Bearing it for the Outlaw

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Bearing it for the Outlaw Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  She felt him flatten his tongue and run it up and down her cleft. Firm, full lips suctioned onto her clit and sucked, hard. A powerful orgasm was building inside of her, dragging the air from her body. Drevin brought her to the precipice and then slowed before it claimed her.

  “Don’t stop, Drevin.”

  “Never. I’ll never stop, Allie.” When his mouth latched onto her clit again and he started that wicked rhythmic suctioning, he brought her to the point of orgasm.

  Thrashing her head back and forth, she’d never felt anything so good. It was when he teased her pussy hole, slowly slipping his thick, long finger into her, that she surrendered to the feeling that washed through her. Stars danced in front of her vision, and a long, whimpering noise left her. Drevin was relentless as he dragged out her pleasure with his skillful mouth. When the sensations became too much, she tried to push him away, far too sensitive after the pleasure that had claimed her.

  In one fluid motion he stood and stepped out of his pants, and his boxer briefs followed. His body was a masterpiece. She stared at him fully nude, took in the strong, muscular thighs he sported, the long, thick and powerful cock that jutted from his body, and that V of muscle that defined his masculinity, and she grew wet all over again. He was a big man all around, and quite intimidating. His shoulders were wide and moved down to bulging biceps that she knew held immense power.

  “I already want inside of you, Allie, but when you look at me like that all I can think about is devouring you.”

  The air left her in a rush as she listened to his highly erotic words. He bent and retrieved a square foil packet from his wallet and slipped the condom on quickly, all the while keeping his gaze on hers. A part of her didn’t want him to use a condom. She wanted to feel every inch of him, every hot, scorching length that would fill her pussy. But the more rational part told her she needed to be smart. She didn’t want any children right now, and safe sex was the right thing to do.

  Crawling toward her, he looked like an animal stalking his prey. His tendons and muscles flexed and bunched as he moved with lethal precision. Hands splaying on her inner thighs, he opened her wider and looked down at what was revealed. She saw his canines, wanted them running over her flesh, those sharp points lightly pricking her skin.

  “God, Allie,” he said as his pupils dilated in lust. His gaze cut to hers. “Do you know how much I’ve wanted you?” Taking hold of his thick and long cock, he brought it to the entrance of her body. The air sawed in and out of her as she watched the sight.

  This was it. She was taking that step forward. She hoped it wouldn’t fuck everything up.

  Chapter Ten

  The wet, hot flesh of Allie’s pussy sucked at the head of his cock. He gritted his teeth as he fed her more of his shaft. She felt incredibly good, so good that he feared he would come before they even got started. When he looked at her, an expression of uninhibited desire was reflected back at him. Allie looked like a female with a post-orgasmic high, staring at him with glossy, sleepy eyes, tussled hair, and a lush, ruby-red mouth that was parted in pleasure. Her inner muscles squeezed his cock, and he snapped his jaw closed.

  God, she feels so fucking incredible.

  This was his woman, his female, and he was claiming her as his old lady. The bear in him roared out in triumph. He was finally having her, and he’d give her his mark, one where only he could look at it, admire it, lick and suck at it. “That’s it, baby, take all of me.” Breathing out the words, he continued to shove his shaft into her until the feel of his balls brushing against the curve of her ass had him stilling. Another squeeze of her inner muscles had him gripping her thighs and groaning. “You’re so hot and tight.” Eyes closed because he just didn’t have the strength to keep them open¸ he could smell her sweet arousal and hear the little sounds of need she made. “I’m going to take care of you, sweetheart. I’m going to make you feel so good. You won’t remember anything but the feeling of me inside of you.”

  “Yes, Drevin.”

  Bracing his knees apart and causing her thighs to widen far, he pulled out slowly, feeling every ripple of her body contracting around him. When just the tip remained at her entrance, he pushed back in. The restraint it was taking him to go slowly, to give her time to adjust to his body penetrating hers, was enough to make him go mad. He was already partially shifted, needing to complete the transformation and claim her in a primal, animalistic way. When he felt her pussy become wetter, more responsive, he picked up his speed. His strokes were languid at first, but when he peeled his eyes open and stared down at her, splayed out before him like an offering, he went faster.

  Her breasts were beautiful, full and tipped with rose-colored nipples. The tissue was tight, pointing straight up as if seeking his touch. He wanted to draw them into his mouth, suck on them until she came from the act alone. His imagination spurred him on, and he found himself pushing into her with faster, harder strokes. She didn’t tell him to stop. Instead, she urged him to give her more. Her breasts swayed with his thrusting, and her creamy skin became flushed. Already her eyes were half-lidded, and when he saw them start to close he slowed.

  “Look at me, baby. Watch me as I take you.”

  When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he rewarded her obedience by moving fast once again.

  “Touch your breasts for me.” She was beautiful, inside and out. After a moment of hesitation, she brought her hands up to cup her breasts. Fuck. The sight had his orgasm approaching like a freight train.

  “Yes,” she moaned and cupped her tits harder, rubbing her fingers over the tight nipples.

  “I’m so close, baby.” He needed to hear her cry out his name, needed to feel her pussy clench around him, milking his shaft until he came inside of her. He’d go raw inside of her one of these days, be bare in her sweet little pussy. Throwing his hips at her harder, faster, he felt sweat make a slow trickle down his spine. He slid his hand down her belly, over her curved hips, and ran his thumb along her swollen clit. Just that small touch had her back arching and her thighs clamping tightly around him as her orgasm slammed into her.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  He didn’t relent on rubbing her clit or pumping his cock into her. Her tender flesh rippled around him, and he groaned as his orgasm approached.

  “Allie, God, baby.” Rubbing her clit faster and adding a little more pressure, he pumped his cock into her once, twice, and stilled on the third stroke. “Ah … Christ.” He came so hard he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, hell, he couldn’t even see. His canines elongated even further, and he stared at the column of her neck, followed the path to her shoulder, and felt his mouth water. “I need to mark you, Allie. I need that wound on you so I can see it and know you’re mine.”

  She looked at him with big, green eyes, licked her lips, and nodded. “I want that, too, Drevin.”

  He lost it then, just threw everything else out of the fucking window and leaned forward to claim this female. He pierced her shoulder, let his saliva mix with her blood, go into her veins, and make the wound only visible to him. He heard her gasp, but she dug her nails into his arms and pulled him closer. He pulled back, licked the small puncture wounds, and tasted the metallic, sweet flavor of her blood coat his tongue. The world around him faded. Her hands gripped his forearms, her nails continuing to bite into his flesh and causing him to growl in approval.

  He watched her come, watched the expression of euphoria on her face, and a low sound left him. “Yes.” Hissing under his breath, he heaved and collapsed on top of her, making sure to brace his weight on his elbows.

  Heavy pants came out of her and coasted against his neck.

  “God, Allie. That was…” Could he even find words to describe that? Fuck no.

  “God … Drevin.”

  He chuckled at her breathless response. “Yeah, something like that.” Kissing her temple, he pulled out of her with a groan. Slipping from the bed, he removed the condom and grabbed a warm, wet washrag from the bathroom. Just as
he turned to go back to her, he stopped and enjoyed the sight of her lying there. She was in the center of the bed, her glorious nude body flushed and dots of perspiration covering it. Her eyes were closed, but a small smile graced her swollen lips. He could have stood there all night and just stared at her, watched between her legs as her cream glistened off her pussy lips, and her clit stood out engorged from his mouth and her arousal. He’d soon see his cum slipping from her body, covering the mattress beneath her so a nice wet spot formed. Yeah, he wanted to see that pretty fucking badly.

  Holy fuck. Does this female know she can bring me to my very knees?

  He took his place beside her again and gently eased her knees further apart to run the washrag along her folds. He knew she was tender. Hell, he’d been an animal with her. “Are you sore?”

  “Yes, but in a good way,” she said and smiled.

  He moved to lie beside her, wrapped his arms around her body, and pulled her close. Silence descended on them, but it was comforting just lying here, holding her, and knowing she was right here with him. He let his gaze travel down her body. She was curvy, thick and lush. He lifted his hand, not being able to stop himself from running his fingers over the underside of one of the firm, soft mounds of her big breasts. A smile touched her lips, and a hum of approval left her. He could have fucked her again. Hell, his cock was hard and aching to be inside of her pussy once more. Her long, reddish colored lashes lay along her alabaster cheeks. She had a light sprinkling of freckles along the bridge of her nose, and he looked at every inch of her, mesmerized by her. When she opened her eyes the green was deep and clear.

  She moved a little on the bed, and her ass came in contact with his dick. “I thought a man only had it in him once.”

  He could go all night with her. The very thought that she would let him inside her body again had him painfully aroused, but instead of taking her and making her even sorer, he just kissed the top of her head, nestled her neck, and groaned out at how special she was to him. He was a damn lucky bastard for being able to have this female, and he wasn’t going to fuck it up.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You’re sure about this?” Allie looked up at Drevin as he led her to the front doors of The Grizzly MC clubhouse. She turned and looked over her shoulder, could see parts of the small town of Steel Corner, and although this was a little nerve-wracking, she was ready to meet the men he considered family.

  He stopped right before they got to the door, cupped her cheeks in his hands, and leaned down so they were at eyelevel. “I want you to meet the men that are my family. I want them to know that you’re mine.” He kissed her, deep, long, and thoroughly, and when he broke away she was breathless. “So yes, I am absolutely fucking sure I want to do this.” He grinned, a flash of straight white teeth, and she felt herself relax. “I will warn you that you may see some things that you won’t like.”

  She’d heard from Tawny about the stuff that went on at the club, but she’d seen a lot of shit when she’d been deep in the drug life, and knew that nothing could really shock her anymore.

  “Hey,” Drevin said, and pulled her close. “I can see your thoughts have gone down to the past. That’s behind you, and I’m here now. I want you thinking of the future, Allie. Can you do that, baby?”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “I like that you want me to just shut off the past and my memories.” She rose up on her toes. “It doesn’t make you seem like this big, bad bear.”

  He grinned, but it was kind of harsh, like her statement didn’t amuse him. A gasp left her when he spun her around and pressed her to the side of the clubhouse. “Baby, I am a big, bad bear, but with you I like being softer, like showing you a different side.” He moved his mouth to her ear. “But only with you.” He nuzzled her neck, licked a path up her throat, and before they could start something that they probably shouldn’t right here in the open, the door swung outward, and a young, attractive man walked out. He had a head full of short, yet slightly shaggy blond hair. He was lighting up what looked like a cigarette, but after he lit the end, inhaled, and exhaled the smoke, she knew it was pot. Maybe she shouldn’t be around this stuff, especially since she had a past like she did. But despite her being clean for over a year, she also had controlled herself, and was stronger because of it. Was there the chance of a relapse? Sure, anyone could if they had been addicted to something, but she’d had the temptation in front of her before she’d moved to Steel Corner, and hadn’t touched the stuff. She could handle anything now that she realized she wanted a different life, a better one.

  “Put that shit out. Allie doesn’t need to be around any of that toxic crap, Mason.”

  The younger man glanced up, stared between the two of them, and without putting up a fight snubbed out the end of the joint on the bottom of his boot. He had yet to say anything, and instead grabbed a cigarette out of the inside pocket of his cut and lit it. He watched her, almost like he was trying to figure her out.

  “Your old lady huh, Drevin?” Mason said and inhaled from his cigarette. He looked at Drevin then.

  “Yeah,” was all Drevin said, but there was this rise in his voice that had her looking at him and smiling. Whatever it was about this man made all common sense and reasoning leave her. It was like it started when she first saw him, and it went downhill—in a good way—fast. This bear shifting biker seemed to consume her, make all rational thought leave, and having Allie want nothing more than to wish they could fast forward. She wanted everything with this man, wanted to see herself having a life with him. It was kind of crazy to think, because she’d only known him intimately for such a short time, but it felt so right in her heart. She had never felt this way about Tray, never saw a future with him in the way she did with Drevin. It was inspiring, uplifting, and made her feel so damn good.

  “That’s cool, man,” Mason said, took another hit from his cigarette, and glanced at her again. He looked like he was in his late twenties, but there was something different about him, something that spoke of rage, power even. He seemed hardened, kind of like how Drevin was, but a younger version. Were all the Grizzly members like this? Did they all have this air around them that screamed they’d kill a man by slitting his throat if they were crossed?

  Mason’s cell went off, and then that was the end of the slightly awkward conversation with one of the Grizzly MC members.

  “Come on, baby.” Drevin grabbed her hand and led her inside.

  He’d warned her the clubhouse was mainly partied at by the younger generation. He hadn’t been kidding. The inside was smoky, the music so loud her ears rang. She squinted, trying to see everything that was going on, but it was useless. There was just too much happening, too much action going on all around her. There wasn’t any illicit drug use going on, not that she could see, but the stench of cigarette smoke and booze filled the air.

  “Motherfucker,” he said under his breath, but the anger she heard, even with the loud music surrounding them, was prominent.

  “That’s the younger generation, the kids of the original members. Jakob, Bodhi, and you met Mason outside,” Drevin started pointing out the younger guys with their leather cuts on. “That’s Jagger’s sons over there, Nico, Lucas, and Cain. And that’s Ben, Stinger’s son. Over there is Odin, Brick’s son that’s in medical school and visiting for the weekend.”

  She looked at all the guys, took in the way they held themselves, not caring what anyone thought, what they said in front of anyone, or that they were pretty damn scary and intimidating.

  Drevin led her through the clubhouse, not really introducing her to the few men she saw getting lap dances and blowjobs from scantily clad women, and continued moving down the hallway. There was several rooms lined on either side of them, some having moans coming from inside the rooms. It was all so much … almost too much to handle. She glanced over her shoulder and saw one of the members staring at her. He was young, of course, very attractive in that deadly way all of the Grizzlies seemed to be, and then a woman was cli
mbing on top of him. She straddled his waist, reached between their bodies, and before she got even more of an eyeful Allie turned away. Drevin led her into an empty room, and when the door was shut she stared at him, a little confused.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He started pacing, and the animal he housed flashed on the surface. He was upset over something, and she moved closer, touching his forearm in hopes of calming him. She knew getting involved with Drevin would mean he could be unstable because of his animal, and she wanted to make sure, to ensure, that things stayed easy and good with them. He ran a hand through his hair, and stopped to face her.

  “I’m sorry for bringing you here, baby. I knew what the club life was like, but as soon as Mason came out with that joint I should have turned around and taken you to get something to eat, or for a walk or some shit.”

  She could help but chuckle at the thought of Drevin, this big, bad bear shifting biker taking a walk with her. “Why in the world would you be sorry? Because of the pot?” She moved closer to him. “I can handle myself, Drevin. After I decided I wanted to get clean and went through the detox and rehab I was still surrounded by my former life and all that entailed. I’ve learned to be strong in the face of temptation.” She lifted her hand and cupped one of his scruff-covered cheeks. “But the truth is, and no matter how lame this may sound to someone, when I’m with you I don’t think about anything but being with you.” She smiled. “I don’t think about anything else, so don’t worry about what could happen. Yes, I think about how much I’ve fucked up in the past, the family that I lost, and where I could be right now if I hadn’t gotten my life on track. But I am living.”

  “God, baby. You’re so strong.” He groaned and pulled her into the hardness of his body. He kissed her like he was dying to, like he couldn’t get enough of her or breathe without her lips on his. He pressed her back to the closed door, cupped the sides of her neck, and kissed her harder, more possessively. Despite the fact there were people just on the other side of the door, getting it on in lewd and filthy ways, Allie could have given herself to Drevin right now. He made her frantic, hot, and needing more with each passing day. It was like she couldn’t get enough, like she’d gone from her addiction of drugs to being addicted to this male. But it was a good kind of need, a good obsession that consumed her. She tangled her hands in his hair, tugged at the strands, and tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss.


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