The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4

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The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 44

by Bailey Ardisone

  I nodded at his words and said, “I know, Remycah. At the present time, no, my life is not in danger. I fear for Calen, my Fëa, for they are pumping her system with lorda potion daily and chained up. However, I do not wish you to come to my aid, not at this time. You have far more important tasks to accomplish. We must stick to our original plan. I will be all right.”

  He nodded and walked over to where Rydan stood against the wall, hands in his pockets and bent over slightly.

  “When the time is right, we will help Naminé. You know the reason we can’t right now. Who do you put first? You must choose. You cannot protect both,” Remycah’s voice was hushed, though the words were not lost to my ears.

  Rydan’s eyes were closed, but he nodded, and despite looking calm now, I could sense he was filled with tension. I did not know the meaning of Remycah’s words, but Rydan seemed to understand.

  “Please stay careful, Naminé,” said Remycah when he turned to look my way. “Contact me anytime. You can be our eyes and ears from deep within the enemy’s quarters.”

  “I will stay alert and keep my ears open for certain.” I nodded to him. “Please be aware of Dae’Sûl. He is cunning and sly. He was able to take over the dream I had created and possess my mind with disturbing images. I do not know the kind of power he claims.”

  “I understand, and thank you. Tenna' ento lye omenta,” he said.

  “Until next we meet,” I repeated, giving him a smile.

  I looked back over to where Rydan stood. His eyes now sadly blazed into mine, letting me see his remorse. I sweetly smiled and whispered to him, “My heart shall weep until it sees thee again.”

  Then suddenly they were gone. I reached up to wipe away the silent tears that had fallen down my cheeks. I was secretly delighted that Rydan wanted to come to my rescue, and I wished with all my heart that he would. Even so, I knew that was not possible. It would be a fatal mistake for him to come all the way to the castle while they should be far away, searching for their Fëa.

  Closing my eyes tight and trying to shake the tears away, I was determined to remain strong and hold to my commission. Solidly gripping all the hope I had left, I awoke to a new day.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “This is as far as I will travel,” Cathar said the next morning as he brought the hood of his cloak up around his head. “The Aselaira border is just beyond the Raen’Sigil forest. I should not be even here. Isil’Elda soldiers must travel this forest frequently. How we have not yet been caught, I do not know.” My chest twisted into a huge knot at the same time my jaw dropped.

  “You’re going to make me go through the haunted woods by myself?!” I screeched as I grabbed my chest and tried not to hyperventilate. Forget taking a moment to process any craziness. It just kept on coming.

  “Forgive me. I must. Here is a map. This is the Raen’Sigil forest we are currently in. Follow along here until you get to The Lonely Elephant. It is a towering rock shaped like the beast. Past that is the border to Aselaira. It is marked on the map. Follow your instincts. You should sense fear in your blood. Let it lead the way,” Cathar instructed. I forced myself to not grab onto his arm and beg for him not to leave me alone. He did know how insane that just sounded, right?! Because yeah, following my fear was exactly what I wanted to be doing—by myself.

  But I was a big girl. I needed to grow up some time. Might as well be now. I gratefully took the ancient looking papyrus map and thanked the tall, young guy that behaved way beyond his years.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay going back?” I asked, knowing the answer already.

  “Do not waste your thoughts on me, dear Nariella. I am not who you should be worried for. Remember to let your elda instincts guide you. Most of all, protect you. Do not waste your gift because you are frightened to use it. Now go. You need to keep moving if you are to catch up to your lost king and prince,” he replied with a smirk.

  “Right. Okay. Got it. Thank you again, Cathar. I am so glad to have met you.” I hugged him again and this time he returned the gesture. He handed me a sack filled with food, water, and my blanket. I thanked him once more for the items and made my way deeper into the forest.

  “Namaarie,” I heard him quietly say from behind. I didn’t know what it meant, but I assumed some sort of goodbye.

  My stomach did a sickening dance, and I tried desperately not to panic. I forced my dry mouth to swallow and prayed I could do this as I took step after step.

  I did not like the dark. With every advancing step I took, it grew darker and darker, despite it being a new day. I made myself inhale and exhale. I turned around and could no longer see Cathar.

  I closed my eyes and focused my attention on using my instincts like Cathar instructed to ensure I kept to a straight line.

  Heck, who was I kidding? I had no idea where I was going or if I was going the right way. I tried to study the map again, but couldn’t even see it. I strained my eyes and swallowed hard. I couldn’t see a thing.

  The very blood in my veins turned to ice as this realization set in. With my eyes closed tight and every shallow breath I took, I desperately tried to counter it with calm thoughts. I could do this. I could do this.

  When I opened my eyes again, I sucked in a breath. For some reason, I could see in front of me again. It was still dark, but I could make out the shapes around me. I kept walking as fast as I could with the hope that at any minute I would break out of this forsaken forest.

  The trees did not move. They did not sway in the wind. There were no birds singing their pretty songs, or flowers smiling up from the ground.



  I kept moving and made myself not think about it. I pushed forward as far and as long as I could.

  After a while, I sat down on a rock to take a break. I wasn’t sure how much time had gone by, but it felt like hours by this point. I munched on some bread and washed it down with sparkling-clean water.

  The air smelled different here—more gritty, like dirt and bark. I looked around and listened to what was out there. I still could hear nothing. It was quiet– too quiet. It was extremely unsettling.

  I didn’t loiter in one spot very long. I immediately continued walking and noticed again how my footsteps made no sound. Strange.

  I thought of all the crazy things that had happened to me up to this point as a means of distraction. Running head first into Mycah was the first thing, of course. Where would I be right now had I never met him? What would I be doing? I most certainly wouldn’t be here. I never would have found out what I truly was.

  Although, I couldn’t really say I was thankful for that right now, while I was here in this stupid forest. But overall I was infinitely grateful to him.

  Poor Rydan—I couldn’t even imagine what he was going through. Had he really never known about having an older brother? About being adopted? He never mentioned anything to me. Sure, he had always kept to himself and didn’t open up much, but I would like to think that he would have told me had he wondered about it at all.

  Which made me think that no, he must really not have known, not even in the slightest. Then to find out he wasn’t human—I still couldn’t wrap my head around it.

  In a way, I couldn’t help but feel comforted by this fact. It was a shock to my system to find out that both Mycah and Rydan were elves, but even more when I found out I myself was one, too. But when I thought of my best friend sharing this strange DNA with me—it actually made me happy.

  Suddenly, the sound of rustling branches and growling snapped me out of my thoughts and left me paralyzed in place. My heart stopped at the same time my skin began to crawl, as if desperate to escape right off my body and leave this spot behind.


  Red eyes.

  They were glowing. I shuddered violently and prayed I managed to stay off the breakfast menu.

  A humongous wolf-like beast lunged out of his dark hiding place and snapped his sharp fangs at my he
els as I jolted into a fast run. His menacing growl sent my heart spiraling down to the soles of my feet as they slammed into the ground below.

  I had no time to think of where I was going or if I was becoming lost. All I could do was run. And that was precisely what I did.

  I poured as much energy as I could into each thrust of my foot. I didn’t know how I wasn’t gobbled up in one bite yet—perhaps the dang thing enjoyed the chase. I glanced back and was horrified by the bared layer of teeth that dripped with saliva following close behind.

  He let out a murderous howl, and I swear I heard twenty more feet crunching on twigs somewhere back there. Crap. If I wasn’t so busy running for my life, I would have broken down into tears by now.

  My legs grew weary and my lungs burned like never before as the pack of wolf-things continued to chase me. I zigzagged in and out of trees, which made it difficult for their robust legs to maneuver. I guess I could finally feel grateful for the tight knit forest.

  And I was grateful, until a thorny branch I whipped past sliced my cheek open and ripped some hair from my head. I made my own version of a growl deep in my throat and pushed myself harder.

  I flew wildly through the scary, crooked trees like a fiery dart. Finally, with no warning at all, I was out the other side of the dense forest where the sun could finally penetrate.

  The wolves whimpered as they screeched to a halt. They did not break from the tree line. I gratefully stopped running and fell to the ground in a messy heap, desperately drawing in breath after breath. My heart pounded in my eardrums, giving me a headache, and every skin cell in my body tingled with relief.

  I watched as they paced in the darkness—the dozens of eyes glowed red back and forth, staring at me. The growls that rumbled in their chest made me shudder yet again.

  I squeezed a hand over my mouth and tried not to cry.

  Thanks for the warning, Cathar! God!

  Falling backward onto my back, I sprawled out completely. I let the tears fall then. I cried, and cried. But not out of fear—it was out of happiness. I laughed and cried at the same time. Okay, I might be a little delusional.

  That had to be the most insane and terrifying ordeal I had yet to go through. Boy, I used to think hiding from Ray in the back of my dark closet was frightening.

  Never again. The mere thought made me laugh some more until my sides hurt. Nope. No more scary Ray. No more haunting dreams from my eighth birthday. I could cross that hideous man off my list. I had a new nightmare to plague me at night.

  Eventually, once I let my overflowing emotions pass, I sat up and wiped the wet trails from my face. I still couldn’t wipe the smile away, though, as I pulled my favorite water canteen out and finished it off.

  I rifled through my pack and munched on some berries that were utterly divine and ripped off some bread to accompany the creamy cheese.

  I looked up toward the partly clear blue sky and thanked all that was good in the world that I hadn’t become breakfast in the end. I started humming Rydan’s song to myself and gazed at my surroundings. The jagged mountains in the distance were still breathtaking, and the sound of a nearby stream calmed my nerves.

  Maybe I could do this after all.

  I turned around. Oh! The elephant! What did Cather call it? I reached for my wrinkled map to check. That was right—The Lonely Elephant. I found it! It must be a half-mile away from the spot I emerged from, but at least I could still see it.

  Packing up my things, I made myself stand up. I hated being alone. If only Zaylie were with me. I wondered what she was doing right now. She must be worried sick. I felt so guilty leaving her stranded like that. Then again, I couldn’t even imagine what other insane creatures were out here. I was glad she was back home where she was safe and had no idea how worried she should really be for me.

  I walked toward the elephant like Cather directed me to do. How would I ever find Mycah and Rydan?

  I tried not to panic as the thought did a hop, skip, and a jump over my mind and down my heart. It felt like an impossible and overwhelming task.

  What if Mycah hadn’t even found Rydan yet? What if Rydan came across something even worse than a dragon or a wolf-thingy—oh god—please, please be okay.

  The thought that Rydan was out there all alone and dealing with the same things I have had to battle with sent a wave of nausea through me as I drew closer to the rocky elephant. My heart constricted with fear for my best friend’s life.

  I gazed up at the towering beast and marveled at the detailed artifact. It was incredible. The ears were stuck straight out and the trunk was raised in the air, as if reaching to taste just a tiny drop of the golden sun in the sky.

  Laying a hand on the smooth rock, I made a wish. I wished that the elephant could someday get what it desired. I wished that my best friend was safe. I wished that Mycah was safe. I even wished Cather made it back safely.

  After kissing the elephant’s knee, because it was all I could reach, I continued on my not-so-merry way.

  Then I felt it. A tiny, familiar pull. Like a thin thread was attached to my heart and someone pulled on it in the slightest of ways. My ears perked up and my scalp prickled in anticipation.

  I followed it. Step after step, I followed it. When I veered off the path in any small way I could tell. My spine burned in a warning and my soul soared when I was going the right way, giving me confidence in my direction.

  I ran.

  I ran like the wind for a long time. I did not feel tired or worn out. My lungs did not grow weary and sweat did not gather at my hairline. I felt great and free. I moved swiftly and effortlessly through the open grassland and into another lush set of trees. I stopped for a moment and took in my surroundings. It wasn’t scary here. It teemed with life and was vividly active. The trees played with each other through the wind and were practically singing in the breeze.

  My heart raced out of my chest. I could feel them. As sure as the sun rose each and every dawn, I felt them near.

  I began running again and let the magnetic force guide me completely for a good while until finally, I breeched the dense forest.

  I heard them.

  The most amazing sound in the entire world flitted into my ear canals.

  Mycah and Rydan.

  I could tell they were arguing, and it almost made me laugh from pure happiness and glee. Tears of joy and relief ran down my face as I started running toward the strong pull erupting in my heart.

  I saw him. Mycah. In the distance I could see that he had a hand in his pocket while the other ran through his messy black hair out of frustration. He froze in place and turned around in my direction. He did not move. He only watched out of shock as I ran closer.


  He appeared next to Mycah, and he, too, stood frozen in place, shock coloring his face.

  I abruptly stopped. I stared at the two of them watching me as a hand flew to my mouth and covered my silent sobs. Out of everything I had seen over the past few days, nothing had compared to this very moment. I had never been happier in all my life. They were beautiful, both of them.

  I could not stay put for long—I was desperate to be thrown into their arms. I took off running once more, and as soon as I got close I threw myself against his body.

  Rydan. I buried my face in his neck and cried. He was alive. He was okay. I reveled in the relief and utter happiness that his smoky scent filled me with. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and I swore I felt his body tighten from strained emotion as well.

  As I held onto Rydan with all my might, I moved my face from his neck to breathe fresh air, and that was when I saw the pain etched in Mycah’s face as he watched us. I gasped and immediately released my best friend.

  But as I went to speak to Mycah, it was too late. A hideous black raven let out a wretched scream from the air above us as it swooped down and shrouded Mycah in a black feathery mist.

  I screamed his name in a voice that rang like bloody murder throughout the atmosphere and watched as the
spot that once contained Mycah was now empty. A single black feather floated down and landed on the ground.

  He was gone.

  And I immediately crumbled into despair.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Remycah!” My voice cried out desperately with all the power of my lungs. Sitting straight up in bed, sweat tumbling down my skin, I excruciatingly took breath after breath in an effort to regain composure. I had a morbid vision of Remycah’s capture. I despairingly hoped it was only Dae’Sûl playing tricks on my mind and not actually real. However, the gut-wrenching pain and horror that accompanied the images felt more vivid than anything I had ever experienced before.

  Even with my eyes now open, I was yet again forced to watch Remycah suffer—and even still, while awake, it felt infinitely more real. I did not know what caused the change in Dae’Sûl, but his rage against Remycah had grown deeper since the last time he haunted me.

  “Sarqua, search for my regal black ensemble. I must look my finest for this feast.” I overheard the King’s request from the other quarters, disrupting my horrible thoughts. I stood up to listen closer.

  He was preparing for his grand hospitality and was oddly lighthearted and somewhat…joyful.

  I listened from inside the door to my chambers, trying to figure out why he was in such a cheerful mood. Despite the war and bloodshed happening not far from where the castle stood, the King was throwing a dinner feast in honor of...something. I had not heard that bit of news as of yet.

  I had tried to eavesdrop on a few of the servants coming to clean the chambers, but all I heard was that Marta, a young servant girl, fawned over some elda boy who would be present at this grand feast. She was excited to partake in serving wine to the guests in order to be in view of whoever this boy was.

  Leaving the doorway, I returned to lie on the bed in my chambers and once again pondered Remycah and Rydan. Had they found their Fëa? Were they bonding and gaining the strength they needed to overcome King Ohtar? It was frustrating not knowing what was going on in the outside world. Being cooped up in the royal quarters all day tore at my sanity. My only solace was to think of Rydan. I hoped dearly they would accomplish their task and come to my aid.


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