An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 5

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 5 Page 4

by Fuminori Teshima

  Even Zagan would be worried about sending Foll into the forest on her own. It didn’t matter that she was a dragon, or an ex-Archdemon candidate, nor was it a matter of how much power she possessed. He knew that he had no moral high ground to stand on as a sorcerer, but still, Zagan felt that it was wrong for this old woman to calmly order a small girl, her own grandchild on top of that, to do such a thing. Did she not possess a heart?

  “There are probably no monsters or bandits in this forest, Zagan.”

  “Even if there are no enemies, couldn’t she get lost or injured?”

  “...You’re overprotective.”

  His daughter’s words pricked at his chest, but Zagan focused his mind and continued reading.

  “‘While looking for berries in the forest, suddenly, a wolf called out to her. Hey little girl, there’s something far more tasty than those berries...’ Wait, the fact that this guy can speak human language means he’s a pretty strong monster, doesn’t it? This girl’s already dead.”

  “Zagan, the story...” Foll sighed upon seeing Zagan cover his face as if he were watching the events unfold before his very eyes. Following that, since Zagan appended his own complaints and commentary every few lines as he continued reading, the story went on at a glacial pace, and they didn’t even finish after a few hours. Nevertheless, just around the time that the story was finally reaching its finale, the young protagonist conveyed her feelings to the knight who accompanied her on her adventure.

  It’s like it’s a drawing about myself, so it’s kind of embarrassing... Zagan instinctively began blushing as he finished reading out her confession, and approached the scene were the girl and the knight were blessed by many people as they returned to her hometown.

  “‘In the middle of their journey, the two of them were blessed by all they met, and were treated to countless beautiful clothes, jewels, and feasts that they had never seen before. And each time, they would spill tears of joy.’ Huh? I don’t get it. It’s good for food to be tasty, but how does that bring joy?”

  “Zagan, you don’t get it either?”

  “Mm. I’ve never experienced it at least. I can’t even imagine that state of mind.”

  When Zagan first had Nephy’s home cooking, he was wrapped up in a difficult to describe euphoria. Being given goods of monetary value was also something to be normally thankful for. And having nice clothes gave one less things to worry about. However, could wearing expensive jewels and clothes really move one to tears? Zagan was a bit of a special case, but Foll was also a young dragon who lived in a secluded area. The way normal people acted was something quite foreign to them.

  Next, Foll looked to be taken aback.

  “Zagan, is this a date?”

  Zagan squinted his eyes upon hearing that unfamiliar term.

  “A... date...? What’s that? Some type of food?”

  He never heard the word before, but it had a similar ring to it as some dessert Nephy had made. And as he tilted his head to the side, Foll put on a meek expression while shaking her head.

  “I don’t think so. When a man and woman who become a couple go on dates, they become happy. That’s what Gremory said.”

  “...F-Foll, is that true?”


  Zagan groaned. He wanted Gremory to stop teaching his daughter weird things, but she was a good source for all things romance. That granny was strangely passionate about anything related to love after all.

  Zagan took another look at the picture book. The couple drawn in the pictures certainly did look to be happy.

  “But, which part of this specifically is making them feel happy?”

  “Dunno... but, I was also happy when you bought me clothes, Zagan.”

  “Is that how it works?”


  He wasn’t Gremory, but seeing someone that he loved become even cuter and more beautiful was something delightful. The same sort of logic could have applied to the one wearing the clothes too. In other words, Zagan felt like this was what would propel his relationship with Nephy to the next level.

  “I see. There’s worth in investigating it.”

  In the end, research in sorcery was just a repetition of trial and error. If it would bring Nephy happiness, then it would do well for him to research this ‘date’ or whatever it was. Seeing her happy filled Zagan with euphoria as well, after all. And as he came to such a conclusion, he noticed Foll was staring up at him.

  “Whoops, sorry about that. I still haven’t finished reading, right?”

  “It’s fine. This is fun.”

  In the end, Zagan ended up cutting in every now and then, and they somehow managed to get through the whole picture book by the time the sun went down.

  “‘And so, the two of them lived happily ever after.’ Hmm... There’s a lot that I don’t really agree with, but it seems all their enemies are gone.”

  “Mm. It was interesting...” Foll clapped her hands without changing her expression much, and Zagan let his gaze wander awkwardly as he spoke.

  “Wouldn’t it have been better for Nephy to read this for you instead of me?”

  Foll at least seemed to have fun, but Zagan didn’t believe he was well suited for telling stories. Such was the case, but Foll shook her head energetically.

  “Zagan, it’s better with you.”

  “Is that so...?”

  “You’re probably the only one who could put so much sentiment into a picture book.”

  “Is that... a compliment?”

  He had somewhat complicated feelings over it, but his beloved daughter nodded back with a satisfied look on her face. Next, Zagan questioned her about something that was on his mind.

  “So, is reading this picture book all you wanted?”

  It looked to him like she wanted to say something else in the beginning though... Foll’s shoulders shook with a start, but she nodded without saying anything. She then took the picture book and got down from Zagan’s lap.

  “I need to return... Gremory’s picture book. It’s about time for her to get back.”

  “Mm... Well, for the time being, tell her she has my thanks too.”

  “Got it!” Foll replied as she began running off with a pitter patter. However, she suddenly came to a stop.


  “What is it?”

  “Will you... read for me again?”

  It was unusual for Foll to coax him for something like this, so Zagan nodded with a bitter smile.

  “I doubt anything good will come out of it, but I don’t mind if you’re fine with it.”

  In an even more unusual turn of events, Foll gave him a broad smile.

  “Thanks. Daddy.”

  Zagan’s eyes shot open, and perhaps because she was embarrassed upon saying it, Foll blushed right to her ears as she ran out of the archives.

  Well, I guess I’ll at least pick up a random picture book next time I’m in town.

  And on that day, Zagan swore he would practice reading a bit for next time.

  Chapter II: When It Comes to a Date, Practice Makes Perfect!

  I can’t... move anymore... Nephteros’ feet finally came to a stop as she leaned against a tree trunk. She had been continuously firing off celestial mysticism every day without any food, water, or rest, so she had passed her limit for healing through sorcery.

  She was in a far off place from the forest that Bifrons found her in, but in her desperation to escape, she lost track of where she was. She had passed by open fields and towns a countless number of times on the way, so she didn’t even have a clue as to her general location. And all that was left was to be caught by that monster and devoured in an unknown land. The cloudy sky above head that she could see through her hazy vision was gloomy enough that she was fed up with it.

  This is the obvious fate of betraying my master, huh...? She didn’t regret running away. But even so, she at least wanted someone, anyone to be there with her in the end.

  “Haha...” Nephteros chuckled as the
first image to immediately float up in her mind was Nephelia’s face. She really was an unpleasant woman to show up even at such a time. But still...

  She was also... the first one to hold out a hand to me, wasn’t she...? Even now, she hated that girl. Now that she knew the ‘truth,’ Nephteros’ feelings were even close to that of a curse. However...

  Being alone... is such an unpleasant feeling... The time she spent with Nephelia... No, she didn’t really know if it was correct to recognize that little girl at the time as Nephelia, but it was only a few days ago that she spent time with Zagan and the others. It wasn’t even all that much time, just a mere three days, yet she yearned to return to those times. And, as Nephteros’ consciousness began slipping away, a rustling sound reached her ears.

  It finally... caught up... Upon casting her golden eyes toward the sound, what she saw was not the monster that Bifrons set upon her.

  “Hey, isn’t the one collapsed over there a sorcerer?”

  What showed up was a group of knights wearing silver armor. And in their hands were swords inscribed with crests. They were Angelic Knights of the church. Nephteros knew that they were a group who deemed sorcerers ‘evil,’ and felt that killing them was their purpose in life.

  At the very end, I’ll be killed by Angelic Knights, huh...? She hated the idea, but still felt it was far better than being killed by some unthinkable monster. In any case, she didn’t even have enough willpower left to glare at them. And so, as if yielding to her drowsiness, Nephteros closed her eyelids...

  “Keep it together. Here’s some water. Can you drink?”

  For some reason, the Angelic Knights didn’t bring down their swords. On the contrary, they were holding Nephteros up in an attempt to save her.

  “Huh...?” Nephteros was thoroughly bewildered by the inexplicable turn of events as one of the knights held out a flask.

  Water...! Nephteros grabbed the flask with her trembling hands, and brought it to her mouth in a hurried fashion. The cold water pouring down her dried throat was accompanied by a burning pain.

  “Ugh... Ack...”

  Unable to drink properly, she broke into a coughing fit, and the water dribbled down her dark skin. The Angelic Knight then spoke out to comfort her without laughing at her unsightly figure.

  “It’s alright. Calm down and drink.”

  And as the pain subsided, Nephteros finally managed to speak.

  “Why would... an Angelic Knight...?”

  The Angelic Knight looked back at her with a curious expression.

  “We are patrolling this forest.”

  “That’s... not what...” Nephteros knew Angelic Knights and sorcerers were supposed to be enemies. And finally realizing what she was trying to say, the Angelic Knight burst into cheerful laughter.

  “I know naught of who you are, but we are not such lowlifes that we could ignore a woman who has collapsed from injury.”

  It was a truly unbelievable statement. And while she was left dumbfounded by that statement, another Angelic Knight raised their voice.

  “Seems she’s significantly weakened. Wouldn’t it be better to leave the chatter for later and bring her back to headquarters for treatment?”

  “You’re right. There are reports of a monster being sighted around here, too...”

  Monster... Upon intuiting that this referred to the chimera that was chasing her, Nephteros’ eyes shot open. The beast was after her, so it was only obvious that it would be encroaching on this forest.

  “All of you, run away... It’s... coming.”

  “Don’t worry. We are not so weak as to fall behind a mere—”

  The Angelic Knight was suddenly drowned out by a strange voice. Looking toward the voice, they spotted a thicket in the forest being torn apart as a monster with countless number of limbs showed its full figure.

  “Ugh, what’s with this repulsive monster!?”

  The monster was targeting Nephteros. Faster than the Angelic Knights could get their swords at the ready, it swung its arm as if to crush her and the knights altogether.


  The arm of the Angelic Knight who was supporting Nephteros snapped like straw, but luckily, he survived. Giving up on drawing his sword, he immediately leaped back while clinging to her. She could tell he was a powerful individual due to his actions. However, he couldn’t fight anymore.

  After watching those events unfold, the other Angelic Knights drew their swords and charged in at the monster.

  “Richard! Take her and run! Call for reinforcements from headquarters!”

  “Ugh... Sorry. I’ll leave this to you!”

  The Angelic Knight with a broken arm surely understood that he would just be a hindrance. And so, he lifted Nephteros up, propped her up on his horse, and then straddled it himself.

  There’s no way mere Angelic Knights can win against a chimera that has a fragment of the Demon Lord embedded in it... In just minutes, they’d be reduced to mincemeat. Nevertheless, it was an unexpected source of relief.

  If I use these guys as a shield and escape... Even if it was just for a few minutes, if she ran away on a horse, she would buy enough time to regain some of her stamina. And with enough time and stamina, she could gain a means to at least seal that monster. That... should have been the case, but...

  “Hey, what are you doing woman!?”

  “Just go. I’m the one that thing is chasing,” Nephteros said as she slipped out of the Angelic Knight’s arm and smacked the horse’s rump to get it going. Even she herself didn’t understand why she was casting aside her only means of survival. It may have simply been her desire to not act like Bifrons.

  In any case, I’m the only one that needs to be killed by that thing... That was why she would fight. By the time she got down from the horse, one of the Angelic Knights had already been defeated. They were surely unable to evade the monster’s arms. His arms and legs were stretched out on the ground and he wasn’t even twitching. With the knight on the horse and the defeated knight gone, there were only four of them left, and the monster’s limbs came rushing in on them.

  “Selini Chavliodous!” Nephteros put both her hands to the ground and chanted in Celestian, causing a crystal blade to pierce out through the earth. The crystal blade skewered the monster’s limbs as if to protect the Angelic Knights. At the same time, she was struck by intense wave of dizziness and was no longer able to stand.

  I guess there was no way I would recover that much from just a sip of water... Nephteros was already unable to stand, but she still managed to raise her voice.

  “All of you, run away! This thing is immortal! You can’t kill it!”

  They surely already understood the overwhelming power this monster possessed. And yet, the Angelic Knights gripped their swords once more and faced the monster.

  “That won’t do. How many victims will there be if this thing reaches a town? Besides, when the one we wish to protect is standing and fighting, there is no way that we Angelic Knights can run away!”

  It was the face of one who was prepared to die.

  Why!? Even though I’m letting them get away, you’re... Nephteros knew they didn’t have any chance of winning at all, yet the Angelic Knights stood their ground against the monster. And so, she stretched out her hands to try and save them, but her celestial mysticism would not manifest. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a single scrap of mana left within her. And as she stood there, one more knight fell to the ground after being pierced through the torso.

  “Just... run...”

  Another Angelic Knight tried to save his skewered comrade by slashing at the monster’s arm, but his blade simply shattered. And in the moment, he froze due to the loss of his weapon and got trampled by the monster’s feet.

  “Just listen to me and run away!” Nephteros screamed desperately, but her wish wasn’t reaching them. Despite their losses, the knights didn’t falter and continued swinging their swords.

  “Keep it together until reinforcements get here
! She will arrive without fail!”

  The Angelic Knight who shouted out was blown away by the monster, slammed into a tree trunk, and stopped moving. The remaining knight slipped past the monster’s arm in that moment, and leaped up high above it.

  “OOOOOOH! Fall to ruin, you damn monster!”

  His sword struck right at the monster’s cranium, but was unable to split it open.

  “Damn you! Damn you, damn you, damn yoooooou! Gaah!”

  The monster opened its mouth wide and chomped down on the Angelic Knight, splitting him in two. Tossing aside the defeated knight, the monster finally turned its attention to Nephteros. Her throat had gotten hoarse from screaming, and she was no longer able to sing in Celestian. She glared at the monster in a minimal show of resistance as its grotesque arm came swinging down on her.


  The first knight who had been defeated screamed out to her. It seemed he was still able to move despite his wounds, and he thrust Nephteros away from the side. Immediately following that, blood burst out from the spot Nephteros was occupying a mere moment earlier. Nephteros wasn’t even able to see the face of the Angelic Knight who saved her.


  If he simply played dead as he was, then he could have gotten away with his life. He should have been able to survive, so just why did he throw his life away? As she pondered the matter, tears wet Nephteros’ cheeks.

  Wouldn’t it have been better... if I was the only one to die...? It would have, so why did those Angelic Knights die trying to save her? And why exactly was it painful to watch people whose names she didn’t even know die?

  “Just how long... will this keep going on...” Nephteros said, clearly tired. It was fine to die already. She should have already given up, yet the vexing situation frustrated her deeply. She couldn’t use celestial mysticism anymore. The same applied to sorcery. She had no power left in her. And so, Nephteros screamed out, unable to understand her own feelings.


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