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MVP Page 9

by Rhonda Laurel

  She groaned. “Your hand should be a registered as a lethal weapon.”

  “So should your—”

  Morgan slapped his arm before he could finish.

  She could feel her whole body blush, a warm tingly feeling that began in her toes, traveled up her legs and settled at the center of her body. Her skin felt like a live wire, each nerve ending open and gearing up for the climax that would eventually come when he finished having his tortuous way with her. When he lovingly nipped at her skin while making a sensuous trail of moisture down her breasts, she shuttered and started to whimper. In her heated frenzy, she still managed to remove his tie and unbutton his shirt. She wanted to see his tanned skin, to see those chiseled pecks and granite abs. It was hard to admit looking at his body made her feel like a school girl who’d never seen a man before. He had a raw, smoldering sexual appeal that was never lost on her. Whenever they gave in to the libidinous aspect of their connection, that was when she was glad there was more to them than an intellectual relationship. She appreciated a smart man, and thank god he was, but she was fortunate enough to get the extras too.

  Seth pulled her onto his lap, slid his hand under the hemline of her dress, and made his way underneath her lace panties. He slid two fingers inside her, while his thumb ran slowly across her clit.

  Seth reached over and hit the intercom button with his free hand. “Charlie, why don’t you take us on a tour of the city? We’re in no rush.”

  Charlie laughed. “No problem, Mr. Blake.”

  When Morgan liberated him from his trousers, Seth gripped her hips and lifted her up and slowly lowered her onto his penis. His body convulsed from the skin to skin contact. She was always so tight and fit him like a glove. Each time he made natural contact with his wife, the world faded away. The first time had been in Texas, the night she had gotten drunk off Bodine’s bathtub whiskey. Morgan had stripped off everything except those cowboy boots and rode him au natural.

  His body rocked in rhythm with Morgan’s riding motions, the muscles in his legs and thighs becoming taut. Making love to her was more intensive than his football training. How such a petite woman was able to elicit such arduous performances from him was amazing. He’d never worked so hard or so tenderly to please a woman in his life. There was always something new to learn about her. When she rocked forward Seth caught her breasts in his hands, taking his time licking and sucking on each nipple. Her body began to tighten around him and Morgan reached up for the closest thing to her, his hair. Seth didn’t mind the death grip or the sheen of the sweat forming on her skin. Hell, droplets were forming on his as well.

  “Seth,” she moaned.

  “I love you, Morgan.”

  The explosion between them ignited, and she collapsed on top of him.

  “I love you, too.”

  * * *

  Morgan shifted the stack of books in her hand and wandered down the aisle to find the right section. She started shelving the books when a familiar voice spoke behind her.

  “I stopped by a few times but Michelle said you weren’t here.”

  Morgan turned around to see Jason standing at the other end of the aisle. “What do you want Jason?”

  “I thought we needed to talk. Just the two of us with no audience.”

  “Why do I get that consideration now? You should have done that months ago. Instead of selling your story to the highest bidder.” Morgan rolled her eyes and wondered why she was standing there listening to him.

  Jason shook his head. “That wasn’t me. I can now admit that Charisma and I were a mistake. I didn’t want to tell you about us at the barbeque like that, Charisma insisted, saying you spent your whole life acting like you were better than her. I guess she was looking for payback.”

  “We have been at odds for a long time but if you were listening to me when I complained about her; you would have stayed away from her. Instead you decided to help her humiliate me. I think you should ask yourself why you were willing to do that. I’ve never done anything so horrible to you to warrant the treatment I received from you.”

  Jason averted his gaze. “I’ve been thinking about that. You are always so…aloof. It’s off putting sometimes. There was a part of me that was angry with you and wanted to see you hurt. To see that other people around you were capable of making you feel something.”

  “Even if those feelings were anger and shame?” Morgan clenched her fists.

  Jason hung his head. “I didn’t say it was a well thought out plan. I saw your picture in the paper. You were at some party. You looked beautiful.”

  Morgan shifted the books in her arms. “Thanks, I guess. Why did you come here?”

  “I’m leaving town. I found a job in Michigan. Being the punch line with my friends and my family is getting old. I need some space.”

  “I don’t know if Michigan is ready for you and Charisma.” She laughed.

  Jason shook his head. “I’m not taking her with me. I may be a little self-centered but Charisma thinks the sun revolves around her. I was furious when she sold that story to the tabloids. That was the last straw. I don’t know what she was trying to accomplish but I figured the two of us had done enough damage to you already.”

  “That sounds like a good move for you.”

  “Yeah.” He looked at the door. “Morgan, I just wished I could bring out in you what Seth Blake did. His being famous is a sting but it isn’t the reason I hate the dude. I would have hated anyone who could pull you out of the shell you were in and make him love you.”

  “Seth didn’t make me do anything. You just know when it’s the right person to let into your heart.”

  “Like I said, he was able to do what I wasn’t.” Jason shrugged.

  She waved at him. “Good luck in Michigan.”

  “Good luck to you too. I wish you and Blake nothing but happiness.” Jason hesitated but then walked out of the bookstore.

  Morgan stood there for a moment trying to collect her thoughts. Jason hadn’t sold her out to the tabloids.

  Michelle walked through the front door. “Was that Jason?”


  “What did he want?”

  “Maybe forgiveness. He’s moving to Michigan without Charisma.”

  “The state of Michigan dodged a bullet.”

  Morgan bent down to pick up some bookmarks that had fallen on the floor and a wave of nausea hit her. She groaned in response to her churning stomach.

  “Morgan, you all right?”

  Morgan excused herself and bee lined it for the bathroom. A half hour later she emerged from the bathroom with a cold compress on her head. Michelle was waiting for her in the office.

  “This would be the third time you’ve hurled in a week,” Michelle mused as she ate her salad.

  “Is not.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  Morgan thought about it and realized Michelle was right. She had probably been working too hard, juggling so many projects. She made a mental note to slow down, and failing that, to buy some antacids.

  * * *

  Morgan had just reached her wits end after yet another failed meeting. The latest person cited budget cuts and there was no money to start another program. At least she didn’t ask about Seth. The woman did refer to her as Morgan Blake, but Morgan didn’t remember telling the woman her new last name. It was on to the next phase of her plan, if only she knew what it was.

  She walked into the stylish boutique to pick up the dress she planned to wear to the banquet. It had taken an afternoon of shopping with Michelle and Nina and threats of wearing a burlap sack if she tried on one more dress until she had found the right one. It was a pink strapless gown with an elegant corset and a long, flowing skirt. Morgan also got a matching shawl in case she lost the nerve to show all her assets that night. When she tried on the gown, she had to go up a size because her normal size six felt snug. She had been feeling a little bloated lately, but she attributed that to all the salty food she’d been craving, probably thanks
to Seth’s crazy diet.

  The sales clerk recognized her immediately and hustled into the back to get her things while another thrust a glass of champagne into her hand and had her sit in an oversized leather chair.

  “Morgan?” someone said from the direction of the fitting room.

  Morgan got up and peeked around the corner. It was Jocelyn Fontane.

  “Jocelyn, hello.”

  Jocelyn came out in a stunning gown. “What do you think?”

  “You look fabulous. As usual.” Morgan smiled at her.

  “Thank you.”

  “What’s the occasion?” Morgan asked.

  “Dinner with the governor.” Jocelyn played with the skirt.

  “It looks fantastic on you.”

  The sales clerk brought out Morgan’s gown and took it out of the dress bag so she could look it over.

  “Morgan, that’s beautiful. That color will look stunning on you. Where is Seth taking you?”

  She sighed. “To a banquet in Texas.”

  “Well, you will definitely turn heads in that dress.” Jocelyn smiled. “How’s the fundraising going for your literacy campaign?”

  Morgan sighed again. “Not as quickly as I’d like. But I’m still trudging along.” Morgan motioned to the sales clerk she was satisfied with the alterations.

  “Did you ever consider starting your own charity?”

  Morgan stammered, searching for an answer.

  Jocelyn smiled. “When you have the answer to that question, why don’t you give me a call?” Jocelyn reached for her purse on the table and pulled out her business card.

  Morgan stared blankly at the card in her hand. Jocelyn’s sales clerk appeared and told her she had a few more gowns for her to try on. She told Morgan to have a fabulous time at the banquet and disappeared back into the fitting room.

  Morgan’s own salesclerk walked over. “Mrs. Blake, you’re all ready to go. I found some nice barrettes to go with the gown.”

  “Thank you.” She walked out, her mind still far away, thinking about what Jocelyn had said.

  Chapter Seven

  They arrived at the ranch a few days before the banquet so they could spend some time with Seth’s family. As soon as they arrived Morgan climbed over Seth, out of the truck, and headed immediately to the stables to see Reed’s Fire. She brushed his mane and fed him carrots, even though Bodine said he’d just eaten. She was having a lovely chat with the horse when out of the corner of her eye she saw Seth. She turned around to find the entire Blake family smiling at her. Morgan hugged Teri-Lyn and apologized to everyone as Seth introduced her to his father, John Jacob, and his brothers, JJ, Tyler, and Channing. Every last one of them was big, handsome, and downright charming.

  Bodine asked Morgan if she wanted Reed’s Fire saddled so she could ride him, and she happily said yes. Seth was getting ready to ride Iris when his father asked if he could join him. Morgan rode ahead while the two men trailed behind and talked.

  “Good to have you home son. We don’t see you nearly as much as your mother would like.” John patted his son on the back.

  “It’s good to be back.”

  “Ready for the new season?”

  Seth smiled but remained silent.

  John Jacob let out a hearty laugh. “You got it bad boy. You’re usually bouncing off the walls when it’s this close to the season starting.”

  Seth looked on at Morgan, who’d learned how to get the horse to stop for her. She was sitting with her eyes closed, soaking in the sun’s rays. “There are worse things that could happen to a man.”

  “Indeed, there is.” John Jacob nodded his head in agreement. “There were some things I wanted to tell you before you got married. I had the same talk with JJ before he got hitched.”

  “I guess I robbed you of having that talk with me.” Seth grimaced.

  “It’s never too late. We have plenty of time.” John Jacob smiled.

  * * *

  Morgan looked around the dinner table, hoping the Blakes wouldn’t notice her exit. Tonight’s dinner, Tyler’s Fire in the Hole chili was more like a raging inferno in her stomach.

  “Excuse me,” she said as politely as she could. Then she dashed to the bathroom.

  By the time she finished puking her guts out, Morgan was sure she’d had a near death experience. She sat on the floor of the bathroom with a wet guest towel on her neck. There was a light tap at the door, then Teri-Lyn entered.

  “Are you OK?”

  Morgan smiled. “I think that chili was a little spicy for me.”

  “Would you believe Tyler turned it down a notch for you?”

  “I appreciate it but I think my stomach is no match for the Blake digestive tract.”

  Teri-Lyn looked Morgan over. “There’s something different about you.”

  “I haven’t been getting enough sleep. I’ve been campaigning for funding for the library and it hasn’t been going well. Not to mention the bookstore has been busy and I promised Seth I’d be home at the decent hour every night. We were talking on the way down here and I don’t even remember falling asleep halfway through the conversation. He woke me up to tell me we were landing.”

  “No, that’s not it.” Teri-Lyn looked her right in the eye.

  Morgan tried to shrug but was too exhausted. “I’m sure this country air will put me back on track.”

  “I’m sure it will. Maybe you should see your doctor about some vitamins or something when you get back.”

  Teri-Lyn helped Morgan get up from the floor.

  “Did someone mention apple pie for dessert?” Morgan asked.

  Teri-Lyn smiled. “Sure did.”

  It startled Morgan when her mother-in-law touched her cheek and laughed at her request for pie. They rejoined the family in the kitchen. Seth seemed so content laughing and joking around with his father and brothers. His smile faded, replaced with concern when he saw Morgan coming back into the kitchen with his mother. Morgan countered Seth’s worried look by sticking her tongue out at him. Teri-Lyn cut her a big chunk of pie, so Morgan took a fork out of the drawer, sat on Seth’s lap, and shared it with him.

  “I think your brother tried to kill me,” she whispered.

  “Babe, I forgot how Tyler is with the spices.” He rubbed her belly.

  “I should have known something was awry when I saw him pouring that bottle of Jack Daniels into the pot.” She grimaced. She’d actually seen Tyler put at least twenty ingredients in the chili but didn’t want to chicken out in front of her burly in-laws.

  “I guess I’m just used to his cookin’.”

  Tyler apologized repeatedly while Channing assured her his turn at the stove would be much better. JJ admitted he couldn’t boil water, but he could whip her up a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich if she was ever in the mood. Her stomach flutters had calmed down by the time she and Seth had finished the pie. But they would return whenever she caught Teri-Lyn smiling at her.

  * * *

  The ballroom of the Crystal Lily Hotel was nothing short of spectacular. Every fat wallet in Texas was there and that meant the clinic would get more hefty donations. Regardless of why he had become involved with it, Seth was happy the clinic was there for people in need who couldn’t afford proper healthcare.

  “Seth, good to see you!” Dex Montgomery, the director, shook Seth’s hand.

  “This is my wife Morgan.”

  “So good to meet you, Morgan!”

  Morgan shook his hand with a smile. “Nice to meet you too.”

  “This is going to be an epic fundraiser. Tate is here as well. Dear, I hope you don’t mind us auctioning off your husband?”

  “Not at all. As long as he’s returned untouched and in one piece. It’s all in the name of charity.”

  “Good.” Dex Montgomery scurried off to tell the auctioneer that Seth had indeed arrived.

  “Morgan, you look absolutely ravishing,” a familiar voice said behind them.

  “Thank you, Tate.” Morgan gave him a hug.

  “Blake, I can’t believe you made it.” Tate laughed.

  “Morgan suggested I attend.” Seth shrugged his shoulders.

  “It’s a good cause and I get to see you two handsome devils in tuxedos.” Morgan smiled.

  “Morgan, I won’t be offended if you bid on me tonight.” Tate winked.

  “She’s not spending one dime on you, McGill,” Seth drawled.

  “Gentlemen, we’re ready to start the auction.” The auctioneer motioned for Seth and Tate to follow her.

  * * *

  Seth and Tate stood next to the curtain backstage waiting for their cues.

  “Is my bow tie straight?” Tate asked.

  Seth repositioned it. “Now it is. You look more nervous than when you’re performing.”

  “How’d you get yours so straight?”

  “Morgan tied it.” He smiled.

  “It was very cool of her to let you do this. You hit the jackpot with her.”

  “I know. I’m going to take her on the date with me. I hope the winning bidder doesn’t get upset about it. Are you going to write another song about this auction date too?”

  “That’s the plan.” Tate winked. “Have you seen Penny tonight?”

  “No, I didn’t but then again I wasn’t looking for her.” That was true. He’d made up his mind that he was staying as far away from her as he could.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Tate, she’s called me several times but I didn’t answer.”

  Tate whistled at that. “Our pretty Morgan must have struck a nerve. Penny never could stand to see you happy. That’s probably why she stayed with you so long.” Tate laughed.


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