The plane only had room for eight. The twins were small and considered half a person weight wise. Doom yelled for Clarity to run. Instead, she helped to physically throw the children into the craft. Solace and Kiki dragged Nick’s battered body onto the vessel. The little ones went after, Solace stood back. The village children were eager to leave. The plane loaded quickly. Nina and Em were crouched near the back trying to look smaller. Kiki and Luke refused to run. The planet had been their home for three years. Clarity knew they thought their parents were dead; Kiki was certain she’d seen them fall into another sinkhole different from her and her brothers. Clarity and Doom were the closest they had to family. With Nick needing medical aid, it was the right choice to send him. The little dinosaur gazed at Luke sorrowfully. The eight year old went to stand with his pet.
“I’m staying,” Solace said. “I can’t leave Menace.”
Solace was yelling over the confusion and noise of the plane. The children were shouting. Clarity and she clutched hands. Clarity tried to yell her worries over the noise.
“Aliens,” Clarity screamed at Solace.
As Solace stepped away from the plane a man grabbed her back, her hand ripping from Clarity’s clasp. Solace screamed for Menace. Amidst the foray Menace heard her call. He raced for her. Solace was shoved into a seat, the door slammed closed and the plane began to take off. Menace was pumping his legs faster, faster. The plane hit a bump and was airborne.
“I will find you,” Menace screamed. “No matter where you go I will come for you.”
Solace had her face pressed to a window, tears streamed in rivers down her face. She mouthed the words I love you, hands splayed against the glass. Menace, head in his hands dropped to his knees.
“I will find you,” he whispered.
“Menace,” Clarity screamed.
A hybrid was creeping up on him. Menace slammed his sword behind him into the hybrids belly. He stood, spun and yanked the weapon free to slam it into the hybrids face. The hybrid went down.
The plane soared higher, up into the heavens then dropped straight down where the hole remained, shrinking. The craft turned on its side and through it went. The hole closed. They were gone. Where, Clarity had no clue, but from the look on Menace’s face she knew he would be leaving soon. He would find a way; no matter what, he would be finding Solace.
Menace bellowed and Clarity spun. DaV-nin was too close to her and gaining fast, clawed fist raised in fury, one heated blow would be her demise. With no sword or spear left to use for fighting Clarity had one chance. She pulled the small bottle of hairspray from her pocket and her lighter. She held the lighter to the spray and aimed for his face. DaV-nin, caught off-guard, howled in agony clawing at his eyes. Pools of blackened soot dripped down his cheeks leaving scorch marks in their wake, as his eyes melted leaving hollowed sockets. DaV-nin threw his head back and roared to the sky. Clarity was thrown back, away from imminent danger as Doom attacked.
For the moment, Doom had the upper hand. His broadsword smashed into DaV-nin’s arm. DaV-nin, blinded, took the hit hard. DaV-nin spiraled back and stood still, a calm washed over his demeanor making Clarity catch her breath. Clarity screamed when his body jerked and the image of a face pressed hard to DaV-nin’s high upper chest, from within, bulging out from his torso. Side to side, the face pressed against inner flesh as though seeking escape. From within, she could make out the features of the human cheeks, jaw and eye sockets.
DaV-nin took two claws and ripped high into his flesh, two horizontal slits where the sockets were slowly exposed, a trail of blood dripping, allowing the opening for the eyes underneath. The two eyes blinked, cleared, and stared at Clarity with fury. DaV-nin thundered an ominous laugh, raising the goose bumps on her arms. She thought she might vomit.
The hybrid could see using his skeletal humanoid Neanderthal eyes, weapons. Leaping, DaV-nin landed onto Doom slicing at his flesh. Slashing tattoos. Long talons and claws ripped into him mercilessly. Doom faltered, tried to swing his sword and missed, the weapon clattered to the ground when DaV-nin sliced across his back. With his last act of war, Doom grabbed his knife and hamstrung DaV-nin. Clarity grabbed Doom’s sword and rammed it in one of the exposed eyes. DaV-nin bellowed in agony. Clarity ripped the sword out and plunged again. DaV-nin went down. He stayed down.
Clarity dropped the weapon and staggered to Doom. She threw back her head and screamed as Doom’s blood soaked the ground beneath her. She couldn’t feel a pulse. Clarity staggered to her feet, screaming, her vocal chords straining as she stormed a circle around his battered body.
“You did this!” Her fury was aimed at the Heavens. “You let this happen. You had no right. Fix him. Fix him, do you hear me? So help me God I’ll find you if you don’t, and when I do I will slaughter all of you. Every last one of you. I know you can hear me. I found your tracking device in my arm, you fuckers. Did you think to pull me away once he’s dead? I’ll use it to find you. You know I’m smart enough. You will die. I hate all of you. Fix him or kill me before I get to you.”
The tall dark shrouded alien appeared a few feet away from Clarity. She leveled an intense gaze so filled with fury onto him it reflected back at her in his dark eyes, and he retreated a step.
“Perhaps you are too primitive for our advanced culture.”
“I’ll show you primitive, you fucking piece of crap.”
Clarity lunged at him. She knew he would disappear, but she was ready. She had already reached for her leather square, the sand glued to each side of the surface. The blue rock lying at her feet spilling out of the broken glass case was snatched up. He returned a few feet to her left and Clarity let her stone fly. The glowing rock hit his midriff and the surprised shock on his face gave her satisfaction. He was paralyzed in seconds from the waist down. The being was large, she knew it would take more than one stone to collapse him but she needed him to speak. He was on his knees. Clarity raced to Doom, grabbed his knife and went for the alien, she placed the knife at his throat.
“You have three seconds,” she bellowed.
“I am paralyzed.”
“Your friends aren’t. I know they can see what’s happening.” The knife nicked his flesh.
“This should prove to be an interesting new turn for the planet.”
Doom’s body spasmed and lifted off the ground. Blood dripped from his wounds. Then stopped. The claw lines raced backward to close the gaping wounds. He coughed and gasped in air. Doom’s eyes opened. His body floated higher until he stood upright hovering over the ground. He was healed. The tattoos adorning him began to slip from his body as though wind were sending them to freedom. One by one, they vanished until the reminders of his pain were gone.
The alien in her grasp melted from her arms, disappearing after the tattoos. Clarity screamed when the small pink mole on her flesh began to burn. The skin peeled back high on her left arm to reveal a microchip. It was ripped from her skin by an unseen force. Blood oozed between her fingers where the small mark had been. She knew she would never see these aliens again, even if they did continue to watch this planet. They wouldn’t steal her away. She was too dangerous.
Wide-eyed and open-mouthed Doom gazed at his flesh, his hands trailing over his body as his feet settled onto the ground. His knees buckled and he dropped. “My shame, it’s gone.”
“It was never yours to begin with. You were never at fault. The sacrifices weren’t your mistakes. The only thing you’re guilty of is loving your people.”
She raced to him and dropped to the ground as he struggled to stand. She wrapped her arms around him as tight as was humanly possible, and sobbed into his chest. Great heaving noises were torn from her and Doom tilted her face.
“You can cry.”
She snorted a laugh. “Of course I cry moron.”
“You’re beautiful.”
“My nose is running.”
“It runs well.”
“I’m glad yo
u like it because it’s running all over your chest.”
She wiped at his chest until he stopped her. Doom pulled her tight to his flesh and stood. Cradled against him she felt small, but not alone. The sun in the distance was lowering and they watched as it crested on some other part of the planet, gracing the earth in brilliant reds and oranges. A slight breeze ruffled her hair. It had been a long year.
“I don’t understand what’s happened,” Doom said.
He gazed at the hybrid bodies strewn along the forest floor.
“We won. At least for now. And boy do I have a story to tell you.”
“Our future is out there,” Doom said.
“Do you think Menace will find Solace?”
“Yes. Or die trying.”
Doom began walking. “You can put me down now.”
He grinned and kept going. “You are my clarity. I think I’ll keep you next to my heart for a while longer.”
Clarity placed her head against his chest where his heart thumped. Their work wasn’t over. In droves over the horizon, Clarity saw villagers from other tribes walking toward Doom’s home.
My home.
There would be no more sacrifices, no more sinkholes. As she watched, Heath reached to hold the hand of the woman beside him. More hands clasped with neighbors. The remaining children were smiling. Kiki took the hand of her brother and walked with the other villagers. Rex took a playful snap at Muffin’s tail until she and the dinosaur and dog were soon in a free-for-all.
Clarity wrapped her arms tighter around Doom’s neck. Doom’s skin was warm against her face. There would be other battles, but not now, not this very moment. The second they reached home she knew what she wanted, she would show him beyond a shadow of a doubt he was Clarity’s Doom. There had never been a more beautiful name than his.
About the Author
I love to write about everything and can't wait for an idea that gripes me and sends me to a new place. Between worlds keeps me busy, that and chasing after my children and grandchildren. Plus one ornery 116 pound mastiff who thinks he's a lap dog. Welcome into my adventures, and hang on!
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Also Available
Universe Hunters: Taken
C.L. Scholey
Being lost in the forest is the least of Cali’s worries when she’s attacked by a flesh-eating creature not of this world. She is rescued by a scorching alien light that kills the creature but inadvertently burns her. Cali wakes to find her body healed but her sanity in question. She can’t really be zipping through space on a vessel manned by two light beings who have taken the form of human men—two sexy as hell human men calling themselves…Universe Hunters.
Two male beings, one human female. Life as Cali knows it changes in the blink of an eye, or in her case, a flicker of light.
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Clarity's Doom (Ancient Origins Book 1) Page 22