Our Little Secret

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Our Little Secret Page 15

by Ashelyn Drake

  Becca: Pretty sure that’s a big offense. Not worth bringing in the cops.

  Toby: Don’t say I didn’t offer.

  I can’t help smiling. No guy has ever offered to bust me out of detention before. I’m about to text him back when Meredith walks in. She takes one look at me and rolls her eyes. How can she blame me for this? She’s the one who kidnapped me!

  Becca: Guess who just showed up.

  Toby: No way. Seriously?

  Becca: Wouldn’t lie.

  Toby: My offer still stands.

  Becca: And I love you for that, but still no.

  Oh, crap! I just said I love you. What have I done?

  There’s a long pause, and every second that ticks by is like an eternity. I can feel my heart pounding in every part of my body, down to my toes. I scared him away. He wrote me that beautiful song and asked me to be his girlfriend, and I went and ruined everything by saying the L-word.

  Becca: I didn’t mean it like that.

  As I press send, his text comes through.

  Toby: I didn’t want to say this over text for the first time, but I love you too.

  No! I just took mine back, and then he said it! Damn it.

  Becca: I thought I scared you off. Didn’t mean to take it back.

  Toby: So you were lying?

  Becca: About not meaning it.

  Toby: Ask to go to the bathroom.

  Becca: Why?

  Toby: Just do it.

  I raise my hand, but Vice Principal Davidson is too busy reading his newspaper to see me. “Excuse me, sir?”

  He looks up, scanning the room to see who said that. I give a small wave. “Yes?”

  “May I use the bathroom, please?”

  “No bathroom breaks during detention. You’ll have to wait.”

  “But it’s an emergency.” I can tell he isn’t buying it, so I pull out the only card in my deck. “It’s a female thing.” The guys in the room all groan, and I sink lower in my seat.

  “Very well.” Vice Principal Davidson nods and looks away as quickly as possible. What is it about periods that freak guys out so much?

  I grab my purse to make it look believable and walk out without meeting anyone’s eyes. I poke my head into the bathroom down the next hall. And sure enough, there’s Toby. “What are you doing?” I whisper.

  “Probably something stupid, but I had to see you.”

  “I’m sorry about the confusing texts. I—” Before I can finish, his lips are on mine. “What was that for?” I ask when he pulls away.

  “For saying I love you first.”

  “I didn’t mean to take it back. You just took so long to answer, and I thought I’d freaked you out.”

  “Not a chance. I dropped my cell, and it shut off. I had to wait for it to turn back on.”

  “Now we have to tell Tori.” This isn’t a crush or some passing romance. Toby and I love each other. No matter how difficult it’s going to be, we have to talk to Tori.

  “I know. Maybe this is better. She knows I’ve never been in love before.” The words sound awkward, like they’re difficult for him to say, but considering he’s only said it once and through a text message, I can understand that.

  “So you think that will make her take us seriously?”

  “Maybe. Who knows for sure with Tori?”

  “Well, isn’t this interesting?” Meredith steps into the bathroom. “I’m sure Vice Principal Davidson will be most disappointed to learn you lied to him, Becca. Don’t you think?”

  What I think is this girl is out to get me. And the bad thing is, she has a lot of ammunition.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Before I can answer Meredith, Toby laces his fingers through mine and leads us out of the bathroom. “Excuse us,” he says, pushing Meredith aside.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Going to detention.”

  “Why? You don’t have detention.”

  He smiles. “Oh, I’m sure I do now.”

  “Um, you’re holding my hand.”

  He looks down at our hands. “Oh. Guess we can’t do this in public yet.” He lets go and motions for me to go into detention first.

  About ten seconds later, once I’m in my seat, he walks in. Vice Principal Davidson raises his head. “Can I help you, Mr. Michaels?”

  “Well, sir, I’m afraid I let curiosity take over and I might have scared two girls from your detention.”

  “Excuse me?” Davidson raises his brow in confusion.

  “I heard some of the girls talking about how their bathrooms are much better than the guys and, well, I had to see for myself.”

  Davidson rises and leans forward with his hands on the desk. “Are you telling me you went into the girls’ bathroom?”

  “Yes, sir.” Toby doesn’t even look phased.

  “I see.” Davidson points to a seat in the back of the room. “Then you came to the right place. In fact, I’d get comfortable because you just earned yourself a week’s worth of detention.”

  Toby nods. “Yes, sir. I understand.” He walks down my aisle, giving me a small smile on the way. The boy took a week’s worth of detention for me.

  Meredith stands in the doorway, shaking her head. She clearly doesn’t know what to make of Toby’s bold move. He left her with nothing to use against us. She wouldn’t tell people we were together because then she’d look bad. She’s utterly speechless.

  As boring as detention is, I enjoy every minute.


  Friday comes and goes, which means it’s D-day. The party. The day I have to come clean to my best friend. I’m so not ready for this. Toby and I went over the details last night, in between making out and him singing me my song again. We still haven’t exactly said “I love you” out loud in those exact words, but we both know how we feel.

  My cell rings just as I’m waking up. “Hello?”

  “So when am I supposed to show up, and where is the party?”

  “You don’t get the meaning of surprise, do you?” I rub the sleep from my eyes and stretch.

  “Details, girl. I have to tell Ryder when to pick me up.”

  “Tell you what. I’ll have Toby text Ryder the details, and then he’ll know.”

  “Then at least tell me how to dress.”

  “Really? It’s a party. You know how to dress.”

  “Ugh, you’re no fun.” She hangs up, and I text Toby.

  Becca: You awake?

  Toby: Yup.

  Becca: Happy birthday.

  Toby: Thanks.

  As I’m typing my response, Toby calls. “Hey, birthday boy.”

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Making eggs again?”

  “Nope. Not even in the kitchen.”

  “Well, in that case, thank you.” I sit up and hug my pillow. I’m not sure the butterflies in my stomach will ever go away. No matter how much time I spend with Toby, I’m always excited to hear his voice.

  “Have you spoken to my lesser half?”

  “If you’re referring to Tori, then yes. She wanted details about the party, but I told her you’d text Ryder.”

  “Will do.”

  “What time do you want me over there?”


  “Why am I thinking it has nothing to do with the party?”

  “Because you’re smart.” I can just picture the sexy smile on his face.

  “Thank you again. Have Ryder get Tori out of the house, and then I’ll come over.”

  “Deal. Text you when she’s gone.”

  “I’ll get ready.” I hang up and take a long shower. As much as I want to see Toby and wish him a happy birthday, I don’t want to face Tori. We have to tell her today. We agreed on it, and this has gone on long enough.

  I just finish wrapping Tori’s boots and Toby’s gift when Mom walks into the room. “You all ready?”

  “I think so.”

  She walks over and brushes my hair behind my shoulder. “You don’t sound very excited.”
  “I am. I’m just worried.”

  “Tori’s been talking about those boots for a while now. She’ll love them.” Mom knows how tough Tori is to please sometimes.

  “I know.”

  “Is it Toby’s gift you’re worried about?”

  Toby’s gift was a challenge, but in the end I think I got him something he’ll like. At least I hope so. “It’s not that either.”

  She cocks her head and sighs. “Let me guess. This is about a boy. Someone who was supposed to ask you to the party maybe?”

  “I planned the party. No one was supposed to ask me.”

  “But it is about a boy, isn’t it?”

  “If I said I didn’t want to talk about it, would you let it go?” I can’t confess to Mom before Tori.

  She holds her hands up. “Okay. Go. Have fun. Tell Tori and Toby your father and I wish them both a very happy birthday.”

  “I will. Thanks, Mom.”

  “Becca, just remember I was your age once. I do remember what it was like.”

  I somehow really doubt Mom fell for her best friend’s brother. “I’m fine. Really.”

  She nods and walks out. She knows I’m lying, but like always, I’ll come to her if I need her. She’s good like that. She gives me space, but lends a shoulder to cry on when I need it.

  I finish getting ready and head out. I have to pick up the cake before Toby texts me with the “all clear.” I drive to Big Mama’s Bakery downtown. It’s run by Mr. Kwan. He’s not exactly big or a mama, but he makes great cakes, so no one brings it up.

  “Becca,” Mr. Kwan says as I walk through the door. “I have your cake right here.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Kwan.”

  “And I made you a little something extra.”

  “You did?” I lean over the counter, trying to see what he’s pulling out of the case. He hands me a cupcake. A very big cupcake. “What’s this for?”

  “Big enough for two.”

  I still have no idea where he’s going with this. Is it because Tori and Toby are twins? It would be a little weird for them to share a cupcake at seventeen. “Um, thank you.”

  “It’s not for the birthday boy and girl.” He raises one eyebrow.

  “It’s not? Then who is it for?”


  “Oh, well that’s—”

  “And Toby.”

  Me and Toby? What, is he psychic? “I don’t understand.”

  “I drive by the Michaels’ house every day on my way to work.”

  “Okay.” So? I’m always over there. Tori and I were basically inseparable before she started dating Ryder.

  “I saw you and Toby the other week. In the doorway.”

  In the doorway? Oh God! The kiss. He saw Toby kiss me in the doorway the day Meredith caught us. How could we be so stupid? Who knows how many people saw that? He lives on a main road.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t tell your secret. You put the cupcake away until later.”

  “Mr. Kwan, I—”

  He leans forward, and his breath smells like buttercream icing. “I always wondered why you two never got together.”

  “You did?”

  He nods. “You grew up together. You both like the same things. It makes sense. I’m not sure why you’re hiding it.”

  “That would be because of the birthday girl.” I’m not sure why I’m telling him this. Why I’ve chosen to confide in him like my own personal psychiatrist.

  “Ah.” He nods. “She doesn’t want her brother dating her friend. I can understand that. My younger sister didn’t want me dating her friends, either.”

  “Really? Why?” Mr. Kwan is a sweetheart. If he were my brother, I wouldn’t mind him dating my friends. Well, if he was like twenty years younger.

  “Because what happens when you break up?” I step back, and he quickly adds, “I was being hypothetical. I didn’t mean you and Toby.”

  “Oh.” What would happen if Toby and I broke up? Would it affect my relationship with Tori? Or Toby’s relationship with Tori? And I’d still be hanging out at their house. Or maybe I wouldn’t be able to because it would be too weird.

  “Can you see her point now?” He pushes the cupcake toward me and the giant cake box.

  “Do you think I’m making a mistake?”

  He smiles, looking really sympathetic. “Are you asking me what I would do in your situation?”

  I nod and swallow hard.

  “Have you met my wife?”

  I didn’t even know he was married. “No.”

  “Hold on a minute.” He disappears in the back room. I try to peek around the edge of the curtain, but it’s too dark. A minute or two later, he steps back out with a woman behind him. She’s tiny like he is, and she has a flower tucked behind her ear.

  She extends a hand to me. “My husband tells me you wanted to meet me.”

  “Hi. Um, I’m Becca.”

  “Nice to meet you, Becca. I’m Kim.” She lets go of my hand and nods at her husband.

  Mr. Kwan smiles at me and says, “The cake is on the house. Tell Toby and Tori I wish them a wonderful birthday.”

  “Thank you.” He really is such a sweet man. He disappears behind the curtain again.

  “So, Kim, why did Mr. Kwan—your husband—want me to meet you?”

  “Because I was friends with his sister.”

  “You were?” Mr. Kwan was like Toby, drawing the attention of his sister’s friend.

  “Oh yes. We were good friends, and she made it clear to everyone that she didn’t want any of her friends dating her older brother.”

  “So why did you?”

  “I imagine for the same reason you started dating Toby.”

  How much does she know about me? I’ve never met her. I didn’t even know she existed until two minutes ago.

  “Being around him, in the same house and school, I couldn’t help noticing what a good man he was.” She laughs. “Even before he was a man. And when I found out he liked me too, well, there was no turning back.”

  “What did your friend say? Was she mad?”

  She nods. “Oh yes. Very. But when she saw that we really cared about each other, she stopped being angry and saw that this was a good thing.”

  “Just like that?” No way would Tori get over this so easily.

  “No. It took some time and distance, but now she’s my sister-in-law. So you see, the situation brought us closer in the end.”

  “How much time?” I swallow hard as I wait for her answer.

  Kim sighs and clasps her hands in front of her. “It was years later when we got engaged. Then she knew we were serious, and she gave us her blessing.” She smiles at me. “I hope my story helps you in some way.”

  “Thanks for meeting me,” I say because I can’t bear to tell her how awful her story actually makes me feel.

  “Enjoy your party.” She hands me the box, placing the cupcake in a bag on top.

  “Good-bye.” I walk out of the bakery feeling worse than before. Things might have worked out in the end for Mr. and Mrs. Kwan, but it took years for Kim and her friend to make up. What if Tori and I are the same? What if I lose her until I’m old enough to even think about getting married? And who knows if I’ll even still be with Toby. I know Kim meant well, but her story scared me more than anything else.

  As I get the cakes into the car, my cell phone rings with a text.

  Toby: It’s go time.

  Yeah. Time to decide if my new relationship with Toby is worth losing my best friend for years—maybe forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “What took you so long?” Toby takes the cake from my hands.

  “Sorry. I got caught up at the bakery.”

  “Mr. Kwan talk your ear off?” He smiles at me as he puts the cake on the counter. “He’s nice, but once he corners you, you’re done for.”

  I smile because I don’t want him to know I’m actually late because I drove around the block eight times before coming here. I was trying to clear my
head and weigh my options, but my mind is still as muddled as before.

  “So, what do you think?” He motions to the living room. There are balloons and confetti everywhere. “Mom’s going to die when she sees how much confetti is in the carpet, but Tori loves the stuff, so whatever.” He shrugs, but I know he’s really trying to make this party what Tori would want.

  “I think it looks great.”

  “Good.” He steps closer and puts one hand on my waist. “Now, is there a reason why you haven’t given me a birthday kiss?”

  Yes. Because it’s killing me that I may have to choose between him and Tori. At this point, I’m not even sure who I’d pick if it really came down to that.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  I nod, but my eyes fill with tears. “I’m sorry. I should’ve said happy birthday already.”

  He wipes my tears with his thumbs. “You did. On the phone this morning. You were the first person to say it to me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I should’ve said it now too. In person.”

  “Bec, what’s really going on?”

  I take his hand and walk him to the couch. I sit down, knowing I’m going to be covered in little confetti birthday crowns, but I don’t care. “What if she’s not okay with it? What if she wants me to choose between you two?”

  He squeezes my hand. “She won’t.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because she’s my twin. I’m supposed to know these things about her.”

  “But you were worried before too. You thought I might lose her as a friend. What’s changed?”

  “We have. Look at us. We’re not two people hanging out and sneaking around behind her back anymore. We care about each other. Love each other. That has to count for something.”

  I want to agree with him because I think it should count for something, but I’m not the one who needs convincing. Tori is. And she’s not an easy person to sway. “What if she won’t listen to us long enough to see how much we want to be together? She might storm out of here on her birthday. We could ruin her party and everything.” The tears are flowing freely now, and Toby pulls me into his chest. He lets me get it out because he knows me well enough to know I have to think the worst before I can hope for the best.


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