Bay's Mercenary [Unearthly World Book 1]

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Bay's Mercenary [Unearthly World Book 1] Page 6

by C. L. Scholey

  Bay had her arm wrapped around Draven’s shoulder; he was smiling until she tickled him. Draven laughed and Bay spontaneously kissed his forehead. Zane supposed he should have been angry at them both for keeping Bay’s secret, but he wasn’t. Bay didn’t know it, but during the nights Zane had crept from his room just to study her features. At first he had been curious—a female pet was unheard of and a tiny female was even more intriguing. Her skin was so soft and her hair was like nothing he had ever felt before. Just watching her tiny features made him fill with power—and also feel protective. As a warrior, Zane could sense his opponent’s strengths. Bay was basically void of any physical power; emotionally, she was charged.

  It wasn’t until the third night of sneaking a peek at Bay while she slept that he grew aroused. The idea was so overwhelmingly startling Zane was certain he was on the brink of insanity. How could he have feelings like that for a pet? Finding out she was intelligent, as well as arousing, was a revelation; his body must have seen what he couldn’t. Zane should have known a pet wouldn’t bring on his cycle. At first, when he had scented the female Zargonnii in the air he was almost positive that was what set him off, now he knew it was Bay—and the feelings were growing.

  The open vulnerability sitting only feet away was a magnet. Imagine, a female who was smaller than him, when he was always the smallest of the warriors. And she wasn’t just smaller, she was tiny, helpless and so damned cute. A cute female? Females were majestic. It boggled the mind just to be watching her and she was in his home, dependent on him—his protection. There were beasts beyond the walls the likes of which she had never seen. The females of their species fought these creatures, keeping them away from the males as much as possible. Zane supposed it was why their females stayed primitive—it was their way of protecting their male offspring the only way they knew how. Maybe that was why they always seemed so enraged.

  Bay was laughing and ruffed up his son’s hair the way he loved. Draven wasn’t used to getting affection from a female in an ongoing manner. Draven’s mother was only able to show as much love as possible for her son in the first month of his life—something for him to hold onto. Zane supposed it was why the males would seek out a female during their cycle, they would search for that love, but it wasn’t there.

  Before long, Draven’s papers were packed away and like always, since she had arrived, Bay sat on the edge of his bed while Zane told a story. This night, Zane chose to tell a spooky tale of the monsters that were beyond the wall. From Bay’s look, he knew she was well aware the story was for her benefit—and safety. The creatures of Zane’s world were primal killers. Zane’s people had been introduced to weapons from other worlds but none surpassed a Zargonnii male’s strength, and to even attempt to compare the weapons to a female Zargonnii was laughable.

  Draven’s eyes drooped and he fell asleep. Zane could see the worry in Bay’s eyes when they both rose to leave the room; Bay had chosen to spend as much time with Zane as she could, knowing his cycle would further advance. Bay had opted to know the male within, and grow used to the male without. She took his hand and together they walked into the main room. She was headed for the furniture she referred to as a couch, but Zane led her farther down the hall to his room. With hesitance, she walked past the threshold; Zane closed the door. Both Zane and Bay knew she was out of time—they were both out of time.

  * * * *

  Bay glanced around the large room; an entire wall was made up of multicolored buttons and knobs. There was a huge flat surface that looked like a computer screen; the monitors were off. A humming emanated from the technology and Bay understood that with a simple switch it would fire to life. Zane was watching her. She had a deeper understanding of his intelligence. For the past few days, Bay had spent as much time with him as possible. For her, there was no other option. She couldn’t leave this planet, and she couldn’t let Zane go insane with desire—both she and Draven needed him.

  There was no sense of feeling resigned; Bay had grown to like Zane. Instead of his features being scary and different, she realized there was safety in his powerful looks. If she dissected him piece by piece, she would find no fault—not even his fur. Surprisingly, her fingers itched to run through the white mass. He had been kind towards her, showing her Draven did indeed get his sweet and affectionate nature from his father.

  “What would your females do to me if I went with them?” Bay asked.

  “I honestly don’t know if they would hurt you, but I do know you would be treated as a pet. You’re too small to be a warrior and so would be considered useless. You wouldn’t last long if you couldn’t entertain them. If they chose not to protect you, you’d never last at all.”

  Bay glanced around the room, it was almost as big as the main area; there were no windows. The ceiling wasn’t as high—perhaps fifteen feet and domed. Zane went and sat on a massive rectangular bed. Bay was hesitant but approached slowly.

  “Are your males so different from us?” Zane asked.

  “Yes and no. Our men are hairier than women; they can grow beards and mustaches and don’t mind. Most women mind—I mean they don’t want hair on their own faces. You don’t have a hairy face, just the one long eyebrow that goes to your shoulders which are hairy, not in an unpleasant way; I’m kinda getting used to it. Our people normally never have red eyes, and they don’t glow like yours can and they certainly can’t start fires with a look. A human man’s lips are like mine, we only go blue if we can’t breathe or are cold. And your skin is so hard—like really hard. Not many men are as big and broad as you. And none are in possession of your phenomenal power.”

  “Do you really find me that big?”

  For some reason, he looked pleased. “Well you don’t need to look so thrilled about it.”

  “I was looked past by five females when my first cycle hit, I thought no one would take me before an older female took pity on me.”

  “Took pity?”

  “Yes, females like larger males, the fight is more intense, more exciting for them. The others thought I wouldn’t be worth the effort, or the sport. I think the female was surprised and pleased; I’m stronger than I look.”

  Stronger than he looks? “Well let’s get something straight—I’m not in here for a brawl.”

  “A brawl?”

  “I don’t want our foreplay to be a fist fight.”

  “I’m guessing if I were to hit you, the foreplay would be over before it began.”

  Bay sat beside him. He was like nothing she had ever seen before, and yet, she had grown used to him. What scared her most was his way of having sex—at least the only way he knew. His way was to grow huge and battle until dominated; Bay didn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of dominating this powerhouse.

  “If I don’t dominate you and we don’t battle, will you get an erection?” Bay asked.

  “You look so hopeful the answer will be no—but I already have one.”

  Bay’s gaze fled to the outline of his cock under his pants—it was massive; yep, he had one all right. “Has a warrior male ever dominated a female of your species?”

  “Yes, there have been rumors of young females choosing a well-seasoned warrior their first time, and it was their downfall.”

  “The warrior killed the female?”

  “No, it’s not in our nature to kill a female; we remember the affection our mothers gave us, if it was only for a short while. The female would be shamed and, unfortunately, treated poorly by the other females until she proved herself during the next cycle. Her next mating, she is more careful; she may even choose a young inexperienced warrior and that is when the male suffers her anger.”

  Bay flopped back onto the bed. “Gawd, what a nightmare.”

  “Why do you have breasts?”


  “I mean I know females have breasts, but our females only have them for a month when nursing the males. Yours are beautiful, so rounded and soft-looking. Everything about you is soft and cute. It’s so hard
to wrap my head around the idea a female could be so vulnerable; it’s mind boggling—you have no idea. I think that’s why my cycle has sped up; every time I look at you my heart hammers in my chest.”

  “Breasts are just part of an Earth female’s anatomy.”

  She smiled inwardly at his words; he looked so astounded every time he glanced at her. Bay knew he was torn between jumping on her or picking her up. Bay sat up and had a thought. Zane knew she was different from the Zargonnii females; if she stressed the point with proof, perhaps it would be easier for Zane to maintain control. Bay pushed her wrap down, exposing her breasts.

  “Give me your hand.”

  Zane gave her his hand and she brought it to her breast.

  “You are so supple everywhere, and yet you have no wrinkles to grow larger. I know you seem surprised when I speak of my mother, only knowing her for a month. I remember her features, her scent. I remember the way she felt. Her breasts weren’t soft like yours; they were as hard as the rest of her. Only the nipple was vulnerable. While nursing me, my mother stayed in the female domain, near other mothers who nursed sons.”

  There was something in his voice that drew Bay closer. Zane was a man who needed warmth, comfort. Her all-powerful, warrior mercenary craved affection. Bay traced her fingers over his high cheek bones, down to the base of his throat. She lifted her other hand and ran the pad of her thumb across his lips. Zane’s breath increased; his look of wonder was a gift.

  Zane was rolling a nipple in his fingers. His large hand reached down and with a single rip of her wrap Bay was naked. Zane gripped her under her arms and tossed her higher onto the bed, she landed with a bounce and shoved her hands against his chest when he tried to lay over her.

  “Easy,” she warned.

  “Sorry, but this is very arousing.”

  “You will get more aroused if you are gentle. If you crush me, you’ll kill me—not too arousing then.”

  “Every part of me is screaming I’m to be on top of you; I’m the stronger mate this time.”

  “You can be on top. You have to remember to keep from crushing me.”

  “I’m trying.” The words were torn from Zane’s mouth. “I haven’t mated with a female since Draven’s mother; let me mate you, and I swear the next time I will have more control. Bay, if you only knew what I battle inside, because I can’t battle you on the outside.”

  “Then take me to the bottom of the bed,” Bay’s words were raspy with her panic. Zane was too heavy and it was growing harder to breathe. She should have known his first time with her would be difficult for them both. He had warned her he would be primal—he also swore he would battle to control his nature. She could see him battling; one second he was growing, the next he stopped himself, then started then stopped. He looked like he was being tortured internally.

  Zane dragged her to the bottom of the bed until he stood before her breathing hard and fast. Bay knew they would have to compromise. She encouraged him to stand between her thighs.

  “Yes, this is perfect. My weight won’t be on you, and I will still be on top; I can control this.”

  Bay hoped so, because if he started growing for real, the deal was off. A being of well over six feet was one thing, but a being over seven feet was another. And Zane was breathing like a locomotive. His hands were firm as he gripped her hips and pulled her up until her legs were over his elbows on either side. His firm thick cock made her shudder as he guided himself in. He was slow and careful. Bay felt him shaking.

  Bay groaned as he entered her inch by inch. Her breath caught and held for seconds before her expelled air came out in a whoosh. She had to admit he felt incredible. The raw power he possessed and tried so hard to keep in check was no doubt killing him. When he was buried deep he thrust and retreated a few times sharply making her cry out. His hands were now lifting her behind to meet him. For a few short moments, his eyes glowed brighter. His teeth sharpened, and Bay said his name on a whimper; he growled in response and shuddered. Bay watched as he struggled with primal need, an ancient ritual engraved in his DNA. The stronger of his species stayed in battle mode while the less dominant submitted.

  “It’s all right, Bay; I have my control back.”

  Bay could see he had. The glowing red stopped; once more there were spaces between his teeth. Once he was able to overcome the feeling of losing his power position, it registered the mating would continue until he was satisfied. Bay knew his last experience was enjoyable; he had stated as much, but this time he was in control. Bay didn’t mind—for now. For now, she let him set the pace, which wasn’t as brutal or fast as she thought it would be. Zane seemed content to rock against her steadily; his thrusts were long strokes and eager, filling her, making her moan and gasp.

  “You’re so tight. Am I hurting you?” Zane asked.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Draven’s mother wasn’t this tight, and she was so heavy I could barely breathe; yet, it felt nice. Just having contact with a female after so many years made the experience worthwhile. This feels so amazing, so much better. You’re here because you want to be, not because of some cycle that drives you. My cycle brought me to this, but it’s not what drives me now—it’s you, the feel of you, your smell. You’re intoxicating. Your insides are closed over me, warm and wet, wanting me. I’ve already exploded into you, and you can’t shove me away. It feels so satisfying just thrusting and retreating. I’m building again; I didn’t know I could build so fast.”

  Zane looked like he had entered Heaven. He was no longer shaking as he pushed her higher onto the bed. Bay mumbled her concern, but he shushed her. He lay over top of her and kept his weight from pinning her.

  “I must see what it feels like, Bay.”

  As long as he didn’t crush her, Bay didn’t mind. Her face buried into his hard chest, his thick fuzz tickled her nose. She had never been with such a hairy man before. Her arms wrapped around his back and she clung tightly; her legs lifted to wrap around his back. The air in the room was cool, but Zane was wonderfully warm. Bay decided there was no safer place she could be. With his weight on her, his body was closer and Bay moved with him. His long hard shaft stroked her insides like nothing she had ever felt before.

  Bay could feel her body climaxing, there was no fear of Zane; his touch was gentle and no longer needed to be controlled. As her orgasm swamped her, Bay cried out and Zane stiffened.

  “Oh god, Zane, you feel so incredible.”

  Encouraged, Zane moved faster. His rhythm increased until their thighs slapped together. Bay bent her knees, completely hidden under him, his body wrapped around her in protection and possession. It was bliss.

  Bay was spent by the time Zane lay still; he rolled over, taking her with him. She lay upon his chest as he settled the blankets over them.

  “When a male wins against a female, he decides when she may leave.”

  “Oh really?” Bay drawled. He sounded full of himself.

  “Since I will win every time, you must never leave.”

  “I think I can live with that, when you put it that way.”

  “Promise me you will never leave the house unless I’m with you.”

  “After what I saw come over the fence, there isn’t a chance of that happening. I promise.”

  “From now on, when I take Draven to school and bring him home in the evening, you must stay inside while I’m gone. And let no one in.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Some of the males who live near me have been commenting their cycles are moving quicker. I think they sense you. As long as they think you’re a pet, they’ll leave you alone; but once they find out you’re not…Well, let’s just say things might get tricky.”

  “Will they come after me?”

  “No, if you’re not in the same house with them on a daily basis, they can control their instincts. But what if they decide they want you in their homes? When a Zargonnii male finds out there are females willing to mate whenever a male wants, he will be very i
nterested in acquiring one. Especially if the female is smaller and helpless.”

  “You can’t turn my race into sex slaves.”

  “When the Zargonnii males discover human females—and it’s only a matter of time, they won’t want sex slaves, they will want mates who will stay with them, not dominate them and leave.”

  “But what about your females?”

  “I don’t know. Before, they could afford to be picky. If the option is taken away, they may get even nastier.”

  Bay knew she didn’t like the sound of that one bit.

  Chapter 7

  Zane smiled at Bay when he came through the front door of his home; he had just dropped Draven off at school. She was sitting on the furniture fixture she called a couch. She called the furniture fixture in his room a bed, and though she knew what drawers were, she also called the furniture fixture that held them a dresser. Her words in her language were interesting, and the way she spoke in her own tongue, he knew she wasn’t making things up as she went along. But it was odd how she gave a name to the fixtures—as though they were real, live objects.

  Bay finished the food she was eating—she called it yogurt; he didn’t have the heart to tell her it was baby food. She ate some of their normal food, but not all, and supplemented her diet with the creamy substance and another substance they gave to older children who were still teething. She named it beef jerky, except it was made from the flesh of a being called a zat. When Zane described a zat, Bay told him except for having three eyes and being a deep indigo, it sounded like a cow—whatever the hell that was.

  Her smile made his heart thump. It was always so amazing that she was happy to see him. Zane remembered his mother’s smile, but during his first mating with Draven’s mother, there had been no smiling, just lots of growling. Bay put her food down and went to him. Zane was surprised when she wrapped her arms around him; he wondered if all human females were so affectionate. Earth males had been very lucky.


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