’t. These hammers are lighter and shorter than a regular carpenter’s hammer, and the head is wider. That’s because you don’t need to apply as much pressure to this as you would to a nail to pound it into a wall. Your pressure to the book is more of a smack than a smash.”

  “Smack, don’t smash,” Gina muttered.

  “You take the hammer and start pounding the spine with a pushing motion,” I said, demonstrating. “You’re effectively nudging the layers out to form a curved surface.”

  “I like it,” Kylie said, clobbering the pages with her hammer. “I’m pretending it’s my husband.”

  “This is fun,” Gina said, pounding like mad on her book. “I’m so fierce.”

  “Easy,” I cautioned. “Push, don’t pummel.”

  “Oops,” she said, and lightened the pressure of her thrusts.

  “Now, turn the textblock over and do the same thing from the back side so it evens out. Do this several times, and you’ll see the spine becoming rounded.” I held mine up for everyone’s scrutiny.

  “As soon as you have the desired curve, place it back into the wood press and apply another thin layer of glue. That way, it’ll stay rounded for good.”

  A twittering sound chirped. Cynthia grabbed her purse and found her cell. She checked the screen and looked at me. “It’s bidness. Can I take a quick break?”

  “Sure,” I said. “Everyone knows what they need to do now, so proceed at your own pace and take a break if you need to. I’ll walk around and check your work or answer questions if you have any.”

  For the next ten minutes, everyone worked quietly. Some people left the room, others came back in. I didn’t pay much attention to the comings and goings as I stopped to ask Marianne and Jennifer about their library arts-and-crafts program. Then I made another pass around the table and paused at Mitchell’s place.

  “How’m I doing, boss?” he asked, grinning as he held up his glue brush.

  “Much better,” I said.

  “Thanks,” he said. “But I-”

  A loud blast interrupted him.

  Gina screamed and Whitney pulled her under the table.

  “Oh, my God,” Kylie cried.

  “Calm down!” I shouted. “It’s probably nothing.”

  But I knew that sound. I’d heard it more than once before.

  “Everyone stay here.” I ran from the room, closing the door behind me. No one was in the hall. I tiptoed to the entry and peeked around the corner. The gallery was empty.

  “I’m right behind you,” Mitchell said evenly. “That was a gunshot.”

  “I know.” I turned and scowled. “That’s why I told everyone to stay in the room.”

  “Oh, right. Like I’m going to wait in there while you’re out here getting yourself killed.”

  “Men,” I muttered.

  “Yeah, we suck,” he growled. “Come on.”

  We crossed the gallery to the north hall. I could see that Layla’s office door was open. Light poured into the hall, illuminating a lifeless lump on the carpet.

  “Oh, crap,” I whispered. Déjà vu, anyone? I moved closer, then stopped abruptly. Mitchell stopped directly behind me.

  It was Layla. Blood trickled from a hole at the center of her chest, leaving a bright red stain in the middle of her stretchy white top.

  My head began to swim at the sight of all that blood and spandex. I looked away from the bullet hole, straight into Layla’s dull green eyes. She stared right back at me, but there was only emptiness.

  Layla Fontaine was dead.

  Chapter 7

  “Jeez, what’s with this place?” Mitchell wondered aloud. “You got bodies falling everywhere.”

  “Call nine-one-one,” I said as I knelt to check her pulse. I couldn’t blame him for asking the question. Every other night I was finding another body in the hall. It couldn’t be good for business.

  “Is she dead?” he asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” I mumbled, pushing myself up.

  “Well, duh,” he said, thumping his forehead. “I guess the bullet hole should’ve been my first clue.” He pulled out his cell and made the call.

  I brushed and straightened my wool dress, then leaned against the wall, staring off into nowhere. I listened to Mitchell speak clearly and dispassionately to the dispatcher. I was glad he’d followed me out of the classroom. Despite being a wiseacre, or maybe because of it, he was a good man to have in a crisis.

  After a few seconds he covered the phone and asked, “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I said, my back pressed against the wall.

  “Don’t pass out.”

  “Very funny.”

  “I’m not kidding. You look like you’re going to faint. You can just walk away and go sit in the classroom.”

  “No,” I insisted, then admitted, “Okay, I get a little woozy around blood.”

  “Take deep breaths. Blood freaks out a lot of people.”

  I was disgusted at my own weakness, but in my defense, it wasn’t just the sight of blood that was making me light-headed. It
was the fact that Layla’s eyes were still open. It felt as though she were staring right at me. It made me wonder how the police could work around dead bodies when the victims’ eyes were still open, staring at them as they did their jobs.

  If I were to ask my cosmically attuned mother what it meant when someone died with their eyes open, she would have some explanation about the soul choosing to leave the body through the eyes. The eyes were considered one of the higher senses, so maybe when the soul left this way, it meant the person would reach Surya Loka, or the divine solar, the eternal light, sooner. There, the soul would be purified; then it took only another step or two to reach Chandraloka, or, literally, moon heaven.

  Or maybe not. At least, not in Layla’s case. Something told me heaven wouldn’t be her ultimate destination.

  But that wasn’t nice of me, was it? As penance, I forced myself to turn and look at her again. Objectively speaking, in death Layla was even more beautiful than she’d been when alive. The muscles of her face were relaxed, now that she had no reason to spout vile threats or mercilessly ridicule anyone. I looked a little closer. The woman was literally wrinkle-free. She must’ve had some work done recently.

  I took a breath to steady my whirling stomach. The last thing her eyes must’ve seen was her killer aiming a gun at her. I trembled at the thought. I’d stared down more than one killer with a gun. I would hate to think that would be the last thing I’d ever see.

  Then I noticed the book splayed under her arm. She must’ve dropped it when she fell. Or maybe the shooter dropped it. I reached down to take it, then stopped.

  What was wrong with me? This was a crime scene. Still, my natural tendency was to rescue books, especially when they were in danger of being consumed by a puddle of blood. But there was no blood threatening to destroy the book.

  I shivered again and turned to face the wall. Think happy thoughts.

  “What happened?” someone called out.

  “Stay back,” Mitchell warned.

  I turned and saw Gina standing with Whitney and my other students at the end of the hall.

  “We’re waiting for the police,” I explained.

  “Again?” Alice asked in disbelief.

  Cynthia joined the group just then. I could see her shoving her phone into her pants pocket; then she craned her neck over the crowd and asked, “What’s going on? Who is that?”


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