An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 5

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 5 Page 12

by Fuminori Teshima

  Chastille was acting so different that Nephteros even suspected that she was an impostor.

  “Good grief... First Barbatos and now you. Seriously, what do you people think of me? All it means is that I conduct myself differently when I’m on the job,” Chastille slumped her shoulders as she said that.

  Aren’t you practically a completely different person...?

  “Going back to the original topic, the fact that I... no, we saved you, has nothing to do with Zagan. We simply saved someone who we thought ought to be saved.”

  “Aren’t you all Angelic Knights? Is it fine for you to leave sorcerers alive?”

  “Angelic Knights aren’t just murderers... Although, well, there’s all sorts of factions within the church. I’m part of the faction who wants to live alongside sorcerers... Or rather, I’ve been entrusted with leading it.”

  That was a surprise. Based on Nephteros’ knowledge, Chastille’ words were enough for the Inquisition to give her the noose.

  “I’m surprised... you’ve managed to survive...”

  “Well, they’ve tried to kill me a few times now, but all of that has come to an end.”

  Then they really did try to kill you... Nephteros felt like she understood why Zagan kept Chastille by his side.

  It feels like if you leave this girl alone, she’ll end up dead by the next day... Why was a sudden desire to protect her bubbling up within Nephteros? They didn’t really talk much back at the hidden elven village, but this girl really did feel like someone who would vanish the moment she was left on her own.

  “Still, the reason I’m able to think this way now is thanks to Zagan. That man saved me despite the fact he knew I was from the church, and he never asked for anything in return. I think that’s what shaped my beliefs,” Chastille said as she formed a bashful smile. Her cheeks were flushed, and her joyous expression seemed oddly dazzling to Nephteros.

  Is she...? After thinking it over for a while, Nephteros arrived at an answer.

  “Are you... in love with Zagan?”

  “Buhyaa!?” Chastille let out an incomprehensible scream and quickly jumped to her feet. Thanks to that, Nephteros was finally convinced that the girl before her was the same person from the hidden elven village.

  “Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What kind of shameless drivel are you spouting!?”

  “Did I say anything strange?” Nephteros cocked her head to the side as she asked that question, and Chastille turned beet red as she hung her head. It looked almost like steam would start billowing out her ears at any moment.

  “I-I... don’t really... know myself,” Chastille replied. And then, after looking around to see if anyone else was listening in, she asked, “Um, though it’s somewhat pathetic, could you maybe hear me out?”

  “Well, I guess...?”

  Honestly speaking, Nephteros had no idea why they were suddenly on this topic, but she wasn’t able to get out of bed anyway. It was a good distraction, if nothing else. Chastille tangled her fingers together, then began muttering out a few words at a time.

  “At first, um, even though he was a man who most claimed was a vicious and inhuman sorcerer, I found him strangely lonely-looking and was somewhat concerned... Moreover, he ended up saving me multiple times... Um, and after thinking about it, my heart also... throbs. Is this... really something... different from simple respect?”

  If that didn’t describe a girl in love, then what else could? Her reaction was practically a textbook example. Nephteros was completely astonished by that fact, yet Chastille shook her head.

  “But he has Nephy, right? I want the two of them to be happy. I mean, haven’t both of them suffered enough? There’s no way I can get in the way of their happiness...”

  Nephteros recalled the image of Nephelia she saw in the crystal ball where she was being abused in the hidden elven village. Upon seeing that, even she once wanted to save that girl.

  All of that definitely happened to her... Plus, when Zagan nonchalantly reminisced about his childhood, it was full of ghastly stories. Due to that, Nephteros also understood the feeling of wanting the two of them to be rewarded for putting up with all that.

  “That’s why... even if these feelings are more than respect, I think I should keep quiet and carry it with me to the grave.”

  “How foolish...” Nephteros bluntly refuted her.

  “You might be right,” Chastille replied with a strained a smile.

  “...Have you ever thought that you’re also someone who should be rewarded with happiness?”

  “You’re... unexpectedly kind, huh?” Chastille said as she stared back at Nephteros in wonder.

  “Whatever...” Nephteros averted her gaze as she said that, which made Chastille cheerfully giggle.

  “We’ve talked plenty about me. What about you?”

  Nephteros’ body shook with a start. Chastille likely wanted to at least hear why she was being chased by Bifrons’ chimera. However, honestly speaking, Nephteros didn’t want to tell her... Or rather, she couldn’t yet tell her. The answer she received from Archdemon Orias and the discovery she made due to that revelation were far too heavy for Nephteros to bear. It was to the point where she raised the flag of rebellion against her master Bifrons. If Nephteros were to put it into words, she would surely break down into tears.

  “Even you were saved by Zagan, right? And after that, you ended up mending his mantle back to such a pretty state. You wouldn’t have done that for just anyone, right?” Chastille’s words were completely unexpected.

  “Ah, that...?” Nephteros muttered, feeling relieved by the anticlimactic turn, and then said, “Let’s see... I am thankful that he saved me, and I also respect him. Plus, he also listened to my troubles without laughing at me, and answered me sincerely. I won’t deny that I’ve at least thought that it would have been nice if he was my master.”


  “But, I think it’s different.”

  He was strict like a teacher, reliable like father, and kind like an older brother. Having said that, it wasn’t like they were that far apart in age. If nothing else, Nephteros truly believed that living by his side would bring her much joy.

  Oh, I see. To me, he’s...

  “I probably... think of him... as a big brother,” Nephteros whispered while still pale in the face. It was the first time she felt the warmth of something like family. That was what Nephteros felt from Zagan.

  “...Wow, how cute,” Chastille stared at her in wonder for a moment, then muttered in disbelief.


  Had Chastille’s tastes been twisted because her love for Zagan couldn’t be fulfilled? After Nephteros sensed danger to her well being, Chastille finally came to her senses, and shook her head in a fluster.

  “N-No! You’re misunderstanding!” Chastille screamed, as she then cleared her throat with a cough and continued, “Um, I’m not Gremory, but it’s like I get the feeling of wanting to protect you... Anyway, I don’t mean it in a weird way. I wouldn’t feel that way toward someone of the same sex.”

  “I wonder...” Nephteros looked at Chastille with a cold gaze, which made Chastille attempt to change the subject.

  “I may not have a right to tell you this, but is that really how you feel? I mean, it’s possible to fall in love with someone you think of as an older brother, right?”

  If you really think that, then treat your own feelings with more care... Chastille’s behavior exasperated Nephteros, making her want to talk about herself just a little.

  “I probably... won’t live long enough to fall in love.”

  “Huh...? Wh-What do you mean!?” Chastille yelled, completely taken aback.

  “I’m... a little tired...” Nephteros said as she closed her eyes, cutting off Chastille.

  Do I actually want her to hear my story...? Even though Chastille assured her she would be safe, Nephteros didn’t believe that she would survive very long with Bifrons hot on her tail. That was probably why she wanted Chastille to know more about h

  Unfortunately, by the time she came to that realization, Nephteros had already fallen back into the land of sleep.


  Nephteros had fallen asleep in only a few seconds.

  What did she mean just now...? Chastille shivered at the thought of her terrifying words. She continued to stare at Nephteros’ face as she slept. She didn’t sense it much while they were talking, but she and Nephy really were two peas in a pod. Even Chastille held doubts as to whether it was truly a coincidence that those two girls had the same face.

  After a while, Chastille parted the bangs covering Nephteros’ face. When she first met this girl, Nephteros was arrogant and aggressive, but after talking to her, Chastille found that she was a kind girl who was just a little obstinate.

  What kind of Unification Faction would we be if we didn’t protect this girl? Rather than prying into her affairs, she wanted to protect Nephteros. Chastille picked up her Sacred Sword and got up off her seat. Nephteros had regained consciousness already, so for the time being, it seemed that there was no immediate danger to her anymore. It was probably best to let her sleep peacefully.

  “So you’ve returned, Alfred,” Chastille said upon finding a familiar face waiting for her in her office. He was one of the Knights of the Azure Sky that she entrusted with pursuing the chimera. Alfred remained silent as he returned a salute with a snap. The reason he didn’t raise his voice was likely out of consideration for the injured party resting in the nap room.

  “Good work out there this late into the evening. Take a seat for now,” Chastille said as she pointed over to a chair.

  “Thank you very much, ma’am.”

  As one would expect, Alfred was unable to conceal his fatigue and took a seat. Next, he looked over to Chastille’s hand.

  “Were you in the middle of reading?”

  “It’s nothing all that important. I was just looking into Lord Clavwell’s records.”

  “His Eminence the Cardinal’s records...?”

  That man was the individual who attempted to assassinate Chastille. Alfred’s expression clouded over upon hearing that, and Chastille nodded.

  “There’s a possibility that man was involved with the shadier aspects of the church, so I’m investigating it a little.”

  “The dark side...” Alfred made a grim expression as he muttered those words.

  “...Do you know anything about it?” Chastille inquired. Honestly speaking, she didn’t want to believe that an organization of assassins existed within the church. She was looking into it while praying that Zagan was going overboard, but with what Alfred just said...

  “I have heard about it before,” Alfred answered, in a gruff tone before continuing with, “There is a force gathered together of tight-lipped, especially strong Angelic Knights. On the surface, they are an elite force who are meant to subjugate the Archdemons, but there are no official records of their activities.”

  That being the case, a dark side existed whether or not Clavwell was actually involved with it.

  But is there really a Thirteenth? Despite not being able to take down an Archdemon, the power of a Sacred Sword was tremendous. If there was a Sacred Sword that did not officially exist, a force that possessed it would have most likely exercised their authority more openly.

  The chimera alone is enough of a headache, and now this... Chastille shook her head in frustration.

  “Thank you. That’s valuable information... How is your investigation going?”

  “Ma’am. The chimera has continued its escape to the north of the forest and seems to have jumped into a canal. We believe it has most likely gone downstream, but it was impossible to pursue it any further.”

  “Quite a clever chimera, isn’t it? Should we assume the owner is nearby?”

  “If it were a normal sorcerer, then that would be correct, but I doubt any ordinary sorcerer could have created that thing.”

  This was a worry on Chastille’s mind as well.

  That chimera seems a lot like the Sludge Demon Lord from the boat... According to Zagan, the culprit behind the chimera was Bifrons, who seemed like the type to be more than willing to unleash it within the city. There was a need to tighten their watch.

  How many people do we have who could even stand against it? The patrol that was decimated in the afternoon was not filled with unskilled troops. They were all Angelic Knights who counted among the strongest in Kianoides. However, six of them together were unable to even scratch the chimera. If people of their strength were out, then only Chastille and the three knights could actually fight the thing, which was downright impossible.

  “I think we should devote ourselves to defense. How about you?”

  “...In my opinion, it is dangerous. Sure, we can control the damage to the city, but if we disperse our forces, then we’ll be spread thin if it attacks us. Also, as long as the owner stays at large, there is a high probability that they will simply throw in another one of the same type.”

  “Zagan told me that he would deal with them. I trust him to keep his word.”

  “Archdemon Zagan, you say? Is it really alright to trust him? Even Lord Raphael put his trust in that scoundrel...” Alfred had a frustrated expression on his face.

  Raphael’s case was something that was hidden even inside the church. The only one within the church who knew for sure that he was still alive was Chastille. However, the three knights had been her subordinates for quite some time now. They noticed that Raphael was living under the patronage of Zagan during their time with her. Alfred was lamenting that fact, and Chastille returned him an ambiguous smile.

  “Lord Raphael is far too awkward. If you’re going to say that, then wouldn’t it be better to say it was good fortune? At the very least, I think it’s something to be happy about.”

  Raphael somehow looked far more lively at Zagan’s castle than as an Angelic Knight. With the number of sorcerers there multiplying, he had many people depending on him now, and it seemed they’d even accepted his easy to misunderstand personality.

  “Even so, Lord Raphael was called the most dreadful of the Archangels. Is this situation really fine?” Alfred asked, his expression growing more frustrated by the minute.

  Chastille understood what he was trying to say. Currently, Raphael was serving as a butler at a sorcerer’s castle. Not only that, but it was an Archdemon’s castle. The Archangels were a group that all Angelic Knights looked up to, so it was difficult to accept him heading off into his retirement like that.

  “Get used to it, Alfred. It’s what he wants,” Chastille said in an admonishing tone.

  “Getting used to it seems like a bad idea to me...”

  “You three serve under me, so you may meet the same fate someday, you know?”

  The three knights understood that being part of the Unification Faction put them in an extremely perilous position. They also knew they were in a position where they could be assassinated at any moment. When that came to be, even if they were to survive it, they would lose their place in the church. In that case, about the only place they could live would be under Zagan’s protection. She had suggested that half-jokingly, but Alfred was completely taken aback.

  “I’d rather not.”

  “Then do your best to avoid that.”

  If Raphael’s whereabouts were revealed, they would most likely be forced to endure unspeakable interrogation methods at the hands of the church. It was better not to bring up his name at all.

  “It was a slip of the tongue. Do forgive me,” Alfred apologized, then pinned down his mouth and bowed his head.

  “It’s fine. More importantly, we don’t know when the chimera will show up again. Take this chance to get a sufficient amount of rest.”

  “Ma’am! Do take care of yourself, Lady Chastille,” Alfred saluted as he said that, then left the room. And after seeing him off, Chastille leaned against the back of her chair.

  This really is tiring... The moment she thought her mountain of paperwork from th
e last few days had finally vanished, the uproar with the chimera began. As a result, she hadn’t even met the new priest, Kuroka. As she pinched the corners of her eyes, a laughing rang out from her shadow.

  “Heeheeheee, weren’t you all just having a dangerous talk just now?”

  “You mean about Lord Raphael? Well, it definitely isn’t something we should mention in this place.”

  “It’d sound like you’re all happy he’s dead to those who don’t know what’s going on, you know?”

  Looking back on her own conduct, Chastille found that he had a point. Still, she shook her head to deny his words.

  “Quit spouting nonsense. Alfred understands the situation. I’m not doing anything that might cause misunderstandings, okay?”

  “Well that’s fine and all, but... Ugh, whatever. More importantly, about Zagan.”

  “Oh, you contacted him, right? You have my thanks.”

  Zagan was already aware of the chimera when he visited in the afternoon. Moreover, it seemed that he didn’t hear about Nephteros and Chastille believed that things had ended without him finding out, too.

  “After talking about you, he got all fired up. Seems he’s seriously gonna try and kill Bifrons,” Barbatos said from the shadows with a chuckle.

  “Huh...? I know that they’re enemies, but why is he so angry?”

  “Who knows? Maybe cause his little pet got attacked?”

  “Huh? Little pet? You don’t mean...”

  Does he mean... me? It was true that he only had eyes for Nephy, but did he really care enough about Chastille to get that angry? Her face got hot as that thought came to mind, and Nephteros’ words came back to her.

  Have you ever thought that you’re also someone who should be rewarded with happiness? Yes, Nephteros truly was a kind girl.

  No, I can’t even imagine snuggling up to Zagan... Nephy would definitely have been around to witness any opportunity she had, which would have left Chastille feeling guilty. That was why she wasn’t convinced she was in love.

  Just what is this feeling...? And while she mused over such thoughts, her eyelids came down.

  “Hey... crybaby...? Oh, she fell asleep...”


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