Swearing to Love You

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Swearing to Love You Page 5

by ChaShiree M.



  His phone suddenly vibrates stealing the moment. On the nights when he is on call, he has to answer every ring, every buzz.

  “Sheriff Larson. Ah. Maldonado. Thanks for getting back to me. I got a visit from a friend named Dahny Jorgensen. He and his brothers run an undercover security rescue company. He says he has someone he needs me to protect. I don’t have that kind of manpower here. But I hear you do. Excellent. How soon can they be here? Tomorrow evening will be fine. I have my deputy Shelby on it right now. Thank you. Good night.”

  Wow. Color me more than intrigued.

  “What was that about?” I don’t really expect for him to tell me. He tries really hard to leave work at work.

  “Just doing a favor for a friend, baby.”

  “Is it a woman he wants protected?”

  “I believe so. Why?”

  “Well she might need things. You know like woman things. I was going to go and see if she would like to go shopping.” As the sheriff’s wife, I feel like I should be doing something in the community.

  “Madelynn, look at me.” Oh. When he uses my real name, I know shit is serious.

  “Promise me you will stay away from her until we know what is going on. I can’t have you and our precious cargo getting hurt. Promise me, Maddy.”

  I look in his eyes and I know how serious he is and just how worried he really is. I never would put our baby’s life in danger.

  “I promise.” I lean up for a kiss. As he meets my mouth the damn doorbell rings. Ugh. Everybody is a fucking cockblocker today.

  My ire is lowered as I see Lanie standing at the door.

  “Hey Maddy. Sorry to just pop in. Erik told me about the baby. I stopped by to see if you needed anything.” Wow. Forget cockblockers. An angel has been playing around in my head.

  “Lanie. I am so happy you stopped by. Uhm...I was just making dinner for Leif and I. Want to join?”

  “No. Thank you. Erik and I ate already. I can come back later.”

  “NO!” I say a bit too enthusiastically. “Please stay. I have been thinking a lot and though I love him, he would never understand. I could really use your input. Just give me a couple of minutes.”

  Walking over to Leif, I explain that I need to talk to her. I don’t have to say much. He knows me. Once he walks into the basement, I jump right in.

  “I am so freaking scared. What if I am no good at this? I don’t know the first thing about raising a baby. I never had a mother I could go to for advice or to show me how it’s done. I’m only eighteen years old. I mean...” Apparently, I am more scared than even I knew. I am panicking.

  “Maddy, listen. No woman is sure she can do this when it first happens. It isn’t until you hold your baby in your arms. That is when everything makes a difference.”

  “That makes sense. It’s just that...I can’t believe I am going to say this, but sometimes I feel like I should be doing something other than having a baby. Like going to college or something. Am I a horrible person?” I feel like shit for even thinking it. But, every time someone asks me what I am doing with my life, or where I am going to school when they learn I am only eighteen. When I answer that I am married and having a baby, the look is always disappointment or pity.

  “Maddy, you can never be horrible for saying how you feel or what you need. In your heart of hearts, what makes you happy?” Oh, that is easy.

  “Leif. Leif makes me happy. This life he and I are building together.”

  “Well, there you go. You never have to be ashamed to want to be a mom and wife. There was never anything I wanted more than that from the moment I met Erik. Don’t forget, I was your age when Erik found me and made me his.” She has a point.

  “Thank you Lanie. So much.” We talk a bit more and she leaves.

  Rubbing my hand over my still nonexistent stomach, I silently promise my baby I will never abandon, regret or ignore him or her. “We love you little baby. Mommy and Daddy love you so much.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  When Lanie finally leaves, we eat a quick dinner, then I am on her like I’ve never been before. She’s sitting on the couch, reading on her Kindle and the light from the lamp hits her just right and she looks like the sexiest fucking angel I’ve ever seen. I walk over to her and take the Kindle from her hands and set it on the coffee table.

  “Hey. I was just getting to the juicy part,” she says in mock-outrage. Her grin tells me all I need to know.

  “Juicy part?” I question, quirking my eyebrow at her.

  “Yeah. Real juicy. The girl was just about to get fucked hard in the woods by her big, bad, motorcycle riding wolf shifter alpha.”

  “What the fuck are you reading?” I ask, picking her Kindle back up. It lights up and I see the title. Taking His Mate by Jemma Bradbury. The cover has a shirtless man and wolf howling at the moon.

  “You like this stuff?” I ask. For some reason, I thought she was reading Harlequin’s like my mom.

  “Oh yeah,” she says giggling.

  “Read me some of it,” I tell her. It’s her turn to look at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  “You want me to read it to you?”

  “The juicy part,” I say sitting on the coffee table in front of her. She put her pajamas on earlier. They only consist of tiny shorts and one of my t-shirts. I’ve got plans for her. She clears her throat and begins to read to me.”

  “Agar’s wolf calls to mine. We begin this mate dance. Out under the stars, in our woods, he pins me to the ground from behind. Though we are in our human forms, I know he’s going to mate me like an animal, and I can’t wait.” Her voice hitches as I run my fingertips up her thighs.

  “Keep going, Diamond,” I say.

  “Loving the Alpha is something everyone does, but in this moment, his cock gets hard for the first time and it’s for me, his mate. Having shed our clothes before our run, my pussy is open for him. Waiting. He slides his massive cock into my virgin sheath and owns me.” My fingers have steadily moved higher while she reads. My thumbs are on either side of her lips and she is so wet. So wet.

  “Leif,” she breathes.

  “Keep reading.”

  “His fingers dig into my hips and he thrusts in and out of me like a madman. Face down in the dirt, I take it. My wolf needs it and I let her have it.” I drag my finger through her wetness and then slide it and out of her pussy hole. “His domination of me knows no bounds,” she moans. I reach the waistband of her shorts and she lifts her ass for me to pull them off of her. “He grunts above me, and I feel his seed shooting into me. It’s amazing. I am truly his now.” She tosses the Kindle on the farthest cushions of the couch and leans forward.

  “Was that juicy enough for you?” I ask her.

  “You tell me,” she says eyeing my hard cock that is peeking out of my waistband. Leaking precum.

  “I’d say so, wife,” I say, swallowing thickly.

  “This was so hot, husband,” she says, leaning forward. Her tongue darts out and swipes the beads of moisture from the head of my cock.

  “It’s all you, baby. All you.”

  “And Jemma,” she says, chuckling. I laugh with her but then I stand and pick her from the couch and carry her to our bed.

  “Yes, can’t forget about Jemma,” I say, depositing her on the bed. She sits up and takes off the t-shirt while I shed my pants. I was already shirtless. She licks her lips while I slowly stroke my hand up and down my cock several times before joining her on the bed between her open thighs. I lean down and kiss her, trailing it down her neck. Grabbing my cock, I run it through her wetness before sliding inside of her. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I grip her hips while I slam in and out her.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she cries out while I drill into her.

  “You’ve made me so happy,” I groan.

  “Me too. Don’t stop,” she says.

  As if I could.

  Later in the night, she sighs. “
Is everything okay,” I ask.

  “Better than okay. I talked it out with Lanie today. I made some decisions when it comes to what I want to do with the rest of my life,” she says leaning up on her elbows and looking down at me.

  “And what’s that?” I ask genuinely wanting to know. If she wants to go to Harvard, we’re moving to Boston. I’ll do anything to make her happy. Whatever it takes.

  “I was hesitant about wanting to be a wife and mother, but that’s what I want. I will also continue to work with El and Erik, if that’s okay with you?” she asks hesitantly. I hope I haven’t given her the impression she needs to ask my permission to do anything.

  “Why wouldn’t it be, baby. I just want you to be happy. If that’s what you want, then it’s what I want too,” I say honestly.

  “You are the best,” she says kissing me.

  Fuck, how the hell did I get so lucky?



  Two Years Later

  I have no idea why I find it so funny to watch Leif lose his shit every time I go into labor, but it is. When I gave birth to Bo, our oldest son, he started yelling at the nurses telling them to get towels and sanitizer. I was laughing so hard I almost laughed the baby out. Sanitizer and towels? I’m surprised he didn’t tell them to go boil water. Crazy man.

  In labor ten hours with our second and he still hasn’t gotten a handle on it. The doctor came in to check and see if I was ready and he practically accused the woman of sipping mimosas while I was dying. Apparently, his panic knows no bounds. Time to reel him in before he makes them recite the Hippocratic oath or something.

  “Leif. I need you. I’m scared.” Of course, I am not really scared, but I know if he thinks I am scared or uncomfortable in any way, he will snap out of it and become the man I know. Calm, strong and right beside me.

  “Fuck baby. I’m sorry. Of course, you’re scared. I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you. I love you so much baby. You can do this. Let’s bring our little girl into the world.” See, told you.

  A million pushes and who knows how many minutes or hours later, we welcome Alva Marie Larson into the world.

  “Oh Maddy. She is so beautiful. Look at what we did.” He says to me kissing my head and crying as much as I am. There is nothing sexier than a man who is manly as shit but can still let his emotions run free in front of his wife.

  “I know. Oh my gosh. Welcome to the world little Alva. We’re your mom and dad.” I kiss her as the nurses clean her up on my chest. We just stare and hold her for a while, basking in the quiet and solitude before everyone descends upon us to see the baby and bring Bo to meet his baby sister.

  If you would have told me when I was sixteen that this would be my life, I would have laughed at you and called you ridiculous. I thought I knew what I wanted. Until I met Leif. Then my life became clear.

  “Thank you, Leif. For choosing me. For loving me. For giving me...all this.” I tell him gesturing toward the little bundle.

  “Oh, baby you got that wrong. There was no choice. We were placed at the exact right place, at the exact moment we needed to be so we could find each other. It was destiny baby. I love you.”

  Laying in his arms, with our newborn daughter on my chest, I know what blessed feels like.



  Ten Years Later

  Life with my wife has been everything I imagined it would be. After that day at the Crawford’s boutique, Maddy never gave another thought to her awful stepmother. The family we created brings me so much pride and joy, that I didn’t know was possible. My whole world revolves around her and these little hellions we’ve created. Our oldest, Bo, is almost twelve. He plays baseball and football and that keeps us occupied. The next oldest is almost ten. Our daughter, Alva, plays the piccolo. That keeps her pretty occupied. Our youngest is seven, Ola, enjoys cartoons and hasn’t really found an extracurricular activity she enjoys and believe me, she’s tried ‘em all.

  When I pull in the driveway from work around six, I have to park mostly in the grass because there are no less than eight bikes parked like it’s a preteen motorcycle rally. I chuckle as I get out of the car. Inside the living room is empty except for the sea of sleeping bags. Walking through the house, I hear some noise coming from the backyard. Maddy sits at the patio table coloring with Ola, while Bo and most of the Jorgensen kids play volleyball in the pool. Standing at the open sliding glass door, I just take in the scene.

  I roll my eyes as Alva and Calder, Erik and Lanie’s son, who is just about a year older than her, play in the shallow end by themselves. They are inseparable. I know that I'm going to have to watch these two like a hawk when they get a bit older. They tell everyone who will listen that they are getting married one day. They are so sure of themselves that I believe them. I am a firm believer that being in love is an instant thing. Whether you’ve known each other since you were in diapers or you have to wait until you were thirty-two to find the one for you. Either way, it’s the best damn feeling in the world when you find the person you are meant to be with.

  “Daddy,” Ola screeches when she spots me and takes off at a run for me. She attaches herself to my legs. “I have so many pictures to show you,” she says excitedly. She doesn’t excite easily so I am interested to see what has got her feeling this way. She takes my hand and I follow her over to the table. There is nothing but intricate drawings all over the table and two stick figure families. I am floored when she hands me one of the intricate, geometric shapes. “I made this,” she says, her voice full of pride.

  “Did you now?”

  “Yep. Mama made these weird things, but she tried, bless her heart.” She uses her free hand to pat the back of Maddy’s hand. I look at Maddy and we both lose it, bursting out with laughter.

  “This is an amazing drawing, Ola. You did amazing. Can I have this one?” I ask.

  “What for?”

  “I want to frame it and put it on my desk,” I tell her, leaning down to her level. I kiss her little cheek and she snatches the paper from me, wadding it up.

  “If it’s going to be at your office, I’ll do a better one,” she says sitting back down and getting to work.

  “Okay baby,” I say still grinning.

  “How was your day,” my very pregnant wife says, standing up for her kiss, which I give her.

  “Pretty good. You? You seem to have your hands full with an impromptu Friday night sleepover,” I say kissing her again.

  “Yeah. Bo wanted to quote, have a party with his buds. Then he said that Calder told him he was going to sleep outside Alva’s door for the next million years.”

  “Ah. That should go over well,” I say. Calder and Bo are best friends. Bo is at the stage where girls are still the devil to him. All except Kileen, Calder’s older sister. Kileen can do no wrong.

  I like to think that my life began the day I saw my beauty, my diamond, sitting all alone on that bench. She has made me a whole and filled my life with so much happiness.

  The last twelve years together have been nothing less than amazing. All of it is because of her. She is my moon and my sun. Simply put, she is my everything and I’d have nothing without her.


  First, I would like to thank my family for being so supportive even though I am often checked out when in the zone. I love you.

  To MK Moore. Glad we jumped back on the rollercoaster. So much more to do. So excited!!!!

  To Melinda. Your awesome. I love you lady.

  Trisha. Keep kicking ass in school. But I am still going to keep you busy.

  ARCangels. You are always ready when the time comes, and your honest feedback is vital to my growth. Thank you so much for your words and willingness to read, review and spread the word.

  Last but not least, LIFERS!!!!! Your continued participation, support and fun, is the light for my sometimes dark soul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  About ChaShiree M.

e M. lives in Chicago Il. With her family.

  She believes she has just begun to find her voice in writing and this makes her very excited.

  She loves to read in her spare time and when she isn’t doing either of those, she is traveling to different book events with her friends.

  She is caring, loyal and sarcastic as hell.

  And she loves to meet new people.

  You can reach, follow and talk to her with the following links:

  FB Page:


  FB Readers Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChasShireeslifers/?ref=bookmarks

  Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/chashiree-m

  Amazon: amazon.com/author/chashireem

  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/ChaShiree

  Other Books by ChaShiree M.

  Birds of Paradise Series

  The Life She Left Behind: My Book

  The Life She Wished For #2: My Book

  Part of the ScentSations Empire Series

  Cinnamon: My Book

  Part of Cupid’s Aim Series

  Love’s Lost Embrace: US: My Book

  UK: My Book

  AU: My Book

  CA: My Book

  IN: My Book


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