Ellora's Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile II

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Ellora's Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile II Page 5

by Anthology

  She woke up gasping for breath, caught in the throes of a climax so powerful it left her trembling.

  Oh my God!

  She was drenched, her body coated with sweat, her pussy slick with the juices of her orgasm. She reached down and cupped herself, feeling the ripe heat against her palm, the delicate tremors of her sex-swollen lips.

  She slipped one finger between the soaking folds and stroked upward, along one side of her tight, swollen clit, then down the other. Circling. Teasing. Caressing.

  Every nerve ending cried out, yet she took her time, building slowly to a peak while her mind replayed the image of the man she’d seen the night before. The man who’d seduced her dreams.

  Her mind kept returning to his magnificent cock. She imagined how it would feel inside her, the thick head pressing against her opening until she screamed for more, then the tight, hard slide as he filled her, forcing her open around him and driving deeper than any man ever had before.

  Her pussy clenched in response. She slid one finger inside, feeling the walls of her passage squeeze tightly around her finger. It wasn’t nearly enough but it would have to do. The heel of her palm rested against her swollen clit. She stroked in and out, slowly at first, her body rocking upward to meet each thrust of her finger.

  She felt the beginning of another orgasm coiled deep within her belly. She held it, riding the edge of release until she felt as if she’d explode. And then, when she couldn’t stand it any longer, she let it tumble over her, crying out as her body arched and jerked and tightened. Her fingers, warm and slick from her juices, fluttered and stroked her quivering clit, intensifying the orgasm until it was one long, continuous wave that held her and refused to let go.

  Helpless, she rode the crest as fast and as far as it would take her, then collapsed in a quivering heap. Even then her body continued to tremble with small aftershocks, each pulse weaker than the last until they finally drifted away, leaving her with a blissful, shimmering glow of satisfaction.

  When she was finally able to pull herself together, there was only one question on her mind. If just the thought of him could do that, what would it be like to have him in real life?

  She knew without a doubt that she wouldn’t be completely satisfied until she found out.

  Chapter Two

  Kelli spent the day on the beach, letting the sun and the waves work their magic. This was the first vacation she’d taken in years, and so far it surpassed even her wildest expectations. The first two days she’d spent unwinding, casting off the tattered shreds of work and obligations she’d left behind. On the third night she’d discovered a naked man at her doorstep and had the most intense orgasm of her life. It couldn’t get much better than that—and she still had a week and a half to go.

  She smiled, thinking of the man on the beach the night before. In the harsh light of day, her earlier impression that he’d somehow materialized from the depths of the sea seemed ridiculous. And yet her gaze was pulled back to the water over and over again. Watching. Waiting. Scanning the endless sea as if she could summon him by sheer will alone.

  Thoughts of him feathered her senses, shooting fluttering waves straight to her groin. She was half tempted to once again take matters into her own hands, but instead chose to let the excitement build until she fairly thrummed with need.

  Unable to get his image out of her mind, she found herself wavering between excitement and trepidation. Would he come for her again or had she turned away his one and only invitation? And if he came, would she let him in?

  Yes. There was no question in her mind, the answer was yes.

  When the day went by with no sign of her mysterious visitor, Kelli went inside and showered then fixed a simple dinner. She felt curiously light, free from the constant clamoring of phones and faxes and emails. She’d purposely left her laptop behind and her cell phone, brought along simply for emergencies, sat silent on the countertop. She supposed she should turn it on, if only to make sure she had reception, but there’d be time for that later. For now she was content to paint, enjoying the leisurely hours ahead with no deadlines, obligations or time clocks.

  She’d promised herself this time alone to refill her creative well, to find the joy she’d once had in her art before it had become a grinding chore. As a graphic artist, she manipulated images every single day. But it was here, with the fluid strokes of watercolors, that she truly felt the magic happen.

  The pages of her sketchbook were filled with fantasy art, dreamlike images of underwater palaces and mystical creatures seen only through the eyes of her imagination. She’d been drawing them forever. None of these pictures would ever earn a dime, of course. The rewards were intangible, lifting her soul and filling her with a feeling of deep contentment.

  A fresh canvas sat on the easel, enticing her with a world of possibilities. She never planned what her paintings would be, but simply let her brush guide the way. Creativity was an untamed creature, impulsive and unbridled. It was easier seduced than controlled.

  Kelli moved the easel closer to the large picture window facing the beach. Not only was the light better, but she had an uninterrupted view of the seashore. If her mystery man made an appearance, she’d spot him long before he reached her doorstep. She wet her brush and blended colors on her palette then began painting—hesitantly at first, but losing herself in the process before long. Time slipped away as she layered and stroked, not the least bit surprised at the image emerging on the canvas.

  It was him, her man from the sea. She’d painted him clothed—or semi-clothed—in low-riding jeans and a shirt open to the waist. Somehow he looked even sexier dressed. The soft sable brush seemed to caress his skin, skimming downward along a defined abdomen toward that provocative dip at the open button of his jeans. Her fingers itched to tug the zipper downward, revealing more of that incredible physique.

  She studied the image, struck again by that same sense of familiarity…

  Then it hit her. They shared similar features and coloring—the same blue-black hair that seemed to absorb rather than reflect light, the same fair skin and fluid bone structure. It wasn’t a family resemblance as much as an ethnic recognition, like two strangers meeting in a faraway, exotic land yet knowing at a glance that they shared a common heritage.

  His people are my people, she thought, then quickly brushed the idea away. She didn’t have people. Her birth was a mystery. Once she’d discovered she was adopted, she’d spent years researching and studying the faces of strangers, hoping to find a clue about who she was, where she came from. Surely it was simply wishful thinking that put such fanciful thoughts in her head.

  She chewed on the wooden end of the brush, admiring the likeness before loading the canvas with blues and greens. With quick strokes she filled in the background, letting her brush swirl to suggest the roiling surf.

  Funny that she always painted—and chosen to vacation at—the shore, a place that both fascinated and repelled her. For as long as Kelli could remember she’d had a paralyzing fear of water. And yet, just being near the water was relaxing in a way that she couldn’t quite understand. The sound of the waves soothed and calmed her and she’d always found herself drawn to the seductive pull of the sea.

  For some strange reason, being near the water was okay. Being in the water was not. She hadn’t even brought a bathing suit with her, knowing she wouldn’t set foot in the sea.

  When Kelli stepped away from the easel to admire her work, a hidden pattern emerged. Somehow, with dapples of paint and light, it almost looked as if a shimmering city rippled beneath the surface of the water. There was a hint of coral castles and sandstone towers, all glowing in shades of aquamarine blue. The harder she stared, the more the image eluded her. She shook her head and chased the image away, convinced it was only an optical illusion.

  She nodded her head, pleased with the final result. Since she was losing the light, she left the painting on the easel to dry, washed out her brushes and set her paints aside.

; She sat on the porch with a book she’d been meaning to read for months. If occasionally she glanced out at the sea, it was simply to enjoy the view. Nothing more.

  At least that’s what she tried to convince herself.

  As evening crept in, Kelli found herself checking the beach more often. Would he come again? Already the memory of last night’s visit had taken on a hazy quality, as if it was no more than a dream or wishful fantasy. Yet as midnight approached, she found herself dressing solely for him, foregoing her usual nightshirt for a long, flowing nightgown that cupped her breasts and rode silkily over her curves.

  In her mind she’d already taken that first step to meet him on the beach. The shimmering white nightgown made her feel like Aphrodite to his Adonis. She’d brazenly take his hand and everything else he had to offer, enjoying one blissful night of hedonistic sex that would exceed even her wildest imagination.

  Her fantasy came with its very own soundtrack, a soft, haunting melody that both charmed and seduced her…

  With a start, Kelli realized that the song wasn’t part of her imagination. It was coming from outside. When she glanced up, he was there, standing in exactly the same spot as he had the night before, his hand outstretched in supplication.


  She blinked, less shocked to see him again than by the fact that he was dressed exactly as she’d painted him—the same low-slung jeans and open shirt. It was as if he’d stepped directly off the canvas sitting on her easel…or out of her fantasies.

  If anything, this seemed further proof that he was no more than a figment of her overheated imagination.

  She stood up, bewitched by the siren’s song. All she had to do was step outside her comfort zone and meet him halfway.

  But she couldn’t move.

  Reality came crashing down around her. She’d always been the sensible one, the person grounded in reality. People who knew her would say she was the one least likely to take a reckless leap of faith, let alone dive headfirst into the unknown.

  She reminded herself that this was no innocent sexual fantasy. This was real. He was real. As much as she wanted to embrace the fantasy, common sense told her to stay inside where she was safe.

  She watched as his shoulders seemed to sag. He lowered his head and she could almost read the disappointment on his moonlit features. The song drifted away, until it was no more than a wispy memory whose tune she could no longer remember. His hand dropped to his side and he turned his back, retreating once again toward the sea.

  No! Come back!

  He stopped, as if he’d heard her silent plea.

  Kelli rushed to the door before she could change her mind. She wouldn’t—couldn’t—let this opportunity slip away. As soon as she made the decision, the music swelled once again, surrounding her from every direction. This time it had a joyful undertone, as if to celebrate her impulsive decision.

  Barefoot, she raced across the beach, not sure what she’d say or do when she reached him. The decision, however, was not hers to make. Only when she stood beside him did he turn and grace her with a smile of infinite beauty and tenderness. She held her breath.

  “You came,” he said. His voice blended with the music and the two became one.

  Kelli realized that it was his song she’d been hearing. With heightened senses she became aware of him on a level beyond sight and sound. She felt an instant connection, an awareness of his thoughts skimming gently over her own, as well as the knowledge that she could sense his as well.

  “Yes,” she replied. As if I had a choice.

  He smiled, and this time there was no doubt that it was his voice she heard in her mind. The choice is, and will always be, yours alone.

  “You…” she stammered, at a loss for words. “You called me.”

  “No,” he said. “You called me. I simply answered your summons, a song I’ve been waiting to hear longer than I can remember.”

  Kelli shook her head, not sure exactly what he meant. A thousand questions ran through her mind but she could only hope they’d be answered in time. This moment was all there was. All she knew for sure was that she felt an incredible sense of peace in his presence. She was drawn to him in a way she’d never felt before, not for anyone or anything.

  “Are you…are you a figment of my imagination?”

  He took her hand and pressed it against his chest. “Do I feel imaginary?”

  No. Oh no. He felt solid and real, right down to the steady beat of his heart. And his voice was everything she’d imagined it would be—deep and husky with an intensely masculine rumble that rose and fell like the ebb and flow of the sea.

  “Do you have a name?”

  He smiled. “I do, but it would be impossible for you to pronounce.”

  He made a sound that was like waves rushing the shore, a sound she couldn’t possibly duplicate. The closest approximation she came to was Shushuwanee, but even that didn’t sound right.

  “I’ll just call you Shawn, if that’s okay.”

  He nodded and smiled, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. She saw something familiar there. Loneliness. It was a look she recognized well. She’d seen it every day in the mirror’s reflection, haunting the depths of her own eyes.

  When he took her hand again, she laced her fingers through his and he pulled her close. She rested her head against his chest, feeling the steady thrumming of his heart, which seemed to beat in harmony with her own. For the first time in her life, Kelli felt as if she belonged somewhere—right there in a stranger’s arms.

  Yet he didn’t feel like a stranger at all. He felt like the part of herself she’d been searching for her entire life. He felt like safety and security and home. And beneath it all was a wild undercurrent of yearning…

  And yes, lust.

  As comfortable as she was in the circle of his embrace, there were things she needed to know. She raised her face to his but before she could utter a sound, he captured her mouth with his own.

  The kiss was deep, probing and passionate. She felt heat coiling in her groin as his tongue explored her mouth, going from teasing and tender to hot and needy. His hands slid down to her lower back then gripped her bottom, tugging her tightly against him. She could feel him throbbing and hear the low moans as he ground his cock against her tummy.

  God, she wanted him. Right here, right now.

  With one smooth move he tightened his hold on her ass cheeks and lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and let him carry her away. Each step pressed his erection against her quivering pussy until she thought surely she’d come before either of them spoke another word.

  It wasn’t until she felt water lapping at her ankles that she realized they were wading into the sea. Fear ripped through the fog of lust.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Home,” he said. “I’ve searched my entire life for you and now that we’ve found each other, it’s time to bring you back home.”

  She struggled in his arms. “No. Not the water!” He backed up a few steps toward the shore but she already fought the beginnings of a panic attack—the racing heart, the sense of impending doom, the tightness of her breath. “I can’t!” she cried, fighting a rising hysteria. “Put me down. Please.”

  He started to ease her down but as her feet touched the water, she jerked and flailed backward, desperate to escape. Her throat tightened. She could feel herself drowning, tumbling through endless waves as she had a million times in her nightmares.

  She could feel the sandy bottom beneath her feet. She stumbled—but before she could fall he reached out and caught her, sweeping her up in his arms once again. “It’s okay,” he murmured, taking her back to the beach in long, steady strides. “I’ve got you. Everything’s okay.”

  She took slow, calming breaths. The farther they moved away from the water, the less frantic she became. And still he continued soothing her with soft words and caresses, helping her regain a sense of equilibrium.

  When they were far e
nough from the water, he lowered her to the sand. He scooted behind her, clasping her against his chest until the trembling eased. She rested her head back against his shoulder.

  “Tell me about this fear,” he coaxed, his voice as soothing as the rhythm of the tide.

  And she did, opening to him in a way she’d never done with anyone before. “It’s always been there. For as long as I can remember. Even as a child I’d wake up screaming, gasping for air. It was more than a nightmare. It seemed like…a memory somehow.” She shuddered.

  He hugged her tight, as if he could ease her fears with his touch alone. His arms wrapped around her waist and his long legs stretched out on either side of her own. His warmth surrounded her and something seemed to thaw at the deepest center of her core. She hadn’t realized how cold she’d been inside until now.

  “What did your parents say about these nightmares? Was there any basis for your fear of the water?”

  Kelli shrugged. “I didn’t really know my parents. They died when I was very young.” What she didn’t tell him was that when she attempted to find out more about her parents, she’d been surprised to discover that they’d adopted her as an infant. The stark words “birth parents unknown” stood out on the document and were forever branded into her heart. Those words and her fear of the sea only added to the mystery of her birth, as if the elderly couple she’d always assumed were her real parents had simply found her abandoned by the side of the road—or the edge of the sea.

  As if sensing her discomfort, he changed the subject. “Being near the sea doesn’t bother you though?”

  Kelli shook her head. “Crazy, isn’t it? I love being near the water. I love watching it, listening to it. It seems to pull me almost hypnotically. It’s the strangest thing. I love it and hate it at the same time.”

  “Not so crazy,” he said. His hands brushed over her tummy, waist and hips in gentle caresses. Whether it was intentional or not, his touch took her mind off her fear. It both comforted and inflamed as his palms slid over the satin of her nightgown, making her skin tingle. Heat pooled in her belly when he cupped her breasts. The material slid away and a gentle breeze whispered across her nipples, making them pucker.


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