Finding Sanctuary

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Finding Sanctuary Page 12

by Morticia Knight

  Theo chuckled. “Ah, I know what you mean. It’s quite constricting, isn’t it?”

  “And it’s real tight, too. Can I undo it?”

  Theo grasped his shoulders then turned him so they were facing each other. “Let me check to see what’s going on here.”

  Theo fussed with everything that covered his neck. Besides it feeling as though he was being choked, the collar part was so stiff, it was like wearing a small cardboard box around his neck.

  “There. I adjusted the collar-bar, and I redid the tie so it isn’t as snug. Better?”

  Francesco swallowed several times in a row and took a bunch of deep breaths. He wobbled as a wave of dizziness swept over him. Theo grabbed his upper arm and Francesco steadied himself.

  “I can breathe and I can swallow pretty good. But isn’t all of this coming right off when we get there?”

  “Yes, pet. It is.” Theo appeared amused as he regarded him, but he knew he wasn’t making fun. Theo kept telling him he was delightful and lovely—which were both nice things to be called.

  “Okay. I’m fine then.”

  Theo cupped the back of his head and brought their mouths together. He pushed his tongue past Francesco’s lips and Francesco clung to the wide lapels of his tweed coat. Theo had just applied a small dab of wax to his thin moustache, but the prickly hairs scraped his upper lip anyway. Francesco didn’t mind. He thought it gave Theo even more sex appeal than he already had, and the sensation it left behind was a delicious way to carry Theo’s kiss with him all the time.

  Sort of like what he said about the spankings and whippings.

  He knew he should’ve been afraid, but he wasn’t. Not only because he trusted Theo—the more he’d thought about it, had thought about Theo doing it, tying him up, controlling him, the more excited he’d become about going to the club.

  Theo smiled against his mouth. “Do you know how difficult it is to leave this house right now? How much I ache to keep you naked and available for me to ravish?”

  “Oh…” Francesco wasn’t sure he could breathe after all. “Gee…”

  Theo straightened, one corner of his mouth still quirked in a smile. “However, once the demonstration has concluded, I can have my way with you in one of the private rooms. I certainly won’t be able to wait until we drive all the way back here.”

  “No, Sir.” Francesco vigorously shook his head. “I won’t be able to either.” He wasn’t sure how he’d last as it was.

  “Shall we?” Theo gestured for him to go first.

  After they’d stepped outside and Theo had locked up the house, Francesco made his way to the Packard then climbed into the front seat of the motorcar. He did his best to sit still. Theo had said it should take about twenty minutes or so to get there, so it would give him a chance to practice not moving. They would follow Riverside Drive then cross the bridge over the Los Angeles river to make their way to South Pasadena, then into San Marino.

  He didn’t know about San Marino, but he knew all about South Pasadena, because that was where the ostrich farm was. Every time he’d spotted an advertising bill for the attraction while he was still on the streets, he’d stare at it and imagine what it must be like to be so close to such a huge, strange bird. Theo had promised to take him to ride one someday.

  The closer they got to Hampton Road, the more nervous he became. He wasn’t that much of a nervous fella. He’d been through a lot and if a guy was full of constant stress on the streets, he’d go loony. Fretting and fussing while trying to score a dime or a place to sleep for a few hours didn’t go well with nerves.

  His current state had to be all about wanting to do a good job for Theo. Trying to survive day to day had been quite important. But it wasn’t the same as having something more in life that went beyond simply existing. Theo was the something more and pleasing him was everything.

  As they pulled down a quiet street lined with big trees and statuesque streetlamps, Francesco couldn’t believe his eyes. Theo’s home and the other beautiful houses in his neighborhood were very ritzy, some of the best he’d ever seen. But these? He couldn’t even call them homes. They were mansions, castles—grander than anything he’d ever viewed in a fairytale book.

  “What kind of people live here? Are they royalty? I ain’t—I haven’t never seen nothing so beautiful and… magnificent. Is the club just like one of these places? Gee whiz, I didn’t think I’d want to see anything other than ostriches over here, but I was wrong. Can we come back in the daytime so I can see them better? Drive around and just look?”

  Theo laughed. “Oh my. I lost count of how many questions that was. How about on the same day we visit the ostriches, we come here and tour the homes the way you’d like? We can have a picnic lunch and I can tell you what I know about who lives where. And pet?”

  Francesco tore his gaze from the unbelievable residential display before him and turned to Theo. “Yes, Sir?”

  “When we get to the club, if you feel you’re about to blurt, take a few breaths before you speak—like we discussed.”

  Francesco stared at him for a moment before he made the connection in his head. He’d just fired off a huge round of blurting before he’d even noticed he was doing it. “Oh. Sorry. We haven’t even gotten there yet and already I’m blathering. You must think I’m a lost cause.”

  He wasn’t much on self-pity, either. He’d never had time to put up with such nonsense. If the day hadn’t turned out so good, the next one would still be new and filled with possibility. However, he’d never worked too much on his behavior and on being a proper gentleman. He’d always wanted to, had wanted to change the way he talked and behaved—had wished he could make a better life for himself. But sometimes just trying to keep his stomach from growling constantly or finding somewhere to stay dry when the rain was pouring down had been all he could handle. He hoped Theo didn’t give up on him. Not yet.

  Francesco started when Theo clasped his hand where it rested on the seat between them.

  “Everything about you is worth my time, love. You’re precious to me beyond words.” Theo brought Francesco’s hand to his lips, kissing his fingers before putting their joined hands down again. “I’d admonish you for talking down about yourself, but I heard the genuine melancholy in your voice. What you’re doing is very brave, so you must acknowledge that and give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve gifted me with your submission and are working so hard on learning so many new things—be it language, customs or behavior. In addition, you’ve consented to come with me to a club where men practice all manner of perversions you’ve never heard of, and you’re willing to give some a try in order to make me happy.” Theo smiled. “You, my love, are a treasure. Don’t ever forget that or believe I think any less of you.”

  Francesco didn’t know what to say to something so beautiful. Maybe one day he’d know how to put words together the way Theo did, then he could compliment him too. He deserved it. In the meantime, he’d have to keep it simple.

  “Thank you for being the best man ever.”

  Theo squeezed his knuckles. “I guess it works out well that we both think the other is the best. Makes it easier to get along.” Theo glanced at him with a wink before returning his eyes to the road.

  Francesco grinned to himself, grateful for the darkness that allowed them to hold hands in the car. He kept his mind on what he was supposed to do when they got to the club as best he could. Theo said it would be more informal for their first time there, that he wouldn’t leave him alone in case other men thought he was attending the club to be chosen as a submissive. He’d had to fight off plenty of men over the years and he was an expert at kicking or punching them where it hurt then getting away, but he didn’t think Theo would appreciate him doing that to any of his club friends.

  At last, they pulled into a driveway that was blocked by a fancy black wrought-iron gate. Francesco jumped the moment a man dressed in a tuxedo emerged from a hedge that seemed to run the length of the massive property. He couldn’
t tell how far it went on either side because there wasn’t enough light shining in those directions. Theo showed the man a card he’d pulled from his wallet, and after he’d glanced at it, then peered up at Theo, the man nodded before opening the gate and letting them pass through.

  The path continued toward the tall, imposing structure that he could barely discern under the clouded moon. Very little in the way of light was available there either, and the mansion reminded him a bit of a spooky old haunted house. As they drew closer, Francesco noted that many other vehicles were already parked in front of and on the sides of the large residence. Between the multitude of hedges and trees, as well as the high stone walls, the Hampton Road Club appeared completely safe from prying eyes.

  “Oh gee, oh my.” He was glad that Theo had made him wear the clothes with all the fancy extra things that Francesco had thought were silly. Now he’d be able to go into the mansion with his head held high—just like he belonged and everything.

  Theo parked his motorcar in the last spot at the end of a row near a slatted wood door that boasted iron strap hinges and rings as door knockers. It made his impression of the club being a place where ghosts lived even stronger than it had. Or a medieval castle with knights and dragons. Just having the chance to see inside such a place was worth it—he’d been so overwhelmed by the location, he’d almost forgotten why they were there.

  Theo helped him from the vehicle, even though it wasn’t necessary. It didn’t mean he didn’t like it, though. Theo joined their hands and led him to the arched door located under strands of ivy dangling above their heads. Someday, he would follow behind Theo, keeping pace with him the way Theo had described. His eyes would remain lowered and he’d kneel at Theo’s feet and do many other things that he’d said would indicate his submission. Francesco had begged to be allowed to give at least one of the practices a try—he didn’t want the other submissives to think he was nothing but a rube, even if he was—but Theo had said there was plenty going on already and he didn’t want him to get overwhelmed.

  Theo was probably right. They hadn’t even made it inside yet and already his legs were shaky and he couldn’t stop wiggling. They stepped onto the entry area made of natural stones and Theo banged on the wood with one of the iron rings. Francesco held his breath.

  The door creaked open and Francesco had a wild thought of running for his life if a living skeleton or Nosferatu were to be standing on the other side. He let out a rush of air when, instead of something from a horror show, another tuxedoed man—one who appeared quite dashing with a warm brown skin tone not much different from Francesco’s own—stood aside and gestured for them to come inside.

  “Good evening, Master Theo.”

  Francesco frowned. How come he gets to call him ‘Master’? He’d barely set one foot inside the beautiful mansion, but already he wanted to leave. And I’m not being impulsive. That had been a conversation he’d had with Theo earlier as well.

  “Isn’t it, though? Javier, I’d like for you to meet—” Theo furrowed his brow as he regarded him. “Francesco? What’s the trouble?”

  Francesco beckoned him closer with one finger. The doorman named Javier seemed swell enough, but that didn’t give him the right to call Theo his Master. Theo had sworn he didn’t have any steady fellas, so Francesco needed an explanation, but good.

  “Tell me what’s bothering you, pet.”

  Francesco cupped his hand around Theo’s ear. “How come I can’t call you Master yet, but he can?” He’d worked very hard at not sounding angry, but he wasn’t sure how successful he’d been.

  “Oh dear, I see.” Theo straightened, then cleared his throat. “Javier? Would you excuse us for a moment? We’re going to take a step outside, then we’ll return presently.”

  Theo hadn’t come across as sore, merely apologetic that they’d taken up Javier’s time by making him open the door for nothing. Theo wrapped a hand around his shoulder and guided them back onto the stones. His touch had been gentle and he hadn’t acted funny the way his papa used to act when Mama would scream at him about the lady at the fruit stand, so Francesco wondered what he would have to say for himself.

  Once they were alone, Theo ran his palm down Francesco’s back, caressing him softly. His heart beat wildly and he was afraid. Afraid that he might hear something he didn’t want to when he’d thought everything between them was so wonderful.

  “Look at me, pet. You have nothing to worry about in regards to my affections for you.”

  “But you said I couldn’t call you Master yet.” He fought against his trembling lip. “You said it was special.”

  “It is when a man’s submissive calls him that, but this is different.”

  “No it’s not.” Francesco scowled at Theo. He didn’t like being played for a chump.

  “Francesco, let me finish speaking before you make a judgment.”

  Theo’s voice hadn’t been loud or snarly. It had been as smooth and even as it always was, but he’d still been able to detect an underlying tone of impatience. And he used my name.

  “You’re right, I didn’t wait.” His stomach didn’t feel so good either.

  “There’s my good pet. I do need to apologize for something, though. I should have explained about how the honorifics are used at the club before we arrived.”

  Francesco’s shoulders slumped and he bowed his head. How could Theo explain anything to him when he couldn’t understand every word he used and he had to wait for him to finish speaking?

  “Love, look at me.” Theo grasped his chin and lifted it. “An honorific is a term of respect, a designation of what someone represents. ‘Master’ and ‘sir’ are among them as are Mister, Madam, Miss and so on. In the club, all the Dominant men are referred to as Master in addition to their given name. When you meet my good friend, you will address him as Master Saul and others will address me the way Javier did. That doesn’t mean Saul is your personal Master, however.” Theo winked. “I would gladly fight him if he made a try for you.”

  “But…but you said it was special and should only be said at the right time.”

  Theo pressed his lips together as he nodded. “Yes, you’re correct. And again, I didn’t explain this as well as I should have. Let’s pretend I were to meet you here for the first time tonight. I would introduce myself to you as ‘Master Theo’. You wouldn’t call me Theo, because you would be here as a submissive and that would be disrespectful.”

  “Okay, so how would I get to the part where it’s special?”

  “When we decide that we only want each other and no one else. Then I wouldn’t be ‘Theo’, or ‘Master Theo’ to you. I would simply be ‘Master’.”

  Francesco let the words sink in. “Ohhhh. I see. So, calling you ‘Sir’ is actually the part where I’m practicing.”

  Theo tilted his head, his brow wrinkling as he seemed to consider what Francesco had said. “Ah yes.” He chuckled. “That’s a good way to put it.” Theo cupped his cheek. “Is everything all right now? You’re not upset?”

  “I wasn’t upset, I was mad. But I’m fine now. Can we still go inside?”

  Theo gave him a soft smile. “Yes, love. We most certainly can.”

  “Okay. I’ll behave.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with your behavior.” Theo draped an arm around his shoulder as he led him back to the door. “You didn’t blurt, you quietly asked if you could speak with me, and you must always ask if you don’t understand something—that’s very important. So, I’m proud of you for not making a scene.”

  “I might have made a face.”

  Theo jostled his shoulder. “Was it a very bad face?”

  He could tell Theo was joking. “I’m not sure how bad it was, but I bet it wasn’t nice.”

  They went through the same process they had before, and Francesco was relieved to see that Javier smiled at him and it didn’t seem fake.

  “Well.” Theo removed his derby. “Let’s try that again, shall we? Javier, this is my submissive, Fran
cesco. Francesco, Javier is the Hampton Road Club manager, and you can refer to him by his given name, as he is a staff member.”

  Francesco was back to being confused, but he’d save it for later. He didn’t want to miss out on any good stuff because he was worried about whether someone was Mister this or Master that or only his given name.

  “Welcome, Francesco. It’s wonderful to meet you.” Javier gave him a slight bow with a dip of his chin.

  Rats. Theo didn’t say anything about bowing, just the kneeling. At a loss as to what to do without dragging Theo back out onto the front stones, Francesco made the same motion with his head before speaking.

  “It’s nice to meet you too and if I was making a bad face, I’m sorry. I’m very new at all the perversions and Theo is still teaching me how to be respectful, but I got confused about why you were calling Theo ‘Master’ when I want to be the only fella who calls him that, but it’s okay now because he explained.”

  Javier stared at him with his mouth somewhat open. He glanced up at Theo. “Sir?”

  Theo smacked his forehead and Francesco tried not to make another face at Javier. He would have to assume that Theo would help him understand the ‘sir’ part later. For now, he was ready to see the show.

  “It’s all right, Javier. Even though this is all new, he’s been doing a splendid job and I’m very proud of him.” Theo whispered next to his ear, “I promise you that ‘Sir’ is only special to me when you say it.”

  Francesco gazed up at Theo. “I believe you. Did I blurt too much?”

  “Just a little. You’re doing much better.”

  “Oh, good. Cuz I want to.”

  “I know you do, love.”

  Javier cleared his throat. “Shall I take him to the changing area?”

  “That would be lovely, Javier. I’ll wait here for him to be done.”

  Javier regarded him and gestured down a corridor that looked pretty dark and scary. Francesco grabbed Theo’s sleeve.


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