Rogue Wolf

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Rogue Wolf Page 26

by Amber Ella Monroe

  She pressed her lips to his chest, tracing her fingers along the hardened lines. Before she could go any lower, he slipped his fingers under her chin and lifted her upward, capturing her mouth again. They kissed with urgency and desire. The emotions flowed from her to him and back again as they shared this intimate moment alone. Her sex heated between her legs and her clit pulsed excitedly in anticipation of the pleasure he could give her.

  His cock had hardened so much that it felt like a rock pressed firmly against her belly.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” she mumbled against his lips. “Take me again, Brock.”

  “That’s always been the plan,” he murmured against her neck, his tongue leaving a hot trail along her throat.

  His hands slid up under her top and he pulled it over her head. He took his time disrobing her until only her panties remained. Her heart pounded impatiently, but it seemed that he couldn’t get enough of kissing her. He worked his lips and tongue expertly across her neck, her shoulders, and her breasts. She tucked her fingers down into his waistband, unable to resist the lure of taking his thick shaft within her grip and doing with it what she wanted. The thought of having Brock when she wanted and where she wanted excited her. She’d never had a man that was so eager to please her before. It was a good thing that she visited the nightclub on the night she did. She would have never found Brock and would have been lost in a sea of men who left her unsatisfied. With Brock, she felt safe and secure, and almost like a piece of her was restored each time she thought of him.

  Chelsey undid his fly, eliciting a deep groan from his throat, and then wrapped her hand around him. Her fingertips almost touched as they curled around the thick meaty base. Her pussy clenched as the memories from their first night when his thick cock pushed into her for the first time. She ached just thinking about Brock filling her up completely.

  She dropped to her knees and covered his cockhead with her hungry mouth, flicking the seam with her tongue and drawing slow, deliberate circles under the crease.

  “Chelsey,” he groaned and grabbed a fistful of her hair into his palm.

  He thrust his hips forward, pushing at the back of her throat. Just as she was enjoying being on his knees and being the ultimate source of his pleasure, his shaft tightened against her palm and against her tongue. She tried to anticipate the moment of his orgasm but then she became more focused on an ulterior objective: giving him as much pleasure as he could take. The streams of molten liquid that pulsed from his cock took her by surprise. His cum felt like honey against her tongue. She milked him, enjoying every last drop. He remained perched on the edge of the sofa, panting and looking under his dark, hooded eyes in disbelief as she pleased him. After only a few moments, the veins on his shaft began to fill with rabid desire again and his cock lengthened. All she wanted to do was please Brock, but he had other plans.

  In one effortless motion, he rose from the chair lifting her with him. He carried her in his arms to the next room and then dropped her on the edge of the bed. He kissed her momentarily before standing back and admiring her body, his gaze landing on the mark more than a few times. He removed the rest of his clothing as he studied her. He was a masterpiece…and the most perfect man she’d ever been with.

  Once he was naked, he bent down and hooked his thumbs around the waistband of her panties and removed the final garment from her, baring everything to his inspection.

  “Is this what you’ve been craving, Princess?” he asked, grasping his cock in his palm and stroking slowly. His gaze was firmly planted on her body.

  “Yes.” She licked her lips, giving him a come hither stare.

  This time, when he approached, he sat on the bed next to her and pulled her leg across him.

  “Then take what you need.”

  She straddled him, propping herself up on her knees. Pushing him back down onto the bed, she positioned herself and effortlessly slid down the length of him one inch at a time. He grabbed her hips, assisting her in taking him deep and to the hilt. Her pussy adjusted to his big size and the more she stayed connected with him, the better she felt. She ground her hips sensuously back and forth until he was coated with her arousal.

  She rocked into him, riding him into ecstasy. He groaned aloud as she set the tone and rhythm. She felt a sense of ownership as he relinquished control which was something he hadn’t done on the first night. His mark heated and tingled under her skin, as though it was further ensuring that the emblem was permanent. Soon she came undone, coming with so much force that it surprised her.

  After her climax, he picked her up and laid her out on the floor on a soft plush carpet. He lifted both of her legs up and propped them onto his shoulders and then dove into her again without missing a beat. Pain and pleasure roared through her as he pumped into her with vigor. She couldn’t remember the number of times he brought her to climax over and over again in that position, but by the time his hot seed flooded her she was completely spent. And only then did he cradle her gently in his arms and place her in the middle of his bed where he joined her. She remained in his arms all night long, clinging to him. This time, she wouldn’t leave his side. Something had definitely changed between them. As she drifted off to sleep, her head on his chest, the mark on her arm continued to blaze hotly under her skin.


  “Do you mind telling me what happened to the security footage from yesterday?” A stern look passed across her dad’s face as he leaned against the doorknob with his arms folded over his chest. “Everything’s been erased. Either that or the damn thing glitched again.”

  His expression reminded Chelsey of all the times he used to ground her. Only this time, she was too old for his tough parenting tactics. She was literally counting down the days until she could get an apartment of her own—away from campus life and away from the scrutiny of her dad. Her privacy had always been paramount for her, so she’d known earlier on in her life that a career path in politics wouldn’t be a good fit for her. She needed a job where she didn’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations. Some days, she didn’t know how her dad coped—but somehow, he did.

  “Maybe it glitched…” she replied.

  On Chelsey’s demand, Pack Alpha Dane and his brother had returned everything they took that night. She hadn’t thought to check the security cameras, so the lack of footage from yesterday probably meant that Brock’s brother had done something to the cameras prior to breaking in.

  “Well, did the electricity go out or anything?”

  She continued to stuff her clothes into a suitcase. “I told you. I wasn’t here all night last night. I rested a little, got up, and got ready for a party. And then I left.”

  He narrowed his gaze and pressed his lips together in a scowl. Chelsey wondered if he detected her slight variation about what happened the previous night. There wasn’t much she could get past her dad—the former prosecutor who was now the devoted, hard-working Governor.

  “You weren’t interested in Aspen Valley’s nightlife when we first moved out here,” he stated, suspiciously.

  “Well Dad, this town isn’t exactly known for its nightlife. Everyone my age hangs out in the clubs and bars of nearby cities. Too bad I just figured that out. That information could’ve saved me a lot of lonely nights last year when we first moved out here.”

  “And maybe I withheld that information on purpose. Some of these bars should be shut down after learning what goes on the inside of them,” he said, reluctantly. “Whose party was it?”

  “What party?”

  “The party that you said you went to last night.”

  “Oh…that party,” she said. “It was a private house party near Aspen Lake. I don’t really know the hosts personally. I learned about it through some old friends.”

  That was only half the truth. A party had occurred that night, but fate had other plans for her.

  “Just be careful going out alone like that. By the way, why are you packing so soon if you’re not due back to campus until Mo
nday?” he asked.

  “I have some things to take care of before my classes start up again,” she replied.

  Truthfully, the only other thing she was pressed to take care of was the urgent need to get back to Brock. She didn’t know how she would feel when she left him on Sunday to travel back to college. What was wrong with her? She’d never been this attached to any previous dates or boyfriends? In fact, she wasn’t even ready for the time commitment that being in a steady relationship would warrant. She was attracted to Brock on both a physical and emotional level, but something about being in his presence and in his arms made her open up in ways that left her feeling vulnerable but safe. Was she ready for this? Was she ready to wear his mark?

  Her dad must have sensed her change in demeanor. “You want to help others but it looks like you’re rushing back to campus before your break is up and I’ve barely gotten a chance to sit and have a talk with you. Do you need my help with anything while you’re here?”

  She stopped packing long enough to give him a kiss on the forehead.

  “The only thing I need your help with is what we talked about. The holidays are coming up and I’ll be back home and we can have dinner and do all the chatting you want,” she said.

  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your post-graduation plans, but I guess we can hold off that discussion for another month or so,” he said.

  “Nothing’s changed. I’m still weighing my options.”

  “You are planning on moving back into Aspen Valley, aren’t you?”

  She shrugged. “That depends on where I’m offered a position at. I have at least one out of state offer on the table.”

  “Out of state, huh?” He gnawed wearily at his bottom lip. “You know, there’s a part-time position at the Courthouse that’ll be vacant right around the time of your graduation. I think it’ll be a good fit for you, even if it’s just to try out different career paths. Why don’t you apply?”

  “Thanks Dad. I know this is your last ditch effort to keep me within arms reach, but it’s time that I made decisions for myself. Even if they're bad ones. Besides, I have a few offers already to entertain.”

  He sighed heavily. “Alright. You know I’m here to help if you need it.”

  Chelsey was a little relieved that he was done grilling her about her career choices, but then he returned to the dreaded topic about the break-in.

  “You know what? I can’t ignore my gut instincts. I’m going to have to report my suspicions about someone possibly breaking into here to the police. Just last week some local high schoolers broke into Gerald’s vacation home. The one right across the street from us. Nothing was stolen and the suspects claimed they were just looking for a place to crash for the night after drinking. They must have known Gerald wasn’t living there at the time. And you know what’s really odd about what I saw here?” he continued. “I don’t remember leaving my office door unlocked.”

  Chelsey swallowed and turned to face him. “Was anything missing?”

  “No, I did inventory. Things weren’t where I remember them being, but I was also in a rush when I left here the other day. Are you sure you didn’t go in there to use the computer or anything?”

  “No. Or maybe I did and I just don’t remember,” she said.

  “Possibly. Well, I’m going to go get those security cameras fixed.”

  “At least nothing’s missing, but you know what else is really odd…?

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “I’m hearing rumors that you’ve made a group of people very angry because you and the other city council members are threatening to take their land and demolish what’s left of it.”

  Dad grumbled. “I make a lot of people angry, Chelsey, but that doesn’t stop me from doing my job.”

  “Does your job include putting dozens of Tellevue County residents out on the streets?”

  “That tract of land is nearly ten percent vacant. That’s a very small portion of Tellevue County.”

  “Who told you that the land was only ten percent vacant?”

  “No one has to tell me anything. There are maps to tell us these things and the most recent County census report has been released. Besides, the tenants will get a reasonable token as soon as they vacate. It’s all part of doing business.I’ve conducted deals like this before with wolf shifter packs like the one here in Aspen Valley. Sometimes they win. Sometimes they lose.”

  “You’ve conducted deals with them?”

  Chelsey had to admit that politics weren’t really her thing, so she hadn’t been keeping up lately with what her father was doing or who he made deals with. After almost flunking out of her last year of college do to the stress of her parent’s nearly splitting up, she’d made a promise to herself to focus on nothing but her grades and her health.

  “Yes, I have,” he replied. “Like I said, it’s the way business is conducted in this State.”

  “What kind of deals have you conducted with local wolf shifter packs?”

  Dad pulled out a desk chair from under the table and sat in it. “There are things that you’d never understand, Chelsey. You were only a child when these shifters began coming out. Back in our hometown where you were born, half of our police force was made up of shifters. One thing wolf shifters do exceed well at is protecting territories and securing borders from threats entering the State or, in that case, the town. We almost never had the use for police dogs because the wolf shifters were our eyes, ears, and nose…and they could talk. They picked up on everything. They kept our streets safe and drug-free. While I was a member of the city council, I did a number of things to help the shifters improve their way of living. Some of that included lawmaking that would allow them to repurchase or outright take back most of their hunting grounds. I funded some of their projects with private loans from my bank.”

  “I remember when you used to work for the city council. I was just getting ready to graduate middle school at the time, but I didn’t know you were involved with wolf shifters on that level.”

  “I was, but for the most part shifters don’t like to be governed by humans. We established what laws we could that were inclusive of the shifter population.”

  “So that means you once cared about their way of life. Don’t you still do?”

  Dad paused a moment before saying, “I tried to keep the reason for me and Priscilla’s rocky marriage away from you. You had a lot on your plate with entering your Senior year of college.”

  Her heart grew heavy at the mention of her parent’s marriage which was hanging on by a thread. She sat on the edge of her bed, facing her dad.

  “I think it’s time you tell me,” she said. “I’m not a little girl anymore. I understand about relationships and marriage and all that.”

  “Yes, I know that. Your mother and I stayed together for a long time because of you. We wanted what’s best for you and we still do. I love your mother very much and I’m trying and willing to work things out with her. She’s just not very forgiving.”

  “What does she have to forgive?”

  “A whole lot.” His shoulders slumped and his eyes shifted across the room. “There was this woman. I would go on lunch dates with her. She was just someone that worked on the city’s council with me. Name’s not really important now, but I’m sure if you researched you could probably put two and two together. Your mother got the wrong impression and thought I was sleeping with her. We never slept together, but I had to admit that I was emotionally involved with the other woman to the point where anytime I’d meet her for coffee or anything, I’d tell your mother I was at work or having the beer with one of the guys. I was doing a lot of nice things for this woman—paying her bills and buying her things when she claimed to be going through hard times. Your mother had some of my credit card bills that attested to that.”

  “Mom thought you were cheating,” Chelsey stated.

  “She did. It took me a while to realize that’s what it was. I was untruthful and lying to myself a
nd to her, which was nearly the same as cheating. My…friendship with this woman was cut short when your mother hired an investigator to look into my extracurricular activities. That investigator was a shifter and he helped her catch me in numerous lies. Your mother confronted me while I was at the spa with the woman.”

  Chelsey swallowed and bit her lip. It was enough to make her angry. “This is the first time hearing the truth behind what caused the disconnection between you two. Mom hinted that there may have been another woman in the picture, but she didn’t come right out and say it and I didn’t want to open up any wounds for her by asking.”

  “I know and I’m sorry. We decided together that you didn’t need to know the details. It was something Priscilla and I tried to fix. And for a while after that, we were working things out, but I don’t think she’s ever gotten over it.”

  “Well, it hasn’t even been two years. It almost seems like yesterday when you two told me you were going to marriage counseling.”

  “Right. If time is what she needs, I’ll give her that,” he said.

  “And you’re holding a grudge against all wolf shifters because of something you were caught doing? By one of them?”

  Dad lowered her head. “Unfortunately yes. This shifter may have been moonlighting as a private investigator, but he was also working in the special police force at the time. The same police force that I pushed because I wanted to help bring jobs to the shifter community.”

  “I see.”

  “But honey, that’s not what this eminent domain proceeding is all about. I didn’t target shifter land because of my past transgressions. I’ve been in communication with Midway Industries for several months now regarding their plans for Aspen Valley.”


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