The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4

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The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 116

by Bailey Ardisone

  “That doesn’t make sense, Zales. I met him! He was inside Rydan’s house. He didn’t act weird or creepy…nothing! I would’ve never guessed that he had a hidden agenda. Are you absolutely sure?” What in the world? These people…they were something else. I felt like the ground was ready to shift beneath my feet and send me falling through a wormhole.

  “Hello?” Lachlan waved his hands in the air, and I pushed mine further into his chest, keeping him in place. I didn’t trust him for a second. “You do realize I can hear you, don’t you? Oh, no, of course not. Don’t mind the person you’re speaking about…as if he wasn’t standing straight before you. No, please. Go on.”

  “I don’t know,” Zaylie admitted, burying her face in her hands.

  “Yeah, well…I might know, oh, I don’t know, a little bit about that.” Lachlan ripped my hands off his body, but kept a tight grip around my wrists. He leaned in close, way too close, and said, “When I did finally meet you, we already had the Ëlemmiire’s location…again, because of Zaylie.”

  My eyes shot to my best friend just in time to see her face fall and her shoulders drop. “Mycah should’ve known. I can’t believe he didn’t feel it…” I contemplated quietly to myself.

  “Wait, really? That’s so weird,” she said, taking notice. She whispered to herself like I had just been doing, “So he was right…”

  “I know, he definitely should’ve felt from either Lachlan or your dad about all that stuff. Wait, what do you mean he was right?”

  “Um, well…Lachlan told me recently I had to be really careful around you guys. That some of you can read emotions. I didn’t really believe him then. He explained how he had to bury any trace of his real plan from his mind so that he wouldn’t be found out and that I needed to work on doing it too for my own safety. He said it was the hardest thing he had to do when he finally met you,” she ignored Lachlan’s orders to shut up and kept going, “I guess he was going to take things slow until he could gain your trust naturally. I don’t know, Nari. This is all so insane!” She was on the verge of tears. I couldn’t deny that I might have been, too.

  Lachlan maneuvered my body so that I now was the one pinned against a tree, his palms gripping my shoulders. He growled, “Will you two tossers stop chatting about as if I weren’t here? For bloody sake!”

  I was hit with a nasty realization and grabbed my head to keep it from spinning right off my shoulders. “Did you and your uncle kidnap Zaylie? Hold her hostage for all that time? Did you know Nikolai was going to kill her and use her as bait to get me to surrender the Sindora to him? God, Lachlan! I could kill you right now if that’s the case!”

  Already I had a plan brewing that’d put this guy down once and for all, but Zaylie stopped me. “No! My father promises me up and down neither of them knew Nikolai was going to do that, he just did it on his own from knowing I was close to you. They have no control over what that man does, right, Lachy? But my father did have some clout in why the police didn’t pry too much into that whole ordeal and left me be. And then, it wasn’t until the day we came here that he told us the whole truth.”

  “Grrr.” I literally growled in Lachlan’s face as I glared daggers into his eyes. “Okay, fine. I’ll let him live. For now.”

  He gave me a mocking smirk. I tore my shoulders out of his hold and chewed on my thumb in thought as I stepped away. “So what are all of you even doing here? There have to be hundreds of people out there. What in the world could be the purpose of risking all your lives? If you wanted a cure, you’d think only an elite, highly-skilled team would’ve come.”

  Lachlan took over the spot I had left from and rested his back on the tree, crossing his legs at the ankles while pulling out a cigarette and lighter. He lazily stuck the death stick to his lips and lit it, drawing in a long drag like it was no big deal. I grabbed it from his mouth. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing? You can’t do that here!”

  “Why not? I don’t see a no-smoking sign anywhere about.” He looked around the forest to prove his point.

  “I don’t know. Because! The air here is perfect, pure, and untainted. It seems wrong to pollute it with your nasty chemicals.” I held it up in front of my face and crinkled my nose at it. Gross. And what was he doing smoking when he had SCD?

  “You really think there ain’t little creatures with big hairy feet running ‘round out here, smokin’ Toby all day long? Where’s your imagination, Your Highness?” His Aussie accent tickled my nerves. Though I wished it were in an irritating way, I couldn’t say that it was.

  “That’s completely different! First of all…well, that'd be totally awesome. But secondly, they’d be smoking clean, plain-old-leaves. Not the disgusting, hazardous stuff you’d be puffing into the beautiful atmosphere.” I looked around, wishing there was a trashcan I could throw it in.

  “Guys! Will you focus!” Zaylie disrupted our argument. “Did you forget we’re in the middle of a crisis? I was about to tell Nari the really bad part.”

  I chastised myself for getting distracted, then eyed Lachlan as he lit a new cigarette. I shook my head to ignore him. “You’re right, sorry. What’s the really bad part?”

  “Don’t freak out, but they plan on living here. As in completely relocating. The bloke in charge of this particular group is a total nut, but these men follow him blindly…because…there’s something they all want. Including my dad, who moved my whole family here. We’re part of the first wave. We’re to establish houses and a community…get completely set up to live our lives forever in this place. And then more will come.” Zaylie started pacing.

  “Zales, for Christ’s sakes. You were supposed to keep your mouth shut,” Lachlan reprimanded, pulling in another slow drag off his cigarette. He didn’t seem too bothered by the cat getting out of the bag.

  I grabbed Zaylie and made her spin around to face me. “Zales! Forever? Why do I not like the way you’re saying that word? And what is it exactly that they want? Because I’m pretty sure there is no cure for SCD, either way.”

  “Yeah…forever.” She took a big ol’ gulp. “Get ready for this next part. I know you’re not going to like it.”

  I took one of those gulps, too. “What is it? Tell me. Tell me what they want. I can handle it.”

  “Zaylie, no. Do not tell her,” Lachlan ordered as he stood up straight.

  She turned to her cousin and said, “I have to! I’ve been dying to tell her since the moment I learnt of it but thought I had no chance of contact.” She turned to me. “Listen, Nari. They found a way…or engineered, I don’t know, this thing…it’s a seed that absorbs the magic within the land. When grown and blossomed into a flower, they do something with it…I don’t know…then like, inject the essence into their veins, and it’s supposed to mingle and mutate their blood into immortality. Nari, they’re trying to turn themselves into you. Into immortals.”

  “Oh, my god. They can do that?” I felt my face drain of blood. My voice was faint and distant…I sounded miles away from myself.

  “Oh, bloody hell, Zales.” Lachlan answered, “Alright, well, it didn’t work at first. Rumors floated around that we needed the leaves of that one Ëlemmiire. Unfortunately, it was burnt to a pile of ashes prior to this discovery.”

  Zaylie took over the explanation, “So instead, they used the ones from the tree in England, but when the plant grew and they tested it out and sampled one of their guinea pig’s blood, there was no change. No mutation. They couldn’t figure it out at first, but then Nikolai had an idea. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, Nari. What were you even doing there? Ugh, anyway…they used your blood instead. I think…I think it’s going to work this time, Nari. I think it’s really going to work!”

  Her sentences ran together and a whole lot of insanity was poured into them all at once. I stuffed my hands into my hair. “We have to stop them. I have to tell my father and grandfather. We have to do something! I can’t let them overtake Luïnil. Already they’re destroying it!”

�I know. I actually agree with you. I don’t want that dirty bastard who shot me in the head to gain immortality! I begged Lachlan to help me set you free so that you can go get help. I know we don’t belong here. And I know, just like you said, that our presence won’t be tolerated. And I’m afraid to find out what will happen if we stay.” She crossed her arms over her stomach like she was about to be sick.

  “Thank you for helping me, Zaylie. And, you…too…Lachlan.” It was hard not to make a face. “But, seriously, Zales. I can’t thank you enough. And I’m not mad at you. Okay? Please don’t think that. You’re still one of my best friends, and I’ll always love you no matter what.” I squeezed her as tightly as I could. “I’m so glad you told me everything. Now I can go tell everyone else and hopefully get your family spared from death. Is Desmond here, too?”

  She nodded, her eyes swelling red and wet. “Please don’t let them kill my family. Please.”

  “I won’t. I won’t let them. I’m going to protect every one of you. Okay? I promise.” I kissed her head. I twisted around to leave, but ended up running face first into a concrete chest. I grabbed my nose and massaged the pain away while I looked up into Lachlan’s soft green eyes. His almond-brown hair was stuck up in odd places, with that rustic, boy-next-door kind of look to him. Like a guy who enjoyed playing outside and getting his hands dirty. Apparently too dirty, if you ask me.

  “I can’t let you do that, Nari. You’re going to create a bloodbath if you do,” he bit out and scowled into my eyes. The Australian accent intensified the statement, making it sound like a threat. After a long pause, he softened, and his face gravitated even closer to mine. “Please, don’t let all these people die. There are many more innocents than guilty. They don’t deserve death, and you know if you go tattling about us being here, every single person is dead.”

  Before I knew it, Lachlan was no longer right in front of my face, but instead chucked twenty-feet away and landed into a nearby rock. Zaylie ran after him to make sure he was okay, and I was left behind like residual goo. I knew my mouth hung open, just waiting to trap some flies, but I couldn’t seem to close it. Because Mycah’s swirling blue eyes were locked with mine. “What the bloody hell is going on here?”

  I snapped out of my stupor and had moved to throw my arms around his neck, but resisted the urge. After what had happened between us yesterday, the tension was thicker than mud. “Good lord, I did not expect to see you. How did you find me?”

  “You already know I will always find you, Nariella.” His voice was more distant than mine had been a few minutes ago, like he was talking but without really being present in what he was saying. His eyes flipped to Zaylie, who stood steps behind us, tending to Lachlan. I was pretty sure he was furious. “Would you care to explain why that lot is here, love?”

  “There’s trouble, Mycah. Big trouble. We have to get Ender.” I tugged on his arm to go get them, but he didn’t budge.

  “Tell me this instant what the hell is happening.” There was no room given that allowed arguing with this creature. I knew that voice all too well.

  “Nikolai is here. And…a whole bunch of other humans. They’re building a village or something. And they have a way to turn themselves into immortals,” I stammered a little, fear pounding in my chest.

  Mycah was gone before my eyes in a flash faster than flipping a light on and off. I blinked and cleared my vision as if I had been blinded by something, just trying to wrap my head around his uncanny speed.

  “Whoa…” Zaylie breathed.

  “Yeah, get used to it, honey,” I said humorlessly. “Just start planning now to see a whole bunch more of craziness. It’ll work out better for you that way, trust me.”

  “I kind of began preparing myself for that a long time ago. We’ve been here for a few weeks already, remember?”

  “Oh, yes. I remember. I won’t be forgetting that, don't worry.” I shook my head. This was a nightmare.

  “Did the blow-in really have to do that? It was a bit uncalled for.” Lachlan finished brushing the dirt and grass off his clothes, but I had a feeling no amount of brushing could fix his bruised ego.

  I ignored the fuming Aussie and grabbed the other, much prettier one’s hand. “Well, let’s go. I don’t want Mycah setting off an atomic bomb on everyone while we’re out here chit-chatting. Oh, but don’t get in his way, okay? Let me handle this. Come on.”

  The three of us ran back to the makeshift “village” and stopped on the sidelines to see where Mycah went. I was overcome with just how horrible things were here yet again. Trees everywhere were cut down and demolished to be used for their houses. They had tons of machines and computers hooked up to generators, as well as truckloads of other kinds of technology that stuck out like sore thumbs—all things that didn’t belong here.

  “Look! There’s Mycah.” I pointed to the night elf who still claimed my heart as his, standing tall, dark, and angry. He was clearly pissed, and there was a part of me that was thankful I wasn’t on the receiving end of his wrath. I was sort of afraid for these men…I really didn’t want to see what would happen to them. Especially since Lachlan claimed there were more innocent people than guilty—whatever that meant. I couldn’t stop thinking about it either way. Then I noticed the guys who had been planted at the machine guns nearest to us were lying there dead or knocked unconscious—I couldn’t tell which.

  Mycah extended his arm out and sent the computers that were on this side of the camp flying to the grass in one big crushed pile of jumbled metal. He picked up one man after the other by their throats and had them sailing through the air as well.

  An alarm was set off long ago, signaling that danger was present.

  Oh, there was danger, all right. And his name was Mycah Nightly.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Rydan and I did not hesitate to launch directly into questioning all who idled around the camp. “Have you seen Ender? When was the last time you did? What about Nariella or Remycah?”

  All answers were the same: they had not seen him. It had been half a day since anyone had. Nariella and Remycah had been seen last the day before. Rydan wiped a hand over his face while the other ran back and forth atop his scalp. He was more worried than I had seen him in quite some time.

  “It will be all right, Rydan. Try to breathe,” I cooed as I caressed his back softly. I did not enjoy seeing him so troubled. In fact, I despised it. I wished more than anything I could ease his discomfort even if by only a small amount.

  “It just doesn’t make sense, and that’s what’s driving me crazy.” He pounded his fist into a nearby tree trunk. A few leaves descended toward his head, and he brushed them away, but Lómë batted at them playfully.

  Cathar added, “Truthfully, I believe they wanted to be alone. I would not doubt the trio is just beyond here bickering amongst themselves over the issue they have been burdened with. Remycah is losing his kingship. Did not you notice the fading of the emblem from his neck? If Ender does not do something soon, his beloved Óre’Dae shall lose the kingdom from his grasp, and Aselaira would fall to Rydan, who has not been trained for the duty. You two are overreacting, I would say. Ender is most likely taking care of matters.”

  “Maybe.” Rydan seemed to seriously ponder my brother’s statements as he crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s still weird though for them to be gone this long. I don’t know…I don’t like it. When I see them next, they’re getting a good kick in the ass.”

  Suddenly, a Tavas in the trees called down to us, “Ender approaches.”

  “Seriously?” Rydan inquired, walking in the direction the guard peered in. “Where?”

  “There,” he answered as he pointed to the west. Rydan made haste to meet Ender the very instant he appeared from the trees.

  “Where have you been?” he asked, irritation exuding from him in every way.

  “I left to gather my thoughts and regain control over my temper.” Ender stalked past where we stood. “I have re
ached far beyond my wits’ end where King Remycah and Nariella are concerned. They have run off together yet again, and I did not wish to disobey my king’s direct order, though it burned in me to do so. I had to vacate the area to keep myself from pursuing them and interfering in their tryst.”

  “Wait, but you know where they are, don’t you?” Rydan inquired, taking up a position in close proximity to Ender’s face.

  “I know not where Nariella is exactly,” he replied. “Nor precisely where Remycah is, for that matter. He is unharmed. However, quite angry and upset. I have given to hope that they have finally severed their ties after all.”

  Cathar questioned, “Should we go after them?”

  Ender gathered a bit of water and let it run down his throat before speaking again. After a gasping breath, he answered, “I pondered long and hard over this very fact, but I decided it might be best to let them alone as they work out their feelings. I highly doubt Remycah wishes to be around anyone at present. Nariella is probably in need of some comforting, though. However, I know not where she is, as I stated already.”

  “I can usually only tell when she’s upset. I’ll get like this weird vibe that something’s wrong, but I can’t tell anything about what she’s exactly feeling or the reason for it. The fact that she hasn’t come back since yesterday is what’s really worrying me.” Rydan crossed his arms and shifted his weight from foot to foot. “I have to go after her.”

  “I agree, since now we are aware Ender is not with them, Nariella is probably in great distress. I am certain she is in need of you, Rydan. Even if only for comfort.” I brushed my hand over Calen’s silk feathers as I contemplated what Nariella must be going through in this very moment. Poor thing. My heart went out to her. “We should leave at once.”

  “I will accompany you then,” Cathar added. “It could prove useful to have more eyes on the lookout for her. And in case of trouble, you will not be alone.”


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