For Him

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For Him Page 4

by Alex Anders

  “Come!” he ordered turning his back to me like he had to his adorning fans.

  Summoning my strength when all I wanted to do was lay there, I got up. My legs shook like Jello. But when they could move again, I traced his path up the spiral stairs to a loft bedroom with a ceiling barely high enough to stand.

  Waiting on the bed, he removed his leather and reached for me. I wasn’t anywhere ready, but he pulled me onto the bed, flipped me onto my chest, removed my panties and lifted my hips into the air.

  He inserted himself with vigor as he made me his slave again. In moments, I was whipping my head back and forth. And with the tingling converging on his thick intrusion, my eyes filled with tears as the orgasmic pleasure ripped through my body again.

  He didn’t stop there, though. Ramming himself into my now sensitive opening, I flinched with every thrust. This seemed to turn him on even more because he sped up and slammed harder. And when I didn’t think that I could take anymore. He yanked himself out and I felt hot fluid spray onto my back.

  I was too tired to care about any of this, though. I could barely keep my eyes open. And when I felt his body hit the bed next to me, I let go of the night and fell asleep.

  When Nicholas woke me, the loft was still dark.

  “Hey,” he said shaking my arm.

  I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me.

  “I need to get some sleep,” he announced in a whisper.

  I knew what he was suggesting but there was no way that I wanted to leave.

  “We had a fun time, but I can only sleep alone.”

  I lay considering how much I would resist leaving. I could suggest that he give sleeping together a try, but I wasn’t sure how much good that would do. The point was that he didn’t want me there. And the only chance I had of getting invited back was if I wasn’t a pain now. Besides, I needed to be thinking about the long game and the game had just begun.

  “Okay, give me a minute,” I said before rolling over trying to pull my wits about me.

  When he shook me again I realized that I had fallen back asleep. I propped myself onto my elbows, and looked around.

  “Where’s my clothes?” I asked struggling to remember the night.

  “They’re downstairs,” he said before reclining onto the bed. “I’ll text you.”

  I was still trying to get my wits about me so his abrupt bon voyage hadn’t quite hit me. I considered rolling over and getting a kiss just to make a point, but I thought of the long game and relented.

  “Okay,” I replied in a raspy voice and then dragged myself out of bed down the stairs.

  When I got downstairs, I found it wasn’t as dark as it could have been. There was a light outside the large window that provided enough luminance to make out shapes on the couch. Remembering that some of my clothes had been removed there, I got closer and peered down. It was Tony and he looked fast asleep.

  Groping around in the semi-dark, my hand touched what felt like leather. Lifting it into the light, I found the rounded outline of my body and knew the pants were mine. Reaching back down and finding my boots, I balanced myself in the street light to put them on.

  “Mmm…” I heard a female voice moan.

  I stopped and looked around. The female voice groaned again. Focusing my attention, I found another couch. Squinting into the shadows, I saw two bodies, one was shaggy looking and the other one had straight blonde hair. It was the bass player and the girl. And as I saw the pale shaggy body thrust, I knew that they were in the middle of having sex.

  I felt trapped. With only one leg in the tight leather, I fought to get the pants all of the way on. I turned my back on them and headed for my boots. Deciding to carry them I picked them up and hurried toward the door.

  “Mmmm…” the woman groaned again. “Yeah.”

  Approaching the door I looked back in curiosity. This time I didn’t have the light in my face. This time I could see the two as easily as they could see me. And what I saw was that they were both watching me. His legs were twisted between hers and they were both unapologetically staring at me.

  I turned and looked around for my black shirt and bra. I found them where they were dropped and quickly slipped the tee shirt on.

  “Awe,” I heard the female voice say in disappointment.

  I looked back at them and saw that she was referring to me. Her disappointment was for me putting on my shirt. I didn’t know what to make of that. But instead of trying to figure it out, I pulled on the door knob and left.

  I was too tired to evaluate everything that had happened during my drive home. But that just allowed me to obsess about the next day… and the day after that. I dissected every moment I spent with Nicholas in every way I could. And when the full week concluded without hearing from him again, I decided that I had seen the last of him.

  On Saturday morning when I did hear from him again, I was ecstatic. I wasn’t going to be his one night stand. I meant more to him than that. And like before, he invited me to see their show and then to dinner afterwards. But this time, my name would be at the door.

  This routine continued for weeks. I wouldn’t hear from him until Friday or Saturday and when I did, it would be a text about a show and dinner, which always led to sex. The good part was that with each meeting, he opened up more.

  Nicholas grew up with his mom and a stepdad who he could barely stand. He hated high school, but graduated. He met Tony when he moved to Los Angeles and this was their second band. As far as I could tell, Tony was as close to him as a brother, and their relationship was some sort of bromance. There was even a time when Nicholas asked me if I thought Tony was attractive. I did think he was attractive, but I didn’t want give Nicholas a reason to feel jealous.

  All in all, things were progressing between us, but they weren’t progressing fast enough in my opinion. Nicholas did share some stuff, but I still couldn’t stay the night and there was still a huge part of him that he never shared. I felt like I was a distance third in his life to his music and his band mates. And if I gave Tony his own category, I was a distant fourth.

  It was about this time when I decided to move things along. Their place was an absolute pigsty. It grossed me out when I had to use the bathroom. And considering the women that the bass player brought home, I often lined the toilet seat with toilet paper before I sat down. The whole place was in need of a cleaning and I decided to show how great of a girlfriend I was by cleaning it.

  “Hey Tony,” I had said over the phone. “I want to do something nice for Nicholas.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I want to come over when he’s not there and clean the loft. Can I borrow your key?”

  The line was silent until I spoke again.

  “I figured that he’d like that, right. He’d like that, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “I just need to know a time when no one’s there.”

  “And you want a key?” Tony asked with suspicion.

  “Yeah. But, I mean, I don’t really need a key. I just figure that I could use it to go over in the middle of the day when you all are at work. You know, spend the day cleaning.”

  There was another long silence. I’m not sure what Tony was thinking, but he was thinking it for a long time. I really didn’t get what the issue was. It wasn’t like I was going by to snoop. I just wanted to do something nice for Nicholas that Tony would also benefit from considering he lived there as well.

  “I can’t give you a key,” he finally said.

  “Why not? I just want to come over and clean.”

  “And you need the key for that?” he asked again with a suspicious tone.

  “I don’t need a key,” I said defensively. “I just wanted a way to get in and do something nice for you guys. That’s all. I just wanted to do something nice. Geez!”

  “Okay,” Tony finally relented. “I’ll see what I can do. But I can’t give you the key.”

  “That’s fine. I don’t need the key.”

  I didn’t need the key. It wasn’t about getting the key to their place. But it certainly would have been nice if they trusted me enough to have the key. Tony probably knew Nicholas better than anyone. And getting the key from him, would have meant that Nicholas had talked about me in positive terms when I wasn’t around. I guess I could see Tony’s hesitation as well. But getting the key really wasn’t the point.

  As I watched ‘Something about a Monkey’ perform the following Saturday night, I thought about whether Nicholas was sleeping with anyone else. Obviously he wasn’t serious with anyone else because Saturday was prime dating real estate and I had the mortgage on that.

  We had been together every Saturday since we had met and that had to mean something. Did he have a Friday night girl? It was possible, but I really didn’t think so. Nicholas wasn’t the type of guy to just open up to people. And I suspected that it was hard enough for him to let me in much less a string a random girls.

  I was getting what I wanted. If I just kept doing what I was doing, I would be the love of his life. And if I could set it up with nice gestures, like cleaning his place, he would just love me eternally.

  With them playing an early set, we made it to Masa, a pizza place with the best pies in Echo Park. Kai, the drummer, was with his girlfriend. Chris, the bass player, had yet another girl. And Tony was again by himself.

  The guys had snuck in a flask of vodka and after a few slices, everyone was feeling very relaxed. That’s when I asked the question which had first entered my mind the first time that I had met them.

  “Tell me something,” I said to the group. “Why doesn’t Tony have a girl?” No one really responded. “I mean, he’s good looking…”

  “He is good looking, right?” Nicholas replied.

  “He is. I mean look at that face.” I grabbed his face and squeezed his cheeks. “Who could resist this face?”

  “He’s hot, right? You would do him, right?”

  “I mean, who wouldn’t.” I turned to the two ladies at the table. “Right?”

  Kai girlfriend just chuckled and looked at Kai, but Chris’ girl agreed with me.

  “So hot!” I concluded as Nicholas smiled at an embarrassed Tony.

  “You’d do him, right?” Nicholas asked again.

  “I would. I so would,” I confirmed trying to build Tony’s confidence.

  That night when we went back to the loft, there was hardly anyone sober enough to drive. Luckily, we didn’t have far to go and Kai was willing to drive us while his girlfriend drove her car.

  At the loft I wondered up the stairs waiting for Nicholas. And when he took an extraordinary amount of time to come up, I stripped down to nothing and leaned over the balcony calling him. My excuse for the exhibitionism was that I was drunk and that there weren’t any of us that hadn’t seen each other at least partially naked.

  I didn’t see Nicholas in the open space but I did see Tony. So continuing on with my gentle flirtation, I gave him a catcall.

  “You know, if Nicholas is busy, you can come up,” I said jokingly.

  At that point Chris and his girl appeared and looked up at me. Chris began catcalling and clapping while his girl joined in. I threw my arms in the air receiving their applause and then exited out of view onto the bed.

  Nicholas arrived only a few minutes after that. I lay naked on the bed giving him a 1950’s pinup come-hither pose.

  “So you’re gonna be cheeky, hey?” he asked in a fun British accent.

  “I’ll give you my cheeks right here,” I said showing him my naked ass.

  Playfully, Nicholas threw himself across the bed and grabbed my ass. He bit it as I squealed and wiggled to get free. He then climbed onto my back and smacked my bum causing me to giggle in delight. Throwing his arms around my shoulders he stilled me and whispered in my ear.

  “Do you love me?” he asked me. “Do you love me?”

  I paused and got serious. I turned and looked at him with complete sincerity. “Yeah.”

  “Then I want you to do something for me. Will you do something for me?”

  I struggled onto my back so that I could look him in the eyes. “Yeah, I’ll do something. What do you want me to do?”

  “This is important to me. Will you do it?”

  “Yeah, I’ll do it.”

  “Do you promise?”


  “Say I promise to do this from you.”

  “I promise to do it for you,” I said hearing the vulnerability in his tone and seeing it in his eyes. “What is it?”

  Nicholas jumped out of bed and looked over the balcony. With a nod of his head, I heard footsteps on the stairs. I wasn’t sure what was going on until I saw Tony appear on the landing. I propped myself onto my elbow and turned to Nicholas confused.

  “You said that you thought Tony was hot, right?” he asked me quiet enough that no one below could hear.

  I looked over at Tony who stared at me unwaveringly.

  “Yeah, he’s hot.”

  “Then I want to see the two of you together.”

  I don’t think it was the alcohol that was causing my confusion. Both guys looked at me like guilty cats. Nicholas joined me on the bed and sat behind me.

  “Isn’t he hot?” he whispered into my ear.

  I looked at him. It wasn’t just the alcohol. He was hot. I had thought so from the beginning. “He’s hot,” I confirmed.

  “Tell him to come here,” he whispered.

  “Come here,” I said shyly but with a smile on my face. Tony walked toward us.

  “Tell him to take off his clothes.”

  I felt myself blush. “Take off your clothes.”

  Tony pulled of his shirt to reveal the large eagle tattoo across his chest and side. “Cool,” I said reaching for it.

  “Now tell him to take off his pants.”

  I felt my face turning red. “Take off your pants,” I squeaked.

  Tony did as told revealing his boxers and bulging manhood.

  “Now tell him to kiss you,” Nicholas order for the last time.

  “Kiss me,” I said watching Tony’s full pink lips leaning toward me.

  Tony kissed me in a way that Nicholas never had. Tony kissed me like he was in love with me. It was slow and deliberate. It was sensual and seductive. And the way that Tony moved his hand over my body emphasized all of the things that Nicholas was not.

  With Nicholas moving from behind me, I laid back. Tony got on top of me and returned to his kiss. He pushed his fingers through my hair and for a moment I forgot where I was and who I was with. I pulled his body closer to mine. And knowing that this was what everyone wanted, I slipped my hand into the edge of his boxers and pushed them down.

  Without Tony moving, I felt his boxer leave my fingertips. I closed my eyes when I felt his naked cock touch the shaved skin between my legs. And when I slowly spread my legs, I felt his hardened instrument push against my clit. I took a deep breath.

  Knowing what was coming next, I placed my hands on his bare ass. I wanted to feel it move. And when they tilted upwards, I prepared myself for another man’s body to enter mine.

  Tony penetrated me slowly. I felt every inch of him. I gripped onto him instinctually and I felt every ridge.

  “Mmm…” I groaned with warm satisfaction.

  His touch was firm but gentle. His trusts were slow, but deep. And whereas Nicholas was dominant and boorish, Tony was kind and intimate.

  It took no time before I felt the rush of pleasure heading toward my libidinous center. I couldn’t resist. And as I sped toward my orgasmic end, I felt skin press against the back of my hand which still held Tony’s ass.

  I opened my eyes only briefly. And when I did, I didn’t know how to respond to what I saw. Nicholas’ naked body was laid on top of Tony’s. And as the weight of his body added to Tony’s, I could only imagine what was going on.

  Tony groaned only a peep as his trust into me changed. His hips now moved more like Nicholas’. And as I heard N
icholas’ heavy breath, I didn’t need to hear any more.

  “Ahhhhh!” I moaned through a flood of orgasm.

  Not stopping at that, the feeling subsided for only a second before cresting again, this time bringing Tony’s quiet moans with it.

  Even though Tony’s thrust stopped with that, our bouncing continued. It wasn’t much longer, but when it stopped, I heard Nicholas’ familiar breaths just above my ear.

  We all laid still for a moment, and it came as a relief when the heavy mass of bodies slid off of me. Without opening my eyes, I reached to my right and found no one. So reaching to my left I found a warm body and rolled toward it.

  I knew whose body it was. This one was hairless, and there was an arm wrapped around it that was all hair. I didn’t think about this. Instead, what I did was pull myself as close to the welcoming arms as I could. And in its comforting embrace, I fell asleep.

  When I woke up the next morning, it was to an empty bed. I laid for a while wondering if anyone would join me but after what seemed like forever, no one did. Sober, I pulled the sheet around me and looked over the balcony. The couches were empty.

  Not yet feeling like getting dressed, I headed downstairs with the sheet tied around my body. No one was there. The loft was completely empty. This was the first time I had slept the night and had been left there alone and I didn’t know what to do.

  Imagining that someone would soon be back, I popped a piece of bread into the toaster. Having no butter, I ate it dry. And when more time elapsed without a peep from anyone, I entered the bathroom and took a shower.

  It was while I stood in the shower that I realized why no one was there. I had asked Tony for a time alone in the loft so I could clean it. This was that time. Somehow he had planned it. This was my opportunity. And understanding that, I embraced it.

  Stepping out of the shower, I reached under the sink. I had once seen a scrub brush there. So retrieving it with a container of abrasive cleaner, I returned to shower and began to scrub.

  I’m not sure how other people realize that their life needs to change, but mine came as I kneeled in the shower scrubbing the mold out of my boyfriend’s shower the night after my boyfriend asked me to screw his best friend while my boyfriend screwed him. As moments of clarity go, that one was pretty clear.


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